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In 1995, as a result of a labor dispute, youth occupied a building near downtown Los Angeles. During the next year they created the Peace and Justice Center, a collectively run space that encouraged political activism through creative expression.
This exhibit presents an underground archive that includes photographs, flyers, video footage, interviews, documents, sound samples and other ephemera. By gathering this information our intention is to create a living history open to dialogue, reflection and critique from visitors and participants. The show will include video, photos and interviews of the many people who flowed through the space including: members of Ozomatli, the Blues Experiment, Ollin, the Black-eyed Peas, very be careful, Aztlan Underground, Quinto Sol, the Foundation Funkcollective and many others. Video, photos, art and other documents contributed by: Prime, Nuke, Sandra de la Loza, Lily Ramirez, Joy Anderson, Ben Higa, Juan, Spy, Obi