"The Power of Nightmares" is a BBC documentary first broadcast in October of 2004, and rarely seen in the U.S.
It traces the growth of two movements that have their origins in the late 1940's and have come to dominate much of today's political landscape Both grew up in reaction to a failure of Western "liberalism" as they saw it .
- The Neocoservatives, disciples of Leo Strauss, see a need to promote myths of nation, religion, and powerful enemies, and are quite happy to lie in doing so.
- Islamic extremists, disciples of Sayed Qutb, seek to counteract Western individualism and consumerism with their own bizarre version of Islam, and some of them consider anyone outside their own cult fair game for killing.
Over the last 50 years, these two groups have grown up together, sometimes consciously supported each other, and ultimately provided each other with the demonized enemy so necessary for them both.
And now, presented with nightmare visions by both sides, we are ruled by regimes in which "Those with the darkest imaginations become the most influential."
An unofficial transcript can be found at: http://www.silt3.com/index.php?id=573
The Nation has published a review of The Power of Nightmares by Peter Bergen that can be read at: http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20050620&s=bergen Bergen does some extensive criticism of the film, some of which might be legitimate.
Watch it, and make up your own mind.
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