Unprecedented U.S. Tour Comes to LA JUST ADDED EVENT on Monday, June 13
Rachel Corrie's Parents Will Be Joined by the Palestinian Family Who Lived in the Gaza Home She Died to Protect
Khaled and Samah Nasrallah's First U.S. Visit Gives Americans Rare Glimpse into Life in Palestine
Ground-Breaking on the Rebuilding of Nasrallah's Home Just Weeks Away, As Israeli Troops are Scheduled to Prepare to Leave Area
WHEN: Monday, June 13 at 7 PM
WHERE: Venice Methodist Church, 1020 Victoria, Venice (East of Lincoln, 1 block north of Venice Blvd.)
SUGGESTED DONATION: .00 (no one turned away for lack of funds)
WHAT: Local community groups and across the US are working together to help a Palestinian family rebuild their home and hundreds more -- in the name of Rachel Corrie, 23, who was killed two years ago as she faced down an Israeli bulldozer to keep it from knocking down a home in Gaza.
On their first visit to U.S., Khaled and Samah Nasrallah, members of the Palestinian family who lived in that home, will join Cindy and Craig Corrie, Rachel's parents, on a U.S. speaking tour will come to Los Angeles on Monday, June 13.
The 7-state tour takes them through California, Oregon, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and Rachel's home state of Washington, to put a spotlight on the human stories behind community efforts to rebuild the Nasrallah's home and 3400 other homes demolished in Gaza.
Cindy and Craig Corrie
Since their daughter's death, Cindy and Craig Corrie, have become nationally known figures, and continues to seek justice and accountability for their daughters killing through diplomatic channels and direct appeals to the U.S. Congress, the Departments of State and Justice, and the Israeli Government.
In March 2005, they also initiated lawsuits against the State of Israel, the Israel Defense Forces and Caterpillar, Inc. Subsequently, they have been joined by Palestinian plaintiffs in the suit against Caterpillar, Inc.
When Rachel was killed, Cindy left her life as a musician and community activist, and Craig, his executive position in the life insurance industry, to devote their time to seeking a just peace in Palestine and Israel. They have two other grown children and one grandchild.
Khaled and Samah Nasrallah
After Rachel was killed, the Nasrallahs and their children continued to live in their home for seven months, despite the demolition of all 2200 surrounding homes in their Gaza neighborhood of Rafah.
The Nasrallahs had hoped their home would be spared because they had done nothing to harm anyone. Khaled Nasrallah is an accountant who works for the Palestine Airlines (which flies out of Egypt). His wife Samah will soon take her qualifying exams to become a teacher. They have three daughters and are traveling with their toddler, Sama.
Donna Baranski-Walker
The Executive Director of the Palo Alto-based, Rebuilding Alliance Donna gained her insight of middle-east peacemaking in 1996 when she visited teachers and principals with her proposal to create a region-wide education development network in Palestine, Jordan, and Israel.
The Rebuilding Alliance (http://www.RebuildingAlliance.org), a grassroots, human rights action group, lends support to Palestinian families as they rebuild their homes and schools during continuing occupation and siege..
The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice (http://www.RachelCorrieFoundation.org) is established to continue the work that Rachel began and hoped to accomplish, and to carry out that work with her vision, spirit, and creative energy in mind. ####