Public Meeting - The New Haitian Revolution: Resistance to US & UN Occupation
Get up-to-the-minute news of how, despite slaughter and repression, the grassroots of Haiti are resisting US & UN occupation and pressing for the return of President Aristide, who was kidnapped by US Marines on February 29, 2004. Speakers include: Lucie Tondreau, Haitian activist, a member of Veye-Yo (the organization of Haitian activist priest Father Jean Juste), and the Haitian American Grassroots Coalition; Ira Kurzban, President Aristide’s lawyer and former attorney for the Haitian government; Pierre Labossiere, Haiti Action Committee. What are the legal issues involved in the return of President Aristide and in the occupation? What impact is the occupation having on women, youth, and entire communities? What can those of us living in the US do to end the "Black Holocaust" going on in Haiti and to support the Haitian people? Time: 7 pm. Place: Holman United Methodist Church, 3320 West Adams Blvd, LA. Suggested donation: (no one turned away). Spanish and Creole translation available . Coordinated by Women of Color in the Global Women’s Strike and Global Women’s Strike/LA. Co-sponsors include Danny Glover, Alexandria House, ANSWER-LA, East Side Café, El Sereno Neighbors for Peace and Justice, IAC/LA, Office of the Americas, San Gabriel Valley Neighbors for Peace and Justice. For more info: 323-292-7405;