WHAT? Minutemen: Emergency Planning Meeting (Follow-up to the Riverside Summit)
WHEN? June 12, 2005 10AM
WHERE? UCLA Labor Center 675 S Park View St. 1st Fl, Los Angeles CA 90057-3306.
WHO? The Frente Latinoamericano is hosting the event but ALL progressive groups, individuals, organizations and parties are welcomed. The Frente Latinoamericano is a newly formed coalition of progresive groups in LA from all over Latin America.
Why? WE NEED TO BE ORGANIZED!!! Our people are angry and combative about this minutemen issue and the fact that a racist White man can purposely run over young Mexicanos/people of color and get away with it! We need to be unified, organized and disciplined at all of these actions! We have to be able to protect ourselves from the racist pigs/migras who harrass, beat, arrest and even KILL our people on a daily basis! Come to strategize with numerous progressive organizations.
This will be an organizing/strategizing meeting. We will not have workshops, panels...etc. Check out this next statement. We need to be prepared to deal with these racists.