FILMS FOR PEACE presents "Bush's Brain":
This documentary introduces the world to Karl Rove, the man known as "Bush's Brain" -- the most powerful political figure America has never heard of. The Wizard of Oz behind the curtain of today's Presidential politics.
The film explores the remarkable political journey of Karl Rove, and the extraordinary role he played in GWB's rise to the political top.
Bush's brain has been cracked open and exposed for the world to see: we learn that Rove had his eye on the White House long before Bush ever did. The blueprint for what's happening now is all up there on the screen.
FRIDAY, March 4, 7:00 PM, at VELOCITY CAFE, 2127 Lincoln Blvd, at Pacific St. in Santa Monica. (Three blocks south of Pico Blvd.)
Discussion follows screening.
Seating is "first come, first served." Contact us to be placed on our mailing list, or for more information: or call Mona at 310-452-9681 .
Donation: . If you have any friends on the westside, please let them know of this screening.
FILMS FOR PEACE screens socially conscious independentfilms on the first and third Fridays of the month.