"In all wars the object is to protect or to seize money, property and power, and there will always be wars so long as Capital rules and oppresses people." - Ernst Friedrich, War Against War (1924)
POWER - People Opposing War, Empires & Rulers "The Many Faces of War, An Anarchist Perspective on War" WHEN: Friday Oct. 25 - Sunday Oct. 27 WHERE: Arts in Action LOCATION: 4th floor of 1919 7th Street, Los Angeles CA COST: FREE! CALL: 949-436-1188 EMAIL: Socalpower@wearepower.org WEBSITE: http://www.wearepower.org Volunteers are needed, Please contact us if you are able to help out!!
"Freedom is what we make of it. If we stand against repression, authority and illegitimate structures, we are expanding the domain of freedom and that's what freedom will be. That's what we create; there is nothing to define in words." -- Noam Chomsky
The "Many Faces of War" conference, was created by POWER(People Opposing War, Empires and Rulers) and many other organizations, as a direct response to educate and empower people to make informed decisions about the many different war's being waged all over the world. The three-day conference is totally FREE of charge, each night of the conference we will hold a variety of musical benefit shows, all $$$ that is made will go towards groups participating in the conference, and Arts In Action. The conference is an anarchist/anti-authoritarian perspective on war, it will focus on growing political repression due to war, racism, immigration, patriotism, community organizing, anarchist history, and the overall effect that war has on regular people, it will also be a time that we are able to come together and speak to one another on what ordinary people can do to promote an anti-war and anti-authoritarian political movement together, within their own community. We want a better world, one without hierarchy, imperialists, or empires. We want a new world, and we are hoping that through education and action we are able to achieve that common goal that binds us all together.
CONFIRMED WORKSHOPS INCLUDE workshops will have spanish translators in them
- ROTC/JROTC Recruitment - Mike Novick/ARA
- Colonialism & Racism - Mike Novick/ARA
- Nuclear & Environmental effects of Military/war weapons - Candace
- Immigrants Know Your Rights - Los Jovenes
- U.S Foreign Policy - Frank Dorrel
- War and it's effect on Unions - Jim Smith, LA Labor council
- Tribal History of War - Ben Axiom
- US Military Intervention in South America - Don White/CISPES
- War and it's effect on Indigenous people of the Americas - Alianza Indigena
- Iranian Women?s Movement Against War - Chantel, Maryam, Yassamin from Iranian Women?s Liberation Party & POWER
- The fight for Palestine - Tamara & Garrick from International Solidarity Movement
- Afghanistan One Year Later - Afghan Women?s Mission/RAWA
- School of the Americas - Blase Bonpane,Office of the Americas
- Zapatistas - Comite Zapatista De Los Angeles
- Globalization & War - POWER
- Post 9/11 effects on immigrants Rights - Hasan Hasan
- Anarchist History & War - Panel including Chris Crass, Ericka, Matt Heart, Sam
- Actions against war & Imperialism - Alisa POWER
- Political Prisinors/Prisinors of War - ABCF LA
- Self Defense
- Direct Action/Civil Disobedience
- Challenging White Supremacy - Kerry Levenberg, Amie Fishman and Chris Crass
- Indian & Pakistan Conflict - Liberation Alliance
- Women?s perspective on War - POWER
- Campus Anti-War organizing - Afghan Students Union
- Iraqi Sanctions - Voices in the Wilderness & Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
- Plan Puebla Panama - Comite Zapatista De Los Angeles
- Border Issues
If you would like to be involved in this conference, help give a workshop/suggest a workshop, or help out in any way please feel free to get in touch with us. Volunteers are needed, Please contact us if you are able to help out!! Also if you are in need of housing, please get in touch with us, and we can help you out. Socalpower@wearepower.org or call 949-436-1188 or check out http://www.wearepower.org
Also if you are intrested in tabling, or selling times (Vendors) at the conference, please email or call us
SCHEDULE FOR CONFERENCE FRIDAY OCT 25 7:00 - Midnight - Opening Party, Hip Hop, Rap, along w/ Spoken Word
SATURDAY OCT 26: 10:00-12:00 Workshops 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-3:00 Workshops 3:30-5:30 Workshops BREAK 7:00-Midnight Rave/Dance Party w/ DJ, Benefit Show SUNDAY OCT 27 10:00-12:00 workshops 1:00-2:00 LUNCH 2:00-7:00 Movie showing and outdoor activity at MacArthur Park, children?s events, street theater, Jazz music 8:00-Midnight Womyns Bands and eclectic music Benefit show
"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."
--Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)