Sanho Tree, noted drug policy expert from the Institute for Policy Studies, and Judge James P. Gray, a California Superior Court Judge, will present a program entitled Addicted to Failure: The Drug War in Colombia and the US. Mr. Tree will speak about our failed drug war in Colombia and Judge Gray will address our disastrous drug policies here at home.
The Speakers: Sanho Tree is a policy analyst at the Institute for Policy studies, which I.F. Stone called the "The institute for the rest of us." Sanho is pursuing drug policy reform by reaching out to non-traditional allies and employing innovative tactics to promote a sustainable, constitutional, and humane drug control policy. The project's mission is to help foster a shift replacing the punitive and coercive "social control model" of drug policy with a public health and community economic development model. He has appeared on numerous national television programs, the most recent being a guest of John Stossel's on his ABC News documentary entitled "War On Drugs, A War On Ourselves" (7/30/02).
Most recently, Sanho has been working on US counternarcotics/counterinsurgency policy toward Colombia. In the past, he worked as a military and diplomatic historian and collaborated with Dr. Gar Alperovitz on The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb and the Architecture of an American Myth (Knopf, 1995). From 1997-98, he was Associate Editor of CAQ, an award-winning magazine of investigative journalism. In the late 1980s he worked at the International Human Rights Law Group in Washington.
Judge James P. Gray, as a presiding judge, saw the War on Drugs as "wasting unimaginable amounts of our tax dollars, increasing crime and despair and severely and unnecessarily harming people's lives... the worst of all worlds.” He went on to chronicle his insights and recommendations in his controversial but widely praised book Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed & What We Can Do About It, (Temple Univ Press, May 2001). The range of noted figures who have publicly praised Gray's book include Walter Cronkite, Milton Friedman (Hoover Institute), George P. Shultz (former Secretary Of State), Gary Johnson (Governor of New Mexico), and Arianna Huffington (syndicated columinist).
Judge Gray was appointed to the Santa Ana Municipal Court in 1983 by Governor George Deukmejian, and, in 1989, Deukmejian elevated Gray to his post with the Superior Court. Throughout his 25-year career within the legal and judicial community, not only has Jim Gray donated hundreds of hours of volunteer time to existing community service-oriented activities, he has also created and implemented a number of innovative and successful programs of his own. Judge Gray also appeared as a guest on John Stossel's ABC News documentary entitled "War On Drugs, A War On Ourselves" (7/30/02).