Anyone Feel A Draft? Forum on stopping a new draft before it starts. Featuring Dustin Langley, Founder of Support Network for an Armed Forces Union (SNAFU) and Gulf War Veteran.
We Must Organize Now to Stop the Draft!
Reinstatement of the draft is highly likely now that the election is over.. We must begin organizing now to stop it. The U.S. is in a quagmire in Iraq - it has 138,000 soldiers and 20,000 paid mercenaries, but this force is not sufficient to defeat the popular uprising against the occupation. Soldiers are dying every day. The Pentagon repeatedly issued "stop loss" orders and recalled soldiers who have retired or returned to civilian life. Out of 10 Army divisions, part or all of nine of them are deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan. 21 out of 33 regular combat brigades (63%) are on overseas. The Army is grossly over-extended. In order to maintain long term mobilizations, the Army needs twice as many soldiers at home as deployed. Thus the regular Army is short by at least 100,000 troops. Both candidates promise to maintain the occupation-- this means an attempt to reinstate the draft is likely.
Only a People's Movement can Stop the Draft! Join us to Stop the Draft Before it Starts!