MONDAY NOV. 15th, GATHER AND DEMONSTRATE AT THE SANTA ANA CITY COUNCIL MTG TO EXPOSE REPEATED POLICE BRUTALITY & DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY. we're working towards an actual agenda item at the city council mtg, and plan to attend and expose our long list of grievances. 5pm, meet out front of police station and demonstrate; 6pm, mtg begins. (at CIVIC CENTER DR. / Boyd Way, btwn bristol & flower)
THIS SAT: we will gather to continue to strategize, share information from research on these issues, help fill out complete forms to police dept., etc. MEET at 7pm, email back for directions (not to be distributed publically), or call 909-223-3384 / 714-270-5392. mtg will be in santa ana.
UPDATE / BACKGROUND: this last Monday, we met in front of the police dept. to continue to give a message that we will not be silenced by the repression of the police state. the city council mtg was cancelled due to elections, but we still showed up wtih the same list of grievances to express including (but not limited to):
a) There has still been -no- invesgation on the killing of 17 yr. old elmer bustos 1 1/2 yr ago, despite formal complaints filed, etc ( b) non-violent protestors were systematically harrassed, brutalized, and arrested this last october 22nd while protesting police brutality ( c) there is no oversight for the action of the police, and research on this precinct indicates that anyone when people attempt to formalize complaints of brutality, they themselves are brutalized (associated press, 1996 "odd ruling in brutality case" ) d) citizens have repeatedly been delayed / refused their request to obtain complaint forms at the police department c) people, including the family of elmer bustos, have been delayed, harrassed, and in some cases arrested while attempting to simply attend city council meetings in the past (