Dear friends,
Please note that the description of Matan Kaminer and Adam Maor now reads "Israeli refuseniks who, after spending two years in jail for refusing to serve in the Israeli army and to serve the occupation, won their complete release from military service".
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Matan Kaminer Refusing to kill
Saturday 30 October 2004, 2-5pm Crossroads Women's Centre, 230a Kentish Town Rd, London NW5, England Adam Maor
You are invited to an afternoon workshop to:
a.. meet Matan Kaminer & Adam Maor, Israeli refuseniks who, after spending two years in jail for refusing to serve in the Israeli army and to serve the occupation, won their complete release from military service b.. see Refusing to Kill - a video about refuseniks from around the world c.. hear news about the public inquiries into Gulf War Syndrome in Britain and Italy
When: Saturday 30 October 2004, 2-5pm
Where: Crossroads Women's Centre, 230a Kentish Town Rd NW5, London, England
(entrance in Caversham Rd); Kentish Town tube; fully wheelchair accessible
Who: Organised by Payday, an international, multiracial, anti-war, network of men working with the Global Women's Strike.
As resistance to wars and occupations, including in Iraq and Palestine, grows, so does the movement of men (and women) who refuse to kill, rape or torture for the military. Also growing is the support they receive from the community, starting with women in their families.
For the past two years, Payday's website, has publicised this movement, which has already won significant victories. These include:
? reduced punishments for those who refuse to go to war
? growing desertion among troops
? refusal to report among reservists
? public inquiries for veterans whose health has been destroyed by the Gulf and other wars
? ending of compulsory military service for men in a number of countries, including Italy and Spain
? redirecting the military into building social and other programmes in revolutionary Venezuela
We hope you will join us to hear more about these victories and discuss how all of us can help strengthen the international movement so that governments everywhere invest in caring not killing.
For information or to arrange interviews:
Ben Martin 0207 209 4751 or 07957 733 106