Northeast Neighbors for Peace & Justice presents The "Take Back Democracy Film Festival" Five Fridays in October at Flor y Canto
This Friday - October 22 "Point of Attack" (2004, 46 minutes) Directed and Produced by Kathleen Foster This documentary chronicles the post 9/11 racial profiling, large scale round-ups, detentions and mass deportations of Arab, Muslim and South Asian men as part of the 'War on Terrorism'. The film frames the plight of these immigrant communities within the broader context of the U.S. government's 'other war' against civil liberties being waged via the USA Patriot Act.
"Independent Media In A Time of War" (2003, 29 minutes) Produced by Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center Part scathing critique, part call to action, this documentary argues that dialogue is vital to a healthy democracy. Independent media has a crucial responsibility to go where the silence is, according to narrator Amy Goodman, host of Pacifica Radio's "Democracy Now". She makes a compelling argument that the news media failed to represent the true face of war, and criticizes the phenomenon of "embedded reporters", which resulted in a pro-military bias in the U.S. media, stifling the voices of independent reporters in Iraq.
Northeast Neighbors for Peace and Justice Video/Potlucks almost every Friday, Gather about 8:00, movie starts about 8:30, bring food or drink to share if you can.