Millions in the U.S. and around the world have demonstrated against the war in Iraq. Many among them hoped that the Democratic presidential candidate would champion peace. But instead of saying he'll end the war in Iraq, Kerry has said repeatedly, "we cannot lose in Iraq." The horrible toll is mounting. Civilians are being targeted all the time. In Sadr City, Samara, and Baqubah, hundreds have been killed in recent U.S. strikes and raids, and now the bombing in Fallujah is beginning. According to the Los Angeles Times, a combined assault on all areas held by the resistance is being held back until after the U.S. election. That means that after the election the death toll will climb again. Why hasn't John Kerry exposed this? At least fourteen to fifteen thousand Iraqis have been killed and nearly eleven hundred U.S. soldiers have died. At home, discrimination against South Asian, Arab-American, and other immigrants and people of color continues, and the USA Patriot Act has been extended. Massive military spending is draining badly needed resources, and as Bush quietly guided the 6 billion Pentagon budget through congress, Kerry didn't utter a word of protest. Health care facilities are closing, community colleges have suffered cuts in staff and programming, and the availability of jobs is less hopeful with each day. The choices for young people - particularly in communities of color, are joblessness and police brutality, or the military. Recruiters are signing up soldiers straight out of our high schools! We can't depend on Bush or Kerry to end the war with no end. Our protest movement is what can stop this madness! Get involved! Volunteer! Help build November 6th on your college campus, in your neighborhood, at your church. Volunteers & Funds urgently needed! Call IAC (323)936-7266