Special preview screening: Poetry in Wartime (2004, 75 minutes) followed by live poetry by Antonietta Villamel, who is featured in the film
This new documentary sharply etches the experience of war through powerful images and the words of poets ? unknown and world-famous. It brings to life how poetry and war have been intertwined since the beginning of recorded history ? from ancient Babylonia and the Trojan War up through the great conflicts of the 20th century and the current war in Iraq. Soldiers, journalists, historians and experts on combat provide diverse perspectives on war?s effects on soldiers, civilians and society. Poets from the United States and Colombia to Britain and Nigeria to Iraq and India, share their views and experiences of war that extend beyond national borders and into the depth of the human soul. Part of The September Project, a local, national, and global effort to create a day of engagement, conversation, and democracy on September 11th. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Northeast Neighbors for Peace and Justice Video/Potlucks almost every Friday, Gather about 8:00, movie starts about 8:30, bring food or drink to share if you can.