"Be Your Own Doctor"
?Though I have had two serious illnesses in my life, I believe that man has little need to drug himself.
999 cases out of a thousand can be brought round by means of a well-regulated diet,
water and earth treatment and similar household remedies.?
American University of Complementary Medicine
11543 Olympic Boulevard
West Los Angeles, Ca 90406
Sunday, September 12th - 4:30- 8:30pm Sunday, September 19th - 4:30-7pm Sunday, September 26th -4:30-7pm Sunday, October 3rd- 4:30-7:30pm
To read the article or view a video clip on the 21 Day Detox
which aired on the CBS program ?48 hours? July 16th, 2004
Click below for printed version
Click below for video clip {{PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5jYnNuZXdzLmNvbS9odGRvY3MvdmlkZW9wbGF5ZXIvbmV3VmlkL2ZyYW1lc291cmNlMi5odG1sP2NsaXA9L21lZGlhLzIwMDMvMTEvMjUvdmlkZW81ODU1OTcud212JnNlYz0zNDEwJnZpZElkPTM0MTAmdGl0bGU9VGhlJEAkRGV0b3gkQCREaWV0JmhpdGJveE1MQz00OGhvdXJzIj5odHRwOi8vd3d3LmNic25ld3MuY29tL2h0ZG9jcy92aWRlb3BsYXllci9uZXdWaWQvZnJhbWVzb3VyY2UyLmh0bWw/Y2xpcD0vbWVkaWEvMjAwMy8xMS8yNS92aWRlbzU4NTU5Ny53bXYmc2VjPTM0MTAmdmlkSWQ9MzQxMCZ0aXRsZT1UaGUkQCREZXRveCRAJERpZXQmaGl0Ym94TUxDPTQ4aG91cnM8L2E+}}
I want to thank both of you for such a great experience. You both presented the information in such a fun, easy way, it made simple to understand. I only had 2 bad days of nasty headaches but otherwise, I felt really great. Best of all, I?m taking away a really healthy and smart way of eating that I?ll share with my friends and family. I highly recommend it!
Susan Harris
The 21 Day Detox experience has made me so much more aware of the kinds of foods available, thus enabling me to make better choices in meal preparation. The 21 Day Detox was uncomfortable at times, but I now know and understand the value of keeping the body in balance and living in moderation.
I am glad I did this and highly recommend it to anyone.
Pamela Lents
Somewhere along the way, I had forgotten that my food should nourish me.
I started the program as a way to feel better but it ended up being about remembering. We get so few opportunities to think about the ways we can slow things down, to think about the ways we can slow things down, to think about where we?ve come from instead of always looking to the future. It was wonderful for me to experience the ways in which I already know to care for myself. Movement, resting and healing replaced planning, working and getting ahead.
Thank You
CNN Article on The 21 Day Detox August 1, 2003 Click on link below
9.00 for the four-week workshop
Repeat students 0
To pay in advance by credit card go to
To reserve a space
E-mail us at mailto:info@21daydetox.com
Or call us at (310) 289 5697
Health Coaches
Richard DeAndrea, MD, ND
Dr. DeAndrea is a physician practicing holistic medicine in Los Angeles for ten years. He is medical advisor to the American Naturopathic Medical Association, the Physicians Committee of Responsible Medicine and Earth Save International. He has received the Los Angeles Outstanding Community Service Award.
John Wood, ND
Mr. Wood is a Naturopathic Doctor and has ten years of experience in the area of detox. He has served at the Ann Wigmore Institute and is a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association.
?The doctor of the future will give no medicine,
but instead will interest his patients in the care of the human frame,
in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.?
-Thomas Edison