Labor Notes magazine, a 25 year-old independent source of labor union news from a rank and file perspective, has been one of the few consistent sources of constructive criticism from the front lines of labor fights across North America. On April 22, Labor Notes goes on tour to host a forum in Los Angeles called ?Building Power: Next Steps for Grocery Workers and Allies.?
Speakers include: Kathleen Doyle, UFCW member and Vons employee Lidya Baouni, UFCW strike captain and Ralphs employee Bill Pearson, retired president of UFCW Local 789 Frank Halstead, Teamster and Ralphs warehouse worker
The workers and allies will discuss preparations for the upcoming Northern California grocery contract which expires September 11, turning strike activism into a stronger union, and strategies for organizing Wal-Mart.
[see for more information]