Northeast LA Neighbors for Peace and Justice and the Community Strike Support Network presents: Holding the Line (2004, 16 min.) See the brand new video about the current UFCW strike!
also showing: One Day Longer (1999, 46 min.) On September 21, 1991 five hundred and fifty hotel and resturant workers walked off their jobs at the Frontier Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip. For 6 years, 4 months and 10 days they maintained a 24-hour picket line, sometimes in 120 degree heat, and not one worker crossed the line to return to work. "One Day Longer" celebrates the solidarity and courage of the Frontier Strikers who have become a national example of the success that can be achieved when all unions come together and persevere. Las Vegas has subsequently been called the "hottest union town in America." The issues at stake were basic: the casino owner tried to take away their pension and healthcare. Featuring interviews from some of today's top labor leaders, including: John Sweeney, (AFL-CIO), Artie Rodriguez (United Farmworkers), Richard Trumka (AFL-CIO), John Wilhelm (HEREIU), Gerald McEntee (AFSCME), Rev. Jesse Jackson and the late Caesar Chavez (United Farmworkers). Music by Bruce Springsteen, Bill Withers, Sweet Honey and the Rock, Billy Bragg, and WILCO. Director Amie Williams describes the striker's dedication this way "The night we all marched in together is the opening scene of the film, and perhaps the most moving of anything I have ever filmed. It gave me hope as a filmmaker and a person, witnessing what a handful of people can do to affect monumental change in society."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Northeast Neighbors for Peace and Justice Video/Potlucks every Friday Gather about 8:00, movie starts about 8:30, bring food or drink to share if you can