Green Party members, friends and any interested folks: join on this visit to newly acquired parkland, Ahmanson Ranch! If you've interested in the Green Party, check us out on this social (and healthy!) hike.
Carpoolers gather at the Westside Greens Office, 2809 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, at 9:45am to leave at 10:00. Let's all meet at the end of Las Virgenes around 10:30.
I have not been there yet, so it will be an adventure for all of us! (The Las Virgenes/Malibu Canyon exit off the 101 is about 15-20 miles west of the 405.) Bring lunch and water. Let's plan on leaving the park no later than 1:30 to be back at the office around 2:00. Rain cancels. Let's be thinking of a name for the park, too! (See below.) Questions? Contact
We're doing a Green Party hike every 3rd Saturday of the month so mark your calendars. -------------------------------------------------------------- From Assemblymember Fran Pavley's newsletter:
Effective Monday, Dec. 1, the park is open to the public. From the 101 freeway, take the Las Virgenes Road/Malibu Canyon exit, and drive north to the end. You can hike into the park from there. From the historic ranch house at the top of the mesa, a 360? view of the San Fernando Valley, Simi Hills, and Santa Monica Mountains is possible.
NAME THE NEW PARK The park's name may be changed to reflect the new public ownership. If you have a suggestion on what our newest state park should be called, please e-mail me at I'll forward all ideas to the Conservancy for their consideration.