January 8th - Kent Mesplay Green Party Presidential Candidate - Film/Event Night Doors open at 7:00pm Program is 7:30 pm - 9:00pm Speech followed by Q&A session
The Westside Greens will be hosting Green Party Presidential candidate Kent Mesplay, who will be speaking and answering questions about his campaign. Kent Mesplay has his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, and he currently works as an Air Quality Inspector for the San Diego Air Pollution Control District, enforcing air quality standards. More about Kent from his website:
"A long-time California resident (since 1977), Kent first became active with the Greens in 1995, serving as appointed Treasurer to the San Diego Green Party County Council and, as co-chair of their Communications Committee, he put on a press conference for Ralph Nader at the Hotel del Coronado. Kent helped place Ralph Nader on the California ballot, voting his support at a Green Party State Meeting in Berkeley in 1996. Kent has contacts within the entertainment industry and anticipates a high-spirited campaign . . .
As a Green presidential candidate, currently on the primary ballot in California, Dr. Mesplay works to teach especially our youth that they can make a difference. He believes in running a full-scale, unapologetic campaign that is fun and entertaining."
For more information visit http://www.presidentkent.org.
Donations welcome