The Weather Underground (2003, 92 minutes)
''When you feel you have right on your side, you can do some pretty horrific things.'' So says Brian Flanagan in ''The Weather Underground,'' a documentary film featuring former members of the Weathermen, the revolutionary antiwar group that began in 1969
The Weathermen, a splinter group of the Students for a Democratic Society, felt the peace movement wasn't going far enough. They were young, violent and glamorous militants determined to overthrow the United States government, believing it had criminally waged war in Vietnam and persecuted groups like the Black Panthers. As a former Weatherman, Ms. Jaffe, puts it: ''We felt that doing nothing in a period of repressive violence was itself a form of violence. That's really the part I think is hardest for people to understand.''
This solid piece of filmmaking lets the former Weathermen, now in their 50's and older, speak into the camera and reveal some of their personal histories as well as what the peace movement meant to them. Reflecting on the impact of their behavior -- the group took responsibility for bombing two dozen public buildings, including the Pentagon -- these former radicals now reconsider their approach.
Northeast Neighbors for Peace and Justice Video/Potlucks every Friday Gather 8:00ish, movie starts about 8:45, bring food or drink to share if you can