The role of the U.S. military in the Philippines is growing. The Bush administration wants to effectively recolonize the archipelago, and extend U.S. military dominance of Asia, and the use of the Philippines is key to their strategy. But the Filipino people are fighting back! IAC organizer Scott Scheffer will report back from his work as part of The International Solidarity Mission, and the People's Caravan in the Philippines. The two actions were organized by BAYAN, BAYAN Muna, Gabriella Network, Moro Christian People's Alliance, and Out Now! Both actions challenged the presence of U.S. troops in the Philippines from July 23rd to August 1. During that week, a U.S. soldier reportedly shot an unarmed Filipino civilian, and the ISM held a series of press conferences and carried out investigative work that put the Arroyo government and the U.S. military on the defensive! Thousands attended street protests in spite of heavy police repressionion and a government orchestrated mob attack on the People's Caravan. Also, hear Joe Navidad, National Chairperson of BAYAN International, USA, and former political prisoner and youth leader during the Marcos regime.