~~~ All Against CAFTA! ~~~~Mass Protest Against the FTAA! ~~~~~Confront The Arena Party of El Salvador and its presidential candidate, Tony Saca! DEMONSTRATION! DEMONSTRATION! DEMONSTRATION! ++++MAJOR CALL TO MOBILIZE FROM THE "SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COALITION OPPOSING CAFTA"++++ CISPES, the Salvadoran Community and the entire anti-CAFTA, anti-FTAA movement asks for your solidarity and support for a major protest demonstration. Confront directly the ARENA party candidate for president of El Salvador, Tony Saca, during his Los Angeles appearance. WHEN? SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2003 12:00 noon WHERE? FRIENDSHIP AUDITORIUM 3201 Riverside Drive near the intersection of Los Feliz Blvd and Riverside Drive one block from the entrance to Griffith Park. ======Bring signs, banners, bullhorns!======== ---No to the Central America Free Trade Agreement [CAFTA] ---No to the Free Trade Area for the Americas [FTAA] ---No to privatization of the health care system and other social services. ---No to Plan Mano Dura, the criminalization of youth ---No to ARENA party policies which heap misery on the poor! ================================================= This is a major call for solidarity...more information: Southern California Coalition Opposing CAFTA 323-852-0721 The CAFTA planning by the free-traders and privatizers is in the final round....THIS IS A CRUCIAL TIME FOR CAFTA! ====================================================== CISPES Committee In Solidarity With The People of El Salvador 8124 West 3rd Street L.A. Ca. 90048 323-852-0721 Founded: 1980 - 23 Years of Solidarity