Instead of our usual monthly meeting the LA Greens will be having a potluck party, with food, drinks, desserts and more.
Everyone welcome: Green Party members, guests, interested folks!
Celebrate our accomplishments of 2003--
LA Greens CD release, marching in internationally covered Doo Dah Parade, registering over 1000 new Greens at peace marches and organizing Green Party members to march for peace; Had Enough Yet? guerilla marketing campaign; tabling at major festivals such as SolFest, WorldFest, Watts Festival, Save Leimert Park; formation of Media, Fundraising, Outreach, and Elections Committees
--And look forward to 2004.
7 PM. Peace Center, 8124 W. Third Street, Los Angeles. (323) 651-5539. free parking behind building or on 3rd Street.