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Eddie Tabash will address the critical new reality: With the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court has, for the first time ever, a religious right majority. This presentation will explore the actual dangers of a theocracy in America and the ominous prospects of second class citizenship for nonbelievers.
Americans United is committed to the true intent of the Constitution: Equal rights for everyone, believers and nonbelievers of all kinds. This foundational pillar of American civilization is in grave jeopardy. We must not allow modern secular government to be destroyed.
Eddie Tabash is chair of the legal committee of Americans United for Separation of Church and State and is a constitutional lawyer in the Los Angeles area.
He has filed amicus briefs with the United States and California Supreme Courts in separation of church and state cases. He is regarded as a nationwide expert in demonstrating that the Framers of the Bill of Rights intentionally developed the First Amendment to provide absolute legal equality for the protection of believers and non-believers alike.
Our doors open at 1:15 for socializing and the meeting starts at 1:45. Plenty of free parking and no charge for the meeting.