Open mike speak out; bring a candle if you can. Music and spoken word welcome.
Under the banner: Women and Men Say No To Military/Corporate Occupation, join a weekly protest and vigil against Bechtel Corporation. As the resistance to US occupation increases daily, Bechtel, the second largest recipient of money to 'rebuild' Iraq, continues to implement US control of Iraq's resources. Bechtel is the world's largest contractor, profiteering from war, human suffering and destruction of the environment. Bechtel made cluster bombs and other weapons of mass destruction, has built nearly half of the world's nuclear power plants and has invaded Shoshone land to oversee the nuclear dumpsite at Yucca Mountain. Bechtel has a history with Peabody Coal which led to the displacement of Navaho people from Big Mountain. They have tried to privatize water in many countries; in Soweto South Africa women and men are resisting and in Bolivia Bechtel's efforts were defeated by a grassroots rebellion led by women. Women, who are hit hardest by Bechtel's genocidal policies, are holding Bechtel accountable for its crimes
It is up to us to stand with the women, children and men who are refusing occupation in Iraq. Don't let Bush or Bechtel off the hook! They must be held accountable! Your presence and support are urgently needed!
Called by the Global Women's Strike. Website: