Los Angeles Independent Media Center Volunteer Orientation Meeting
Folks interested in volunteering for the IMC (http://la.indymedia.org) and wanting to get involved in making progressive media or networking with other media makers, should come to this meeting. It's set up to introduce you to the IMC. The meeting is at 11AM at BHS, 6838 Sunset Blvd, west of Highland.
The IMC is run completely on volunteer power, and when it's lagging, we need help from the progressive grassroots community to keep it chugging along. We've recently experienced a reduction in the collective due to members "moving on up." This is a great time for new volunteers to join up and continue the LA IMC traditions of making media, running a non-hierarchical, consensus-based organization, and speaking truth to power.
Also, just before the orientation, there's going to be a consensus decision making training; come to that to learn about the way IMC conducts meetings. This training is required to participate in the collective's meetings.
----------------- Agenda:
*orientation period - history of the imc (5) - description of the organization, workgroups (5) - show and tell for each working group, including membership criteria for each group (10) - consensus decision making (3) - points of unity, documents (7) - networking phase - introductions, people describe their interests. possibly, we might want to pair or team people up to create stories. bring story ideas. (30)
* meeting period - pass hat - reports back (5): radio imc, webitorial, finance - proposals and discussions - 1. global women's group proposal (20) - 2. (if this meeting is good) create a committee to plan another similar orientation meeting (3) - 3. form committee for 2004 RNC in NYC (3) - bottom line tasks for next meeting (2) - announcements (5)
* socialize in the remaining time until 1pm