Jun 13 Tuesday 11am-2pm
OC's 3rd Annual Re-Entry Resource Fair
Honda Center, 2695 E Katella Ave. (front portico) Anaheim
This event is co-hosted by OCREP, OC's Day Reporting Centers (contracted by GEO Group), the Public Defenders Office and OCREP's partner organizations. The purpose of the Re-Entry Resource Fair is to provide formerly incarcerated men and women with accessible information and a connection to resources within Orange County. This event is FREE and open to formerly incarcerated individuals and their families (please NO children). Attendees do not need to pre-register, registration is on site. Over 50 vendors representing services, education, employment, legal and more will be on site! Some include: Our friends from the OC Public Defender's Office and UCI's Law Clinic will be on site answering legal questions and our friends at Pacific Reentry Career Services Inc will be offering resume review/critiques. Want to get involved or reserve a table? Please email us at info@ocreentry.com for flyers, registration info or more information Please spread the word, we look forward to seeing you there!