Mar 25 2017 Saturday 10am-7pm
Anaheim: Become Ungovernable- Third Annual OC Anarchist Bookfair
UUCA-Unitarian Universalist Church, 511 S. Harbor Blvd.
Whoever is in the White House, become ungovernable! Join us for the annual installment of the OC Anarchist Bookfair, a free grassroots event that's setting up in Anaheim for the first time. We will have workshops, panel discussions, musicians, poets and featured speakers throughout the day. Find your favorite book vendors, tabling organizations and zines in the parking lot.
Confirmed featured speakers: Alexander Reid Ross, author of "Against the Fascist Creep" and Zoe Samudzi, Zimbabwean-American anarchist, feminist & writer.
Childcare will be provided. Please consider donating to our organizing funds: Your donations will assist with the event venue, speaker's travel, logistical costs. Donate at