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Human activity on Earth is heating up the planet. The polar ice caps are melting and at the current rate will be gone before the end of the century. The rain forests, which have served for millions of years as a carbon sink for greenhouse gases, are being turned into barren deserts. Around the world there are over 40 different wars and civil conflicts. Many of these conflicts are directly related to the effects of global warming and the destruction of balanced ecosystems.
In response various environmental groups have put out the call for a series of international days of demonstrations to raise awareness and to take action to halt the deterioration of the earth’s environment.
Upcoming Events: Earth Day LA | | Childrens Earth Day | | LA Green Party | | Earth First | | Tree Planting | | Biotech IMC
8th Annual GWS LA Event with Sò An Over 150 people, a majority people of color, packed the Golden State Mutual auditorium on March 15 for an Evening of Resistance and Song featuring Sò An, renowned Haitian activist, former political prisoner and folk singer. They heard firsthand how people in Haiti are surviving extreme poverty and at the same time remaining one of the most politically active populations in the Caribbean, beginning with grassroots women.
Full report:
8th Annual GWS LA Event with Sò An by Global Women's Strike
April 7 Coalition March Rally in Los Angeles Draws 75,000
- Amnesty Now! Full Rights for All Immigrants, Now! With these resounding chants, more than 75,000 immigrants and immigrant rights advocates under the banner of the April 7 Coalition marched and rallied for full rights for all immigrants last Saturday, April 7, 2007, in Los Angeles. Unlike the disparate and fewer numbers of mobilized activities last March 25, 2007, the April 7 Coalition march for full rights for all immigrants became one of the largest to be held in Los Angeles after May 1, 2006. This brings a new momentum for the immigrant rights movement in California. The conservative L.A Times estimated the crowd as 10,000 while the Latino Channel 34 estimate of the crowd was 50,000.
Full reports:
April 7 Coalition March Rally in Los Angeles Draws 75,000
by Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV
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Immigrants: 50,000 March for Immigration Reform by Stewart A. Alexander
Full report with photos:
Masses of Immigrants Demand Amnesty by Cliff Olin
Pro-Immigration/Amnesty Protest on Broadway, Downtown Los Angeles 04.07
by True DeLuxe
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