Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, appearing at the Los Angeles City Hall’s lawn for a Black History month awards ceremony on Friday, February 9th --was shouted down for the second time in recent weeks by Skid Row protestors with the Los Angeles Community Action Network, LACAN. The shouting of “No justice no peace; stop racist police,” rang out; and entirely prevented Villaraigosa from being heard by onlookers –even as local television stations stood by, and attempted to film Villaraigosa without including the crowd of about 40 very fired-up demonstrators.
Full report:
Villaraigosa Shouted Down at Black History Event By L.A.'s Rising Homeless Protesters by Unhoused
MAYWOOD, February 7, 2007 - Dozens of Maywood residents and their supporters convened in Maywood City Hall Tuesday night and presented the city council with horrific testimony of beatings, bribery, intimidation, and sexual assault at the hands of Maywood Police officers. One after another residents and visitors described incidents of police violence against the people of the City Maywood.
Full Story: Maywood Residents Confront Police Brutality
Also in Long Beach: Everyday Police Intimidation in Long Beach by CopWatch LB