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Four years after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 those who stand accused by the government remain un-captured. To date there has been not one single conviction in a court of law against those responsible for the attacks. Questions by family members of the victims go unanswered. A commission to investigate the events of 911 has raised more questions than it has answered and no one in the government has been held accountable for the failure to protect the nation on that day.
Corporate media has been silent on the issue. Yet throughout the country a small but growing group of citizens are daring to suggest a cover up. This is becoming known as the 911 truth movement. In the face of being labeled conspiracy theorists these citizens continue to persist with their questions of what really happened.
Related Articles and Comments:SGV 9-11 Truth Movement Gets Rolling by Next Move || Remember
by Mad Mikey
Stop the War Protests in LA and OC
National Day of Outrage over Neglect, Monday, September 12 From the International Action Center - Los Angeles: Join with people in more than 100 cities and demonstrate against the horrific lack of action by the Bush administration in response to hurricane Katrina. The whole world has witnessed more of the tragic consequences of the war in Iraq. This time, the tragedy was in a major U.S. city - already in crisis from poverty. The Troops Out Now Coalition (TONC) has called a "National Day of Outrage." The Los Angeles demonstration will take place at Westwood Federal Building, 11000 Wilshire Blvd, (just east of the 405) at 6 pm.
International Action Center - Los Angeles
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National Day of Outrage for Katrina's Victims
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