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Minutemen Stumble, ANSWER Steps UpHOLLYWOOD, 11 February 2007--Yesterday at 10:45 a.m., ANSWER-LA led a small crew of fifteen, with banners, signs, and a blaring loudspeaker packed in a shopping cart, south down Argyle and across Hollywood Boulevard into a sea of forty minutemen. Half an hour later, the minutemen, amassed from across southern California, retreated to join their fellows on the southeast corner, pushed back by the growing crowd of protesters.
Full reports with photos:
Minutemen Stumble, ANSWER Steps Up by Leslie Radford | |
Minutemen in Tinseltown by Cliff Olin | | Anti-Immigrant Minutemen Defeated in Hollywood by ANSWER Coalition-LA
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more minutemen
All by go vegan | |
Minutemen in Hollywood
by Marcus
Maywood Residents Confront Police Brutality MAYWOOD, February 7, 2007 - Dozens of Maywood residents and their supporters convened in Maywood City Hall Tuesday night and presented the city council with horrific testimony of beatings, bribery, intimidation, and sexual assault at the hands of Maywood Police officers. One after another residents and visitors described incidents of police violence against the people of the City Maywood. Full Story: Maywood Residents Confront Police Brutality
Also in Long Beach: Everyday Police Intimidation in Long Beach by CopWatch LB
The Homeland War SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, 27 January 2007 - It was just another skirmish in the two-year war on migrants. Sixty minutemen, from San Diego Minutemen and Save Our State, tried to run day laborers out of San Juan Capistrano, but they were held at bay by thirty or so determined day laborers and their supporters.
Full report:
The Homeland War by Leslie Radford
Hovering above a busy Berkeley intersection is a billboard that reads No Racist Amnesty. It was placed by a group called Vietnamese for Fair Immigration, whose leaders say they feel illegal immigrants -- and particularly Latino immigrants -- are to blame for the long waits their family members face to come here from Vietnam. But the group may not be entirely what it seems.
The Lompoc-based group, which has endorsed political candidates, written letters to the editors of newspapers and has aired its views on Web sites, was co-founded by a white, Southern California cyclemaker who is also a member of one of the state's most prominent immigration control organizations.
Immigrants Rights Supporters and Anti-immigrant groups face off in MaywoodMAYWOOD, CA. November 11, 2006 - Anti-immigrant groups returned to the City of Maywood today to protest against the city’s policy of support of the rights of immigrants. They were again greeted by hundreds of counter-protesters. Police openly sided with the anti-immigrant groups providing escorts to and from their cars and giving them a motorcycle escort out of the city at the end of their demonstration. Three arrests have been reported, two counter-protesters and one from the minutemen side. There are also reports that police fired rubber bullets and struck one of the counter-protesters. Witnesses report that in another incident that elderly man in his 70s was injured when police advanced on counter-protesters with their batons. From the Newswire: Area cops lead minuteman invasion of Maywood by Leslie Radford
Timeline of call ins: 10:45 am Protest going on in Maywood now
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