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So much corruption, so little time!
- David Morris, from the Insititute For Local Self Reliance gives a quick, incisive recap of Enron & Ken Lay's history in The Man Who Screwed the World.
- "House Dems will probe White House links to Enron Corp" according to a story in The Hill. But don't expect them to look anywhere near as hard as Republicans look.
- Gene Lyons, author of Fools For Scandal and co-author of The Hunting of the President, both of which show how "there was no there there" in the Whitewater Scandal, writes about a very different situation in Incest And Corruption, Texas Style. "Now Republicans are reminding us what a real financial scandal looks like…. With… [a cost] roughly ONE THOUSAND TIMES greater than McDougal's finagling. It'll be interesting to see if it receives ten
percent of the attention."
- Molly Ivans writes What If Enron Had Been Bill Clinton's Sugar Daddy? "The Establishment media, sucking its collective thumb with unwonted solemnity, is treating us to meditations on two themes: "How the mighty have fallen," and, "Who would have thunk it?" ….If you want to know what this story is about, pretend Bill Clinton is still president…. Holy moley, we'd have four congressional investigations, three special prosecutors, two impeachment inquiries and a partridge in a pear tree by now."
- Robert Scheer, whose nationally syndicated column appears in the LA Times every Tuesday, writes in Connect the Enron Dots to Bush: "Enron is Whitewater in spades. This isn't just some rinky-dink land investment like the one dredged up by right-wing enemies to haunt the Clinton White House -- but rather it has the makings of the greatest presidential scandal since Teapot Dome."
- Doug Heller, of The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights writes that Enron Gets Zapped by Its Own Greed: "Greed, cloaked in the promise of a competitive market, created and drove the deregulated energy system…. The moral for society should not only be that markets need rules and limits, but also that some things don't need markets at all."
- Way back in October, Paul Krugman noticed Huge Tax Cuts For Bush/Cheney Energy Cronies. Maybe everything Bush stands for is a front for Enron & its sister energy banditos.
- Texans For Public Justice has just released a report, All the Kings' Horses & Men: Enron's Blackout Cuts Power Behind Numerous Thrones, which looks at Enron's lobbying empire, topped off by $238,000 given to Bush II.
- The Center For Responsive Politics (CRP) has oodles of information about political bribery (the worst kind-the kind that's perfectly legal.) Check out Tracking the Payback - Bush Energy Plan, and do your own search to find out who Ken Lay has given $$$ to.
- Last May, IMC-LA ran a story The End Of The World Is Brought To You By...Buy! Buy! Buy! drawing on CRP's data. The "Energy/Natural Resources" sector of the economy spent almost a quarter of a billion dollars from 1990-2000. It went overwhelmingly to Republicans by a ratio of 68 to 31%. Enron lead the list of individual donors with $2,387,848, favoring republicans 72 to 28%.
- Finally, VP Cheney's old company, Haliburton,
is also falling hard, due to verdicts in asbestos lawsuits. What did he know and when did he know it?