Attorney General John Ashcroft is
considering letting go of the few restrictions on the FBI that protect citizens
from unreasonable searches and surveillance, and possibly return to the
abuses and criminal behavior associated with the
J. Edgar Hoover
era in what
NY Times
described as "another step
by the Bush administration to modify
protections as a means
of defending the country against terrorists.
"The relaxation of the guidelines would follow administration measures
to establish military tribunals
to try foreigners accused of terrorism; to
seek out and question 5,000 immigrants, most of them Muslims, who have entered
the United States since January 2000; and to arrest more than 1,200 people,
nearly all of whom are unconnected to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11,
and hold hundreds of them in jail
If the attorney general gets his way, there will probably be an escalation
in the harassment and prosecution of political activists, something common
since the 60's under the FBI's secret COINTELPRO
program. Peace and civil rights activists such as Martin Luther King Jr.
were regularly kept under surveillance, and in some extremes individuals
were framed with false evidence, or were murdered like Black Panther Fred Hampton
. While a Congressional order supposedly ended the program in 1971, it
continued well into the present with the incarcerations of Leonard Peltier
and Mumia Abu-Jamal
, and also the framing and attempted murder of environmental activist Judi Bari
. More recently, the Seattle IMC received a visit from the FBI
this past spring, and individual volunteers
have also been contacted.
Thursday, Ashcroft tried to defend these tactics before Congress, and claimed that his critics "aid terrorists."
The USA - PATRIOT Act (H.R.3162) |
Globe snd Mail: The war on dissent
NPR: Liberty vs. Security
NLG report: Waging War Against Dissent
Black Panther Party
Democracy Now! Interview with Fred Hampton's widow
Nat Hentoff: The Worst Assault On Our Liberties |
12 ways to protect your online privacy
Why New Law-Enforcement Powers Worry Civil Libertarians
Media Education Foundation
The Red Scare
McCarthyism |
FBI - Freedom of Information Act - Electronic Reading Room |
Prisons & Police Brutality IMC |
Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Political Research Associates ]