“. . .The division that the corporate media folks were constantly harping on wasn't anywhere visible. There weren't any obvious Farrakhan supporters anywhere evident nor anyone openly citing their opposition to him. . . .
“. . . As far as the signage was concerned it was mostly homemade and tended towards citing the inadequacies of the 45th president and his policies. The Pandora's box the President had unleashed with his classless profanities were still being stridently reflected back at him,Loud and Clear.
“One can only wonder what our great grandmothers would have made of the new rhetoric.
“. . . Trans women were lightly represented in the crowd but heavily supported by the speeches from the stage. And as those rhetorical flourishes were spoken the crowd roared again and again in favor of full inclusiveness. They also spoke of the high murder rate against trans women worldwide.
“I have covered protests in LA for awhile now and this was the only time I ever cried. Just a few tears but it hit me as to what I was actually witnessing. . . .”
Robert Stuart Lowden’s article and photos: Photoset 1 | Photoset 2 | Photoset 3 | Photoset 4 | Photoset 5 | Photoset 6 | Photoset 7
More: Women’s March, 2019 by RP
Other Indymedia coverage: San Francisco Bay Area: Indybay