Padres Unidos de Maywood (PUMA) (United Parents of Maywood),
Copwatch LA, Brown Beret's O.L.A.,
October 22nd Coalition, Gonzalo Martinez Justice Committee, and
Frente Amplio Progesista de Los Angeles (FAPLA) have demanded that Los Angeles County District Attorney
Steve Cooley investigate the Maywood Police Department, for
recent testimony from residents detailing abuse and torture at the hands of the Maywood PD. Copwatch LA's article,
Maywood Community and Putting the Maywood PD on Blast, further detailed the collaboration between City Hall(s), the PD, and city subcontractors. A recent LA Weekly article reported that the Maywood PD also patrols Cudahy, where the alleged corruption appears to be encouraged. State Attorney General Jerry Brown
ordered an investigation into the PD.
Read: Maywood Community and Putting the Maywood PD on Blast by Copwatch LA