The Endless Cycle of Stupidity (California Style)

by Grave Digger Saturday, May. 14, 2005 at 4:22 PM

How does a state with the sixth-largest economy in the world go 9 billion in debt? The short answer is "Democrats."

The Endless Cycle of Stupidity (California Style)

1) A social problem, minor in scope, is blown all out of proportion, with no one bothering to check the facts. Organized whiners piss and moan over life challenges that Americans overcame for two centuries with common sense, charity, good will, low taxes and minimal federal interference.

Addendum: these day's the nannies and whiners are joined by paid gummint "scientitians" further infecting public opinion with junk science. Examples include secondhand smoke and now obesity.

2) A mighty wail for increased taxes, based on class warfare and envy of the rich, goes up. Guilty White liberals and rich White liberals, the two dumbest groups of mo***rf*****s on earth, prop up the campaign with more rhetoric.

3) The worst in human nature appears in the form of Proposition X. Angry, ignorant, typically working-class slobs, who stopped learning in the 8th grade despite their further so-called degrees, vote in an attempt to 'stick it to the rich' or 'save the children.'

(In their defense, since many of them will never own a business, they can't imagine the horrible burdens placed on business owners...basically the federal, state and local theives totally strip the wagon before it even leaves the bank).

4) Proposition X passes (unless it's a common sense Prop like 187, then some commie asshole judge denies the will of the people).

5) Taxes go up. The economy, already dragging with onerous regulations and high taxes, slows even further. Businesses and property owners get hit hard. They pass on the new expenses to--you guessed it--working class slobs. Now LESS working class slobs are able to be hired by businesses, who can't afford to keep them. Less industry means less jobs.

6) The monies which were guaranteed "by law" (WINK WINK) to go to whatever phony cause started the cycle are diverted anywhere and everywhere the kleptocrats see fit. The gullible thought the new taxes were going towards more federal daycare (shudder) or anti-smoking campaigns. OOPS! That money's now going to politicians' pet projects or the "Anything Goes" coffers. The flood of "free money" that the socialists thought they'd get their greedy little hands on is a mere trickle. They are outraged (when are they not)?

The originators of the scam, the Jesse Jacksons, Al Sharptons and other 'activist leaders' do usually turn a profit for their efforts, either by the change in the law, notoriety or blackmailing businesses. Good for them, sucks for us.

7) No one on the left OR right poiints out the obvious flaw in American gummint: lunatics run the asylum and there is ZERO financial accountablility. For those who even know it exists, the 'General Accounting Office' does not oversee anything and only investigates possible fraud IF ASKED. In other words, they are the gummint's very own Maytag repairmen.

9) A New Day is dawning for leftist "activist" hucksters like Rob "Meathead" Reiner as they ready new emotional campaigns to swindle the public. Refer to Step 1 and begin again.

Folks, of every dollar that goes to the feds, you'll be lucky if even fifteen cents gets to whatever programs you support.

Government is armed force, nothing more. It creates NOTHING. More Americans better start seeing it for what it is--a necessary evil--before it's too late.

Original: The Endless Cycle of Stupidity (California Style)