fix articles 9448, relations Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : relations


On the Ukraine War: "The end result will be a frozen conflict" (tags)

The West, primarily the USA, will not accept a final peace agreement in which Russia retains a substantial part of Ukrainian territory. Even if it is a frozen conflict, the West and the Ukrainians will go to great lengths to undermine Russia's position in the areas of Ukraine it has conquered. The Russians will go to great lengths to ensure that the Ukrainian rump state remains weak.

'FBI Tracking, Questioning Muslims In US After Israeli Attack On Gaza' (tags)

Muslims in the US have been followed by the FBI for many years, but complaints have increased after Israeli attacks on Gaza on Oct. 7, Dina Chehata, civil rights managing attorney for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Los Angeles office, told Anadolu.

Spiral downward and No exit! (tags)

The austerity dictates imposed on the Eurozone are only exacerbating the crisis they are supposed to be fighting. The austerity measures are leading to a collapse in domestic demand.

The birth of propaganda and The war of perception (tags)

One of the founding fathers of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays, therefore also openly admitted that especially in democracies, where the majority of people decide, the control of thoughts and feelings is a central tool. "Public relations involves 'the engineering of consent.'"

The West and Russia (tags)

Any NATO expansion that moves closer to Russia's borders must appear to Russian nationalists as a threat; to moderate Russians Bertram concludes, "It is therefore either thoughtless or dishonest to declare, as the West does, that NATO enlargement is inevitable."

Planet Terra: Turkey and Germany missing on List of Pariah-State (tags)

Why can AKP/MHP (Turkey) can get weapon from CDU/SPD (Germany) without being even nominated??? Why In Germany still NSDAP-Like Player causing tenthousands of dead people and media still following silencing guidelines? The List of Evil seem to be ridiculous incomplete...

Capitalism is not natural (tags)

Political programs in the 20th century, then, were meant to create equality, not merely alleviate poverty. How we live collectively, what we value as a society, and how we want to conceive of ourselves - all these questions were politicized by these programs...

Crisis Regulation in Global Capitalism (tags)

The globalization euphoria waned with the 1997 Asian crisis. Hundreds of billions were needed to bailout bankrupt banks. The US with its high solvent demand stabilized the world economy for a long time. The US could become indebted in its own currency.

The West Must Take the First Steps to Russia (tags)

Russia acts out of a strategic defensive and does not pursue an aggressive, expansive policy. It will defend itself against a policy of Nato that sees it as aggressive... That Nato is willing to rethink must be one of the visible signs.

Endf Russophobia! Time for a New Detente Policy (tags)

NATO's eastern expansion (from 16 to 28 states) was and is a serious strain on relations with Russia. This is also true for the missile defense system in Poland and Rumania. A simple good-evil scheme is all too often dominant. Moral judgments are used instead of political analysis.

Israel Must Recognize An Independent State of Kurdistan (tags)

This article surveys the historical mistreatment of the Kurds, and urges Israel to recognize Kurdish independence.

Narcissism as a Subject Form of Capitalism (tags)

The narcissist knows only two states: the absolute sense of powerlessness and omnipotence fantasies. Socialization cannot be left to an unconscious process since society's values are increasingly dysfunctional.


Putin: The Preeminent World Leader (tags)


Irresponsible US China Bashing (tags)


Putin Straight Talk v. Obama Doubletalk (tags)


US-Dominated NATO Myths v. Russian Hard Truths (tags)


Racist Wendy Sherman Leaving State Department (tags)

State Dept.

Palestinians contract with public relations Firm (tags)

Our tax Dollars at work.

Bashing Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsiras's Moscow Visit (tags)


Obama Reevaluating US Position on Israel? Don't Bet On It (tags)


Who'll Sanction the Sanctioner? (tags)


US/Russia Reset? Hold the Cheers (tags)


Corporate Predators Want Compensation for Lost Cuban Assets They Stole (tags)


US Attempted Color Revolution in Russia? (tags)


Longstanding US Cuba Policy: Regime Change (tags)


Putin's Annual Marathon Press Conference Tour De Force (tags)


Thaw in US/Cuban Relations? (tags)


Gorbachev and Lavrov on US/Russian Relations (tags)


Risking War with Russia (tags)


Duplicitous US State of Emergency with Iran (tags)


Putin Prioritizes Strong Sino/Russian Ties (tags)


Cracks in US/Israeli Special Relationship? (tags)



Filipino solidarity activists call for genuine peace and democratization in Burma (tags)

Manila, Philippines – One hundred (100) solidarity activists belonging to the Free Burma Coalition – Philippines (FBCP) today held a symbolic action in front of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to press for Burmese people’s demands in the second day of Burmese President Thein Sein’s visit to the Philippines. An open letter addressed to President Thein Sein and President Benigno Aquino III was handed over to the representatives of the DFA, to urge the two ASEAN leaders to include in their ongoing bilateral agenda the urgent need to uphold and advance Burma’s (Myanmar) transition to real peace and democracy now.

Labor Laws Learned by Studying OUR Walmart #2 (tags)

I'm not a labor lawyer, so this article doesn't condone anything or give legal advice. You should double check everything here.

Who Are The Chickenhawks and Henhawks Attempting to Draw the US into War With Syria? (tags)

The same war profiteers and agents of the Netanyahu-Sharon-Olmert campaign to involve the US in war against Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen are now trying to drag the US people into another unconstitutional, criminally stupid and violent war against Syria

Obama Shoots Himself in the Foot (tags)


Attacking Syria: Israeli/Turkish Denials Ring Hollow (tags)


Russia Catches CIA Spy Red-Handed (tags)


Playing the North Korea Card (tags)


Playing the Venezuelan Anti-Semitism Card (tags)


Cold War Politics Heats Up (tags)


Israel's Man at State (tags)


Obama v. Netanyahu (tags)


Another Mossad False Flag? (tags)


Cold War Politics Redux (tags)


Putin Bashing (tags)


Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Turkey/Israeli War of Words (tags)


Turkish - Israeli Relations (tags)


Egypt Solidarity Video (tags)

The arab revolution must triumph!

Video: FDR's New Deal: Social Security Act and National Labor Relations Act (tags)

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the enactment of the Social Security Act and the National Labor Relations Act, the FDR presidential library hosts a public forum to explore in depth the year that Roosevelt transformed the mission of the New Deal.

Russian Spy Case: Espionage or Politics? (tags)

likely the latter


As Asian-Americans and speaking in behalf of the progressive Filipino-American community, the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) expresses serious concern over the crisis in the Korean Peninsula. The People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (DRPK) or the North Korea ( as the US wants to call it) said Tuesday it was severing all relations with South Korea and cutting communications links in protest at claims that it had sunk one of Seoul's warships.

Noam Chomsky on the Cuban 5 (tags)

Chomsky was interviewed by Radio Havana Cuba on the eve of the 11th anniversary of the arbitrary arrest and detention in Miami of Cubans Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Gerardo Hernandez, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez, who after a legally flawed trial in Miami District Court, are incarcerated in US prisons for infiltrating anti-Cuba Miami based groups of terrorists with the aim of defending Cuba against US based terrorism. As Professor Chomsky says in this interview "They weren't criminals. They were heroes". He points out "that the only way to remedy the injustice is to withdraw the charges completely".


After more than a century of brutal colonization of the Philippines, U.S. troops continue to battle Moro insurgents and the New People's Army guerillas to protects its investments, support the bloody oligarchs headed by the Arroyo clique, and preserve its neocolonial stranglehold. The U.S. public should wake up to demand that Obama stop its support of the Arroyo regime and withdraw U.S. troops. E. San Juan's two books might help inform the US public of what's going on in the Philippines today.

Honduras: Anti-Chavez ‘free speech’ warriors linked to coup (tags)

"This is because, for the IAPA, there was no coup. Its July 14 statement said the democratically elected Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was simply “stood down” — not kidnapped and dumped in a different country by balaclava-clad soldiers. And if anyone can recognise a dictatorship, it is the IAPA. After all, as it points out, the IAPA has been fighting off dictatorships “for a long time” — in the form of the Chavez administration. Ironically, the only time in Venezuela that a TV channel was taken off air, constitutional rights suspended, and journalists arrested and assaulted since Chavez’s 1998 election was during the two days when he was removed from power in a short-lived coup in April 2002. "

Protect the City AIDS Coordinator's Office & Human Relations Commission (tags)

The City Council (Budget and Finance Committee) is going to vote on vital services and HIV.AIDS and the Human Relations Commission (among others) are at risk!

BTL:Obstacles Stand in Way of Thaw in U.S. - Cuban and Venezuelan Relations (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

The Culture of Mistrust (tags)

"Total mistrust prevails on the financial market. How can the state restore trust when trust in the state was decried for years? When all public affairs are changed into private affairs, citizens only see themselves as private citizens and the state becomes a business.."

Employee Free Choice Act: The Rats are Coming Out of The Woodwork (tags)

Labor Relations Institute Offers $10,000 Reward Exposing a key flaw of the Employee Free Choice Act

Economy Between Competition and Cooperation (tags)

"Market" already includes the concept of "symbiosis" in which two symbiots have advantages through their relation to one another. An increasing net consciousness will have a huge influence on economic interactions by strengthening the partnership principle.

Letter about the Spanish Civil War in HARPERS, Dec. 2008 (tags)

A slightly different version of this was published in the most recent issue of 'Harpers' magazine...

Interfaith Roundtable: European-Muslim and American-Muslim Relations (tags)

Interfaith Roundtable of Claremont will present a special program with Imam Ali Siddiqui.

Stoking Tensions, Risking Confrontation (tags)

Risking world conflict.

British firm 'polishes up' Tsvangirai for presidency (tags)

Once again we see foreigners ninterfering in the internal elections of a third world country. The.y dont dare allow the people elect a president who would be independent of foreign control

Tech Company Illegally Fires Cal Poly Student Workers for Unionizing (tags)

Pomona, Calif - After being subjected an unannounced pay cut from $10/hr to $8/hr, Cal Poly student marketing representatives Austin Garrido and Sarah Doolittle were fired by their employer,, for attempting to organize a worker's union. The students were fired from their part-time jobs 20 minutes after posting a message in an online inter-company form announcing their intention to form a union. Doolittle and Garrido have filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board.

Letter from US Artists and Scholars in support of Cultural Relations with CUBA (tags)

More than 500 U.S. artists and academics demand an end to the blockade...

The war in Iraq and the assassination of Kennedy (tags)

AT 44 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the war in Iraq and the Bush family saga have magnified the need to declassify documents related to the November 22, 1963 attack that affected not only the United States but, to a surprising degree, Cuba, and the rest of the world.

California Fair Trade Coalition Seeks Exec Dir (tags)

The California Fair Trade Coalition is seeking an executive director.

History, Sublime, Terror: Notes on the Politics of Fear (tags)

"The new powers of violence that are out of the box after 1945 belong to the state. They are properties and prerogatives of the modern nation-state."

The Tavistock Institute Institute of Human Relations by John Coleman ebook (2005) (tags)

PDF of "The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations - Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of The United States of America" (2005)

Australian Leader – “underdog” (tags)

The Prime Minister of Australia claimed today that he would contest the forthcoming Federal election as the underdog – another tired (and familiar) Howard tactic! The failing politician failed to mention that it was he who created the situation with his inane, ill-considered comments ranging from his hysterical criticisms of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama, as the terrorist friendly candidate, to his astounding comments on HIV and immigration bans.

BTL:Latin American Left Continues to Win Electoral Victories (tags)

Interview with Laura Carlson, director of the International Relations Center's America's program, conducted by Scott Harris

Bush "I did not have sexual relations with that man" (tags)

Bush says he never had a blow-job from Ted.

Communistic persistences in the course of human history (tags)

What characterizes the manufacturing division of labour? The fact that a partial worker doesn't produce any commodities; that only the partial workers' common product becomes commodities

European powers refuse to send more troops to Afghanistan (tags)

Bitterness and general rancour characterise the relations within NATO one week after its senior military commander called for 2,500 reinforcements to be urgently dispatched to assist the 8,000 British, Canadian and Dutch troops caught up in savage combat in Afghanistan’s southern provinces. In the face of dire warnings that the NATO-led occupation risks losing ground before a resurgence of support for the former Taliban regime, the major European members of the alliance have refused to send a single soldier.

Hizbullah draws massive crowd to mark Israeli withdrawal (tags)

A quarter of a million Hizbullah supporters packed a square in the southern port city of Tyre Friday to mark the anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from South Lebanon in 2000. A day earlier, the Islamic resistance group had launched a 10-day campaign to collect funds for Palestine, which is facing a crippling Western aid boycott after the election of Hamas.

General Michel Aoun to ‘Monday Morning’: (tags)

He has the gift of facilitating matters. With him formalities and ceremonial go by the board. The conversation is quickly under way with the “General” at his residence in Rabiyé, which was thronged with young people and retired Army officers who remain devoted to him. There, one found those who had remained faithful to him, who had waited patiently for 15 years for his return from exile. I saw myself propelled back 16 years to Baabda Palace, with the same images and sensations. But that was another time and place. The general himself seemed unchanged: as feisty as ever, the eternal resistance fighter. He has changed in one way, as he himself said: he has learned to be patient, to move slowly, which for him, unfortunately, is a waste of time. He has great aspirations for Lebanon, which still has much to learn in terms of democracy, human rights and the building of nations.

BTL:Anti-Bush Protests and Free Trade Deadlock Mark Summit of the Americas (tags)

Interview with Tom Barry, policy director of the International Relations Center, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

ACT NOW - US/UK Extradition Treaty Goes to Hearings TUES. NOV. 15th (tags)

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has announced hearings for the proposed US/UK Extradition Treaty. The hearings are to take place TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15th 2005. PLEASE ACT NOW.

What is anarcho-primitivism? (tags)

Anarcho-primitivism (a.k.a. radical primitivism, anti-authoritarian primitivism, the anti-civilization movement, or just, primitivism) is a shorthand term for a radical current that critiques the totality of civilization from an anarchist perspective, and seeks to initiate a comprehensive transformation of human life.

Theological Reflections on Econmic Values (tags)

"The quality of a society is measured in its relations with the weakest..The economy exists for the sake of people..God's economy aims at the survival capacity of planet earth and its people..Our life is connected with all life.."

EU and MERCOSUR Foster Negotations (tags)

EU member countries create an association with Brazil to foster commercial relations with MERCOSUR.


It looks at how the Vatican stole Jewish property for centuries. It then calls on the Vatican to make restitution and points out that Israel is the proper address for that restitution.

Bush vs Putin - Adults only... (tags)

Extra: FPF's Secret audio - 'For Your Ears Only' - 55 seconds soundtrack - (adults only) :-) - * Bushwhackers soundbite of 'bringing democracy'.

Symbiosis as a Basic Principle of Evolution (tags)

Human life is inseparably embedded in the great metabolic cycles of animate nature.. A humanity that cancels this symbiosis and destroys natural resources seals its own destruction. Perhaps we could be matriots, not patriots.

Let's Reject Normalization of Relations With the Zionist Enemy! (tags)


Top Boycott Targets: Company Contacts & Sample Letter (below) (tags)

Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened." Just as a bell that has been rung cannot be "unrung", the annoying problem with the Truth is that, once you learn it, you can not "unlearn" it.

White House Establishes New PR Office - Wants Input (tags)

My fellow Americans,

US Use of Warplanes Adds Dangerous Element to Cuba Relations (tags)



With questions of 9/11 and Africa's oil and "al-Qaeda" dominating headlines, it sure was lucky that Iraq returned to the front-page...or, was it more than just luck.

US/UK Extradition Treaty – NEW APPEAL (tags)

Report: U.S.-Israel relations "on verge of crisis" (tags)

The prime minister "isn't acting as a friend, isn't keeping promises and is ignoring the Bush administration's difficult situation in Iraq and the criticism of the president," the officials said, quoted by the radio. Sharon is reportedly ignoring a series of critical messages received from administration officials, including their support for private peace initiatives such as the Geneva Accords.

ADL Interfaith Official Quits, Stance on Film Questioned (tags)

The correct interpretation here is that Korn Authored the "Hit Strategy" on Mel Gibson's Film and it has blown up in the ADL's face as it has shown them to be the shallow, bigoted, narcisscisitic, intolerant, bullies that they are. They have done no service to the Jewish Community. The ADL Breeds Anti-Semitism. It is how they justify their existence - and get donations.

RE - VOLT (tags)


Syria is next (tags)

Foriegn Relations Commite to Syria, "Your either with us or with the terrorist "

Media Censorship That Doesn't Speak Its Name (tags)

Reducing journalism to a branch of corporate and government public relations is the hidden agenda of the media deregulators, in Britain and America.

Fidel's trip to Argentina (tags)

analysis of the new context in Latin America

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Press Conference (tags)

Press conference on Republicans' attempt to link migration and immigration policies to Mexico's cooperation with US oil interests.

PLEASE ACT NOW: Boycott for Peace - let the corporations know! (tags)

A little sleuthing on Google gave me these individual emails (real people) for major companies being targeted in the Boycott. These are the VPs, CEOs, and spin doctors of the greedy creeps that donate their dollars to Bush and his cronies year after year. Just spend the five minutes it takes to email these lovely folks, and we'll have 'em all shaking in their $800 cowboy boots (see my sample letter for inspiration).

Targeting North Korea (tags)

The hidden history of the nuclear issue and U.S-North Korean relations. How the Bush Administration deliberately created a crisis in international relations

The WSF and a “Movement of Movements” (tags)


INS Detainees: Interview of Council on American Islamic Relations (tags)

Interview of reps of Muslim Public Affairs Council and Council on American Islamic Relations on Muslims Detained in Southern California; mp3 file, 64 kbps, 8.31 megs, 18:16 runtime.

Sketches of a post-Foucauldian anarchism (tags)

A development of two lines of thought on the nature of power based on the work of Michel Foucault

Socialist Planning -- Liberation from the Market (tags)

The following is written by the Maoist political economist Raymond Lotta. It is excerpted from a larger discussion on where Ray posted a series of comments called "Socialist planning vs. Market Socialism."

Speak Out Against Intolerance on the Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee (tags)

Members vying for seats on the Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee are known homophobes, racists, and sexists. They're having a big laugh over this, and people who want to preserve the spirit and effectiveness of this board need to say "ENOUGH".

The Saddam in Rumsfeld’s Closet (tags)

“Man and the turtle are very much alike. Neither makes any progress without sticking his neck out.” —Donald Rumsfeld

Speak Out Against Police Abuse in Costa Mesa (tags)

Speak out against police abuse in Costa Mesa! Speak to the City Council, and the Human Relations Committee about Naui's unjust kidnapping, and the mistreatment of other July 4th Nike Town protesters!

URGENT-Call to All Present at the July 4th Nike Town Demonstration (tags)

Tomorrow, July 11, we will be speaking at the OC Human Relations Commission meeting regarding Naui's unjust kidnapping, and the abuse of protester's rights at the hands of the Costa Mesa PD. Please show up to speak, if you witnessed the incident.

religion of the market (tags)

just came across this reading a great essay by buddhist David Loy. Check out his essay "A Buddhist Critique of Transnational Corporations" as well.

Bush pulls out of missile treaty (tags)

The Bush Administration announced Thursday that the United States will withdraw from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, a move many Democrats fear may spur an arms race between the world’s nuclear powers.

Public Relations Debacle After Sen. Hillary Jeered & Booed By Heroes (tags)

Drudge Report, Sunday, October 21, 2001

At USC, Protesters Oppose Albright, Sanctions, and War (tags)

Around 100 demonstrators called for an end to both the sanctions against Iraq, and the bombing of Afghanistan, at a rally at the University of Southern California (USC) outside of an auditorium where former Secretary of State Madeleine Albight gave a speech on foreign relations.

Council On Foreign Relations: Expose The Criminals (tags)

The CFR’s Annual Report for July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994, page 4, states: "The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving theunderstanding of US foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.

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