fix articles 6134, report back
Report Back on November 18th Counter Demonstration Against Anti-Muslim March (tags)
Community counters anti-Muslim march in San Bernardino
Report Back on November 18th Counter Demonstration Against Anti-Muslim March (tags)
Community counters anti-Muslim march in San Bernardino
A group of people are reviving the late John Johnson's Change Links. Please submit your events.
Report Back: 4th Annual Hahamongna Walkabout (tags)
The past, present, and (uncertain) future of Hahamongna, site of an ancient village and home of diverse flora and fauna.
L.A. Participates in Protesting the Keystone XL Pipeline (part 2) (tags)
Part 2: photo coverage of a march and rally held in Los Angeles on February 17, in solidarity with the protest in Washington, DC. (The report back is in part 1.)
Report Back: City Council Unanimously Supports “Turning Land into Cash” (tags)
Various people said that Jan Perry was using the ancient "divide and conquer" strategy and that she succeeded in dividing the community in and around 41st and Alameda. Both Perry and Eric Garcetti (District 13), who presided over the meeting, are planning to run for mayor. It seems unlikely that LA will have a decent mayor within our lifetimes, but a Mayor Perry or a Mayor Garcetti would be one more major injustice.
Report Back: LA Forum on and Fundraiser for Haiti (tags)
Over 200 people, overwhelmingly Black people, came out for the Public Forum on and Fundraiser for Haiti. Actor and activist Danny Glover, Pierre Labossiere, co-founder of Haiti Action Committee, and Robert Roth, board member of Haiti Emergency Relief Fund were featured speakers at the event which both helped get the word out about what's happening on the ground in Haiti and raised funds to support the Haitian grassroots. Margaret Prescod, host of KPFK's Sojourner Truth and Women of Color in the Global Women's Strike, chaired.
Report Back: Organizing Meeting for Oscar Grant Justice Coalition (tags)
There was a very successful meeting this evening in L.A. to plan an action for Friday, Jan 8, when proceedings begin against Johannes Mehserle in Los Angeles
Eye-witness report back of UCLA protests (tags)
Students protest the UC regents voting to raise tuition. This is an on-site report back from an imc reporter on Thursday, 11/19/09 @ 10:37 am
Report Back from Healthcare Town Hall Meeting with Diane Watson (tags)
The Town Hall Meeting with Diane Watson at the Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Central last Thursday night was actually very organized and productive. Missing were the right-wing crazies, wielding posters depicting comparisons of Obama and Hitler that we have seen at previous town halls.
Report Back/Photos: Green Resolutions Ride (part 1) (tags)
Now that I've gone riding with a group and have learned something about integrating with autos, I feel much more confident about making longer trips on my own.
Report Back From Tacoma ICE Protest (Day 1) (tags)
Report Back
“Braving Borders, Building Bridges: A Journey for Human Rights” Report Back (tags)
African American leaders will share their experiences on a human rights tour of the U.S.-Mexico border.
"We Want This Border to Disappear" (tags)
Marcos in Magdalena de Kino. Zapatista: Report Back from La Otra Campaña (The Other Campaign" in Rancho El Peñasco, Mexico
Report Back: FCC Public Hearing on Media Ownership (tags)
LOS ANGELES, August 31, 2006 - A public hearing with two of the five commissioners of the FCC was held Thursday this past week on the USC campus.
Report Back: South Central Farmers 2nd Day in Court. (tags)
Attorneys for the farmers and the attorneys for the Horowitz and the city made their opening statements today to Judge Helen Bendix of the Los Angeles Superior Court.
Report Back from Mexico City and Toluca, Mexico 06-28-06, 06-29-06 (tags)
I stayed in Mexico until the 29th of June, and wanted to stay until the 3rd but was unable to change my flight (due to the lack of funds). This is the last report back. Now that Im back home in Los Angeles I will work on translating these into Spanish so that other communities and the people in Mexico that I met will have a chance to read them as well. A friend also talked about helping me turn the reports into a pamphlet. I like to think of the reports as a look into the struggles of Mexico right before the elections.
Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from the Struggles in Mexico 06/16/06-06/29/06 (tags)
The following is a correspondence from joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.
South Central Farm report back-- (tags)
Hey all, I came down from SF to visit the farm this weekend...This is my brief report back I posted to Indymedia in the Bay Area.
Report Back from the March at the Plazita (tags)
At least 5000 thousand people have arrived at the Plazita at Olvera Street for the Immigrant march and rally.
“Recycle Your Money” - Report Back from the Anti-Mall (tags)
This Winter’s 2005 Anti-Mall was held at the South Central Farm on December 18th.
Truckers – On the Road to Empowerment (tags)
****LAIMC Report Back**** South Gate CA May 8th 2004 Caught in an economic ripsaw of rising prices and no representative voice harbor independent truckers met at a park in South Gate. Approximately two hundred truckers had gathered around an amp and microphone as many in the group came forward to express their thoughts in dealing with the deepening hardship griping their profession.
College Youth Return From Cuba (tags)
On April 2, 2004, 35 Los Angeles-area college students returned froma seven-day seminar in Havana, Cuba, hosted by Cuban youth. Join the recently arrived youth when they share their experiences during a REPORT BACK FROM CUBA on Saturday, April 17, 2004 at UNITE Hall, 675 S. Parkview Street (West side of MacArthur Park between Wilshire & 7th Street). Info: 310.419.2296
Shattering Zionist myths...
Western US Anti-capitalist/Anti-imperialist consulta for the FTAA (tags)
a consulta to facilitate the sharing of resources and to help plug people in to already existing resources from the CO caravan as well as discuss anti-capitalist strategy
Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle (tags)
Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle for liberation, justice, and democracy. Come support the struggle of oppressed nations.
Reportback on the Koren People's Struggle (tags)
Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle for liberation, justice, and Reunification
Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle (tags)
A night of music, photos, and spoken word concerning the Korean people's struggle for freedom, peace, and justice.
Report Back: ISO Hijacks BOSTON and SAN FRANCISCO Campus Anti-War Conferences (tags)
Not only did the ISO hijack the west coast campus anti-war conference, they did it in Boston as well.
Sep 29-30 Nationwide listing of antiwar protests/meetings/vigils (tags)
No War For "Revenge"! - website for antiwar movements, legal information & news across the country. **URL: Since some events may change or cancel without advance notice, PLEASE PLEASE call and check with the event organizer before you go. To announce your protest, links, or good information, please send to: or