fix articles 3711, tel aviv Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : tel aviv

tel aviv

UNRWA and Co: Netanyahu's war against the truth (tags)

Journalists and Israel critics as Hamas accomplices. The Netanyahu government has also been very successful in spreading narratives that declare anyone who supports the Palestinians in Gaza with humanitarian aid, reports on their suffering & criticizes the actions of the Israeli government as Hamas accomplices, Hamas anti-Semites.

"We don't have to be enemies" (tags)

We demand a ceasefire. The release of the hostages. An end to the military occupation of Palestine. We stand side by side with our Palestinian friends.There is no alternative to peace in Israel and Palestine. Not for Jews, not for Palestinians and not for the other people who live there. This is not naïve, but realistic and pragmatic. It is not radical, but the only option to end the suffering

'FBI Tracking, Questioning Muslims In US After Israeli Attack On Gaza' (tags)

Muslims in the US have been followed by the FBI for many years, but complaints have increased after Israeli attacks on Gaza on Oct. 7, Dina Chehata, civil rights managing attorney for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Los Angeles office, told Anadolu.

The disease of concealment: An open letter to future historians (tags)

We are afflicted with what I would call the disease of silence. We are confronted with the results of decades of propaganda, and with the insidious power of language when it is cynically misused. We look, but we don't recognize it. We hear, but we don't listen. The effectiveness of propaganda is so great that most of us are not even aware of our complicity in the genocide of a people

Joe Biden and the Gaza war (tags)

This Netanyahu, supported by the extremists in his cabinet and among his followers, disavows the US President at every opportunity. Recently, there have been repeated signs that he is not at all opposed to the idea of a "second Nakba" - a forced emigration of the Gaza population to Egypt and elsewhere. "Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized."

‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 (tags)

A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.

Israel on the brink of civil war? (tags)

This time, the existential threat to Israel does not come from outside (e.g., from Iran), as has been and is repeatedly invoked inside and outside Israel. It comes from within Israeli society itself, because the new extremist government is also resolutely committed to confrontation.

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Contro (tags)

covid is, among other things, a vast cover story for a lot of biotech and electro-chemical weaponry being deployed by the political servants of royalty worldwide...some is prudence, some is about cleaning up loose ends, ala gulf war problems still hanging around...these other deaths, these assassinations i talked about 3 years ago, when i saw it coming, are now all "Complications" from covid. they must have their deniability and lies. here in america covid is coup #2 within the continuing conquest of the world government over our founding documents. 911 was coup #1 of course. its all about perception management at all on.

What is Joe Biden's Israel Policy, Exactly? (tags)

The Biden administration thought it could muddle through with the usual pro-Israel platitudes, but rising awareness of Israeli apartheid is making that impossible.

Never waste a good crisis (tags)

The negotiation of society after Corona is now beginning, and it is now important to strengthen positive tendencies such as the expansion of the public health system, a more planned economy and social solidarity. But these appeals only cover up their own helplessness and lack of advice. .

Re’eh: God’s Chosen Place for the Temple in Jerusalem (tags)

Jerusalem, The Temple Mount, The Peace Accord Between Israel and the UAE, in the Light of the Torah

It Can’t Happen Here! Oh Yes It Can! (tags)

CoronaVirus Pandemic, Growing Anti-Semitism, Economic Collapse; What Will It Take To Become Jew-woke, And Move Back to the Homeland, To Israel?

Tahini Wars (tags)

Support Queer rights in Arab land. Buy Tahini

BLM and Black Nazis are Evil Like White Nazis (tags)

Black Jew-hating Nazis are just as bad as White Jew-hating Nazis.

Pinchas on Jewish Leadership: Do the Right Thing, No Matter What! (tags)

LGBT vs. Family Values, Leadership vs. Subjugation, Qualities of a True Jewish Leader.

Israeli Independence Day and Lag B'Omer vs. Nakba (tags)

Jewish National Liberation Succeeded, The Nakba Narrative Is A Lie!

Happy Nakba Day and Israeli Independence (tags)

Jewish National Liberation Succeeded, The Nakba Narrative Is A Lie!

Pity Yitzhak Rabin Wasn’t Israel’s Trump! (tags)

Rabin didn't care about attacks on Jews like Trump does.

Illegal Russians Invited to West Bank at Invitation of Israeli Government Outside jewish (tags)

Russians are not indigenous to the West bank in Palestine. That's the West Banl of the river Jordan. However Russians are being invited to illegally take over and live there at the invitation of the Israeli government in Tel Aviv and Palestinian homes are bulldozed while settlement housing goes up.

Last Time Iraq, This Time Iran, Time For Purim (tags)

This article reviews Iraqi & Iranian behavior toward Israel, in the light of Purim.

Open Letter - Israel's right to exist as an Apartheid Settler state in Palestine (tags)

Dateline California, Thursday, December 21, 2017, 11:00 pm: With the United States of America unilaterally recognizing Zionist sovereignty over Jerusalem by brazenly announcing moving her embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy “City of Peace” earlier this month, and with the world's nations overwhelmingly adopting a resolution this morning calling for the reversal of that recognition in the 193-nation United Nations General Assembly with 128 to 9 votes and 35 abstentions, perhaps the resolution that should be tabled in the UN ab initio, is the demand for reversing Israel's very right to exist as an Apartheid Settler state in Palestine. The time is right as president Trump has finally shaken up the status quo, which to date has only helped the Zionist resettlement of Palestine with a cowardly complacent world watching from the sidelines. Today, 128 nations found the courage to speak up for Palestine in the United Nations, despite threats from President Trump to cut off their American aid. Soon, they shall also find the courage to act for Palestine. This Open Letter from 2005 forces thinkers to rethink Israel-Palestine.

Jerusalem: Reality vs Impracticality – The Protection Racket of the Jewish State (tags)

In that tight piece of geography, two nations simply cannot be constructed justly; the one with the bigger guns will always dictate the terms. And it is truly no ordinary piece of geography. It is so steeped in the history and intermingling cultures of all three Abrahamic religions that try as the transplanted European Zionists may, to obliterate the vestiges of the other two, its history and its emotional affiliations cannot be divorced from that geography. Abolishing apartheid and eliminating the racist Zionist philosophy, and replacing it with a society with secular, civil and moral laws that are based on the common moral teachings of all three religions and which treat all three peoples as equals, permitting each to practice their own faith, to hold sacred their own heritage without encroaching upon the rights of each other, is the only just solution today. That is the actual ground reality when primacy is replaced with fairness. It is also the solution that the ordinary Palestinian peoples themselves demand. It is high time the Palestinian and Muslim leaders listened, and dared to lead as history's actors in their own right. Other nations' leaders will follow suit once the singular demand is tabled by the Palestinian and Muslim leaders, with no back-off whatever the pressure and consequence. In time, all wounds will heal naturally, as all three peoples have far more in common than they have the courage to recognize and accept. The status of Jerusalem is then naturally and organically resolved as the common sacred heritage of all three faiths. Surely some formula for administering the holy city in fairness to the peoples of all three faiths can then be devised by the citizens themselves and ratified as the fair law of the sacred land that is named in the Holy Scriptures of all three faiths as “The City of Peace”.

Palestinians, Beware Jewish Days of Rage, Hanukkah is Coming to Israel! (tags)

This article surveys responses to Trumps declaration on Jerusalem.

Republicans against the Poor and the Sick (tags)

The US is experiencing a dramatic deterioration of its public health. President Trump is now trying to make the ACA "implode" through decrees. The insured are reacting to their higher premiums. A series of states have filed actions against the decrees.

UPDATED: List of 200+ U.S. BDS Victories! (tags)

By popular demand, below is a list of U.S. Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Victories, originally released to commemorate ten years since Palestinian civil society issued the call for BDS.

This Week in Palestine, March 31, 2017 (tags)

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 25, to the 31, 2017.

This Week in Palestine, March 31, 2017 (tags)

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 25, to the 31, 2017.

This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016 (tags)

This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016

Trans Beauty contest (tags)

Israel held a trans beauty contest, and you'll never guess who won

Peace and coexistence Intifada in Israel (tags)

Israeli and Arab teens party for coexistence in ISrael

Deplorable Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Speeches (tags)


Things We Need to Stop Hearing About the ‘Stabbing Intifada’ (tags)

Lévy is considered a founder of the New Philosophy movement and is a leading thinker on religious issues, genocide, and international affairs. His 2013 book, Les Aventures de la vérité—Peinture et philosophie: un récit, explores the historical interplay of philosophy and art. His new play, “Hotel Europe,” which premiered in Sarajevo on June 27, 2014, and in Paris on September 9, is a cry of alarm about the crisis facing the European project and the dream behind it.

Putin's Righteous Mission (tags)


Vanunu on Israeli Television (tags)


Tel Aviv sur Seine/Promotion of bloody Israeli occupation of Palestine (tags)

Recently, due to a joint cooperation of the Tel Aviv and Paris municipal government, a section of river bank in Paris was turned into “Tel Aviv sur Seine” , complete with falafel stands and “Israeli nightlife. Of course in order to promote Israel. No promotion of a 48 years occupation power with as ´´falafel´´ the Gaza Blockade and as ´´nightlife´´bombings of Gaza and shooting of Palestinian children. On the Gaza beach.

Hillary Clinton Supports Illegal Israeli Settlements (tags)


Iran Bashing in Late Stage Nuclear Talks (tags)


Tentative Deal on Iran Sanctions Relief? (tags)


Israel Falsely Claims Hamas Supports ISIS in Sinai (tags)


Some Good News from Palestine (tags)


Washington's Nakba Museum (tags)


Israeli Defense Minister Threatens to Nuke Iran (tags)


Don't Travel to Israel Ever for Any Reason! (tags)


Socialist Animalism (tags)

Free collection of articles.

Netanyahu on the Ropes (tags)


Rage Against Netanyahu (tags)


Israeli Women Wage Peace (tags)


Netanyahu's Ugly Israel (tags)


Arming Ukraine: Ongoing Since Last Year (tags)


Israeli State Terror the Root Cause of Palestinian Blowback (tags)


Israel's Latest Aggression (tags)


EU Parliament Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Israel's Anti-Infiltration Law (tags)


Israel's Reign of Terror on Palestine (tags)


The Day Israel Attacked America (tags)


We're All Palestinians (tags)


Momentum for Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Renouncing Judaism (tags)


Israeli High Crimes Against Peace Examined (tags)


IDF Soldiers Denounce Israeli High Crimes Against Peace (tags)


Jewish Voice for Peace= Jewish voice for Hamas? (tags)

Written by Yitzhak Santis. Exposing the extremist, pro-terror agenda of Jewish voice for peace

Abbas Scuttles Fatah/Hamas Unity (tags)


Israel Breaches Gaza Ceasefire Agreement (tags)


Israel's Genocidal Killing Machine (tags)


Terrorizing Palestinian Children (tags)


Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Mideast Peace Negotiators Meet (tags)


Palestine to Join 15 UN Bodies and Treaties (tags)


Reviewing James Petras' The Politics of Empire (tags)


Irresponsible Iran/Syria Bashing (tags)


Israel Attacks Gaza - Again (tags)


Israel Hypes Nonexistent Iranian Threat (tags)


Talking Peace While Waging War (tags)


Racist Israeli Rabbis (tags)


Free Expression on Trial in Israel (tags)


Good News and Bad from Palestine (tags)


Remembering Shulamit Aloni (tags)


Flashback:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's cheerful mood in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks (tags)

“We have assembled here today [...] in order to bow our heads in sorrow and deep mourning over the deaths of innocent citizens in New York and Washington [...] [perpetrated] by criminal terrorists of the worst kind that the world has known since World War II, and even beyond.” said the then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during a speech at the Israeli parliament Knesset fıve days after the 9/11 attacks. However, some photos taken in the three months after the attacks betray a strikingly different mood of both Mr Sharon (1928-2014) and the foreign political leaders with whom he held consultations...

Israel's War on Asylum Seekers (tags)


Rogue State Accuses Victims of Incitement (tags)


Undermining Geneva (tags)


Life in Occupied Gaza (tags)


Israeli Rabbinical Scandals (tags)


Israel and Washington Target Iran (tags)


Netanyahu in Washington (tags)


US/Iranian Foreign Ministers Meet (tags)


Obama Ignores Israel's War on Palestine (tags)


Israel Poised to Attack Syria? (tags)


Sham Peace Talks Resume (tags)


Profile of a Rigged Peace Process (tags)


Israel: Talking Peace, Waging War (tags)


Targeting Iran (tags)


Washington Funds Secret Israeli Ballistic Missile Base (tags)


Evidence of Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (Part II) (tags)


America's Addiction: Waging War on Humanity (tags)


More Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Israeli Violence on International Women's Day (tags)


AIPAC Conference Day Two (tags)


Parallel Worlds: Water Management in Israel and California (tags)

Posted from Jerusalem by Kate Voss, UCCHM Water Policy Fellow. This is the second in a series of posts on our Water Diplomacy trip to Israel, Jordan and Palestine

Washington Whitewashes Israeli Murder (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Washington's War of Aggression on Syria (tags)


Police State Israel (tags)


Israelis Want Out (tags)


C. Hagel Sec of Defense Nomination Points to Peace, Neocons Outraged (tags)

The choice by President Obama of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense is a step in the correct direction. Finally people can see that there is another segment of the Republican party that is NOT endorsing never ending military conflict in the Middle East as the neo-conservative factions have under eight years of war criminal GW Bush.

PA Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


The Gatekeepers: Exposing Israel's Dark Side (tags)


Human Rights Get Short Shrift in Israel (tags)

police state

Israel's Man at State (tags)


Holding Israel Accountable (tags)


Israel: Heading for a Political Cliff? (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War on Palestine (tags)


Abbas: Collaborating with the Enemy (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 8 (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 7 (tags)


Israeli Aggression: Dress Rehearsal for Iran? (tags)


An open letter to Khalil from Gaza (tags)

One of the most thought proking pieces to come out of the hamas/Israel conflict

Straight Talk on Gaza (tags)


Naked Israeli Aggression (tags)


Israel Shells Syria and Gaza (tags)


Abbas Ill-Serves and Insults Palestinians (tags)


Netanyahu Pledges Continued Lawlessness (tags)


Direct US/Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)


Infomercials for Despots (tags)


No More Israel in 10 Years (tags)


Free Gaza Movement dogged by anti-Semitism (tags)

Greta Berlin's outrageous anti-Semitism

Atonement: Not in Israel's Vocabulary (tags)


Fatah Israeli Collaborators (tags)


Reporting from the Danger Zone - An LA Press Club and KPFK's Scholars' Circle Event (tags)

Live discussion and broadcast on reporting from the danger zone with journalists and scholars who have taken great risks from some of the world's most dangerous places to bring us the news.

Long Knives Target Iran (tags)


Religious extremism acts to defy logical thinking (tags)

The rhetoric from religious extremism found in Christian Zionism (CUFI) and Islamist groups (Sunni Wahhabists) acts to prevent logical thinking and encourages meaningless sacrifice of life and limb from impressionalbe and vulnerable youth turned soldiers.

Palestinians Living in Firing Zones (tags)


Risking Nuclear Armageddon (tags)


Israelis Against War on Iran (tags)


The Syrian revolt enters a new phase (tags)

The armed segments of the revolution appear to be inflicting blows on sections of the security apparatus and taking over major cities: the revolution is turning a corner. Robert Fisk reports that a crucial dynamic now is the fracturing of an alliance between the Sunni middle class and the Alawite regime, signalled by the spread of the revolt to Aleppo. And defections from the state-capitalist power bloc continue. Indeed, Juan Cole has suggested that such divisions must run deep in the Syrian state for the opposition to be capable of planting a bomb that can kill a senior minister.

CIA Calls Israel Main US Regional Spy Threat (tags)


Dying for Justice in Israel (tags)


Protesting Social Injustice by Self-Immolation (tags)


Yitzhak Shamir's Criminal Legacy (tags)


Social Justice Protests in Israel (tags)

class war

Presidential Medal of Freedom (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks in Baghdad (tags)


Heightening Tensions for War on Iran (tags)


Killing with Impunity (tags)


Israeli and Palestinian Protests (tags)


Israelis and Iranians Against War (tags)


Waging War on Truth (tags)


Iran Falsely Charged with India and Georgia Attacks (tags)


Iran: A Manufactured Threat (tags)


Palestinian Children Detained Oppressively in Isolation (tags)


Shooting the Messenger in Syria (tags)


Iowa’s Choice: Dr. Paul or U.S. bankruptcy, more wars, and many more dead soldiers (tags)

Top Republican presidential contender U.S. Rep. Ron Paul has been endorsed by former head of the CIA’s “Bin Laden Unit” Michael Scheuer, reports Revolution PAC. In his endorsement, Scheuer backs Paul’s longstanding non-interventionist foreign policy views and warns of bankruptcy and increased hostility toward Americans both at home and abroad should current bipartisan foreign adventurism continue.

Israeli Delegitimization (tags)


Palestinian Unity: A Threat, Says Israel (tags)


Israel: Profile of a Rogue State (tags)

state terror

Washington and Israel: Partners in State Terror (tags)

state terror

Ongoing Israeli Human Rights Abuses (tags)


New York Times Bashes Outspoken World Leaders (tags)


Palestinian Statehood: If not Now, When? (tags)


Anti-Israeli Friction Helps Palestinians (tags)


Anti-Israeli Rage in Egypt (tags)


Israeli Oppression Continues While Talking Peace (tags)

police state

Lawlessness and Injustice Define America and Israel (tags)

rogue states

Palestinian Right of Self-Defense (tags)


Daily Rogue State Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Netanyahu Spurns Social Justice Demands (tags)

class war

Israeli Social Justice Protests Continue (tags)

class war

Congressional Junkets to Israel (tags)

police state

The Greatest Depression (tags)


Escalating Israeli Street Protests (tags)

class war

Israeli Street Protests: Suppressed by US Media (tags)

class war

Israel: Rogue State Land of Inequality (tags)


UN Commission Flotilla Massacre Report (tags)

state terror

Freedom Flotilla II: Final Thoughts (tags)

Israeli terror

Medical Care in Gaza (Part II) (tags)


Naksa Day Commemorates Decades of Israeli State Terror (tags)

state terrorism

Human Trafficking in Israel (tags)


US Intervention in Syria (tags)


Israeli Intellectuals for Palestinian Independence (tags)


The White Man's Burden appears Uniformly Distributed By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

‘If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.’ -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Unverified Misreporting on Libya (tags)


Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention? (tags)

“There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq. Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes.”

Obama on Palestinian Rights: Nyet (tags)

resolution veto

Revolutionary Change in Egypt: Internal or Made in USA? (tags)


The PA is and arm of Imperialism/Zionism (tags)

"Meanwhile, yesterday’s “impromptu” attack on an al-Jazeera office in the West Bank turns out to have been anything but, as local journalists confirmed that the people leading the attackers were PA police officers wearing civilian clothes. PA negotiator Saeb Erekat sought further action against al-Jazeera, insisting they were guilty of inciting violence against him and his family for reporting his involvement in past negotiations, including comments that seemed to eschew the right of return."

The Shortwave Report 01/21 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Spain, Germany, Cuba, and Russia.

Turmoil in Lebanon (tags)

Lebanon crisis

Rising Poverty in America and Israel (tags)

mostly unreported

Social Injustice in Israel (tags)

the data will surprise most people

A Bribe too Good to Refuse (tags)

Obama offering weapons for peace

Alguien puede a creerle a Israel? (tags)


Israel's New Loyalty Oath (tags)

Israel on a fast track to despotism

Imperial Israel (tags)

Like America, Israel has imperial ambitions

Fatah: Collaborationist Israeli Ally (tags)

Fatah betrays Palestinians

WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack Obama Declare 9/11 (tags)

And why was WSJ reporter and Israeli-American, Daniel Pearl, not investigating Richard Reid the shoe bomber's visit to Israel instead of Pakistan ? Did Asra's former Wall Street Journal colleague , Daniel Pearl, know that his own Israel and Israelis of ICTS International,(that also 'guarded' Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11),had allowed and if fact aided Richard Reid to fly to Israel on El Al pre 9/11 to visit Hamas just as they would later facilitate his boarding of a flight from DeGualle Airport,Paris to the U.S. shortly after 9/11 !?

Israel Threatens War with Lebanon (tags)

more evidence of a pariah Israeli state

Israel's Bogus Construction Moratorium (tags)

settlement construction continues unabated

President (tags)

A brand new film series is hitting the airwaves of public television stations nationwide; the Israeli Film Festival on Public Television’s premiere season features the films of filmmaker Duki Dror. KLCS-TV in Los Angeles will be the first to air the three films will air on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. beginning Tuesday, August 17, 2010.

W Bush's,Barack Obama's Mass Murderer Robert Gates Says Wikileaks Has 'Blood On Its Hands' (tags)


Israel: Strategic Ally or Liability? (tags)

srael: Strategic Ally or Liability?

Occupied Palestine: Good News and Bad (tags)

Far more of the latter than former

Easing Gaza's Siege: Bogus and Unacceptable (tags)

Israel's easing bogus

Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Goldstone Commission II Essential (tags)

independent investigation essential

End the Gaza Siege (tags)

illegal by any international standard

Democratic Party Defends Israeli Attack on Freedom Flotilla (tags)

Are you still registered Democrat instead of the pro-Palestinian Peace & Freedom Party or Green Party? The Democratic Party has come out in full force in support of the massacre of 15 members of the Freedom Flotilla, with 9 officially dead and 6 missing, reported thrown overboard by Israel's military, at US taxpayer expense. Here are the statements of the latest Democrats, defending Israel, after Democratic Vice President Joe Biden did the same, and the Republicans also do the same as both are 100% pro-Israel at all levels of office. And Critical Resistance's smuggled video is also here, showing the peaceful nature of the flotilla members.

OCHA's Special Focus on Occupied Palestine (tags)

horrific Gaza conditions under siege

They're Coming: Freedom Flotilla Two and Others Planned (tags)

They're coming until the Gaza siege ends

Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack (tags)

"The Israeli Navy Commando had prior knowledge of who was on the Turkish ship including where passengers were residing in terms of cabin layout. According to Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was on board the Marmara , "the Israeli forces attacked sleeping civilians."

The Flotilla Aftermath: Historical Perspective, Aftermath and Implications (tags)

Commandos had names and photos of activists to be assassinated

Israel's Military, the IDF, states Massacre was Planned & Approved at the Top (tags)

The Israeli military, the IDF, planned the Gaza Massacre, and it was approved by the Prime Minister. The 5 million Zionist lunatics sitting in the US military base called Israel are now united in their hysteria to promote war and fascism around the world, all paid for with US tax dollars, and all at the behest of US oil imperialism. A small minority protests the final stages of a bankrupt social order in Israel.

Israel's Exclusion and Restriction of Goods to Gaza (tags)

part of Israel's slow motion genocide

Israel's ID/Permit System (tags)

An element of Israeli apartheid

National Public Radio's Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)

NPR supports power and privilege and their worst crimes

Israel's Open Secret: Nuclear Armed and Dangerous (tags)

Israel's nuclear arsenal threatens humanity

Imprisoning Palestinian Women (tags)

Israel treats men, women and children the same way

Global Peace and Justice Groups Threatening Israel's Legitimacy (tags)

Israel losing its legitimacy

Accelerating Fascism in Israel (tags)

Israel is a militarized police state

Israel's Infiltration Prevention Bill (tags)

Israel accelerating toward fascism

Preparations for a Hit against Iran: Stopping Israel’s Next War (tags)

"Subjectively, the time could not be more propitious for a concerted international drive to force a transformation in Tel Aviv. Israel’s standing in the world has been vanishing like snow under a hot spring sun, as even President Peres was forced to recognize. Israeli diplomats no longer feel free to travel abroad, fearing that international arrest warrants might be slapped on them as perpetrators of war crimes committed during the Gaza war. As reported in the March 15 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Israeli government has launched a desperate public relations campaign, through a website for “Public Diplomacy and the Diaspora,” aimed at preparing Israelis to project a positive image of their country while travelling abroad. If citizens have to study government-issued brochures handed out at the airport, to learn how to defend the reputation of Israel, then the moral crisis the country has entered is quicksand."

Peace Process Hypocrisy: Stillborn from Inception (tags)

The peace process is a charade

Israeli Settlement Expansions Continue (tags)

all Israeli settlements are illegal


University of Tel Aviv acts from racist way when pursuing Brazilian alleging racism.

Funding Israeli Militarism, Belligerence and Occupation (tags)

funding Israel's war on Palestinian civilians

Terrorists money trail (tags)

Leads to AIPAC and their headquarters in Tel Aviv at MOSSAD.

Human Rights Abuses in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

Jews are also affected

Israeli Occupation Supportive Companies to Boycott (tags)

Supporting BDS essential

Israeli soldiers tell (tags)

what "the most moral army in the world" did in Gaza.

Focus on Israel: Harvesting Haitian Organs (tags)

Israel doesn't offer humanitarian aid

Iranian Scientist Assassinated as US Steps Up War Threats (tags)

"In the absence of Security Council approval, Washington will likely impose its own unilateral sanctions, with the support of Britain and other allies. Legislation now pending in the US Congress would give the Obama administration the power to enforce an embargo on Iran’s importation of refined petroleum. With Iran dependent on imports for 40 percent of its refined petroleum, such a measure would have a crippling effect and would be tantamount to the launching of a war."

Israeli Democracy or Hypocrisy (tags)

Its illusory even for Jews

Blocking Freedom Marcher/Viva Palestina Aid to Gaza (tags)

Egypt complicit with Israeli siege

The Occupied West Bank Latroun Villages (tags)

occupied and persecuted

Targeting Civilians in Gaza (tags)

Illegally targeting civilians

Israel needs peace now (tags)

Before it's too late

Life After Chemtrails (tags)

The leading horse is white The second horse is red The third one is a black The last one is a green "The four Horsemen" by Aphrodites Child

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech to the UN General Assembly (tags)

The most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Are the member states of the United Nations up to that challenge? Will the international community confront a despotism that terrorizes its own people as they bravely stand up for freedom?

The Smearing of Mary Robinson (tags)

The Israel Worshippers (IWs) are clever! As I write, 1.5 million Gazans are languishing under Israeli occupation. The IDF’s siege of Gaza from Dec. 27, 2008 to Jan. 18, 2009, took about 1,400 innocent lives. To change the subject from Gaza, the IWs orchestrated a campaign against Mary Robinson, whom President Obama had nominated for a “medal of freedom.” The IWs’ campaign failed. Ms. Robinson got her medal and the focus remains on Gaza.

Iran's Election and US - Iranian Relations (tags)

evidence US instigating protests and violence

VIDEO: Santa Monica Activist Beaten by Israeli Police and Military (tags)

Israeli police and military violently shoved the group back into a wall. Delegation member Tighe Barry from Santa Monica, Cali. was struck in the face with the butt of a military rifle and pushed to the ground where he could barely breathe. He was taken by ambulance to the Trauma Center of Tal-Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv where he was treated for a concussion, an injured neck and an asthma attack.

The USS Liberty Saga as Told by a Survivor’s Son (tags)

James Scott’s book, “Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on the U.S. Spy Ship,” makes for a compelling read. The onslaught, on June 8, 1967, in international waters, during the Six-Day War, off the coast of Sinai, killed 34 crew members and injured 171 others. Israel claimed that it was all “just an accident...a case of mistaken identity.” Scott makes a very strong case that the assault on the “Liberty” was deliberate.

Global Crisis: How Much Time do We Have? (tags)

"Rather, what began Monday, September 15, 2008 was the beginning of a terminal and irreversible collapse of the global financial system, which is part of a controlled Model through which other objetives will be achieved."

Israel's Illegal Annexation of East Jerusalem (tags)

Israeli ethnic cleansing

Fascist Rule in Israel (tags)

Israel lurches to the right.


“When it happens, it will rock the world..: octogenarian Mubarak, will leave office, either by his own decision or that of Providence, probably within the next three years. So far, few in the West have paid much attention. But Egyptians certainly are getting ready, and we should do so as well”,

A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue (tags)

Israel chooses violence

Zionist Running for LA City Council Seat. (tags)

The Los Angeles director of AIPAC, Aneena Bleich is running for the 5th council District seat. The 5th district is home to the largest concentration of Zionists outside Israel and New York. They constitute a powerful voting block in the 5th district and typically install whoever they want to the council. It appears they have again chosen one of their own, Aneena Bleich of AIPAC.

Month-long Gaza Protests in U.S. were the Largest Ever for Palestinian Rights (tags)

In an unprecedented outpouring of popular opposition to U.S. policy supporting the Israeli invasion of Gaza, a full month of nearly continuous protests brought tens of thousands into the streets. Arab American youths mobilized as never before. Even after Israel’s troop withdrawal, advocates for the human rights of Palestinians in Gaza vowed to continue the campaign until Israel lifts its blockade on the tiny territory.

Ceasefires, Israeli-Style (tags)

Israel never honors them.

Free Gaza Activists Welcomed Home as Heroes, then Join Protest Against Israeli War (tags)

After spending six months in Gaza and Cyprus working tirelessly to defy the Israeli blockade of the Palestinian territory and defend Palestinians from military attacks, two San Jose residents found upon their return that the protests that they had helped start had mushroomed a hundred-fold in response to Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Oscar Grant Becomes a Poster Boy for Jihad (tags)

Those outside the Bay Area may not know the backstory: Early on January 1, a young adult African-American named Oscar Grant was fatally shot at a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) stop by a BART police officer. The incident was captured on a few cellphones as it happened. The officer has been arrested for murder and there have been several riots in downtown Oakland.

Israel Killed Everything but the Will to Resist (tags)

Palestinians are unbowed.

Al Nakba Redux (tags)

The liberation struggle continues.

Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians (tags)

World outrage condemns Israeli war crimes

1/17 Palestine Watch:Latest News from Israel Invasion of Gaza, Over 1,200 Killed (tags)

The death toll from the now more than three weeks of assault stands at 1,199 Palestinians killed, including more than 400 children according to UN and Palestinian medical sources....

The Blame Game in Gaza: Covering for Israel, Concealing War Crimes (tags)

Israeli war crimes in Gaza

1/12 Palestine Watch:War and Natural Gas-Israeli Invasion & Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields (tags)

Here's another critical information the reason behind Israeli invasion of Gaza, has been motivated by the Gaza's offshore oilfield. Major oil companies like: BP and CCC are involved....

1/9: Palestine Watch: Israeli War on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Israeli War and Massacre on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call, Senate Pass Pro-Israel Legislation!

U.S. Backed Invasion by Israel (tags)

Shortly after darkness fell on Saturday night, January 3, Israel launched a massive land invasion of Gaza involving 9,000-10,000 soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and heavy artillery, engineering and intelligence forces, with the support of Israel’s Air Force, navy, and secret police and spy agencies. The ground invasion came after Israel, for the first time, unleashed an artillery barrage on Gaza, striking a mosque and killing at least 11 people. By the next day, Israeli forces had reportedly cut Gaza in half, “bisecting” it between north and south.

Global Human Rights Groups Protest Slaughter in Gaza (tags)

Israeli genocide

1/3: Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza, Worldwide Protest Against Invasion (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Worldwide Protest Against Israeli Invasion and Killing at Gaza

Blaming the Victims - The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas (tags)

the blame game

Israel Bloacks UC Prof/UN Rappateur (tags)

Before invading Gaza, Israel made sure to blockade medical supplies and food shipments - and also the UN's independent special rapportuer. Adding the the SHAME!

Zionist Mass Murder: Break the Siege, Defend Gaza! (tags)

At midday on December 27, Israeli warplanes launched a massive bomb attack on the densely populated Gaza Strip. More than 270 Palestinians were killed as wave after wave of U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter jets and Apache helicopters dropped more than 100 bombs. The Israeli military said they were targeting Hamas installations, but numerous civilians were killed, including a number of children, as schools had just let out for lunch. The Zionists' attack on downtown areas was deliberate mass murder. The Israeli slaughter was carried out with the full knowledge and a green light from its imperialist patrons in Washington, as well as U.S. client regimes such as Egypt. The Internationalist Group and League for the Fourth International condemn the Israeli mass murder in Gaza and call for action by the international working class in defense of Gaza and the Palestinian people, including efforts to break the siege.

12/28: Israel launches new wave of Gaza attacks, facing international condemnation (tags)

12/28: Israel launches new wave of Gaza attacks, facing international condemnation, UN call to halt attack

Obama v. Richard Falk on Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

Obama is as hardline as Bush

Let's ask Israel to relinquish its Nukes (tags)

What Israel didn't gain was greater security. "For decades, the occupation has imposed a system of absolute control on the lives of Palestinians that requires them to apply for permits either from the military regime ruling over them, known misleadingly as the Civil Administration, or from the Shin Bet," wrote British journalist Jonathan Cook earlier this year. "Israel has shown time and again that it selectively enforces law and order, depending on the ethnicity of killer and victim."

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.23.08 (tags)

This is not change we can believe in.

Reviewing Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power (tags)

The destructive nexus between Zionism and militarism.

Justice for Yemeni Sheik (tags)

Important Appeals Court decision.


It was Mr. Obama who seemed more aligned with President Bush's current policy of authorizing American special forces to cross the Afghan-Pakistan border into Pakistan's tribal areas that Al Qaeda and the Taliban have used as a sanctuary.

Rallies could help Al Qaeda, says Baluch group (tags)

A Baluch group has written to New York officials it believes a spate of rallies by Pakistanis living in New York actually help the global objectives of Al Qaeda. The solution lies in balkanization of Pakistan and freeing Baluchistan. Picture shows Shazia Khalid, who was raped by a Pakistani army officer Captain Hammad. Pakistanis did nothing about getting her justice, but silenced her and sent her overseas.

Swissair 111,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky,AIPAC Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up (tags)

Morris Talansky the New York rabbi who bribed Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is in danger of being investigated in the U.S.. Rabbi Talansky s far more than a far right wing Jew who resides outside Israel - Talansky is a big investor in ImageSat of the Israeli government's military public company Israel Aeronautics Industry and is sueing it for not selling its satelite images to Hugo Chavez and Venezuela among others in order to increase his stock investment.

Gates gives away everything (tags)

Except the kitchen sink

America's Israeli-Occupied Media (tags)

Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land

US, Israeli Roles in Georgian Crisis Raises Alarms (tags)

Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran.

Francis Boyle's "Palestine Palestinians and International Law" (tags)

Boyle's powerful case for Palestinian self-determination.

Drought and Israeli Policy Threaten West Bank Water Security (tags)

Inadequate West Bank water.

McCain's Speech to AIPAC (tags)

Count the LIES.

The Masada Complex: Bush and Olmert are Exhibit A (tags)

President George W. Biush and Israel’s PM, Ehud Olmert, are setting the stage for a U.S. led attack on Iran. Only a mostly spineless Congress can stop Bush from committing yet another War Crime. Recently, the war-loving duo visited Masada, a desert fortress in Israel, where 960 Jewish zealots committed suicide, in 73 A.D., rather than surrender to Rome’s legions. Are Bush and Olmert both suffering from “The Masada Complex?”

Stop the next war (tags)

"Yet as the years wear on and the facts pointing to the validity of my thesis accumulate, the reality can no longer be ignored. Why, in the name of all that's holy, are we expanding a war that has proven to be such a monumental failure? Why are our leaders ignoring the evaluation of our own National Intelligence Estimate on the question of Iran's nuclear program – which shows that they abandoned their nascent nukes, just as Saddam did – and insisting that Tehran will soon wield a nuclear sword, perhaps against Israel? Why are American politicians defying their own war-weary people and launching a conflict that will doubtless prove even less popular than the one in which we are currently engaged? None of this makes any sense unless we accept the hijacking thesis: U.S. policy is the captive of foreign interests, specifically Israeli interests. We are, all of us, held hostage by the Israel lobby, which has a stranglehold on the political establishment in this country. That's not a "conspiracy theory," because it's no secret: the effort to mold U.S. policy to suit Israeli interests is open to the point of brazenness."

Conscientious Objector Status—Who Should Decide? (tags)

It is a fallacious and legalistic straw man ploy for any society or organization (such as the Department of Defense) to arrogate, as definition, that an individual must oppose “all” war on religious or ethical grounds to be considered a “conscientious objector”. Simply to be “conscientious” means to act from one’s “own” conscience—not from the collective hearsay of any particular group or on legalistic grounds of some corporate presumption. The individual conscience is the moral compass of conscientious authority.

Ramzy Baroud's "The Second Palestinian Intifada" (tags)

The agony continues.

Breaking the Silence - Israeli Soldiers Speak (tags)

They no longer will kill Palestinians

Casilino 900: urgent appeal against the persecution of the Roma in Italy (tags)

The persecution of the Rroms (Roma) in Italy: EveryOne Group and the Committee for the Rights of the Roma of Casilino 900 have launched an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights following a serious humanitarian emergency at the Casilino 900 camp, in Rome.

Human Rights Violations in Israel and Palestine (tags)

Violations in Israel and Palestine

Jonathan Cook's "Blood and Religion" (tags)

Israel's imperial plan.

Israeli Coercion A Form Of Torture (tags)

Israel is not only guilty, then, of Collective Punishment, a War Crime, but of Torture as well.

Commentary: Of yarmulkes and epithets (tags)

Commentary: Of yarmulkes and epithets

Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)

A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.

UN's Assessment of Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Israel's continued oppression in Occupied Palestine.

Bay of Pigs in Gaza: Gaza Crisis Made in USA (tags)

That a scandal of this proportion, which entirely contradicts the perception of the 'crisis' painted by the media, remains relatively unreported and unaddressed - especially in an election cycle - is a testament to the tight control of the Western media, as well as the corruption of both sides of the RepubliCrat Party.

Bay of Pigs in Gaza (tags)

That this scandal remains hidden is a testament to the tight control the Government holds over our media.

The Gaza Bombshell: Crisis Made in USA (tags)

The current crisis in Gaza is entirely the creation of Extremists in the US and Israel, who don't want to end Zionism's expansionist war on the Palestinians. Don't let the media ignore this story ...

Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Orthodox Jews,Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes,Death Threat (tags)

Had Ehud Olmert been involved in Michael Zwebner's multi-million or centi-million dollar swindle in Israel instead of the USA and had he profited from a stock fraud whose money went to harrass and intimidate and threaten the lives of Israeli citizens as he and his 'business' partners have done to Americans and to pay lawyers(with money from UCSY penny stock scam) in an attempt to suppress Americans Constutional rights to free speech and to hire male prostitutes - he may not have gotten off as lightly as his other partner in U.S. penny stock fraud and money laundering,ex Israeli President Moshe Katsav.

9/11:U.S.IRS,SEC,AG Mukasey,Homeland Security Michael Chertoff,Israeli ICTS International (tags)

Who within the U.S. IRS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TERMINATING AN INVESTIGATION INTO TAX EVASION BY THE CRIMINALS OF ICTS INTERATIONAL !? ? ICTS evecutive Menachem Atzmon was even convicted in his own country of Israel for the equivalent of money laundering between Israeli government accounts Ariel Sharon's and his own Likud Party.And then the U.S. government allowed him and his far right Israeli partners to enter the U.S. and set up a stock 'securities' scam on the NASDAQ that defrauded American investors in order to buy Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops corp that conveniently had the contract to guard Boston's Logan Airport PRE 9/11 ! And I presume you know the results of that fiasco !

Jonathan Cook's "Israel and the Clash of Civilisations" (tags)

Israel, Iran, Iraq and the plan to remake the Middle East.

Life in Occupied Gaza (tags)

The current Gaza crisis reviewed.

Urgent petition: Save Sulukule! (tags)

Urgent campaign to save Sulukule (Turkey) and protect the oldest Rrom community in the world.

Save Sulukule! (Rroms in Turkey) (tags)

Urgent campaign to save Sulukule (Turkey) and protect the oldest Rrom community in the world.

Forbes on Wikipedia:Gary Weiss 'Edits' James Dale Davidson's and His Own Biography (tags)

Even Davidson's more recent 'biotech' penny stock scam Pluristem was not added to MantanMoreland's Davidson Wikipedia biography - but with reason - that's why he deleted my Davidson bio contribution in the first place - to censor the subject and facts about Davidson on Wikipedia.Too bad Gary Weiss' boss, Steve Forbes,encourages this type of irresponsible corporate behavior in its employees just as Gary Weiss encourages such behavior in his Wikipedia biographer MantanMoreland ! :



Israel's state-Druze rift (tags)

Israeli Druze close association with the state is increasingly under threat with violent scenes in a Galilee village and protests over land confiscations.

AOL buys Israeli Internet startup (tags)

America Online (AOL) is fighting what many believe to be a losing battle against Google and Yahoo!, but the Internet giant hopes its purchase this week of Israeli startup Yedda will help turn the tide.

Israel Prepares for Nuclear Strike on Iran (tags)

With no alternative but to fight fire with fire, the Israel Air Force is training for a tactical nuclear strike on Iranian nuclear production facilities.

Why Bush Doesn’t Have to Suspend the Constitution! (tags)

President George W. Bush doesn’t have to mimic Pakistan's dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, and suspend the Constitution, since he doesn’t have any opposition. The two major political parties are controlled by the same Wire Pullers. Meanwhile, an “Axis of Zionists,” Michael Mukasey at Justice, Michael Chertoff at Homeland Security and Joshua Bolten at the WH, now have a choke hold on key positions in our government. America is in deep doo-doo!

More Lost Weapons in Iraq (tags)

By all accounts, the businessman, Kassim al-Saffar, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, did well at distributing the Pentagon-supplied weapons from the Baghdad Police Academy armory he managed for a military contractor. But, co-workers say, he also turned the armory into his own private arms bazaar with the seeming approval of some American officials and executives, selling AK-47 assault rifles, Glock pistols and heavy machine guns to anyone with cash in hand — Iraqi militias, South African security guards and even American contractors. “This was the craziest thing in the world,” said John Tisdale, a retired Air Force master sergeant who managed an adjacent warehouse. “They were taking weapons away by the truckload.”

Iraqi guns: Smugglers and bunglers (tags)

With Iraq sliding into civil war amid repeated reports detailing the large-scale loss of US-provided weaponry, questions arise regarding the Pentagon's alleged relationship with international gun runners.

One Million Voices for peace cancelled (tags)

One million Voices for Peace has cancelled the concert for peace, over a year in the planning because of threats to the lives of their Palestinian leadership. Terror wins.

Israeli military aid to Burmese regime: Jane's (tags)

all these zionists and nazis need to be eradicated this time no war trials and allowing of the perps to be split up all the luftwaffe and the department of homeland security people, the bush regime and the usa govt except for 15 or so people need to be eradicated out of hand the death penalty, we have all the lists of these scum at hand now no 5th reich, no zion never ever again they shall be eradicated like rabid dogs all of them b

New Details in Attack on American Spy Ship (tags)

An Israeli military court of inquiry later acknowledged that their naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the odd-looking ship 13 miles off the Sinai Peninsula, sprouting more than 40 antennas capable of receiving every kind of radio transmission, was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy," a floating electronic vacuum cleaner. The Israeli inquiry later concluded that that information had simply gotten lost, never passed along to the ground controllers who directed the air attack nor to the crews of the three Israeli torpedo boats who picked up where the air force left off, strafing the Liberty's decks with their machine guns and launching a torpedo that blew a 39-foot hole in its starboard side.

Edwards Veers Hard Right, Supports Escalating Middle East Conflicts (tags)

“As to the American people, this is a difficult question. The vast majority of people are concerned about what is going on in Iraq. This will make the American people reticent toward going for Iran. But I think the American people are smart if they are told the truth, and if they trust their president. So Americans can be educated to come along with what needs to be done with Iran.” - John Edwards “Educated” Or Brainwashed?

9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud (tags)

And it was probably not fear of right wing El Salvador death squads that led the parents of Markos Moulitsas Zúniga to the U.S. at the time of his birth,as was the case of most poor Salvadorans fleeing for their lives from the right wing death squads of the regimes the U.S. and Ollie North and Kos' future employer the CIA were backing.They probably just wished to give him U.S. citizenship and a chance to join this right wing 'elite'.

"Unrecognized" Palestinians (tags)

How Israel discriminates against its non-Jewish citizens.

Colombia, Israel and rogue mercenaries (tags)

Earlier this year, Klein's Colombian shenanigans attracted the attention of Interpol, which on 3 April responded to a Colombian request and issued an international arrest warrant for Klein and Israeli nationals Melnik Ferri and Tzedaka Abraham, with the warrants alleging that the trio was involved in criminal conspiracy and instruction in terrorism.

Ex-Mossad chief+German uberspy+top-dollar GOP lobbyists = Kurds snag 15 tons of $100 bills (tags)

During Saddam Hussein’s rein, the Oil-for-Food “revenue was spent in Arab parts of Iraq but not in Kurdistan,” according to the Los Angeles Times. “Kurdistan’s share of the fund was set at 13%. At least $4 billion accrued in Kurdistan’s name, Kurdish officials say, and some contend that the amount could be as much as $5.5 billion.” The paper reported that in late June 2004, just five days before he turned Iraq back over to domestic rule and flew out of Iraq, then-top US official in Iraq Paul Bremer ordered the transfer by three U.S. military helicopters of $1.4 billion in 100 dollar bills to Kurdistan—his calculation of the Kurds’ share of Oil-for-Food funds; but the Kurds and their advocates believe they are owed a few billion more. It was so much cash—15 tons’ worth—the paper further reported, that no bank could be found in which to deposit it.

Edwards Veers Hard Right, Supports Escalating Middle East Conflicts (tags)

During a speech at the Herzliya Conference, a major international gathering dedicated to Israeli security and diplomatic issues, Edwards stuck to his hawkish positions on Iran.”—The Jewish Daily/Forward John Edwards promised to be a progressive candidate, but he now appears to be a devotee of the Democratic Leadership Council who is obviously under the heady ether of the Israel Lobby.

America Used UN Veto to Protect Israeli War Crimes – 24 Times! (tags)

Since the sixties, Israeli Jews have ruthlessly raped, butchered and murdered their way through large chunks of Palestine and the Lebanon; have acquired thousands of weapons of mass destruction, and openly shown their utter contempt for international law, by openly bragging about the “New Israel” planned to stretch eastwards to the Euphrates and thus encompass Iraq’s oilfields. Because of immunity from international prosecution afforded by perpetual American vetos at the United Nations Security Council, Israeli Jewish terrorists have become emboldened in their attacks, to the point where their excesses have sickened most of the civilized world.

US escalates ME arms race (tags)

US military package for allied Middle East states is designed to create a de facto Sunni Arab front against Iran as the region slips deeper into crisis.

High noon for Israel's political gunslinger (tags)

Russian-Israeli billionaire Arcadi Gaydamak will succeed both in whitewashing his dubious past and emerging as a political kingmaker in the next Israeli elections.

WTC,9/11,Logan,Boston,Israeli ICTS 'Security'Trials:Judge Alvin Hellerstein Cover Up (tags)

You find below onlinejournal investigative reporter Jerry Mazza's take on this ongoing legal saga that has been dragging along for years,(when did 9/11 happen again ?),and proof that the 9/11 Commission NEVER began much less completed the task of a credible 9/11 investigation.

Remembering the USS Liberty: Four Decades Later (tags)

On June 8, 1967, the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 Americans. They insist it was an “accident.” Lt. James M. Ennes, Jr., a Liberty veteran and an author, said it was “deliberate.” A book, “Operation Cyanide,” claims the attack was a set up to blame the Egyptians and bring the U.S. into the 1967 Six Day War on the side of Israel. Will the U.S. Congress do the Liberty justice? Lt. Ennes doubts it, but he adds: “We can’t stop asking for it.”

U.S., Israel Negotiate New Aid Package (tags)

"Danny Ayalon, who served as Israel’s ambassador to the United States until November, said Israel was hoping to seal a new 10-year deal before the end of President George W. Bush’s mandate in January, 2009."

How to get out of Iraq for just $450 million (tags)

If Nancy Pelosi and Congress really want the war to end and U.S. personnel to leave Iraq, it doesn't have to cost $100 billion or even $10 billion. For just $450 million, Congress could hire U.S. airlines to fly all U.S. troops (and contractors) home for good, in time to enjoy summer with their families.

George W Bush: Flight from Reality (tags)

The doctrine of answering every defeat in Iraq with a new offensive is a grave mistake, worse than in Vietnam.. The battle between the executive and the legislture has begun.

The Zell[ing] Out of the Baltimore Sun (tags)

Sam Zell, a multibillionaire and “committed Zionist,” will soon gain control of the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Baltimore Sun, and 23 TV stations. Zell, an AIPAC supporter, has promised he won’t interfere with the news sections of any of the media outlets. I think he’s another Mortimer B. Zuckerman of the NY Daily News, who pushed for the Iraqi War. America--prepare for a “Dark Age!”

The ghosts of Deir Yassin (tags)

U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud (tags)

Sam Fox would be an economic,political and social parasite by any other name but to place him as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium after the W Bush Regime's SWIFT financial spying scandal by ex Treasury Secretary John Snow and the U.S. CIA in Belgium is a lot like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.

Shaikh Ahamed Yassin Assassination, The Three-Year Anniversary (tags)

In Brussels, the European Union condemned Israel's "extra-judicial killing" as illegal and likely to further inflame violence.

Israel, U.S. hold large-scale Nuke Terror Drill March 21st (tags)

JERUSALEM: Israel and the U.S. are conducting a large-scale missile defense exercise aimed at combining their systems, American and Israeli officials said Sunday, as both countries warn that Iran could obtain nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. The operation, code-named "Juniper Cobra," is taking place in the Negev desert in southern Israel with thousands of American and Israeli troops. Both sides described the timing as routine, denying a direct connection to the Iran threat.

Gay Arab activists in Israel forge ahead with plans for a rare public conference (tags)

A rare gathering of openly gay Arab activists is slated to be held in Israel this month, drawing the ire of religious conservatives. Headlined "Home and Exile," the March 28 meeting is meant to spark discussion of homosexuality among Israel's 1 million Arab citizens, said Roula Deeb, a prominent Arab feminist and one of the scheduled speakers.

Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court (tags)

Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis.

American Congress: Failed Institution (tags)

Democrats have failed the American people (and civilised world) by allowing the lunatic U.S. President to re-introduce nuclear warfare in an already unstable world. Two extremely disturbing indications from Bush’s ‘new strategy’ spell madness in the clearest possible terms but the Democrats have made it clear, they will adopt the role of spectator, satisfying themselves with an ‘I told you so’ attitude AFTER the calamitous event. The non-interventionist attitude of the Democrats confirms INCOMPETENCE as a malaise that extends throughout the entire body of government in the USA. Any government that would plunge the world into a future holocaust earns for itself the status of nuclear target – where does it end? The only two nations likely to utilise nuclear weapons today are Israel and the United States, as has clearly been indicated by Bush and his echo, Condoleezza Rice, in their recent address:

Israel's Extremists Plotting Nuclear Strike (tags)

Las claves de la negociación Palestina (tags)

Israel en un callejón sin salida

Journey to Beit Harun, After the Rain of Death (tags)

This is Islam al-Atamna. A girl of 14. She is sitting in her black mourning clothes. Eight close relatives - including her mother, grandparents, uncles and aunts - were all killed before her eyes, one after the other. They were killed in the street after they awoke at home in horror at the sound of the first shell that exploded and then fled outdoors, where the next shells caught them. About 11 fell on a residential neighborhood, one shell a minute, a rain of death, pursuing them in their flight. Fatherless for some time already, the girl is left alone in the world with her two little sisters and her 3-year-old brother Abdullah, whose legs were severed and who is hospitalized in the Al-Hilal Hospital in Gaza.



From Israel: Stop the Siege – Stop the War! - Join Our International Campaign (tags)

A month of protest: November 4 – December 2, 2006

The Coming World War (tags)

US officials spoke of the necessity of a new world war right after Sept 11, 2001.. Perhaps permanent disorder is central, not a new order in the world.. Do they only want to fill their pockets by setting the whole world on fire?

Border fence could spell environmental disaster (tags)

Border fence could spell environmental disaster

Lie Less in Gaza: An Open Letter to Jeremy Bowen (tags)

Above Bush House, the maxim still reads: Nation shall speak peace unto nation. In Gaza, one nation is illegally occupying another, claiming that there is no-one to speak peace to after having arrested those who tried to speak peace to it. When the BBC ignores stories that challenge their narrative, it colludes in speaking lies to the world.

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

How did we sink so low in 6 years? (tags)

How did we sink so low in 6 years?

Earth may be at warmest point in million years (tags)

Earth may be at warmest point in million years

How Israel is Engineering the "Clash of Civilizations" (tags)

The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002.

Israeli Diplomat Carrying Large Quantity Of Explosives Arrested In Argentina (tags)

Another Israeli false-flag "terror" plot is uncovered in Buenos Aires. This is the extreme zionists will go to to manipulate the world into supporting Israel. On a positive note, public awareness of their criminal insanity is growing geometrically

What Made Israel Burn Lebanon, Again? (tags)

What made Israel burn Lebanon again? The decision to go to war hurled Israel's economy into a wall, smashed the deterrent' power of the country's army, plunged its northern population into misery, and magnified the hatred felt towards it in the region - all without achieving Tel Aviv's stated goals.

Kevin Zeese: “It’s Time to Try Diplomacy in Middle East!” (tags)

Since the end of WWII, the U.S. policy in the Middle East has created only “more anger-more hatred for our county,” said Kevin Zeese. Speaking on 09/13/06, at the Palestine Center, in D.C., Zeese ripped the Bush-Cheney Gang for giving Israel the “green light” to terrorize Lebanon for 33-days. Zeese also took it to task for abandoning the Palestinians and for its hostile attitude towards Iran. “It’s time to try diplomacy in the Middle East,” he said.

The Middle East : Lethal Legacy. (tags)

'You do not die because you are created or because you have a body, you die because you are the future.'

The Coming Collapse of Zionism (tags)

The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea

The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea: The Coming Collapse of Zionism (tags)

s it only observers outside the conventional mainstream who have noticed that by its murderous assault on Lebanon and simultaneously on Gaza, Israel finally exposed, for even the most deluded to see, the total bankruptcy of its very founding idea?

My Virulent Anti-Semitism (and theirs) (tags)

No justice, no peace...

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

The First Post-Zionist War (tags)

The great lapse, then, is a function of the fact that Israel is caught between two worlds. Still guided by the Zionist model, it refuses to resolve the conflicts with its neighbors. But guided by post-Zionism, it refuses to maintain the welfare state, which aimed for the kind of Jewish solidarity that was needed to wage those conflicts.

Congressman Kucinich Returns From Southern Lebanon With Message of Peace (tags)

"We do not hate America. We love the American people. We do not like what your government does. Please tell the American people that we are not terrorists. We do not hate Israel. We want to be safe in our village. We want to be left alone. We want peace."

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

US administration rejects Iran’s offer of “serious negotiations” (tags)

The Bush administration yesterday signalled its rejection of Iran’s offer of “serious negotiations,” setting the stage for punitive economic sanctions and an escalating confrontation with Tehran.

¡Ni un solo casco azul al Líbano! (tags)

La guerra de Israel en el Líbano tiene varios aspectos. Algunos corresponden a la política de Israel con respecto a su territorio, otros a la política imperialista estadounidense en Medio Oriente de la cual Israel es su instrumento fundamental, más allá vemos la constante inestabilidad de un país como el Líbano y de una población como la palestinense, indomable frente a los diversos Estados del área en la cual sobrevive separada y prófuga, pero incapaz históricamente de emanciparse de la opresión nacional impuesta desde hace un siglo, primero por el colonialismo inglés y, luego, por el sionismo.

The Thirty Three Day War: From Mania to Depression (tags)

Uri Avnery is an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. He is one of the writers featured in The Other Israel: Voices of Dissent and Refusal. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's hot new book The Politics of Anti-Semitism. He can be reached at:

El cuño mediático de la guerra (tags)

¿Cuántas veces hemos oído o leído afirmaciones que aunque sean totalmente falsas, gracias a su repetición, se fijan como verdaderos imanes, como reales en la mente de muchas personas? Se trata —no quepa duda— de la esencia del poder mediático en manos de los poderosos y empleados por estos para imponer su hegemonía.


It's after 2 a.m. in the morning, my deadline is tomorrow, and I have been beaten up by the local police and my right elbow is sorely hurting, but I need to write down exactly what happened to me today before I go to sleep. Otherwise I will forget important details. I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a Tazer-like gun in my front yard before my wife and children, and then abused for 6 hours by the ADL-trained local police. I have every reason to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 9/11. I have been threatened before in my career as a journalist, but this is the first time I have been intentionally beaten and abused – by the cops.

A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)

A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.

Incompetent UN Resolution Draft (tags)

When the war criminals George W Bush and Tony Blair howl like wolves in the choir, that is a prelude to shooting.. State terrorism becomes international policy..The UN only seems to be used for legitimation.

Rogue Israeli State Protested at White House Rally (tags)

What are people of conscience suppose to do in response to the unspeakable acts of barbarism being perpetrated daily by Israel? In America, they can still go out on the streets and protest. This is what happened on Sat., Aug. 12, 2006, in Washington, D.C. A rally at Lafayette Park, near the White House, organized by Arab-Americans, protested the relentless terror bombing of innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).

Hizbullah, Zionism and the Ideology of late Imperial America (tags)

Awakening the Resistance

Israeli Intellectuals Love the War (tags)

Dedicated to the too few Israeli intellectuals who do dare speak out against this war.


Please copy, e-mail, re-post and distribute this as widely as possible. Also for those without Internet access.

Cease-Fire Now! Take Emergency Action (tags)

A Joint Call from United for Peace and Justice & the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Qana Victims Killed by Israel with U.S. Weapons Demand that Congress Support Cease-Fire Resolutions and End Weapons Deliveries to Israel Now! THIS WEEK: Call Congress and the White House Every Day NEXT WEEK: Emergency Week of Action, Aug. 7-11

ACTION ALERT! stop the war crimess!! (tags)

* Tell your representatives that you support an end to aid to apartheid Israel until it learns to live in peace with its neighbors. The events taking place now did not occur in a vacuum. Israel occupied Lebanon in the early 1980’s and imprisoned thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian nationals. This is merely a continuation of that conflict.

Why Lebanon? Think OIL, water, pipelines, and profits. (tags)

Why a war on Lebanon? Why now? A new article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky suggests it's about oil, water and pipeline routes, and offers insight into the war's impending expansion. The U.S. and Israel aren't the only nations with interests in this game. Other players appear to include the U.K., France, and Italy.

Qana Massacre Protested at State Department Rally (tags)

As a result of the Israeli massacre of 56 civilians, mostly children, in the village of Qana, in Lebanon, a protest action was held in front of the State Department in Washington, D.C. on Monday, 07/31/06. The activists were there to protest the massacre and to demand an immediate ceasefire. Noura Erakat said, “Israel needs to be held accountable for its murders.” Four of the demonstrators were arrested in an act of civil disobedience.

Israel = Baby Killers Using Racism to Hide Their Crimes (tags)

This post is in response to the racist Zionist propaganda posted earlier which is emblematic of Israeli racism against the Lebanese and Arabic people who have been slaughtered by the Nazi-like aggression of Israel. Its sad the depths these aggressors will sink to to defend their crimes against humanity, whether its dehumanizing Palestinians to taken their land, or Lebanese to taken theirs. And the indications starting to seep out of Israel is that not all of the Israeli population shares in this internalized racism and anti-semitism. Anti-semitism also describes racism against Arabs as well as Jews, by the way.

Some Courageious Thinking People in Israel (tags)

We wanted to protest the foolishness of this war," attorney Yifat Solel, who also serves on the Meretz board of directors, told Haaretz. "It's obvious that a military operation would cause the harming of innocents, and that the most significant achievement would be reached only through diplomatic negotiations."

Israel massacres 56 civilians - 34 of them children (tags)

Photo: A civil defense worker carries the body of Lebanese child recovered from the rubble of a demolished building at the village of Qana, Sunday, July 30, 2006. Israeli missiles killed 56 civilians... at least 34 of them children. AP Photo/Nasser Nasser

Israeli strikes may boost Hizbullah base (tags)

Hizbullah support tops 80 percent among Lebanese factions.



Rice's Fallacy (tags)

What if Israel can't win militarily?

Israel’s New Math 2 = 500,000 (tags)

This is obviously the outcome of the newly emerged Hebraic arithmetic laws. For 2 kidnapped Israeli soldiers who are still kept alive, 500,000 innocent Lebanese civilians are displaced. For 2 abducted Israeli soldiers, Lebanon, a sovereign state, is brought back down on its knees. Its civil infrastructure is ‘gone’. Some of its capital’s residential quarters and southern villages are already wiped out. Indeed, ‘two equals half a million’ is the new arithmetic the Israelis insist upon imposing on the region. Is it that surprising? Not at all, as predicted by Gershon Sholem already in the 1930’s: once the Jews start to speak Hebrew, it won’t take long before they consider themselves to be God. In the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah were "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven" (Genesis 13:13; 18:20; 19:24, 29; Hosea 11:8). The two towns where erased by God for the sins of its inhabitants. In the Biblical narrative (Genesis 18), God informs Abraham that he intends upon demolishing the city of Sodom because of its gross immorality. Abraham pleads with God not to do it. God is willing to agree as long as there were 50 righteous people in town, then 45, then 30, 20, or even just 10 decent people.

Lebanese towns desolated by the bombings of Israel. (tags)

I THROW, 28 of julio..La Israeli aviation bombarded 130 targets in the dawn of this Friday, while the night it was marked by the attacks of the marine one and the Zionist artillery, in a destruction combination and death that it desolated whole towns.

Israel’s Barbarism in Lebanon/Gaza Protested (tags)

On July 25, 2006, a spirited rally was held in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. The protesters demanded an end to Israel’s murderous attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. The rally was preceded by a march through the neighborhood, which included the protesters carrying 50 coffins draped in black. The coffins symbolized the innocent Lebanese and Palestinians, who have been slaughtered in the latest war crimes committed by Zionist Israel.

Targeted Arson (tags)

The dominant policy only knows the language of violence. Whoever tries solving problems with violence only produces more violence.. A war against terror is not waged. This is a war against a whole people.

Estados Unidos: siempre al lado de Israel (tags)

Redacción Central, 24 jul (PL) La negativa de Estados Unidos a promover el cese al fuego en la agresión israelí contra Líbano y la entrega de bombas de alta precisión a Tel Aviv corroboran la complicidad de Washington en la embestida bélica.

Israel bans reporting of use of "unique" weapons in Lebanon (tags)

Unfortunately, they don't ban the use of the weapons themselves - even if international law has. If I were the one comitting War Crimes, I wouldn't want people talking about them either.

Israel’s Indiscriminate Onslaughts (tags)

Targeting Civilians As Deliberate Strategy

Un nuevo crimen del imperialismo (tags)

Vivimos tiempos difíciles, cuando la humanidad se despierta cada mañana es para presenciar nuevos horrores, porque la única superpotencia, los Estados Unidos de América, ataca otra vez para imponer sus egoístas intereses en todos los rincones del planeta.

Estados Unidos: siempre al lado de Israel (tags)

La negativa de Estados Unidos a promover el cese al fuego en la agresión israelí contra Líbano y la entrega de bombas de alta precisión a Tel Aviv corroboran la complicidad de Washington en la embestida bélica.

Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need To Know (tags)

A perilous excursion into the distant past, starting seven whole weeks ago

American rushing bombs to Israel to help murder people in Lebanon (tags)

Makes you proud to be an Amerikan! Amerika the worlds number 1 terrorist!!!!! We're #1!! Heil Bush!!

Slow Motion Diplomacy: Rice and Matza Balls (tags)

Condoleezza Rice (finally) announced that she would visit the war torn Middle East in the near future – let’s not rush to the assistance of innocent civilians and perhaps even prevent a humanitarian disaster! Rice also dismissed any hope of brokering an immediate cease-fire. She added that negotiating a cease-fire would be counter-productive at present! The international community has noted America’s lethargy and unwillingness to act in the present circumstances. The world is aware however that Israel would not have pursued its present hostile course without consent from Washington; Rice’s inaction and firm dismissal of any hope of a brokered cease-fire spells very clearly the relationship between Washington and Tel Aviv.

Lebanon’s Expendable People (tags)

''We get no sense of rage in Israel’s behavior, just the calculated savagery of men who see their duty as systematically decapitating an entire civilization and leaving it in ruins.''

Is Israel Using Arab Villages as Human Shields? (tags)

Notes from northern Israel

¡Detengamos la ofensiva israelí sobre Palestina y el Líbano! (tags)

Pero, el elemento que puede alterar significativamente la relación de fuerzas y hacer fracasar los planes del Estado Mayor más poderoso, como es el Ejército sionista, es el hecho de que una intensificación aún mayor de su ofensiva en el Líbano puede incitar a la movilización de las masas de Medio Oriente, que durante semanas vienen viendo los bombardeos, el sitio y el castigo colectivo a que son sometidas las masas palestinas en Gaza, lo que ha incrementado el odio y el ánimo de venganza hacia el Estado sionista. También, aunque todavía en forma muy minoritaria, comienza a despertar al movimiento pacifista israelí, cuestión que puede crecer si siguen los costos no sólo sufridos por su ejército (formado en buena medida por soldados conscriptos) sino también por la población civil, si el gobierno israelí no logra detener rápidamente los bombardeos de misiles sobre sus centros poblados.

Hillary Clinton celebrates Israeli war crimes (tags)

The speech given by New York’s Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton to a rally staged by Zionist organizations Monday across from the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan amounted to a celebration of massacres and war crimes. Her remarks left no doubt that a vote for Clinton in November is a vote not only to continue the US war in Iraq, but to expand and intensify the slaughter throughout the region.

Hostages and history (tags)

Soon after the start of the second Palestinian intifada in September 2000, Hizbullah abducted a former Israeli colonel from inside Israel. Following tortuous negotiations, in January 2004 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon exchanged 436 Lebanese prisoners and 59 corpses of Lebanese soldiers for one Israeli hostage and three corpses of Israeli soldiers. At the last minute Sharon held back three prominent Lebanese detainees. Since then Hizbullah has talked about getting them released by abducting Israeli soldiers. A recent poll showed that more Lebanese were interested in their release than settling the dispute about the Shebaa Farm with Israel.

50 Things I've Learned About Israeli Propaganda, the U.S., and Zionism as White Supremacy (tags)

In response to the Zionist malarky posted earlier.

7 Canadians killed by Israeli air strike in Lebanon (tags)

The Israeli militarists have killed 7 Canadians in an air strike on Tyre, Lebanon, July 16, 2006. ( Reuters photo showing Lebanese civilians who were wounded from an Israeli aircraft strike on Tyre, Lebanon, July 16, 2006. - photo REUTERS/Elie Abou Faysal. )

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

Stop Terror at Its Source (tags)

New study predicts Jews will outnumber Arabs by 2:1 in 20 yrs (tags)

A new study recently presented to the United States Congress found Jewish birthrates are far outstripping Palestinian rates, and Israel's own statistics fail to account for even low levels of Jewish immigration when calculating national demographic trends. Alarming Palestinian birthrates claimed by the PA and quoted by Olmert are greatly exaggerated.

Israel’s first Bedouin envoy (tags)

Ismail Khaldi used to be a shepherd; now he’s been appointed Israeli consul in San Francisco

Crushed by Gate of Occupation (tags)

Rafeda Thaer, a three-year-old Palestinian girl killed at an Israeli checkpoint. “During 2005 some of the world’s most powerful governments were successfully challenged, their hypocrisy exposed by the media, their arguments rejected by courts of law, their repressive tactics resisted by human rights activists.” Sam Bahour writing from El-Bireh, Occupied Palestine, Live from Palestine

Beyond Entertainment: How Roger Waters Has Influenced Other Artists To Take A Stand (tags)

Roger Waters is an example of an artist who has taken a stand against injustice. His work has influenced others in music, film and other forms of creative expression.

Occupation is unilateral (tags)

From the early 1990s, the Israeli occupation has had but one goal: the complete destruction of the Palestinian national cause, writes Gabriela Becker*

Is Abbas a Traitor? (tags)

“Any Palestinian that is not focused first and foremost on defending the land and people against Israel's escalating aggression and colonialism, and prefers instead to fight for scraps from the master's table, is truly working against Palestinian interests, and against any possibility of a peaceful settlement.” - Hasan Abu Nimah, former representative of Jordan at the United Nations.


Before Israel became a state in 1948, Jews world-wide were filled with the Zionist propaganda that Israel would be a homeland for all Jews, a refuge for persecuted Jews, a truly democratic country, and the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

Adherents of Zionism believed that the Jewish people had an inherent and inalienable right to Palestine. Religious Zionists stated this in biblical terms, referring to the divine promise of the land to the tribes of Israel. Secular Zionists relied more on the argument that Palestine alone could solve the problem of Jewish dispersion and virulent anti-Semitism. Weizmann stated in 1930 that the needs of 16 million Jews had to be balanced against those of 1 million Palestinian Arabs: "The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate have definitely lifted [Palestine] out of the context of the Middle East and linked it up with the world-wide Jewish problem....The rights which the Jewish people has been adjudged in Palestine do not depend on the consent, and cannot be subjected to the will, of the majority of its present inhabitants." This perspective took its most extreme form with the Revisionist movement. Its founder, Vladimir Jabotinsky, was so self-righteous about the Zionist cause that he justified any actions taken against the Arabs in order to realize Zionist goals.

Bombs on Iran (tags)

The US still needs Iran as a stabilizer in the Shiite sector of Iraq.. The most important war objective in this first phase is maximization of the acceptance of war.. Be skeptical toward all war reports. Go the distance. Keep away from all war hysteria.


It reviews recent events and opinion polls in Israel.

Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)

"From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks".

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) · IOF shot dead a Palestinian woman the West Bank and extra-judicially executed a Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip. · Two Palestinians were extra-judicially executed by IOF in Bethlehem. · 17 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, were wounded by IOF gunfire. ·

Carta del comisario Maigret a Charo la prostituta. La moral de César (tags)

El comisario Maigret responde a la denuncia de Charo, la pareja prostituta del detective Carvalho, al objeto de mostrar que la intervención de la última en la lista de debate que denuncia la conspiración de los medios franceses de comunicación para trastocar los conceptos de Estado Nación y de ciudadanía abre una alternativa fundamental en la lucha de los efectos de aquella en la exclusión de los otros y de nosotros mismos, que nos impone, a juicio del comisario , la actualidad francesa de los últimos días.

Terrorism cannot be fought everywhere but Palestine (tags)

Tashbih Sayyed, Ph.D. is editor-in-chief of Pakistan Today and Muslim World Today, California-based weekly newspapers, president of Council for Democracy and Tolerance and adjunct fellow of Hudson Institute.

TEL AVIV, Israel (STNC) (tags)

A suicide bombing that killed nine people Monday at an Israeli Resturant provoked conflicting responses from Palestinian leaders.

Becky Johnson of Santa Cruz: A Spy in Our Midst! (tags)

Local Santa Cruz So-Called Homeless Advocate, Is Actually A Right-Wing Spy And Defender Of A Child's Murder!

The problem with Israel. (tags)

Its problems are becoming our problems.

Hezbollah Profiting From African Diamonds (tags)

Smash Hizbollah! Bomb Lebanon!

Scott's News Blog (3/15/06) (tags)

DynCorp may replace cops in St. Bernard parish

A World Lit by Energy Warfare (tags)

...What "Mission Accomplished" in reality achieved was an intractable quagmire of bloodletting and a nightmarish prospect of global conflict...

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? (tags)

The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/02/06) (tags)

Death of an Iraqi professor

AIPAC, (the lobby that really runs your govt.) TO MEET IN WASHINGTON March 5-7, 2006: (tags)


My Personal Experience With the Israeli Occupation (tags)

The following is Khalid Amayreh's account of his life lived under Israel's "dehumanizing miltary occupation." Khalid's story is harrowing and, in his own words the occupation is "perpetual misery, torment, persecution, enslavement, and dehumanization." His frustration is that he can not fully communicate "the full extent of [its]enduring evil."

Israeli President Moshe Katzav aids massive penny stock fraud,possible money laundering (tags)

One can say of Saddam Hussein what they wish but to my knowledge Mr.Hussein never aided a penny stock fraud of a mafia connected con artist who may well be responsible for tens of millions of dollars if not well over $100,000,000 + in frauds against Americans caught up in his penny stock scams over the years. Israeli President Moshe Katzav gets credit for that....


An account of Israeli oppression against the Palestinian people

A Brutal Police Riot in Israel (tags)

It looks at the recent Police Riot in Israel.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/21/06) (tags)

Washington uses New Orleans to push for dismantling of public education.

Things I Wish I Had Not Said In Public: (tags)

Why Israel cannot be trusted.

Fanatic Netanyahu stands waiting with a bomb for Iran (tags)

"Netanyahu has the inside track on winning the election and forming the government - by a narrow margin. One of the more likely outcomes is that voters who would have gone with Sharon to Kadima will be less likely to support Olmert. They will come home to Likud," said Gerald Steinberg, a professor of political studies at Bar Ilan University near Tel Aviv.

Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran (tags)

Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran

Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)

Can real peace ever be achieved with a legacy as dark as these? “…From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” - Jesus

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/14/05) (tags)

Oliver Stone's 9/11 movie won't show planes striking the WTC.

Israel plans demolition of tens of Palestinian homes in Ramle (tags)

Occupied Jerusalem - The Zionist government in Tel Aviv has recently sanctioned the demolition of dozens of Palestinian homes in the city of Ramle (occupied in 1948) at the usual excuse of lack of construction permit

detecting terrorism by observing movements of the rich (tags)

detecting terrorism against yourself and your loved ones by observing movements of the rich

AntiMcDonald's Daze in Israel 2005 (tags)

A report on actions carried out against McDonald's in Israel during the 16th of October International day of Protest Against McDonald's

Most favored religion bill Must be stopped (tags)


Researcher Sometimes referred to as the “Hate Bill”, Senate number S.1145, if passed will bring TYRANNY to America. President Bush (reacting to Mrs. Mier’s nomination) had the audacity to say, it matters not what the American people think, it matters what Congress does. Please cut and past this letter and send it to your Senators. A closer look at the Bill shows it would end political dissent, and makes jail a possibility for others with different religious beliefs.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/11/05) (tags)

"Al Qaeda" places jobs ads on Internet.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/10/05) (tags)

It's time to take seriously a US-led global recession.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/8/05) (tags)

"Al Qaeda consists of at most a couple of thousand fanatics."

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/7/05) (tags)

Florida city considers eminent domain against poor, Black, coastal community.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/6/05) (tags)

Congress seeks to slash food aid for poor.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/5/05) (tags)

Killer flu recreated in the lab.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/4/05) (tags)

Louisiana ecological harm called unprecedented.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/3/05) (tags)

GOP proposal increases Pentagon surveillance over US citizens.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/1/05) (tags)

New Orleans prisoners left to drown after Katrina struck.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/30/05) (tags)

The unfeasibility of rebuilding New Orleans.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/29/05) (tags)

Arctic ice "disappearing fast".

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/28/05) (tags)

25 questions about the murder of New Orleans.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/27/05) (tags)

Israel pushing Palestinians out of Jerusalem.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/26/05) (tags)

Bush urges larger role for military

British prison break and blown covert operation, exposes "war on terrorism" lie (tags)

Here is some information on what’s going on in our world plus a website ( at the end you can go to participate in the exciting work of some young people engaged in resisting the “madness.” Be there with them November 2. Cause “the world can’t wait!”

Why is the Federal Government destroying National Security ? (tags)

Federal officials are more responsive to foreign interests than to American citizens ! The President believes in unprotected borders. The Congress aids foreign governments. The Supreme Court evicts private citizens from their property to enrich foreign private profiteers. WHY?

jesus is satan (tags)

...other than the Israel Defense Forces, America's Christian Zionists may be the Jewish state's ultimate strategic asset.

Queeruption 9 in Tel Aviv (tags)

You are invited to the 9th Queeruption in Tel-Aviv, August 2006! PLEASE HELP SPREADING THIS INVITATION. Se incluye texto en espanol.

Oil rich Mauritania: Coup against the US and Israel? (tags)

The US gov't continues to deal with the old President of Mauritania: the oncoming clash is another guerilla war in Africa. Which like many other continents has been 'robbed blind', but is blamed for not being able to see!

Reactionary terror continues in Lebanon (tags)

Bombings and assassinations continue in Lebanon. The latest victim of this wave of terror was the 67-year old George Hawi, who was killed when a bomb detonated in his car; the former leader of the Lebanese Communist Party lost his life on June 21st, only a day after the so-called “anti-Syrian bloc” claimed victory in the parliamentary elections.

Tempest in Santa Fe: Confronting Israeli Myth-Making (tags)

Propagandists on behalf of Israel have held a corner on public discourse about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for the nearly six decades of Israel’s existence, but these purveyors of the Israeli line have become increasingly deceptive and malign -- and increasingly effective – with time.

Who is the REAL nuclear threat? (tags)

The real nuclear threat is Israel. The Talmudic Zionists Jew pulled off 911 with high US offical Zionist help, both NORAD, plus FEMA, plus Pentagon, Plus Bush and administrative allies, and sold you the Moslems did it. Who else would benifinit from the Iraq fiasco? They were hoping to get Israel cheap oil and US world hegdemony.

Museums warned about Bible-era fakes (tags)

Bible-era relics were forged. If this really happened, it would be very interresting to find out about the amount of forgery among the current relics that are used to authenticate and essentially promote the modern day understanding of Christianity.

Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 911 (tags)

I think this is a nice summary of the criminals in charge. And some interesting points I didn't know like:

BTL:Peace Process Bound to Fail if Israel Expands West Bank Settlements (tags)

Interview with Dr. Jeff Halper, coordinating director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Israeli Report Condemns Support for Settlement Outposts (tags)

Withheld until now, the report was written under American pressure and finished in early January. It accuses the government of Mr. Sharon and previous Israeli governments of "blatant violations of the law" and complicity in helping settlers construct illegal outposts in violation of stated Israeli government policy.


"Israel Orbach delivered a fiery eulogy, [*PROUDLY*] explaining that he had served in the same unit as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon[!!!] and Mossad chief Meir Dagan[!!!]."


READ!: Black Jews rejected in "the Promised Land of milk and honey" -- "the light unto the world": Israel.

"BLACK/ETHIOPIAN JEWS REJECT ISRAELI SOCIETY -- as it has rejected them!" (tags)

READ!: Black Jews rejected in "the Promised Land of milk and honey" -- "the light unto the world": Israel.

The Truth About Killing Palestinian Children (tags)

The vast differences in the news about murdered Palestinian schoolchildren With little or no responsibility from US mainstream medias to corroborate truth.

Tsunami Global Vigil for the Global Village (tags)

Global Vigils will take place on Sunday, 9 January, Monday, 10 January and Wednesday, 26 January 2005 in cities across the planet. The earthquake and tsunami hit Asia on Sunday December 26th, 2004. We did not mourn immediately because we knew so little. Soon, a fuller understanding of what happened crossed our consciousness. We realised that the earthquake and tsunami HAD hit Asia – but it had also hit the whole world.

Arresting Vanunu While Burying Arafat (tags)

"Mr. Vanunu, who is a Christian and who claims his faith profoundly directed and sustained him during the worse of his imprisonment, gives much credit to the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ."

Open letter (tags)

Open letter to the citizens of the United States of America. Never in the history of humankind has an election had so much at stake.


Maybe they did and maybe they didn't. But the idea that an Israeli owned company had inside access to the airport used to launch an abortive terror attack brought to mind the strange message Odigo Systems, another Israeli owned company with offices near the World Trade Towers, received that warned of the impending attacks before the hijacked planes had even left the ground.

Anniversary of the Assassination of Folke Bernadotte af Wisborg: September 17 1948 (tags)

Count Folke Bernadotte, special UN Mediator to Mid East ...responsibile for saving 20,000 Jews from Himmler was assassinated this day, September 17 1948. The man directly responsible for his death, Nathan Friedman-Yellin was sentenced, pardoned after 5 months and was allowed to serve on Knesset


Vanunu Not Yet Free


Will the Green Party become Zionist-occupied territory too? It will if Gerald A. Gerash of the L.A. Green Party has anything to do with it -- complete with Zionist mudslinging and character assassination against anyone who ever dares to criticize Israel or its ethnochauvinistic state ideology -- and, of course, complete with the usual promiscuous charges of "anti-Semitism".


It discusses the increasingly regular discriminatory treatment against Jewish settlers and settlement products by the international community and now the Israeli government itself. It raises the question, are there two types of Jews, and asks, will the settlers declare independence?

If Bush Wins His First Election: A Not So Far-Out View of the Not Too Far-Off Future (tags)

So you think things are bad now? Well, they hella are. But you ain’t seen nothing yet if Dubya wins (or is re-appointed) November 2. For a grim peek at how things may look should John Kerry come a cropper on Election Day, read on.


I met with anti-Zionist Israeli activists in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, all of whom I informed, as an example of the sorry state of affairs on this [US] side of the water, about the subject of your upcoming [Oakland "Anti-Semitism"] Conference on what is alleged to be anti-semitism on the part of what passes for the left in the United States.

Ralph Nader Takes Out The Trash: A Rebuttal To The ADL's Abe Foxman. (tags)

A letter to Abe Foxman of the ADL, after Foxman had issued one of his standard "he's a bigot" responses to Nader's criticism of Israeli policy.

Both Sides of The Wall (tags)

Are you really reading both sides of the story?

Your Next Vote Will Kill Millions (tags)

...the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, a.k.a. John Kerry — who has “recently discovered” he was half-Jewish on both his father’s and mother’s side after decades of letting people believe he was Irish — basically approves Bush’s policies of continuing preemptive strikes on selected countries...


Bush nukes Boston...

Help me Daddy!!! (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's terror.

Why I Plan on Voting for Kerry and Opposing Him When He Wins (tags)

The American ruling class must be peeing its pants for joy this election season. On the right we have a foaming-at-the-mouth fascist ready to launch the world into war, war and more war and on the "left" we have a kinder-and-gentler fascist willing to fight these pathetic wars and "do a better job at it" than the fascist on the right. What a choice for those of us who despise fascism and see Kerry for what he is - a different flavor of ruthless war criminal (read about his actions in combat during the Vietnam war)! Best yet, for the warmongers, he intends to suck up to the Likud even more than Bush does (and who thought that possible?).

Against the War (tags)

"The first lesson is that war produces war. War against terrorism produces terrorist war. The second lesson is that domestic war corresponds to foreign war. The military question and the social question are closely connected.."

P10K Founder Beaten in Israeli Jail (tags)

Irish Political Activist Ken O'Keefe suffered concussion and bruising at the hands of an Israeli prison guard Monday evening, five days into his hunger strike against detention and possible deportation. He was arrested last Thursday for attempting to enter Gaza to discuss the P10K plan with representatives from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Regarding Leila Khaled's Message to the Japanese Red Army (tags)


Israeli Forces Kill 10 in Gaza, mostly children and teenagers (tags)

This is an AP article, please see website for alternative coverage. Thank you.

How to End Racial Discrimination (tags)

Putting an end to "discrimination" and "racism" is very simple.

Israel, Tel Aviv, Violence against the anarchists in the first of May rally (tags)

The authoritarian, statist and racist/zionist left at work. Business as usual.

BTL:Bush Endorses Israel's Plan to Make West Bank Settlements Permanent... (tags)

...Lights Middle East Fuse * Interview with Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Today in the MidEast 12th of april (tags)


When We Should Stop Supporting Israel ! (tags)

When and Under What Circumstances the US should stop Support for Israel

Who's Lying - Rice And Bush, Or Clarke? (tags)

* RICE CLAIM: "I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, 5/16/02

Side by Side, Arabs and Israelis Repair a Wreck of a River (tags)

Side by Side, Arabs and Israelis Repair a Wreck of a River

The Truth About How Israel Screws Over The Palestinians (tags)

The Israeli Government maintains a "Matrix Of Control" over the 3 million Muslim And Christian Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. In most areas they cannot get an Israeli Military "building permit". When they do build a home anyway, it gets bulldozed

The Truth About Checkpoints: Sentiments & Article by Shlomo Lahat (tags)

Below Shlomo Lahat writes about the disasters that are known as check points. There are a number of additional kinds of disasters in the West Bank and Gaza; they not only will not contribute to anyone’s security, least of all Israel’s, but as a result of this are also likely to keep Jews and tourists away from Israel’s doors and encourage many residents and citizens here to leave for happier and safer grounds.

Budrus Update: 15 Wounded & Member of Sweden's Parliament Arrested (tags)

"The IDF imposed a curfew on the village and conducted house-to-house searches for the stone throwers"

Defining Terrorism (tags)

DEFINE TERRORIST And You Will Be Calling For An Israeli Accountability Act

The Governments 911 Coverup falling apart? (tags)

Is martial law just around the corner for the US, land of the free?? Yes!

Dirty political games in the 2004 campaign (tags)

An anonymous email campaign is circulating. With the subject line of "Jews Beware" it characterizes Howard Dean as anti-Israel: "I urge you that if you have any love for America and Israel you should not and cannot vote for Howard Dean."

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Update Reports (tags)

1.PFLP Militant Shows Solidarity with President Saddam Hussein 2.Anti-Imperialist Camp Rome's Iraqi resistance demo: We are tip of iceberg 3."Death to the Pigs that Live in Washington and Tel Aviv!!!"- Message Calling to increase Jihad a thousand Fold Recieved by the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network. 4.A.N.S.W.E.R. statement on recent developments in Iraq

Israel trains US assassination squads in Iraq (tags)

Israeli advisers are helping train US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations in Iraq, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders, US intelligence and military sources said yesterday. (photo did NOT appear with original Guardian article)

Fear and Intimidation: My Abduction by Israeli Undercover Police (tags)

What does the Israeli government have to fear from nonviolent civil disobedience against the occupation that it would put so much time, money and energy into the abduction and arrest of a 25-year-old female American non-violent human rights activist?

Newport Beach, CA ISMer Jailed After Suing Israel (tags)

ISM Activist Radhika Sainath was abducted by Israeli police from a Tel Aviv street, jailed and threatened with deportation 15 minutes after leaving an Israeli court and testifying in her suit against the Israeli government for false arrest in November, 2002.



The bombings in Istanbul-The reactionary face of terrorism (tags)


Report: U.S.-Israel relations "on verge of crisis" (tags)

The prime minister "isn't acting as a friend, isn't keeping promises and is ignoring the Bush administration's difficult situation in Iraq and the criticism of the president," the officials said, quoted by the radio. Sharon is reportedly ignoring a series of critical messages received from administration officials, including their support for private peace initiatives such as the Geneva Accords.

Winds of change in Israel? (tags)

A recent article by Akiva Eldar in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz signals the realisation that by supporting the Likud-rightwing combination, the United States is actually working against the long-term interests of Israel. The op-ed is appropriately titled: “With friends like these”.

Re The Loss of Liberty (tags)

Re The Loss of Liberty

Israel Destroys Shipment Of Vitamins For Disabled Palestinian Children (tags)

A spokesman for a Hebron-based charity accused the Israeli government of seeking "to starve Palestinian children."   "I think they are waging a war of starvation against us. It is a kind of holocaust," said the official who asked for anonymity.

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace (tags)

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace

Toronto Star: Lyndon Johnson Ordered USS Liberty Cover-up (tags)

Lyndon Johnson ordered cover-up: Former navy lawyer

The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening (tags)

"The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening, isn't it?

Ridiculous Liberal Posturing re Israel's Syria Incursion (tags)

Blowing up innocent children in Haifa is accepted as pretty much normal business in the Middle East. But taking out the supposedly empty infrastructure of a killers' training base on Syrian soil is terrible.

LA Times: Officials Confirm Israeli Nuke Launching Subs (tags)

The story contains the first official confirmation from both American and Israeli officials that Israel can launch nuclear weapons from its submarines. The ultimate guarantee of mutually assured destruction (MAD). The acronym MAD also makes for a most appropriate word to describe the human condition.

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow (tags)

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow

Wonderful Jean Ziegler (tags)

Jean Ziegler, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, payed an official visit to Palestine in July 2003. This the first time a UN Rapporteur was allowed to investigate the situation in the occupied territories.

Consider That a Divorce (tags)

Total recall of Governor Gray Davis, a veteran California politician to replace him with a science fiction actor called “The Terminator.” Science fiction has become science reality in the mythical paradise that early Spanish explorers called “California.”

Where have all the flowers gone? (tags)

I could not fathom, what might have prompted the army to even expend this much time and money on such a tiny infraction of their rules. But it is the occupation. It doesn't have to be logical; it functions mainly because it is arbitrary.

More subhuman Paleostinian atrocities (tags)

And the bulk of the assholes here still support these animals.

Protest of 27 pilots highlights class divisions in Israel (tags)


from Rachel Corrie's parents in West Bank (tags)

Craig and Cindy Corrie in Jerusalem, Sept 29 2003

Zionist Savagery At Jenin Recalled (tags)

rimes that cry to heaven were committed in Jenin by the IOF. By way of illustration, despite the desperate pleas of Ulm Jamal, a 68-year old woman, the Israeli thugs bulldozed a house, where her paralyzed son was trapped. His last words from underneath the tons of rumble were, "Oh Allah, Oh Allah" (See pp.149-151, "Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion," Ed. by Ramzy Baroud.) The callous bulldozer driver called the mother, and others who were begging for him to stop, "Whores!"

Israelli pilots refuse to bomb occupied territories, say "Immoral" (tags)

Anti-semitic Jews? Is that possible? Israelli Air Force pilots are refusing to bomb Occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza strip, calling the occupation "immoral" REMEMBER ---ACCORDING TO THE CONSERVATIVE RIGHT WINGERS...IF YOU DONT SUPPORT ISRAEL..THEN YOU ARE AN ANTI-SEMITE.

The Elites Know We're Right (tags)

The Elites Know We're Right

Israeli Irgun terrorist group (tags)

The History of the birth of the state of Israel is complex and involved. Many have sacrificed much to bring the Jewish State into existence. One such body was the Irgun also know as the Etzel group. The Irgun was a military group that refused to bow to political pressures in securing a state for the Jewish people. Much of the modern Israeli politics today stem from the Irgun and the organization from which they broke, the Hagganah.

Politically Correct Racism (tags)

"All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most. West European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and not exactly maintaining Germanic standards of hygiene.”

Soldiering is for others (tags)

And who is to do it? Certainly not the neoconservatives. They use such terms as moral clarity and the need to project our power — but it is to be done with someone else’s body. A conversation I had with a budding neocon reveals their version of moral clarity. Who was included when he said ‘we’. He looked at me as if I were a bit dense and said, ‘We, the United States.’ ‘Does that mean you?’ I asked. ‘No,’ he replied, ‘the guys in the army.'

Iraq and The Good Samaritan (tags)

The question I would like to ask the entire would is, “If we do not stop to help the people of Iraq, what will happen to them?” What will happen to the tens of thousands of starving and dehydrated orphan children lying on the streets of Baghdad?

zionist myths (tags)

what israel hope yu dont learn

Criminal Mastermind: Donald Rumsfeld (By the Balls) (tags)

Download the actual Joint Chiefs of Staff Document this article is based on (Adobe PDF):

Collective Punishment & the Violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention (tags)

The international community does nothing to enforce Fourth Geneva Convention and so the confiscations go on, slowly changing the landscape and dispossessing the Palestinians; confining their existence to smaller parcels of land while the colony-settlements expand. One more way for the Israelis to pressure the Palestinians to move away. It is wrong and wrongful and does nothing to perpetuate peace.

Traces of Poison - More Israel's History of Terrorism (tags)

Israel, not Iraq, holds that distinction of being the first country in the region to use weapons of mass destruction with genocidal intent. Salman Abu-Sitta digs into a dark history

In The Beginning there was Terror (tags)

So, with the suppression of the actual History of the founding of Israel come the PR Flacks retelling a more palatable and "heroic" beginning. However, is the new revised story true?

You Are an Arab; Imagine That (tags)

You watch thousands of right wing missionaries flooding the weakened Iraq, vowing to convert your people to a religion that is not theirs. Others call your prophet a “devil” and your religion “evil” and demand that your school curriculum change to fit the agenda of some think-tank 15,000 miles away from your home, alien to your culture, language and heritage.

Traveling With Bad Companions (tags)

Western supporters of the Palestinian cause are morally blind.

Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel (tags)

First published June 6th 2002 by UPI Terrorism Correspondent produced by your friend and ally for freedom Sy$teMF@iLuRe

Tel Aviv bus stop (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Report From The Apartheid Wall, First Phase (tags)

These reports are based on human rights monitoring and/or nonviolent direct action in resistance to the Israeli occupation. This report arrives from: International Women's Peace Service in Hares, Salfit, Palestine:

Am I still An Unpatriotic Traitor? (tags)

Am I still an Unpatriotic Traitor? That's what you called me when I said let the inspections play out, let them continue. But no, you said "enough was enough". You told me Saddam was building this apocalyptic arsenal. He had VX and Sarin and Anthrax and Mustard Gas and Salmonella and The Cooties. You told me was capable of launching a biological attack at the drop of a hat. You told me he presented a clear and imminent threat to my security. You told me to gift-wrap my house in Saran-wrap and Duct Tape.

Hamas Ties To Israeli Government (tags)

Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

Hamas' Israeli Roots (tags)

Since coming to power, Sharon has done everything to ensure the collapse of Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. If successful, it would either bring Hamas to power or lead to political chaos within the terrorities.

Lessons of the Irag War (tags)

Irag War

Which Came First - Terrorism or "Occupation"? (tags)

Which Came First - Terrorism or "Occupation"?


This MUST be the work of the Mossad right?


This article documents some of the many Jewish massacres of Arabs. In particular, it documents the many Jewish massacres of Palestinians in 1948. These massacres were usually committed to strike fear in the hearts of Palestinian civilians and force them to flee for their lives (with the intention of never letting them return to their homes, that is, these massacres were committed to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its Arab population).

Recent Developments Concerning the International Solidarity Movement (tags)

New Profile, a Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli society, hopes to continue to circulate the following ISM information in order to bring awareness and attention to what is taking place in Israel and in the Occupied Territories.

UK envoys held at gunpoint by Israelis (tags)

Israeli forces opened fire above a British embassy convoy and held it at gunpoint in Gaza while it was carrying diplomats and the family of an English peace activist left in a coma by an Israeli bullet.,2763,950072,00.html


A listing of Jewish/Israeli massacres of Palestinians and other acts of Jewish/Israeli terrorism.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 5/2/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Spain, Russia, Germany, Netherlands, and Cuba.

Isreal Seeks Pipeline For Iraqi Oil (tags)

Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential future government figures in Baghdad.,11319,940109,00.html

U.S. Diplomat's Letter of Resignation (tags)

A great moment in American History remembered...

US forces behind anarchy in Iraq: Pak analyst (tags)

Sultan Amir Imam said that behind fanning chaos and lawlessness, the US wanted to achieve its well defined "objectives" in Iraq and later in the region.

Mohammed Said Sahaf wages war on reality (tags)

Hussein's glib spokesman has won the admiration of Arabs by insulting the U.S. and reporting fantastic victories for Iraq.

Palestinian war-mongers (tags)

It's hard to protected regular Palestinians when Palestinian leadership and main organizations, for decades, have been impossible to deal with.

U.S. Activist Susan Barclay Faces Deportation From Palestine+Other ISM Reports (tags)

The Latest Reports From Palestine by Activists of The International Solidarity Movement

IOF Outrages Continue in Nablus, Palestine-Activist Reports (tags)

The Latest ISM Activist Reports

Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

According to Article 147, to "willfully caus[e civilians] great suffering or serious injury to body or health" is a "grave breach" of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the most serious type of war crime. There appears to be prima facie evidence that "great suffering" and "serious injury to body and health" were "willfully" inflicted on Palestinian civilians during the gas attacks conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces.(62)

Area from Egypt to Iraq (tags)

The metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making. The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.

AUSTRALIA +World NOWAR-round-up: Largest coordinated anti-war protest in history (tags)

Altogether 1 MILLION Australians marched against the oil war on Iraq and for bringing the troops home. This is a comprehensive preliminary round-up of the anti-war demonstrations that broke records in all bigger Australian cities, plus the world-wide coverage that will be printed in this weeks Green Left Weekly, Australia's largest indypendent and radical weekly newspaper.

Israel scorns 'anti-semitic little Belgium' (tags)

Israel accused Belgium of anti-semitism yesterday following a court decision which could lead to the prosecution of Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister. The Belgian supreme court ruled on Wednesday that Israeli military commanders could be prosecuted for complicity in the massacre of 800 Palestinians in Lebanon in 1982.

Again-Palestine:On the tactics of the Intifada (tags)


The Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

After a few minutes, the gas started to smell. "Like mint," several people said. One resident later recalled that, "the smell was good. You want to breathe more. You feel good when you inhale it." A girl reported that "its taste was like sugar. The smell was sweet."(4)

The war to annihilate Palestinian civil society (tags)

Not In My Name is a gathering of Jews, especially and primarily American Jews, who criticize Israel and seek changes in Israeli policies precisely because we are Jewish, because of those Jewish values we hold dearest

English translation of Pocket Guide for IDF soldiers (tags)

English translation of Pocket Guide for Israeli Occupation Forces serving in the occupied territories, distributed by The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, B'Tselem (Visit their website link in Israel, below)

We Watch For Guys With Your Profile (tags)

Mark Dankof notes that the problems Iranian immigrants are having in Los Angeles and Southern California with the Bush/Ashcroft National Security State may soon mirror similar difficulties for the average American.

did libya really destroy pan am 103 or was it a coverup? (tags)

i suspect a coverup


Die for Israel! An article from the Wall Street Journal, about how the Israeli lobby, AIPAC secretly pushed for and got the first war with Iraq. Do you really think it's any different now? This article is long, but interesting.

PSG Statement on Israel's Detention of Jaggi Singh (tags)

Israel Denies Entry to Activist from Canada

A New Movement Against Apartheid (tags)

International Movement Against Israeli Apartheid

RENT-A-SPY, INC. (tags)

American corporation USDS involved in foreign and domestic espionage

The rise of anti-semitism today (tags)

Harvard President Lawrence Summers recent condemnation of the rise of anti-semitism at Harvard and elsewhere grossly underestimates the problem by excluding the anti-semitism directed against Arabic people.

An open letter to my fellow American Jews (tags)

American Jews must come to terms with our/Israeli faults before peace can exist.

Firsts hand account from arrestee in occupied Palestine - some corrections (tags)

Being back in Los Angeles comparing the two ways of life. Police brutality in Los Angeles does not even compare to Israeli occupation. One though, must draw the correlation, that Israel’s brutal occupation would not even be possible without the backing of the United States. Anybody who's oppressed can have some unity with the Palestinian people who have nothing to lose and a world to win. My friends and other youth (who constantly get harrassed or brutalized by police) can draw inspiration from Palestinian youth's fearlessness going against tanks with their slingshots for their dreams of liberation.

First Hand Account from Arrestee in Occupied Palestine (tags)

On August 7th of 2002, 9 international activists were arrested in a village near Nablus, called Hawara. There was a demonstration organized by Palestinian farmers, against curfews imposed on them by Israel

Israel executes Palestinian fighters Relatives in retaliation for Bombings (tags)

JERUSALEM - Israel signaled a change of tactics in its battle against Palestinians Friday targeting the relatives of Palestinian fighters for execution as a deterrent to future attackers.

Israel's Obstruction of S.A Humanitarian Aid To Palestine a Political Issue (tags)

Israeli Government deliberately prevented from delivering life saving humanitarian aid to Palestinians, besieged under Israeli occupation and 18 hour curfews.

DESMOND TUTU and IAN URBINA speak against Israeli Apartheid (tags)

The United States has a distinct responsibility to intervene in atrocities committed by Israel the single largest recipient of US arms and foreign aid. Israel occupation's end should be TOP concern for ALL Americans.

Los Angeles airport shooting kills 3: 'No indication' that terrorism involved (tags)

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- A gunman opened fire Thursday at Los Angeles International Airport while standing in line at the ticket counter of Israel's El Al Airlines, officials said, killing two and wounding four others before an airline security officer shot him dead.

Israeli Right-wing Minister Effi Eitam wants to KILL Marwan Barghouti (tags)

Support immediate release of elected Palestinian Parliamentarian Marwan Barghouti, one of the leading Palestinian reformers by signing the online petition! Pass it to others Please.

Palestinian update, 7/01/02 uninvited guests become neighbors by Sam Bahour. (tags)

Today is July 1st. We enter our eighth day under Israeli military curfew (house arrest). We were rudely awakened at 7:20am by someone pressing and holding the doorbell of our home.

Bush the Marty by Sam Bahour and Dr. Michael Dahan (tags)

Sam Bahour is a Palestinian-American businessman living in the besieged Palestinian City of Al-Bireh in the West Bank and can be reached at

The Old Women Project (tags)

MAY 19, 2002--Led by "Power," a giant puppet of an old woman, 10 members of the Old Women's Project demonstrated today in San Diego's Balboa Park in support of "brave Israeli voices for peace."

Israel's Likud - No Palestinian State, EVER! (tags)

Read the following and weep... say goodbye to the "peace process."

Detained doctor goes on hunger strike in Israel (tags)

Please contact Congressman Christopher Cox (R-CA) (Riad Abdelkarim's Congressman) Washington Office: Phone: (202) 225-5611 Fax: (202) 225-9177 E-mail:


Possibly over 100,000 Israelis marched in Tel Aviv on May 11th to tell Sharon and his militarists that the people want PEACE and an END TO THE OCCUPATION!

Peaceful demonstrator from Los Angeles violently beat down in Tel Aviv by police (tags)

pulling them up by their arms and beating them. they kicked another women Sara chaluche,an American from Los Angeles California in the jaw. and this is only what I saw - I have ran away soon afterwards. there were three video cameras with us - that were specifically targeted and attacked by the police. two of the cameras (indymedia) were smashed to

Activists from Tel Aviv: THE EXPLOSION (tags)

From the great anti-mainstream, anti-capitalist, progressive "zmag".

Activists from Tel Aviv: THE EXPLOSION (tags)

From the great anti-mainstream, anti-capitalist, progressive "zmag".

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