fix articles 3424, you Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : you


Newsom Strikes Again (tags)

Gavin Newsom passed a new law that allows the state to remove children from their parents, if the parents do not what to have their child bio-weaponized with this new jab, and have the parents labled as unfit. Download the links, if this gets posted, read it before it is removed, because, if it gers posted, it will be removed.

San Francisco Excessively Damaged (tags)

News here keeps saying that the Delta Variant comes from India. The country that is looking into putting to death the WHO scientist who lied to them about this entire thing, calling this genocide and a Crime Against Humanity.



Is Meyssan right that AA77 never crashed into the Pentagon?

Interview with Social Philosopher Friedhelm Hengsbach (tags)

The financial markets have uncoupled from the real economy since the middle of the 1970s. Politicians listen and react to every sound from the financial sector. Who paid for the bank bailout? The general public or the state made itself poor and guaranteed capital.

Happy Accidents Offers The Secrets To Success From A Fresh New Perspective (tags)

Lessons from two decades of success from one of America’s most prominent improv/comedy troupes, Four Day Weekend

Losing the drug war ... idiots (tags)

One of the reasons that you have lost the drug war.

drugs: the new oil (tags)

Brining you to your knees.

Bombing Strengthens the Islamic State (tags)

The attempts to stop Islamic terror through military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq have brought about the opposite. These attempts destabilized societies in those countries, promoted terror and triggered great streams of refugees. So the policy of the West bears a joint responsibility.

The filthy and criminal minds of the fbi (tags)

Below are samplings of the dirty comments made to me in public forums by the very fbi thugs who are torturing and trying to kill me.

How do you make money on failing companies? (tags)

This article is a question to the people who understand capitalism. I'll start with an explanation of what I know; you can elaborate in comments.

There Is A Petition For Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

Read about this petition then sign it and tell everybody about it.

dirty American laundry (tags)

Human rights in the land of opportunity.

An Open Letter to Barack Obama (tags)


How to Write a Press Release (tags)

This short howto explains why a press release is important, how to write a basic one, and what parts should be included. We won't go into how to distribute it, which is a bit more difficult.

"This is a Cold Putsch Against the Constitution" (tags)

Sahra Wagenknecht, co-vice president of DIE LINKE (The Left Party) in Germany, is the author of many books and articles on economic justice, the financial transactions tax and creative socialism.

When Ed's Burn Their Bridges, Leave Them Burned (tags)

Being involved in harassment no matter who you are or where it happens can be difficult and then some. If it's really deep it can feel as though you're in a situation with few options and/or recourse to getting your head above the problem. You can feel trapped without a clue as to whom to trust within the situation you're in, or as though there are no people you can trust or rely on. You may feel like there is no real way to survive the situation you're in, but to quit, leave, flunk out, stop, drop out or whatever applies to your situation.

You Will Love Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

You will fall in love with single Payer health insurance.

Asking for Your Blessing (tags)

In honor of Martyrs Memorial Day.

We Should Have Single Payer Health Insurance Like They Have In Canada (tags)

The one thing that americans need to import from Canada is their health insurance.

Thanks for invading and come back soon imperialist pigs (tags)

You are now leaving Iraq. Thanks for invading and come back soon imperialist pigs

The Men and Women of Law Enforcement Protect and Serve The Ruling Elite Not You (tags)

The Men and Women of Law Enforcement Protect and Serve The Ruling Elite and NOT THE PEOPLE. These Trojan Horses are only there to Restore THE ORDER OF THE RULING ELITE and NOT THE PEOPLE. Americans should therefore work to revoke any increased Powers Granted to these Pro Corporate Thugs.

As simple as it gets (tags)

As simple as it gets

Court Releases Oscar Grant Killing Videos (tags)

Links to several pieces of evidence, and some commentary about this explosive trial that could result in riots in Oakland. I hope the LA jury does the right thing.

Dealing with PSL and ANSWER #1 (tags)

Harassing messages from PSL/ANSWER people


It is high time that you practice professionalism in media, Mr. Carolla. On behalf of the Filipino American immigrants and the Filipino people whom you have unnecessarily hurt, we demand a real and genuine public apology from you . This time we will not take your racial tirade sitting down. We are writing to your sponsors for them to withdraw their support as your program is not worthy of public trust and respect.

Position Paper On Occupation (tags)

Yeah, yeah!

You there, U.S. citizen ... (tags)

Finally, my friend (I hope I can call you so ...) I tell you that mankind has reached a special moment of its evolution, when for the first time it has the ability and the opportunity to plan a decent future for itself and for the planet.

CHICAGO, NEW YORK, HOUSTON -- 2009 Top 9/11-2B Targets -- (tags)

You are an anti-Semite (tags)

You might not know it yet but you are.

The Failed Reputation of The United States Federal Government (tags)

The United States Federal Government started destroying it’s reputation decades ago. Property confiscation and forced development because of taxes is "the norm" in the United States. It does not matter how long the property has been owned or who owns it, if you do not pay the government for it’s "new" taxable value, you will have it confiscated. I have watched as many people who have lived on their property for decades and even generations, have it stolen by the United States Federal Government.

Bad Code (tags)


81 spiritual thought by baba (tags)

You are not a mere man, but God Himself. Do not be under the delusion that God is residing somewhere and that you have to search for Him God is within you

Love of Place vs. Patriotism (tags)

Americanism creates anti-Americanism.


We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time is of the essence for these American veterans who were victims of the unjust Recession Act that was passed on February 18th, 1946. Of the 250,000 Filipino soldiers who served under the American Flag during World War II, only 18,000 are still alive with more veterans dying everyday


Dear Ms. Speaker, We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time is of the essence for these American veterans who were victims of the unjust Recession Act that was passed on February 18th, 1946. Of the 250,000 Filipino soldiers who served under the American Flag during World War II, only 18,000 are still alive with more veterans dying everyday.

Sunday 10AM: Blasé Bonpane KPFK On-Air Tribute to Don White (tags)

Blasé Bonpane KPFK On-Air Tribute to Don White 6/29/2008 at 10:00 - 11:00 AM KPFK 90.7FM Airways on World Focus Theresa and Blase Bonpane worked closely with Don White longer than almost anyone else in Los Angeles.

Dont Be Net Neanderthals! (tags)

The world that you see is an interpretation product of your intelligence. The time of stinking steel-and-oil machines is over. Rejoice, the net will be your car, airplane and spaceship!

Awakening of consciousness (tags)

reality which seems to be just an illusion created from a system of beliefs which keeps us powerless

"We Believe, We Are What We Buy": Identity-Shopping (tags)

Happy Earth Day! That doesn't mean buy a Toyota Prius! Buying a Prius can be a substitute for sparing the environment. While capitalism, consumerism and commerce arenot evil, life is denatured when commerce is everything.

Do not Work for the Department of Defense (tags)

Working for the Department of Defense is not worth it.

Vot Jan 7 to Feb 7 in Cal; Red/Green Campaigns (tags)

You can vote by mail from January 7 through February 5, 2008 in the California primary. The only serious peace candidates are the socialist and Green Party candidates. Instead of the staged Democrat-Republican campaigns in Iowa and New Hampshire, we should be hearing on all other peace media about the socialist and Green Party campaigns, the latter being on the ballot in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C

Fucked Nation (tags)

You're Fucked!

Jeremiah: True Prophets and False Prophets (tags)

Jesus says to us: there is something greater than your heart and your head. I call it: God's reign. Happiness and fulfillment can be found beyond the borders of your life. The word of God comforts hearts without shattering rocks. Jorg Zink has been a German pastor for 50 years.

Cindy Sheehan Hammered Hard in UK Guardian Piece (tags)

Cindy Sheehan Hammered Hard in UK Guardian

Re: Cindy Sheehan too cowardly yet again to address war for Israel agenda with Chris Matth (tags)

The Other Hollywood Oscar Ceremony - The "Oscar for Peace" Awards (tags)

At the corner of Hollywood and Vine, just blocks away from where the Hollywood Oscars were to be presented at the Kodak Theater, the "Military Families Speak Out" organization hosted an “Oscar for Peace” awards ceremony and "Bring Our Troops Home Now" peace vigil. "Military Families Speak Out" honored individuals “for their exceptional and tireless commitment to waging peace, rather than war.” The event drew thousands, and featured an 8-foot “Oscar” in military camouflage with the inscription “Bring Me Home!” The "Code Pink Police," members of the antiwar group, Code Pink Women For Peace, arrested a mock President Bush, while the "Billionaires for Bush" comedy troupe conducted a mock counter-protest.

Please Help Us Protect Our Canadian Wilderness! (tags)

Western Canada Wilderness Committee Petition Drive continues

You get searched differently if you have a pacemaker! (tags)

If you have a pacemaker the guards use a different procedure to search you for weapons.

'we' = agency, thank's for the conformation. (tags)

Latino Voters Lied to in Orange County (tags)

Spanish flyers distributed telling immigrants they cannot vote.

Open Letter to the Rulers in Germany (tags)

We were almost convinced we really had the same interests as your corporations, banks and politicians. We almost believed that all our desires could become reality in capitalism.

V for VendettA: LOTS TO SAY (tags)

A Brief Sample of "V" and Evey discussing why they must fight... The government is openly fascist - we should be so lucky!

You don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. (tags)

And you don't need The UN to impose sanctions.

oldie but goodie (tags)


Response to the L.A. Times' Steve Lopez's trashing of Farm supporters. (tags)

In this piece I address the many errors and generally shoddy reporting in Steve Lopez L.A. Times column about the "eviction" on June 14, 2006

SCF - Eviction Imminent! (tags)

The eviciton could happen at any time. SCF asking the community to increase their presence and support at the farm.

Burbank: Standoff in the Street (tags)

On Saturday morning, during an immigration confrontation at Burbank Home Depot, Save Our State and other minutemen spouted their frustration and unsuccessfully tried to provoke violence after a month of pro-migrant victories.

1960s anthology (tags)

Calling all young activists to publish your thoughts on the 1960s!!!

Iran and the US: A Fictional Dialogue (tags)

Who threatens who is clear. In 1953, the CIA overthrew our democratically elected Prime Minister Mossadegh only because he dared to nationalize the oil industry.

An Open Letter To The FBI And Other Government Terrorist Organizations (tags)

An Open Letter To The FBI And Other Counterintelligence Agencies Who Operate Under The Facade Of Legitimate Law Enforcement While Perpetrating Covert Forms Of Terrorism Against Targeted American Citizens

Christians Damned for Iraq (tags)

Christians who support, defend, or applaud Bush are damned.

Announcing Activism 101 (tags)


New Orleans Insight (tags)

You must listen to this. Malik lives in the city, and has been active in his community. He has seen hell, and is reporting back.

The Ancient Wisdom of the Breath (tags)

This may be the beginning of the most fascinating adventure that you have ever undertaken because it begins with you.

Johnny Got a Gun - Protest Song (tags)

By: Johnny's Dad (Please distribute freely)

"We scream and cry until we get our way. " --MMP Website (tags)

Selected excerpts from the Minuteman Project's plans for California, from their website.


Australian Government Welfare Agency, Centrelink, caught out falsifying documents & withholding vital evidence in Court Cases - Documented proof on website same Government Department wants SHUT DOWN Threatened with Legal Action For Offesive Website Against The Commonwealth

New Druid (tags)

It is time to awaken, my Brothers.

10 PEOPLE DIED.... (tags)

Red Lake High School, 10 People Died....

Intellectual Ferment in the Party (tags)

QUESTION : I was just wondering if you could speak a little bit to how--while not throwing out democratic centralism or something like that--how do you have the party in the mix of all of these ideas? You went to China and you talked to these people around how China was opening up to the West and saying Marcos was a great leader and this, that and the other, and you were asking these people in the Chinese party and they didn't have the answers. And part of it is: did those people not have the answers, or did they have some questions on it, but they were more debating it internally and they couldn't talk to you about it? How can you have the mix of people being able to be in the midst of all the questions that are going on, intellectually--political questions, but also in the ideological realm--without breaking democratic centralism? How do you have people in the mix of that, being able to engage it and even in some ways go off in the wrong direction in order to eventually get to the right direction, but then not have that cause a splintering effect. You know?

nazi wr criminal tells confesses his complicity -- Guardian (tags)

(with prefacing editorial) In the UK oskar groening, former SS Soldier, tells the truth about the Holocaust because deniaers attempt to say it didn't happen. he was there (UK's Guardian) oh yeah -- they were SOCIALISTS. peopel need to wake up.

School of Assassins Protest Video (tags)

I'm still kickin'... missing the weather...

Voodoo Verbotten!, SS Save GWB from Terrorist's Voodoo Threat (tags)

Punk Band Plays: Masters of War, by Bob Dylan; Adds Worst Wishes to GB; Gets a Visit from the SS

Open Letter to America from a Canadian (tags)

Originally published in the Baltimore Chronicle over two years ago, this piece just gets more prophetic with time

Prophecy Nov 16 : Osama targets America with nukes (tags)

Answering cries for help. Should I, or shouldn't I? Hmmmmm.

The Secret (tags)

An essay about love, truth and world events

LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT by Adolfo Perez Esquivel (tags)

"Your heart is so hardened by hatred and fear that you have neither the capacity nor the courage to open your heart and mind to sympathy..You have made the United States into a terrorist state. Was it necessary to massacre the people of Iraq?.."

Don't Get Arrested Your DNA will be taged. (tags)

Even if the charge is dropped. You don't have to be convicted. Congratulations, fools.

A Note Of Appreciation From The Rich (tags)


Open letter to humanity (tags)

End all hostility, war, terrorism, imposition, oppression, destruction and violence, employed by or organized in the name of religion, politics, commerce, commodity, economics, revolution, greed, exclusion, equality, addiction, favoritism, monopoly, love, hatred, freedom or peace.

Open Letter to My Grandfather (tags)

I never really got to know my grandfather, Austin A. O'Malley, as he died when I was only four years old. He came over to the United States from his native country, Ireland around 1889, as a little boy of eleven years. Like many other Irishmen from Louisburg, County Mayo, he settled in Clinton, Massachusetts. I know that he worked there for a baker for awhile untill the Spanish American War broke out. I also know that he was in and out of the Veteran’s Hospital all through his life. I also know that he liked to drink at bars in South Boston, sometimes with his dog beside him.

Its Always Hard to See Your Child off on Their First Day of War (tags)


10/4/04 Voting Starts in California (tags)

Vote by mail, also known as absentee voting, starts on October 4, 2004 in California. As always, the big issues on the ballot are the propositions and are the reason why every who can should vote in every election. Are you registered? Have you received your 2 voter handbooks? Have you signed up to be a permanent absentee voter so you vote in every election?

Military Families Speak Crap (tags)

An open letter to the Military Families Speak Out Organization



Dear Kerry Supporter (tags)

Letter from Donna Warren, Green Party, to Black Caucus Democrats (tags)

A letter to the Black Caucus from a Black woman living in South Central by Donna J. Warren — July 16, 2004

Bill Cosby's Controversial Remarks (tags)

Bill Cosby was right to demand more black self-reliance. Black "leaders" and liberal apologists for preventable failures destroy more blacks than the Klan.

They Hate Us (tags)

They Hate Us Because of Our Freedom

required reading (tags)

************************************************************************This is one Happy group of folk. China and ANY other country in Latin America ( you know, our spanish speaking, kids running around, pinyata smacking brothers and sisters) have a whole lot in common with the people of Asia in regards to western capitalism. These people, from these far older cultures, remember things. You can see them making a joke about white people right now. Does this now establish the tirade of antagonism Orwell postulated for eternal war?

Do you want to remove Bush? (tags)

Listen to the widow Marianis interview with Alex Jones regarding the civil RICO ACT. Listen to her story!

Bike the AAC Discovery Tour 11-23 (tags)

Support a good cause while promoting bike transportation.

Interview with Shane Messer, creator of Weapons of Mass Destruction hunt (tags)

An offer for lunch was extended to Shane Messer, in order to ask him a few questions about his massive hunt for Weapons of Mass Destruction real-life puzzle and it's origins.

36 Reasons To Vote For Bush and Republicans In 2004 (tags)

You like Pat Robertson, the TV evangelist. You send him contributions and you pray with him for the “passing” of three Supreme Court Justices.

Agit-prop artwork: UNITED STATES - THE NATION BOMB (by Latuff) (tags)

Download zip file for high resolution file of new agit-prop copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff here:

You don't have the right to believe in free-will. (tags)

promotion of fearlessness

The NORML governor (tags)

A candidate for Governor of California who has a vision for freedom and economic stability.

on being houseless (tags)

You did not choose to read this sentence.

Shiva Likes Blackberry Wine (tags)

a helpful resource guide

Pamphlet against the False Prophet, George W. Bush (tags)

"Sorry, Mr. president, you don't serve the God who liberates through grace and patience, love and affection. You serve a god with Texan features..You have dishonored thousands and tens of thousands of fathers and mothers.. Mr. president, be not anxious.".

Martin Sheen: Open Letter: You Have Some Explaining To Do (tags)

Dear Mr. Sheen. This is just a quick letter. Not much needs to be said. You have endorsed Howard Dean, and I find this odd.

You Are an Arab; Imagine That (tags)

You watch thousands of right wing missionaries flooding the weakened Iraq, vowing to convert your people to a religion that is not theirs. Others call your prophet a “devil” and your religion “evil” and demand that your school curriculum change to fit the agenda of some think-tank 15,000 miles away from your home, alien to your culture, language and heritage.

Shills on The Run (tags)

thanx to Sweet

You Won The Battle But Lost The War (tags)

Today in the United States there are people who spit on the memory of your sacrifices -- people like Sen. Charles Schumer, who successfully pushes "gun control" laws that trash the Second Amendment, and Sen. John McCain, whose infamous "campaign finance" law made free speech a federal crime for independent advocacy groups. We shrink before officials who decree that unpopular opinions are "hate speech." We endure leaders who tell us that it's wrong to hate certain groups of people, but perfectly okay for those groups to hate and malign others.

Who exactly are the paranoid anti-Americans? (tags)

Those who spy shall be spied upon.

Business Does Not Use Force (tags)

Who uses force to get your money? The State.

Revolution = Rap Against the State (tags)

I D.A.R.E. you to rap against the State. Rap against the I.R.S. Make taxes voluntary. Force is immoral. So why does the State use it? Because they are mob of mafia types.

Letter to Bush by Adolfo Esquivel (tags)

"You speak of God and blaspheme him. You speak of liberty and you destroy it. You speak of democracy and dignity and don't hesitate in sacrificing at the altar of the god Moloch, your god of destruction and death. You speak of human rights violating them systematically

How Do Government Men Get Sex & Money? (tags)

How do government people get their money and men get their sex? Through force.


Please stop, Ellen. You are making a fool of yourself.

Humanity Worked Hard For Our Drugs! (tags)

Drug abuse is self-limited - if left alone. Leave us alone!

2) Pics of Westwood Anti-War Rally, More Civil Disobedience Arrests Thurs. 03-20 (tags)

We are all grateful to all of you who are going to jail in the name of peace. You are our heroes.

Money Drives the Tobacco Wars (tags)

From the book "The Rule of Law in the Wake of Clinton"


On Wed. March 5… You could call in sick. (sick of war, sick of militarism…)

Bush Impeachment drive leads to burglary charges? (tags)

Some of you might be familiar with my REALLY DAMAGING efforts to see George Bush impeached. (Those who are not can follow the link). I am about to do time for burglary? Stay tuned for further developments...

How To Be Livid (tags)

Anger as a sane and appropriate response to the proposed war in Iraq. A guide for those still too shy to protest.

Introducing the Information Awareness Office (tags)

YOU ARE A SUSPECT: regarding the current homeland security act.

Why Did the Kennedy Center Shun Eddy Arnold? (tags)

Were the hidden hands of Al Gore and Ted Kennedy behind the deep-sixing of the nomination of country music legend Eddy Arnold for Kennedy Center Honors? The answer may yet emerge in the U. S. Senate race in Tennessee.

Leftwing Defeatism (tags)

I am strong, and resolute, trying to find stratagems to beat the big guys at their own game, but guess what? It appears that only Republicans are allowed this sense of exhilaration these days! The attitude of my liberal minded friends? Expect nothing less than DEFEAT! They are generally angry, and whatever hostility that comes their way from others, the more they feel PERSECUTED. Enemies of the state. And when the FBI doesn't come knocking? They're a little miffed.

Transcript of militarized police forum (tags)

In light of recent Bush administration efforts to expand the domestic role of the military, "Declassified Radio" is re-releasing the transcript of a past program on the military's growing influence on domestic policing. This program, initially released in October of 2001, includes material from a September 25, 2001 symposium on militarized policing held at Judson Church in New York City. Speakers included Paul Richmond of the National Lawyer's Guild, "Covert Action Quarterly" writer Frank Morales, and Sam Smith, editor of the "Progressive Review".

Who Will be Kidnapped Next? (tags)

With all the Southern Cali activists arrested lately, some questions come to mind. Who's next? What can we do to stop it?

Innocence is More Important than Security (tags)


[palabra]: GA[BA]CHOS (tags)

[palabra]: GA[BA]CHOS

so important it's pretty (tags)

an array of information that attempts to articulate why, exactly, there is no honour in carrying a gun for your job

Auntie Racist on Hogs and Tactics (tags)

On McVeigh, Bin Laden and the plump end of a hog.

Call to action from Argentina! (please forward everywhere) (tags)

Here's a call from Argentina for some actions, posted on various web sites.

Stop the Hijacking of teh Student Anti-War Movement (tags)

You guys might know this, or might NOT know this.. but the CSAW,Boston and Mid West Stop the war coalitions have set up an internet chat conference.. and tried to keep it a bit hush hush.. Tomorrow night is when it's supposed to happen. This is their 2nd time coming together to plan for the national conference. I urge you all to log on tomorrow night because anyone can join in on the chat. And like i said before we can only be bitter and complain about what went down for so long until we actually start to do something and actually fight within this system that's created around us. Please join in if you can.


We played some of this a few years ago on 88.5 WRAS FM Georgia State University The Voice of Atlanta's Concrete Campus with 24,000 Students.

Genoa - Ashamed of the Left: A Black BLoc Perspective (tags)

A criticism of many of the Reformist/Marxist organizations on the left an their complete lack of solidarity with the Anarchists who founded the anti-globalization movement.

Urgent Alert: To Activists Opposed To "Free Trade" (tags)

Stop Fast Track in its tracks. Send a message to Congress today! Call them toll-free at 1-800-393-1082.

Des(s)ert Storm Watch - Mr World Bank and his fellow executives (tags)

Helsinki News and Reviews present :



You Have No Chance To Survive (tags)

All your base are belong to us. Somebody set up us the bomb. You have no chance to survive make your time.

COUP WATCH: Democracy In Wonderland (tags)

Why is a raven like a writing desk? Why is a democracy like a donut? You might just as well say...

O22 LA (tags)

The police produced -- at best -- a chilling effect on the First; at worst they wiped their ass with it

A letter to mayor Riordan (tags)

A letter to the mayor asking for a police apology for my sister and the other arrested cyclists.

Open Letter to Ted Hayes from an Anarchist (tags)

One anarchist feels that Ted Hayes has taken it upon himself to slam anarchists in front of the corporate media as well as do everything possible to disrupt and cause dissent within anarchist ranks. Hayes seems to find it necessary to videotape fellow activists presumably to turn them into the police.

To the Protestors (tags)

Thank you!

Get the Message Out. (tags)

We need to get our message out

Values That Count (tags)

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