fix articles 33643, garden Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : garden


Garden State Film Festival Honors James Wilder (tags)

James Wilder will receive an award at the Garden State Film Festival.

Hillary's Habitat is Sorry We Revealed "Prince of Wales Farted in The Queens Rose Garden (tags)

Well we just got an Email from Twitters Big Shot Lawyers stating that our Hillary's Habitat account can be reopened if we tell the Prince of Whales were sorry for saying he farted in the Queens favorite Rose Garden !

Stories of the Holocaust, Civil Rights, and Growing a Garden (40 min. Video) (tags)

The story of Annie. Born in a displaced persons camp in Germany, she tells the story of her mom as a Nazi Slave...

The Lawton Group Aligns with Second Chance for “Doing Well By Doing Good” Campaign (tags)

Staffing Agency to Make $100 Donation to Second Chance Youth Initiative with Every Hire through End of 2012

6th Flag Day Celebration (tags)

67th Area Wide Alliance will be hosting 6th Flag Day Celebration on June 13, 2006 at the Garden Grove Elks Lodge, Garden Grove, CA. Rep. Lorreta Sanches will speak.

big event in Bay Area of California (tags)

Highland Park Adds a Garden (tags)

Highland Park recently added the newest community garden to the growing list of those in and around Los Angeles, when the Milagro Allegro Community Garden broke ground on February 21, 2009.

More Highland Park Community Garden (tags)

Grand Opening of Milagro Allegro Community Garden in Highland Park Long-Vacant Yard Transformed into Urban Farm, Art and Education Center HIGHLAND PARK (Los Angeles)-

Grand Opening of Community Garden in Highland Park (tags)

Highland Park celebrates the Opening Ceremony of the Milagro Allegro Community Garden.

3/22/09: Now that Michelle Obama has put a White House Garden come support a local one. (tags)

Now that Michelle Obama has put up her garden at the white house it is time you come support a local one. The rebirth and regeneration of Proyecto Jardín, a communal garden in the heart of Boyle Heights, will be marked by a community-wide open house that aims to increase neighborhood awareness about and access to the garden.

Protesrors targeted in Garden Grove (tags)


STAPLES STATIONARY STORES ARE FEELING THE HEAT! Delivery Truck in Garden Grove, CA Attacked by Animal Liberation Front for Supplying Animal Testing Company

Winter AntiMall (photos/report) (tags)

Near the entrance of the AntiMall was a list of the "Artivists" (“artists who are also activists”) and what they do for their communities. For example, a qualified vendor may “mentor a child, volunteer at a community garden, [or] donate art pieces to social justice organizations,” Palomares said.

Military Families occupy Rep. Sanchez's office (tags)

A group of Military Families, vererans and supporters was arrested this morning at Congresswomen Loretta Sanchez's office after an overnight stay in her office.

Dangerous Lead Levels in Seemingly Innocent Garden Hoses (tags)

"In other words, we have threatened an estimated 88% of American children with a lowered IQ from lead poisoning, sometimes called the "silent epidemic." - 'Living in the Environment', Seventh Edition, G. Tyner Miller, Jr. Page 559.

Riviera Village Summer Festival (tags)

Riviera Village Summer Festival: Redondo Beach Event Celebrates The Season With Family Fun And Entertainment On June 23 & 24 - Free Admission!

24 Hour Vigil Commemorating 3,000 (tags)

Our Memorial and Vigil for the 3,000+ American Deaths in Iraq - going on now in Garden Grove! Time: 9:00 AM Saturday Jan 6th to 9:00 AM Sunday Jan 7th. Location: 12262 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove - between Chapman and Lampson on Harbor (across the street from Target and the CC Camperland RV-Park). Sponsored by: Military Families Speak Out Orange County and South Bay Chapter

The Farmers' Promise (tags)

The South Central Farmers opened their new community center today, across the street from the bulldozed site of the South Central Farm

BASE (tags)

A group of activists interrupt the mintemen's thanksgiving in Garden Grove, CA and end up being assaulted. Multiple activists were punched and pushed. One was maced.

Federal agents raid Tan Nguyen's campaign office (tags)

The Orange County Register is reporting that federal agents have raided Tan Ngyuen's campaign office in Garden Grove ...

Local Navy Seal, Michael Monsoor, Killed in Iraq (tags)

GARDEN GROVE – Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor was supposed to come back home from Iraq in about two weeks, in time for Halloween, his favorite holiday. Monsoor died Friday while conducting combat operations against enemy forces in Ramadi, Iraq, the Department of Defense announced Tuesday.

Demonstrator Found Innocent, but DA Seeks to Punish (tags)

The Rafu Shimpo published a story that says Kurt Isobe is facing appeals by the prosecution on two of his four charges. A benefit to raise legal funds is set for Sept. 16th in Little Tokyo.

The Second American Revolution : The Garden of Eden (tags)

Make haste my beloved, and be like a gazelle, or like a young stag upon the mountains of spices.

Solidarity from Canada for the South Central Farmers' (tags)

Solidarity from Canada: Never Give Up! We live in a time of great crisis, in which the very life support systems of the planet are under threat. South Central Farms offers a model that needs to be replicated everywhere, a model of restoration, of healing both the land and the human community, of urban sustainability, of possibility in a place where possibility is precious and rare.

Santa Cruz Solidarity With South Central Farmers (tags)

Solidarity with the South Central Farm

South Central Farm report back-- (tags)

Hey all, I came down from SF to visit the farm this weekend...This is my brief report back I posted to Indymedia in the Bay Area.

Plowed Under (tags)

South Central Farm Crisis in Los Angeles (tags)

Willie Nelson, Darryl Hannah, Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly-Hill support farmers in the struggle to save the nation's largest urban farm. Darryl Hannah appears on Larry King Live with Willie Nelson to show footage of eviction. Danny Glover calls eviction a Day of Mourning, a Day of Shame

S o u t h C e n t r a l F a r m: It takes a community to fight development (tags)

Saturday June 10th, 2006 - 7pm - candlelight vigil - DAY 19 of the encampment to defend the farm: 200 supporters sang, ate, marched, prayed, and stood in unity to resist forced eviction and keep watch against police raids. Located at 41st and Alameda, the 19 block/14-acre of the threatened South Central urban garden farm is under threat by developer Ralph Horowitz. The ransom is 16.5 million to 20 million.

Save the Garden Goes Blogger (tags)

Just a quick FYI: we've launched a blog around the farmers of 41st and Alameda and their stand against the city and land developer Ralph Horowitz. Check it out...

student gardens support food banks (tags)

School children are setting up organic gardens to feed the poor and to give fresh produce to food banks. Volunteers needed from around the country. Please Help. Thank you.

Feeding the poor (tags)

School children set up gardens to feed the poor and give fresh produce to food banks. Volunteers needed around the country.

How the Weekly Brews a Tempest in a Teapot (tags)

Let me be clear that I know nothing more about the internal workings of the South Central Farm than the L.A. Weekly reported in its March 15 muckraking article, "Bushel of Complaints" by Daniel Hernandez. So I've borrowed those facts and added a somewhat different spin. Here's my version.

Justice for Kurt Isobe (tags)

Remember Jim Gilchrist's Visit to Garden Grove ? Remember all the protestors who were beaten, arrested, slammed into by a mini-van, etc ?

Stop the baby killers. (tags)

USA is planning to test Dangerous Chemicals and Drugs on Orphans and innocent Children worldwide. Stop the cruel Atrocities on Defenseless children. Just say NO to the Bush Gestapo.

How many children will they kill? Stop the baby killers. (tags)

USA is planning to test Dangerous Chemicals and Drugs on Orphans and innocent Children worldwide. Stop the cruel Atrocities on Defenseless children. Just say NO to the blood sucking Bush Gestapo.

OC activist receives an email from an anonymous stalker (tags)

It looks like the articles I've been writing about Theresa Dang's case that I've been posting all over the internet have struck a very raw nerve with deep inside the Garden Grove Police Department, Orange County District Attorney's Office, and the folks who run Garden Grove City Hall. Someone in power apparently is very disturbed about what I have done.

The Persecution of Theresa Dang: Part II (tags)

Petersen was quite right when during opening arguments he told jurors he wasn’t prosecuting “the crime of the century”; what he neglected to inform them, however, was that in reality, he was prosecuting a farce.

no child left befhind (tags)

USA is planning to test Dangerous Chemicals and Drugs on Orphans and innocent Children worldwide. Stop the Brutal Attack on children.

Theresa Dang Not Guily: Article and Audio Interviews (tags)

The case of the missing police flashlight remains unresolved, but local activist Theresa Dang can go back to her San Francisco law school now and finish studying for her first final exam after a jury of her “peers” voted her not guilty on two separate counts of petty theft of a Garden Grove police officer's flashlight during a May 25th demonstration at the Garden Grove Women's Club.

Theresa Dang's trial ended Nov. 30 (tags)

Hello all: Theresa Dang's trial unexpectedly happened to end today, with the jury going into deliberations at around 4:00 pm. We're expecting them to come up with a verdict sometime tomorrow morning (December 1st).

Support Theresa Dang by attending her trial on a bogus flashlight theft charge (tags)

Support Theresa Dang by attending her trial on a bogus flashlight theft charge this forthcoming Monday! Let's show the Garden Grove Police department and the Orange County District Attorney's Office that we will not tolerate the harassment of activists exercising their constitutional right to free speech and assembly!


-Celebrate Buy Nothing Day with two kick-ass, anti-capitalist sci-fi gems! -Enjoy this free screening under the stars at one of LA’s greatest treasures: The South Central Farm! -Avoid the shopping malls! Avoid your annoying family on the holidays!

Why the South Cent (tags)

The time is NOW--the urgency is BOILING over, to make a stand for LAND and DIGNITY.

Tony Kienitz Attends a Post Carbon Meet Up (tags)

". . . Over and and over again [Alan AtKisson, author of Believing Cassandra] repeated the same idea, which I love: 'make the revolution attractive. And once it's attractive, then people will want to jump on.' Most people don't want strain anything, or make any waves, or change in any way." -- Tony Kienitz

The South Central Community Garden (tags)

The South Central Community Garden in Los Angeles, CA, a 360-plot, 14-acre urban oasis, is scheduled to be demolished and replaced by a warehouse.

The Garden of Eden: Gus Speth (tags)

Gus Speth describes a "world full of wounds," the final loss of the "garden of eden," environmental pollution and the waste of resources in an ever-more densely populated world.. He outlines an "eightfold path" to sustainability.

-THE-GAIAN-MIND- Gardening Free School (tags)

radical free school gardening parties all day every saturday in long beach with the gaian mind collective and long beach organic

Garden Grove 5 face Preliminary Hearing (tags)

The Garden Grove 5 (victims of police and political repression arrested for speaking out against the Minuteman Project) face their Preliminary Hearing on October 3. Please attend and support this court date in anti-racist solidarity.

"Minuteman Project" founder faces possible slander suit over "attempted mur (tags)

"Gilchrist's allegation that I was involved in a organizing a counterdemonstration where protesters tried to murder an 80 year old woman who came to hear him speak about the 'Minuteman Project' is bald-faced lie. No such incident ever occured on May 25th. No one -- not even the Garden Grove Police -- will back up such garbage."

Help save the South Central Farm (tags)

“The protection of the health and the safety of the people; the right of people to produce their means of subsistence" -- Lil' Joe

SOSMM Tactics (tags)

Diversion and Distraction.

Garden Grove Police launch smear campaign against anti-Minutemen protesters (tags)

I wonder how Lt. Handfield would have tried to spin this story if Lafferty had been crushed to death? California state law doesn't give persons driving 3,000 lb. minivans the right to roll over pedestrians, does it?

Garden Grove Police launching smear campaign against May 25th protesters hit by Netkin? (tags)

The real question that people need to ask now is this: Is it the policy of the Garden Grove Police to smear people who have been struck by automobiles? Do they smear people who have been involved in other kinds of accidents, as well? Does Lt. Handfield have qualifications to diagnose people's injuries based on what he sees on videotape? I thought his job was to fight crime?

South Central Farmers injunction to save community garden is reversed by Court of Appeals- (tags)

On June 30, 2005, the Court of Appeal reversed the Superior Court’s order granting the preliminary injunction. The South Central Farmers Feeding Families have 40 days from June 30 to petition the California Supreme Court to review the Court of Appeal’s ruling. If the Supreme Court declines to hear the case, the urban garden will be demolished in about three months. Concerned supporters our community is devastated by this result and we need your support. In the same manner that the Zapatista in Chiapas are being attack so will we. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank has already begun to dismantle our leadership through low intensity cointel-pro strategies. We need you all to call and write letters to the following people we have attached.....


Keep contacting this guy about the GGPD.


People have asked me if this is true: Did a Garden Grove policeman write up a ticket to an Indymedia journalist who dropped a cigarette butt? After all, this is the same police department we've all been reading about that raided the Westminister home of Theresa Dang in search of a lost flashlight, isn't it? Would it be such a big surprise to anybody now that they actually stooped this low to harass other people whose only real crime was to exercise their constitutional right to free speech and assembly?

Journalist Under Attack By The Garden Grove Police Department (tags)

OC WEEKLY makes fun of Garden Grove police over flashlight raid (tags)

The cops are on high alert because word on the street is that Dang took an officer’s flashlight—DUH DUH DUUUUUUH!!!—which has Homeland Security officials considering raising the terror level to eggshell.

The LA Times prints letter critical of GGPD raid of Theresa Dang's home (tags)

I never thought I would say this, but thanks to The Los Angeles Times, an estimated one million people throughout Southern California have now heard something about the Garden Grove Police Department raid of Theresa Dang's Westminster home last Thursday.

Garden Grove Police Lt. Mike Handfield sends me a message about Theresa Dang (tags)

After ignoring me for days, the Garden Grove Police Department had now decided they wanted to talk. Wanna bet something printed in The Los Angeles Times over the weekend spurred their newfound interest in communicating with me?

Garden Grove United Resistance (tags)

Saenz dedicates a flag to the United Resistance of Garden Grove.

Calling all cars! Calling all cars! Be on the lookout for a lost flashlight! (tags)

Garden Grove police chief Joe Polisar wonders: where could his flashlight be? His cops couldn't find it when they searched Theresa Dang's home last week. Is it at yours?

Minuteman Flap Leads to Home Search (tags)

The search for the flashlight angered Dang's attorney, who called it political retaliation for Dang's open criticism of police tactics during the demonstration. "It's seems bizarre," said attorney B. Kwaku Duren.

D.A. Protest: Press Conference (tags)

The following video is the press conference given by the May 25th defense committee in response to the Garden Grove Arrests.

Sen. Joseph Dunn of Garden Grove (tags)

contact this guy

Last protestor arrested by GG police at Minuteman demo expected to be released (tags)

Kurt Isobe, one the last protestors still in Orange County jail after being arrested by Garden Grove police at last Wednesday's demonstration against Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist, is expected to be released tommorrow.

Updates on Arrest & Plans (tags)

The last student in jail is being arraigned. Protests will be made in the future for the protest of all the students arraignment. Also, Contact info for GG police, tell them what you think of their fascist brutality!

Garden Grove: From Where I Stood (tags)

A report on Garden Grove, from the street.

Garden Grove police drop criminal charges against Hal Netkin (tags)

Garden Grove police drop criminal charges against Hal Netkin.

Hal Netkin identified as driver of Minivan that struck persons at Minuteman protest (tags)

The Orange County Register is reporting that Hal Netkin of Van Nuys was the driver of a Minivan that struck three persons who were attending the protest against Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist's appearance at the California Coalition for Immigration Reform meeting in Garden Grove last night..

Solidarity Rally at Garden Groove Police Department NOW (tags)

call out to attend solidarity Rally at Garden Groove P.D.

People Arrested For No Reason (tags)

Activists were arrested for no reason. People are going to the Garden Grove Police Department to show solidarity and demand their release.

Protest Against MinuteMen - Garden Grove (tags)

Protest MinuteMen in Garden Grove, May 25th

MinuteMan Found in Garden Grove (tags)

Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the fascist "Minuteman Project", will be speaking at the Garden Grove Women's Club on Wednesday, May 25th at 7:30 pm.

Brightness in the Street, Dimness in the Garden (tags)

The intelligence and common sense of New Yorkers, and especially of the people who took to the street Sunday outside the RNC venue, stands in sharp contrast to the stupidity and willful ignorance on display inside the Garden, and at large across the country. The intelligence and common sense of New Yorkers, and especially of the people who took to the street Sunday outside the RNC venue, stands in sharp contrast to the stupidity and willful ignorance on display inside the Garden, and at large across the country.

Sex pros get ready (tags)

With thousands of Republicans set to invade the city this summer, high-priced escorts and strippers are preparing for one grand old party.

Save & share local seed diversity (tags)

Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders. ~ Henry Thoreau ~ Share the wonder...

Hundreds of trade unionists converge on Von's Pavillions supermarket in Garden Grove (tags)

Between 750 and 1,000 trade unionists converged on Von's Pavillions supermarket located at 9852 Chapman Ave. in Garden Grove today to protest the lockout/strike of more than 70,000 UFCW members in the Southern California area and demand that affordable healthcare be provided for all Americans.

GROUND FARCE 1: Queen's fury as Bush goons wreck garden (tags)

The rotors of the President's Marine Force One helicopter and two support Black Hawks damaged trees and shrubs that had survived since Queen Victoria's reign. And Bush's army of clod-hopping security service men trampled more precious and exotic plants. (Bush again displays his flair for Diplomacy by Destruction.)

New anti-war/anti-Bush music (tags)

Three new/revised songs protesting the Iraq war and Emperor Bush. For truly patriotic ears only.

Help the Watts Garden Club Create Jobs (tags)

With the help of the "Bioneers", the Watts Garden Club has been created in Watts, CA. For over a year now we have networked with the entire Watts Community teaching, networking, informing and enlighting the residents of Watts on many subjects relating to, but not limited to agriculture. We need help to get the word out in the community.

Garden Party for Green Party candidate Oct., 19 (tags)

Green Party Event: On Saturday, October 19, Phill Courtney, the Green Party candidate for Congress in the 44th district, will be holding a Garden Party for his campaign.



reclaim the streets! may 1st! May Day in OC! (tags)




Los Angeles Community Garden Story (tags)

Short story on Solano Canyon Community Garden

U.S. Concentration Camps: Operation Garden Plot (tags)

Operation Garden Plot is the Army's code name for military plans to put down civil disturbances. It was most recently activated during the 1992 riots in Los Angeles, the 1999 WTO meetings in Seattle, the 2000 Philadelphia Republican National Convention, and the 2000 Democratic National Convention in L.A. Well over 100 concentration camps have been designated and are maintained for use under Operation Garden Plot. With the sweeping new police powers ushered in since 9-11, and the possible more to repeal or amend the Posse Comitatus act, the Federal Government is now taking aim at dissent at home rather than terrorism abroad.

Public Relations Debacle After Sen. Hillary Jeered & Booed By Heroes (tags)

Drudge Report, Sunday, October 21, 2001

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