fix articles 1901, video
The alleged Oct.7, 2023 massacre of israelis by hamas never happened : conclusive proof.
‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 (tags)
A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.
I found this great video about 4chan and sites like this
Up-to-date inview of latest Robot development show cases from LEONARDO to World Robot Conference 2021 inclusive Youtube video links...
Share This With Everyone Please!!!!! (tags)
Don’t Get Jabbed: Powerful Video on “Killer Vaccine” that Needs to be Watched by Everyone – Global Research
Hidden Radios in Home Devices (IOT)! The next Cyberthreat (tags)
Counterprotest Against Fascists in Hunting Beach April 11, 2021 (tags)
I went to the demo and took this video of chanting.
Harvard grad Claira Janover lost Deloitte job over "stab threat'. (tags)
Stabbing people is a crime. But is threatening to stab people free speech?
COVID-19 Symptom Timeline (tags)
Timeline of symptoms as reported on a video by a person who made a video from her hospital bed.
Video: David Harvey explains the "Crisis of Capitalism," 11 min (tags)
Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people. Capitalism contains crisis as rain clouds contain rain (Jean Jaures, 19th century French socialist).
desmantelar la mentira capitalfascista del "terror islamico"
paris 13.11.2015 : puesta en escena total
Video: Chris Herdges in Eugene, 1 hr 24 min (tags)
"Weapons that don't work - against enemies that don't exist - with money we don't have" (Joseph Stiglitz)
los attaques de paris del 13.11.2015 nunca fueron
desmantelar la mentira capitalfascista del "terror islamico"
Video: Thomas Frank: Rendezvous with Oblivion, 58 min (tags) offers us reading samples for 202K eBooks and dissertations. Happy reading and happy research!
1)stop all crime 2) lies on internet (tags)
This report is in 2bparts: Stop all crime ; lies on the internet.
Fbi assassins assault & try to kill DAVID ATKINS (tags)
Fbi agents and operatives across the USA are psychopaths.
Steve Mnuchin video at UCLA released (tags)
Steve Mnuchin video at UCLA released
After Being Told He's 'Full of Sh*t' at School Event, Mnuchin Demands UCLA Suppress Video (tags)
Trump Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Mnuchin isn't accustomed to facing direct challenges to his wild economic claims or protests over the GOP tax plan he helped craft, and after experiencing both during an event at UCLA's Burkle Center on Monday, Mnuchin demanded that video of his appearance be suppressed.
The Video ICE Wishes Was Never Made Public (tags)
It looks like a scene out of a movie — men toting shotguns and wearing tactical gear marked "POLICE" suddenly storm into an auto repair shop in South Los Angeles - but they weren't police.
Large Scale Shootings in Kurdistan Autonous Zone Iraqi Kurdistan on Video (tags)
NPR and Kurdish speaking citizens with hand held cameras report offensive maneuvers by pro Iranian militias and Iragi government forces. Video report shows construction equipment burying dead in shallow graves
FACEBOOK video on GERAL SOSBEE vs. Burro, aka fbi (tags)
Data here is gathered from Facebook and my reports regarding fbi assassins.
video on police surveillance of activists (tags)
police surveillance
Video: After Words with Naomi Klein, 57 min (tags)
Trump follows the traditional rules of branding, not the traditional rules of politics. Absolute power through wealth is his principle or ideology. Cutting corporate taxes to 15% and ending the inheritance tax help the rich.
The Systemic MURDER Of Philando Castile: One Yr. Later (tags)
To believe Jeronimo Yanez, you would have to believe that Philando Castile, a law-abiding, peaceful cafeteria manager at a local elementary school who had a concealed-carry permit, was for some unknown reason bent on murdering the police officer who had pulled him over because of an alleged faulty brake light. You would also have to believe that Castile, having decided to shoot Yanez, thought it was a good idea to calmly announce, "Sir, I have to tell you that I do have a firearm on me." On June 16th this year, 12 White jurors decided to believe Yanez.
Video: March for Science, April 22, 2017, 4 hours (tags)
The March for Science rally took place on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The event was one of more than 500 planned rallies held across the U.S. and overseas. The speaking program featured remarks by Bill Nye, Earth Day principal organizer Denis Hayes along with scientists...
Video & Photos from Stop AIPAC 2017 Demonstration (tags)
At least 1,000 people showed up in the bitter cold and wet Washington, DC on March 26, 2017 to protest a notorious Zionist organization, American Israel Public Affairs Committee or AIPAC, at an ANSWER sponsored demonstration. They made an excellent 9 minute video which can be seen at
Video: "Forget Shorter Showers," 11 min (tags)
"Access instead of excess" and "Enough instead of more." Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people. Viva Alternative Economics, people before profits!
SAG-AFTRA video game performers on strike (tags)
In the early morning of Friday, the Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) announced a strike against a dozen video game entertainment corporations, including Electronic Arts Productions, Inc., Disney Character Voices, Inc. and Warner Brothers Games, Inc.
VIDEO: Heart-warming video of ‘real life Paddington Bear’ returned to the forest (tags)
Cholita, the bear with no hair, celebrates a year in the forest as Animal Defenders International (ADI)
New video highlights bond of love between lions (tags)
“The video shows the strength of the family bond in a lion pride"
Video: Book Discussion on Louis D. Brandeis, 1 hr 24 min (tags)
Supreme Court justice Louis D. Brandeis is considered the father of modern anti-trust legislation. He stressed breaking up big banks and using countervailing influences. Bigness was opposed on moral grounds.
Freedom for Hoover the tiger after life spent in circus cage (tags)
A new video released by Animal Defenders International (ADI)
Harvard law Student Husam El-Qoulaq calls foreign dignitary "smelly" (tags)
Proof that some not so smart students also get into harvard
Palestinian Human Rights Activists Receives Death Threats (tags)
A Palestinian human rights activist said Thursday that he was “terrified” by the hostile reception and physical threats he received while lecturing at the University of Chicago.
Hundreds March Long Beach to Compton to Protest Los Angeles Sheriff Murder of Noel Aguilar (tags)
Noel Aguilar, age 23, was killed on May 26, 2014 by Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Deputies Albert Murad and Jose Ruiz, who lied to make it seem like their victim deserved to die. LASD falsely reported that Noel was armed, had shot an injured deputy, and tried to take away the officers' guns. A witness cell phone video released in December 2015 revealed that Deputy Ruiz actually shot Deputy Murad accidentally and then shifted the blame to Noel, who was shot four times at point-blank range while being pinned down. Noel's final words #ImDying became a rallying cry for a protest held January 16, 2016. Over 300 people marched a three-mile route to the Compton station of the LASD, where Noel's killers Albert Murad and Jose Ruiz report to duty.
Video: Direct Action and Protest, 1 hr 9 min (tags)
Panelists talked about the history and use of direct action as a means of non-violent protest. Topics included the Keystone XL pipeline, the Black Lives Matter movement, housing evictions, rising tuition, and nuclear power.
Video: It's Time to Get Radical On Inequality, Stiglitz, 18 min (tags)
We are the least consistent with the American Dream. An economic system that doesn't raise standards is a failure.
VIDEO: What "Orwellian" Really Means (tags)
The population is inundated with propaganda. Labor camps are called joy camps. With cognitive dissonance, individuals are left completely dependent on the state. Orwell urged us to protect our language in a world where war is slavery and freedom is peace.
Democracy Now, Military Times, Guardian Articles On Soldiers Refusing To Drop Drones etc (tags)
drones: leaks and links... those who profiteer from them... those wiring children with video games which promote drone killing, bombing of Yemen resumes
Wildlife advocates hope awareness following Cecil’s death will motivate festival (tags)
Supporters of ADI and Animal Rights Coalition will be outside the Minnesota Renaissance Festival
Wildlife advocates hope awareness following Cecil’s death will motivate renaissance festiv (tags)
Supporters of ADI and Animal Rights Coalition will be outside the Minnesota Renaissance Festival
Exposed: The Miserable Lives of the Last Exotic Animal Act on The Las Vegas Strip (tags)
The last exotic animal act exposed in Las Vegas
Kurt cobains half brother hit and the mom of Kurt brown. Saint ram bone (tags)
the video attached is the latest of brother Kurt brown Saintrambone. Murder and mayhem. Kurt cobains father was murdered with poison when Kurt Cobain was first on radio.
A Case Study of Israeli Murder (tags)
Video: This Changes Everything, 16 min (tags)
Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people. Access could replace excess as enough could replace more. gives us 700 free movies and 700 free E-books and 450 audio books (including 1984)! Are we ready to be more generous?
LA Times goes to bat for killer cops in Salinas (tags)
"Velasco suffered bruises and may have a broken leg", (Salinas Police Chief) McMillin said at the very end of an report defending the latest police aggression against an already restrained subject. The media experts at Tribune Corporation know that few people read past the headline, and save truth for the end. The truth is in the video just becoming viral, and Salinas police are in urgent need of damage control.
Families Protest Abusive Foreclosure Practices of Wells Fargo Bank (tags)
Families feeling the abusive foreclosure practices of Wells Fargo occupied bank branches in both Whittier and Studio City on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Members of Occupy Fights Foreclosures (OFF) and the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) asked local branch managers to forward letters describing violations of the California Homeowner Bill of Rights to Wells Fargo headquarters.
4 Men Murdered 1983 San Pedro, Stat of WW III, Memory Returned 2014, Psych Ops, Video Link (tags)
I have in a link below a Youtube video describing a covered up murder of "line Handlers" in the USA which led to the hiring of 4 New men to Sabotage Vessel, Psych Ops, WW III, I Kurt Brown quartermaster may die soon from cancer, VA denying responsibility, War Lost by US?
UCLA passes resolution condemning anti-Semitism (tags)
On Tuesday evening, UCLA’s student government’s legislative body unanimously passed a resolution condemning anti-Semitism on campus.
Video: A basic income for everybody!, 48 min (tags)
Belgian video with English subtitles
VIDEO: Opportunity Village Eugene, 5 min (tags)
Opportunity Village turns 1 year old—and looks forward to the next! Opportunity Village turned one year old at the end of August! The micro-housing community has provided a home to more than 60 people for various lengths of time since opening.
Video: "Dark Legacy" (2009) on the Kennedy assassination (tags)
Also known as JFK II, Dark Legacy presents the overwhelming evidence of George Herbert Walker Bush's involvement in the Kennedy assassination.
police state
Video: Tiny Houses for the Homeless (tags)
Housing is a human right and yet is subverted by the right of speculation. Arnold Kunzli is an emeritus Swiss professor and author of Housing as a Human Right
Ken O’Keefe Calls For US Military to Refuse Orders to Attack Syria (tags)
Former US Marine Ken O'Keefe requests for all US military personal to refuse their orders if called upon to fight ISIS/ISIL in Syria. He states that ISIS/ISIL are paid psychopaths working for the CIA with the ultimate goal of destabilization of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad's government. He declared anyone who spreads propaganda about ISIS/ISIL being a genuine threat requiring US military intervention as traitors who are sending our young soldiers into another endless war with well funded terrorists. Al Qaeda --> Nusra Front --> ISIS/ISIL is the latest morph of names and ideologies.
Spiritualists, Science and Subjective and Objective Realities (tags)
Spiritualists and Scientists seem at regular odds with one another, but maybe that is because each is dominant in a different part of human existence. This essay examines their areas of domain and muses on whether the two can operate symbiotically
Video: Astra Taylor on The People's Platform (tags)
This 29-minute presentation was aired by C-Span on July 8, 2014.
Circus Elephants Used for Children’s Rides Go Out of Control (tags)
Animal Defenders International (ADI) has released film of elephants used for children’s rides fighting as workers try to control them with bullhooks, metal bars and stun guns.
Video: Elizabeth Warren and Thomas Piketty, 47min (tags)
The rich get richer and everybody else suffers. Prof. Piketty explains in his 950 page book that the rigged system has gone on for centuries.
Video: Why Capitalism is Killing the Planet, 27 min (tags)
Market anarchy as promoted by Adam Smith is different than prioritzing human needs. We must put the brakes on industrial growth. Equivalent jobs must be provided for closed industries.
Livestreamer @PMBeers interviews Bundy Ranch supporters during BLM stand-off (Part 2) (tags)
As tensions between Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management skyrocketed in early April 2014, mainstream media remained silent about the arrests as well as property destruction at the hands of the BLM. To learn the truth from the people on the ground, livestreamer Patti Beers (@PMBeers) carpooled to Bunkersville, NV to interview the hundreds of volunteers at Bundy Ranch. Her livestream audience grew to over 1,000 viewers by 9:00 AM on Saturday, April 12.
False arrest video
More Info about Pacifica, which holds KPFK's license, etc. (tags)
– More than is visible in any informative[vs. those preferring to attack] LA medium . So here are some reposts - parts of what is on URL that appears to be about KPFA in Berkeley but that also affects all PACIFICA FDTN stations equally. The confusion, conflict about the Exe Director Reese has opened up the box and more info is being revealed, finally ! These links and information is intended to be Shared, Exposed, Discussed, and later Resolved too. Not to set up more conflicts or malicious actions, please !
Tea Party Cartoon Pokes Fun at Obama's Death (tags)
Conrad the Constitution, a tea party youtube series, depicts Obama's death in a fictional assasintion plot.
VIDEO: Exploring the Sanctuary Concept (tags)
Thanks for this Jeremy and Brent, and best of luck in Santa Cruz! Follow opportunity village at
VIDEO: "Koch Brothers Exposed," 2012, 1 hr (tags)
Millions of dollars are spent in propaganda to convince the public that social security is bankrupt, that the retirement age should be raised to 70 and that social security should be turned into private retirement accounts. Millions are spent to undermine unions & privatize education.
VIDEO: "Super Amigos," 2007, 1 hr 12 min (tags)
Difference is a strength and enrichment, not a threat. Resisting exorbitant rents is part of the larger struggle to reclaim the city. The sovereignty of human rights could replace the sovereignty of nation-states when it mutates into market rule (cf. Rafeal Correa, Ecuador)
VIDEO: Life and Times of Nelson Mandela, 1 hr 42 min (tags)
Mandela has given us all something to aim for, a democratic and free society where harmony prevails. Only Mandela could prevent a race riot, a nightmarish civil war.
VIDEO: "Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis" 46 min (tags)
By spending $4 billion in lobbying and campaign contributions, Wall Street banks carried out a "quiet coup" (Simon Johnson). Banks own this place (Sen. Dick Durbin). The state has become the "errand boy" of the banks (Bill Moyers)
VIDEO: Wage Crisis with Joseph Stiglitz (tags)
Economic hardship in the world's biggest financial superpower. The squeezed American middle class
We Are All in This Together – Taiwan Combats Climate Change (tags)
As climate change is happening, Taiwan has taken steps to curb carbon emissions and to transform to a green energy island. Taiwan can receive support from and contribute to the world if it is able to participate fully in UNFCCC. Video included and runs 2:40.
VIDEO: "The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America," 1hr (tags)
In "The Unwinding," George Parker grapples with the end of the Roosevelt republic and the need to fight organized money. He sees 1978 as a beginning when California passed Proposition 13 and de-funded education.
VIDEO: Renegade Economist Show - The Pilot (tags)
The 31-minute video "Renegade Economist Show" from the UK from October 19, 2013 discusses productive and non-productive wealth and cooperatives outperforming four or five, housing associations and energy cooperatives.
Video: Jon Stewart tries to end government shutdown (tags)
"Private banks create money out of nothing and lend it to us...Money is gambled on financial markets...Money supply doubled in seven years 2000-2007 in the UK...Bailing out banks perpetuates a system that will never work..Money should only be used for productive purposes."
Video: Bill Moyers - Joblessness is Killing Us (tags)
Moved by the plight of the poor and unemployed, Pope Francis recently decried a global economy that “does us so much harm.” In this essay, Bill Moyers reflects on our broken economy.
VIDEO: "The Four Horsemen" (tags)
Finance capitalism is an outgrowth of self-healing markets and too-big-to-fail banks, perverse business models and perverse incentives where speculation and creating money out of thin air are normalized.
Video: Bruce Gagnon: The Deadly Connection: Endless War and Economic Crisis (tags)
Bruce Gagnon, is Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space and long-time member of Veterans For Peace.
New 9/11 truth book is out (tags)
In 2010, Dimitri Khalezov told us that the WTC was demolished by three 150 kiloton nukes. His 9/11 book is now available on the internet
Video: The Communciators with Robert McChesney (tags)
Robert McChesney is a professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign-Communication Department
A Justice 4 Trayvon Martin Scrapbook (tags)
Links and photos from Sunday through Friday.
VIDEO: Durviving the New American Economy, 56min (tags)
Bill Moyers interviewed two Milwaukee families struggling against a downhill economy in a changing city. Deindustrialization isn't a law of nature like falling rain but a political decision. After deindustrialization, state jobs were a way to middle class life.
False Arrest in Chandler Arizona (tags)
False Arrest in Chandler Arizona
video of false arrest in Chandler (tags)
Anti-Assad Forces: Caught in the Act Again (tags)
VIDEOS Iraq War: 10th Anniversary + The hidden cost of the Iraq War (tags)
Ten years after the start of the War in Iraq, relive the key moments from Al Jazeera's exclusive coverage and RT America review
(Video) Bs. As./ Represion y resistencia en desalojo de vigilia x la Sala Alberdi (tags)
El acampe que llevaba 70 días aguantando el bien estar de lxs manifestantxs que permanecen en la sala de teatro Sala Alberdi, en el 6to piso del Centro Cultural Gral. San Martín de la ciudad de Buenos Aires contra la privatización impuesta por el gobierno fue levantado como demostración de diálogo para destrabar el conflicto. La respuesta que ofreción el gobierno de Lombardi (Cultura) y Macri (Gobernador) fue la represión que incluyó uso de armas de fuego que hirieron de bala de plomo a 3 personas; artistas y reporteros de medios alternativos. El video ofrece un resumen de los hechos ocurridos entre la noche del 12 de Marzo y la madrugada y tarde del 13 de marzo del 2013.
Locating Witnesses for CHALK WALK Arrest (tags)
This is a call out to any witnesses that may have seen the arrest of Occupy LA protesters during Chalk Walk on July 12-13 at the police skirmish line of 4th and Spring in downtown LA.
Radical Campaign Promises and John Carlos' Visit to LA (tags)
Hear the campaign promises of a radical activist running for LA city council and hear John Carlos, '68 Olympic Athlete, talk about endorsing this activist
Bob Barker Spearheads New Campaign on Elephant Rides as LA City Considers Ban (tags)
Bob Barker assists ADI in their nationwide initiative to ban the use of elephants for entertainment through a new documentary, "No Fun For Elephants."
University of Ottawa Racism, Censorship and Abuse of Power (tags)
police state
Video available: Captured UN's decision means peaceful revolutions justified. (tags)
Video available: discusses the Captured UN's 'permanent' rebalancing of global power from the West to Developing Asia (including China and India), the 'grassroots-up rather than Beehive-down' approach to rebuilding Christchurch and the cowardice of the domestic and global establishments in refusing to discuss the ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization for World Peace - to replace neoliberalism.
Immigration Story in Long Beach, CA 3-minute video. (tags)
We hear a 3-minute story of an activist from Long Beach. After witnessing his parents’ long struggle in the U.S., he decided to join the immigrant rights movement.
VIDEO: "You Don't Know What You Don't Know," Noam Chomsky, June 2012, 2hr 33 min (tags)
Few dare to go against the mainstream media. Hear Noam explain how expansion mutated in stability when Andrew Jackson seized Florida. The 60s generation was an anti-authoritarian generation though resistance to Vietnam was mute from 1962.
North Korea video shows US city in flames after missile attack (tags)
It begins benignly enough, with an image of a sleeping young North Korean man, and a genteel piano version of the US feel-good pop anthem We Are the World providing the musical backdrop. But the YouTube video recently posted by Uriminzokkiri, North Korea's official website, quickly takes a more sinister turn as the man's dream continues into the realms of Stalinist fantasy.
The Syrian Revolution: Another Madness to Bring the Sharia Law (tags)
The so-called Syrian Revolution is being led by Wahhabist extremists against the rational secular government of Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. backed Wahhabists are seeking to overthrow the stable government of al-Assad to further escalate tensions between Iran and Israel. Once again U.S. foreign policy is in the same filthy gutter of deception where the GW Bush regime left off. Some change, eh?
Oracion para desesperar (tags)
Oracion para desesperar
argument over video crowd controll
Isabel Avila's "Parallel Worlds" at the Vincent Price Art Museum (tags)
In her first solo exhibit, photographer (and contributor to LA IndyMedia) Isabel Avila explores the dual identities of Native American and Mexican American cultures, emphasizing people active in their communities. Avila's photographs, taken over the last few years, are complimented by video discussions, many featuring her photo subjects but also additional people, including Gloria Arellanes, one of the early Brown Berets and member of the Tongva community. (Excerpts of these dialogs can be found further down in this article.) The free exhibit is currently at the Vincent Price Museum through December 8. It will then then relocate to Rancho Cucamonga's Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art and run from January 22 – March 16, 2013. (Location details within the article.)
VIDEO: "The Servant Economy" - Jeff Faux (tags)
Propaganda from the right has blown away cooperation. Since Reagan, the future has disappeared from American politics. The idea of planning for the future was embedded in the New Deal and lost completely with Reagan. Reagan photoshoped the future.
a visionary's report: our obligation to defend victims of war: the CHILDREN! (tags)
A visionary way to bring warriors to their knees before the next war (tho war is perpetual)
Video: "What's the Economy for Anyway?" (2009) (tags)
David Batke from Earth Economics offers a systems approach and describes economics in relation to health and nature. Economies don't grow but are transformed. Our economic measurements focus on stuff.
John McCain Confronted on USS Liberty Cover-up & Media Accomplices (tags)
John McCain confronted on Memorial Day 2012 about his role/association with ongoing USS Liberty cover-up!
A Video Message to the Government of Lithuania from Anonymous (tags)
A message to the Government of Lithuania from anonymous regarding child sex trade and police abuse of children. If the government officials do not heed the warnings of anonymous they may find thier careers at the bottom of the sea. These government officials who turn their backs to the suffering of children are running out of time. The clock is ticking...
Why We Strike Video #m1gs (tags)
A link to a video about Why We Strike
Brutal beating of an immigrant by Police caught on camera (tags)
In a new video published today the brutal beating of an immigrant by the Police was caught on camera by a resident from his balcony.
Building a Progressive Counterforce to ALEC (tags)
Katrina vanden Heuvel is editor of The Nation. Mark Enlger is an author and contributing writer to Dissent magazine.
Censorship On The Network (tags)
The message that came up on the D.C. IMC today when I went to publish an article
Here Is Your Free Libya, Obama! (tags)
Mr. President, you're a war criminal
Video: On the Brink: Fiscal Austerity Threatens a Global Recession (tags)
Dr. Heiner Flassbeck, Director, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD: European austerity policies past the point of no return, driving global economy towards deep and lengthy recession
Students of the World UNITE (tags)
Stewart Alexander of California and Alex Mendoza of Texas have been nominated by the Socialist Party USA to run for the President and Vice President of the United States in 2012; the campaign wants to engage students and allow them participate in the current political landscape and the upcoming presidential election, even though they may not be old enough to vote.
A video showing US Marines urinating on dead Taliban soldiers in Afghanistan came to worldwide media attention just this month. Apparently, the dead Taliban soldiers were killed by the US soldiers. At this point it is not known what precisely the video was intended for, outside of demeaning the Taliban fighters. Not much is publicly known about the US soldiers themselves, but from the video they appear to be young and obviously not thinking clearly.
OCCUPY roses and constitution showed up in media (tags)
Many more local newspapers covered Occupy The Rose Parade, while TV paid-for-corporate-money pretended WE were not there! See sources on net below for pure enjoyment and passing on to those who missed the parade or the news that counted.
Occupy Rose Parade Streams (tags)
Streams to watch the action after the Rose Parade.
Video: Halliburton charged for selling nuclear technology to Iran (tags)
Company has had billions of dollars of contracts with the US government.
I Dream of Freedom (From U.S.A. Police State) - Music Video (tags)
Scott X and the Constitution Commandos Release the 7th rock music video off their 2011 Album "Fighting the U.S. Police State With Music"
Video: Boehner presented with golden calf (tags)
Occupy demonstrators carried a golden calf to the US capitol. Social justice and self-criticism are our life-blood. Justice is mocked when the interests of short-term profit, banks and speculation are enforced against the survival of humans and nature.
Video from the scene just in (tags)
Raw video upload by LA-IMC reporter at the scene now.
Video of new social justice organizatin (tags)
One month, and 5,200 miles later, we are very proud to show you our new 'About Because We Must' video!
THE ELI GEMINI SHOW - Jorge Urbina, City of Denton, et al. Corruption & CoverUps Story (tags)
See YouTube video on this story at: Eli Gemini of THE ELI GEMINI SHOW reports on the audio tape evidence and recordings of Jorge Urbina (former Chair of Interfaith Ministries of Denton, Inc.), and the corruption, cover-ups, and conspiracy by the City of Denton, the City of Denton Police Department, Interfaith Ministries of Denton, Inc. (IMODI), former Denton City mayors (Euline Brock & Perry McNeill), current City of Denton mayor (Mark Burroughs), the current and former Denton City Councils, former and current City of Denton Chiefs of Police (Charles Wiley and Roy Minter), Denton Municipal Court system, Stephanie Berry, Judge Robin Ramsey, the Denton Record-Chronicle (A.H. Belo Inc.), and others.
US Declares War! On Democratic Dissent? (tags)
With the brutal police violence widely employed against Occupy, one must ask what kind of government and police perpetrate such acts upon those exercising their rights to free speech and assembly? We have seen this in police or fascist states, but here...has Amerika murdered America?
VIDEO: Occupy Riverside Raid November 6, 2011 (tags)
Video footage of the raid on Occupy Riverside and the subsequent police brutality and arrests.
Video: Constitution Cafe: Jefferson's Brew for a True Revolution (tags)
Christopher Phillips is the author of Socrates Cafe: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy and Socrates in Love: Philosophy for a Passionate Heart. He teaches in the graduate program in Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University. Visit
Video Interview from Occupy L.A. (tags)
Voices from Occupy L.A. Recorded on Sunday, September 23rd, 2011 . Click on the link to watch the video:
Video interview from Stop Police Brutality Rally (tags)
Video interview with protesters at the 16th Annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality. Recorded on October 22, 2011 at Mac Arthur Park in Los Angeles. Click on this link to watch the video:
VIDEO: Protest At Fox Studios (tags)
Video from Protest at Fox Studios 10-21-11
VIDEO: Protest At Fox Studios (tags)
About 75 people came out to protest Fox News outside the shareholders meeting today
Video: Durbin - Boycott B of A (tags)
Peace and resistance are part of our nature as antibodies are part of our bodies. Viva Occupy Wall Street! Viva Occupy K-Street!
Occupy Los Angeles Day 2 Video (tags)
Video from the Occupy Los Angeles Protest, Day 2. October 2, 2011
Videos: Mary Robinson and Thom Hartmann (tags)
Thom Hartmann speaks on "Let's keep feudalism where it belongs - in school textbooks. Mary Robinson speaks on "The War on Terror was a Mistake."
Live Video Feed from Occupy Wall Street! (tags)
Watch the Occupy Wall Street protests live!
Video: Understanding the Financial Crisis (tags)
Distorted incentives drove the failure of risk management. There was an evaporization of trust in 2008. In September, Lehmann Brothers and AIG went bankrupt.
Violent Arrests in NYC at Occupy Wallstreet (tags)
The excuse for the arrests was a claim that a tarp protecting electronic equipment was somehow a tent, and the ensuing attack left one person in critical condition with an asthma attack.
Video: Woody Guthrie on BookTV (tags)
Will Kaufman is a professor of American literature and culture at the University of Central Lancashire, England. His books include "American Culture in the 1970s" and "The Civil War in American Culture."
Dangerous Unexploded Ordnance Left Behind at Former US Military Bases in the Philippines (tags)
Unexploded ordnance (UXO) recently found in Clark and Subic, Philippines, the sites of former US military installations in the Philippines. A local villager found a live mortar in his backyard. UXO and toxic wastes continue to peril children and families in the Philippines.
Video: Research Shows Rich Getting Richer Makes Poor Poorer (tags)
From a certain point, increased wealth does not bring greater happiness. Time sovereignty and personal freedom are lost when life is reduced to vulgar materialism. Cheney's book "In My Time" should be titled "In My Imagination" and belongs in the crime section, not in history (K.Olbermann)
Video: How Dangerous is This Moment? and Tar Sands Protests at White House (tags)
Resistance and peace are part of our nature as antibodies are part of our bodies. The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. The economy should serve humanity, not vice versa.
Video: Countdown with Keith Olbermann - Bernie Sanders (tags)
Social security is life and death for millions. Raising the cap from $106K would make social security solvent for 75 years. The president must raise revenue, strengthen the infrastructure and create jobs.
Video: Is Super-Capitalism a Threat to Democracy? (tags)
In Washington, the citizen side of our brain is not heard, only the consumer/investor side.
Video: Who Killed Economic Growth? (tags)
Once 90% of investment was productive. Now 90% of investment is speculative. States become errand boys of the banks. The real economy falls by the wayside. the financial sector must be shriveled.
Video: Massive Jobs Program Only Way Out (tags)
Economics changes with the times as states and individuals change. Once savings was the elixir and then spending was the elixir with John Maynard Keynes. Speculative investment only leads to exploding inequality and atrophy of public spirit.
Angry leftists seek silver lining in debt deal and 7 videos (tags)
May we mend our own pockets and put the horse (14 million jobs and drying up the tax havens) before the cart (economic recovery/economic democracy)! Robert Kuttner speaks about this at
Video: Obama and the "Gang of Six" (tags)
"Gang of Six" Plan is all about cuts not increased taxes. Obama represents Wall Street faction of Democratic Party.
Video: Debt Ceiling Debate "Fraud" (tags)
David Swanson: Polling shows majority of Americ ans want to tax the rich and cut the military before cutrting social programs.
Video: Debt Ceiling Charade a Move to the Right - Michael Hudson (tags)
Michael Hudson is a distinguished research economist at the University of Missouri.
"Students Should Become Anarchists": Noam Chomsky (tags)
Anarchists try to identify power structures. They urge those exercising power to justify themselves. Then anarchists work at unmasking and mastering the structures, whether patriarchal families or the private tyrannies of the economy. Links to R Hahnel, C Milstein and M Albert.
Video: The Heartlessness of Rugged Individualism (tags)
Rep. Marcy Kaptor is the vigorous representative of Toledo, Ohio.
Video: Gretchen Morgenson on The Charlie Rose Show (tags)
Video: Gretchen Morgenson on The Charlie Rose Show, June 6, 2011
Video: Senate Stops Medicare Disaster (tags)
In a floor speech shortly before Wednesday's Senate vote, Sen. Bernie Sanders focused on the impact on Medicare. "It would end Medicare as we know it by giving senior citizens inadequate vouchers..."
Dissent from the Ranks with Ethan McCord (tags)
We wish to promote an event, Titled "Dissent from the Ranks, with Ethan McCord the medic from the"Collateral Murer" video published by Wikileaks. Will feature a panel discussion with Veteran Activists: Alejandra and Jeremy Rishton, Mike Prsysner
Video: Chicago demonstration against the Libya war (tags)
Corporate media tries not to offend the investor-financier class and censors the people's rage against Wall St. bailouts and illegal wars.
Video: Joshua Holland "The 15 Biggest Lies About the Economy" (tags)
The effective tax rate is half the nominal corporate tax rate. Two-thirds of US corporations paid no tax. GE took a $3.2 billion corporate tax credit. l.
May Day March in S. F. 2011 (tags)
Video of May Day march in S. F. 2011
New Bin Laden Tapes Appear Fake Like Earlier Ones (tags)
bin Laden
U.S. Government Target (rock music video) Released (tags)
Anti USA Police State rock music video released by American rocker who has been targeted with a decade of government oppression. Scott X and the Constitution Commandos take on corrupt and criminal acts of the government with their 6th video release from their new album: "Fighting the U.S. Police State With Music".
Video: Ha-Joon Chang - "23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism" (tags)
Ha-Joon Chang is a professor of economics at Cambridge and author of "Bad Samaritans" and "23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism." This eight-part interview is presented by
Controversy Comes to Villa Park (tags)
Protesters demonstrate against Anti-Muslim statements made by Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly.
Video: Thousands Across US Rally in Support of Workers' Rights (tags)
In hundreds of cities, thousands rally to show support for public sector workers.
NYC Boycott Israel group posts silent video after YouTube removes original (tags)
After receiving over 30,000 views in just two days, a video of New York human rights activists commemorating Palestinian Land Day by calling on Americans to boycott Israel was taken down on the evening of April 1st by YouTube. Today, Adalah-NY posted a silent version of the video on YouTube. In the video, originally posted on March 30, more than 30 dancers accompanied by the Rude Mechanical Orchestra surprised crowds at New York's bustling Grand Central Terminal with an unannounced song and dance.
Video: Thousands protest in London against government spending cuts (tags)
This video is from,
Video: Anti-War Protesters Arrested Outside White House (tags)
Daniel Ellsberg and more than a hundred war protesters arrested as they oppose US wars.
03-19 Antiwar March in Hollywood (tags)
a short video and some images from yesterday's march
Sexual Harassment and Violence at Orange County’s Democratic Party (tags)
Democratic women ready to fight back against the climate of violence
Video: US Uncut on Thom Hartmann (tags)
Scenes from the US Uncut protest of Bank of America, Washington DC, Feb 26, 2011 Powerlessness, a widespread feeling, gives way as soon as the possibilities are used. The horse is economic recovery. As soon as jobs are created (and tax havens dried up), the deficit will gradually be reduced (RKuttner
The Shift of Power to the East and South (tags)
The shift of political and economic power from West to East and North to South and the rapid development of technological innovations have created a completely new reality..The claim of the US and Europe to being masters of the universe must be ended.
Live video coverage from people in Madison, WI statehouse (tags)
This--- is fucking awesome. This video amazing. Madison, Wisconsin- small victories tonite. Republican defects in statehouse. People are holding out to stay overnight without the grace of Scott Walker. Cops promise to not take people out of statehouse.
Feb 22 Cal Solidarity Rallies with Wisconsin Labor; General Strike Call in Wisconsin (tags)
The general strike is the only effective weapon labor has to put an end to the capitalist profit motive that is the cause of all our grief. Michael Moore reports that LABOR IN WISCONSIN IS PREPARING FOR A GENERAL STRIKE! California has several solidarity rallies planned for Feb 22.
Gioffre & Rader: Real-Life Gay Couple Do Video Together (tags)
Though the passage of Proposition 8 in November 2008 put a damper on their original business plan to market themselves as specialist in wedding videos for Gay and Lesbian couples, videographers and real-life husband and husband Gary Rader and Anthony Gioffre are going ahead with their company, Golden Lodestar Productions, and even marketing themselves as specialists in commitment ceremonies. They also do other kinds of video production and are frequently seen with their gear at local pro-Queer demonstrations and other political events they’re documenting for historical purposes.
Video: Protester Shot And Killed In Alexandria, Egypt (GRAPHIC VIDEO) (tags)
Egyptian security shoot unarmed protestor
Video: Crisis of Capitalism (tags)
David Harvey says it's time to look beyond capitalism toward a new social order that would really allow us to live within a system that could be rational, just and humane.
VIDEO: "Austerity America" (tags)
Obama refused to bail out states while funnelling trillions to banks. The banks chose not to increase jobs and income; they didn't share the taxpayer injections.
Announcing 40 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism in Mexico, May 2011 (tags)
Ten Days of Intensive Training in Central Mexico: Video Production, Investigative & Online Reporting, and Movement Strategies for Journalists
Obama Tortures Bradley Manning; Where are CCR & ACLU lawsuits? (tags)
Democrat Obama is now torturing whistleblower Bradley Manning by keeping him in solitary confinement 23 hours per day, with no news contacts and no pillow or sheets allowed so he is now on anti-depressants. Where are the CCR (Center for Constitutional Rights) & ACLU lawsuits?
BAD COP (music video) released (tags)
Scott X and the Constitution Commandos have released BAD COP, the third video release off their album "Fighting the U.S. Police State with Music".
"Conversations with Terrorists": Reese Ehlich (tags)
Two videos from October 15, 2010 and October 23, 2010
San Diego Activists Turn Out to Support Bradley Manning (tags)
San Diego’s progressive community turned out for a downtown rally September 19 in support of Bradley Manning, alleged leaker of the 90,000 pages of documents about the war in Afghanistan and the so-called “Collateral Murder” video of a U.S. attack on civilians in Iraq in 2007, who’s currently being held awaiting trial in an Army brig. Law professor Marjorie Cohn, anti-war veteran Chuck Wynette and other speakers called for Manning to be set free whether he leaked the papers or not.
The Wobblies (please share) (tags)
A very well made video from 1979 about the IWW.
VIDEO: There are solutions: Laura Wells, Green Party candidate for Governor of California (tags)
Video of California Green gubernatorial candidate Laura Weels
Venice Homeless Protect LAPD Order to vacate public sidewalk after 9pm, Aug 26, 2010 (tags)
On Aug 26. 2010 LAPD Officers not familiar with Venice sent to enforcement LAMC 41.18(d) a direct violation of the Jones vs City of Los Angeles settlement Agreement, on 3rd Street between Sunset Ave and Rose Ave. Video evidence taken by Lisa Green. A transcript of most of the proceedings are provided. Names of Officers and the persons which were enforced to leave the sidewalk after having settled to sleep are not provided to protect those being used to pit us against each other using fear. However, I will make the video tape available to the appropriate persons upon request so that we can address this misuse of power and criminalization of those defined as homeless.
Net Neutrality Doesn't Go Far Enough (tags)
A latecomer to this "debate" chimes in.
Peace through Education (video) (tags)
This is a video for anyone who’s struggling for a better education, especially immigrant students. I’ll go toe to toe with Glen Beck to see who knows what about life any day.
CIA officer Phil Giraldi on Press TV (streaming video at top of www. news eve (tags)
Israeli spying in US
VIDEO: Church of Pointless Consumption (tags)
People finally fulfilled their calling and covered every inch with freeways. The Church of Pointless Consumption proclaims a transforming process from bankruptcy to prosperity. The video also includes readings from the holy book of the bottom line.
USA POLICE STATE music video (tags)
Rocker Scott X and his band expose the oppression and corruption of the U.S. Police State that hang over the head of every U.S. citizen in the new release LIBERTY WANTED.
Arizona Indymedia on July 29th (tags)
Copied from the front page of
Obama – The Egyptian King (tags)
Before I get started id just like you to watch the following video. Just so that we are on the same understanding that Obama is playing out the role of the lying puppet that he was always supposed to be.
We Stand With Bradley Manning (tags)
"865 Fri Jul 23 13:23:58 EDT 2010 Darlene Wallach Justice for Palestinians Bradley Manning is a courageous hero for doing what is right! Free Bradley Manning. Arrest, indict, prosecute the real war criminals the Bush administrationl, the Obama administration, all members of congress."
Police Abuse: Will a ‘torture’ verdict be the beginning of the end? (tags)
Similar to the crime of rape, that of police abuse is substantively underreported. But while news reports have rightly hailed the torture related conviction of former Chicago police lieutenant Jon Burge, all too many issues remain.
Cat Graffiti Artist Arrested (tags)
Switzerland: Video on Undocumented Occupation (tags)
On 26 June, about 300 migrants and solidarity activists occupied a park right besides the seat of the Swiss government in Bern. They've been protesting against Switzerland's inhuman asylum and migration policy and demand the collective regularisation of the country's undocumented migrants.
Court Releases Oscar Grant Killing Videos (tags)
Links to several pieces of evidence, and some commentary about this explosive trial that could result in riots in Oakland. I hope the LA jury does the right thing.
Oprah, Me and Reality TV (tags)
My escapades auditioning for on Oprah Winfrey’s new reality program, "Your Own Show." Ten contestants will compete to host their own television show on Oprah’s new network, OWN.
Chicagoan gives chilling eyewitness account of Israeli assault on Gaza aid flotilla (tags)
The Chicago Independent Media Center interviews Gaza Freedom Flotilla volunteer Fatima Mohammadi who gives an chilling eyewitness account of the Israeli attack on the Mavi Mamara:
Video: Rachel Corrie's Speech, When She Was 10 Years Old. (tags)
Another child's dream crushed by Israel.
San Antonio Police Department and Civilian Partner “Cellular On Patrol” Attempted “FrameUp (tags)
San Antonio Park Police and Cellular On Patrol try to frame homeless park visitor
Western News Agencies Distort Live Satellite Feed from Gaza Aid Flotilla (tags)
While watching the live satellite feed video from Al Jazeera television in the early morning of the violent attacks on the Gaza aid flotilla the chronology of events is clear.
video Freedom Flotilla: dead and injuries everywere (tags)
video Freedom Flotilla: dead and injuries everywere
VIDEO: Banks are still the powerhouse in D.C. (tags)
Twenty months after the financial meltdown of 2008, the US congress is moving ahead with its financial system reform.
VIDEO: "But my Mom doesn't have papers" (tags)
Second-grader joins national movement declaring `immigrant rights are civil rights." The issue of immigrant rights is an issue of human rights more than security. Migration from Mexico is largely a result of unfair trade policies.
Switzerland: Short film on Zurich's Autonomous School (tags)
On 19 April, a barrack on a plot belonging to the freight depot of Zurich's railway station was squatted and revived. The barrack has been empty for more than a year. The Canton of Zurich plans to build a new police and justice center for 570 million Swiss francs (US$ 500 million) on the plot.
CARTOON: Father's Day in Government Quarter (tags)
Humor can do what corporate education cannot do, fill us with passion for a future of open doors and bridges and show us the utopian is the realist. The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller.
VIDEO: Supreme Power-Franklin Roosevelt and the Supreme Court (tags)
The state can and must corrupt jobs when the private sector is corrupted, fears for the future and speculates on foreign currencies.
May Day Protest in Flagstaff (tags)
Video of immigration protest in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Who Wants to Take over the Education System? (tags)
I was a volunteer in the War on Terror and I come from a large family of teachers. A lot of people are trying to do something about the education system. This is a blueprint of science education in America anyone can use to prove how the "education" system trains Americans to depend on imperialism.
"The best place to view it is at The show for April 6 includes excellent comentary on the video and several insightful interviews."
VIDEO: The crisis of neoliberalism (tags)
Happy Fossil Fools Day! Confusing means and ends, part and whole, personal and public, and real and imaginary are signs of hubris, not enlightenment, Without the social state, we become wolves to one another and mistake corp profits with health!
Iraq Veterans Against the War video from the Anti War Rally on 3/20/2010 (tags)
This Rally was on Hollywood Blvd on March 20th, 2010
LA Student Protest 10th set (video only) (tags)
3 parts of a spoken word piece.
Riverside March 4 No Cuts to Education Rally (tags)
Video 1: Me taping the rally and speakers. Video 2: A UCR worker speaks out.
March 4 Education March Downtown Los Angeles (tags)
A video, several photos, and snarky comments.
Interview with Underwear Bomber Witness Hidden? (tags)
Flt. 253-Interview with Underwear Bomber Witness Hidden? Why? This is an important facet of the latest propaganda push to have a war in Yemen. Why was this hidden?
VIDEO: J. D. Salinger Dies at Age 91 (tags)
Holden Caulfield, the protagonist in "The Catcher in the Rye," became a symbol for the angry and rebellious modern teenager and of adolescent angst. Sales of the book, according to the Associated Press, have reached more than 60 million copies worldwide.
VIDEO: "Let the Pitch Forks Do Their Job" (tags)
Andrew Cockburn is an Irish journalist, author and filmmaker who has lived in the US for many years.
[2] Solidaridad con Atenco: Cita en Consulado de Mexico (tags)
Dia Internacional en Solidaridad con Atenco: Video corto en resumen de los actividades en California y Mexico y Informacion sobre una Cita Formal con los oficiales del Consulado de Mexico a presentar exigimos. Presentaron una carta con cientos de firmas al consulado, y recibieron confirmacion que la carta ya lo envio directo al gobierno en estado de Mexico, mismo dia.
VIDEO: Antonia Juhasz - A History of Opposition to the World Bank (tags)
Antonia Juhasz' book "The Bush Agenda" gives a clear view how we got into the Iraq war and exposes the WTO and IMF "Chevron, Halliburton, Bechtel, Exxon" for all to see.
VIDEO: Students Pepper Sprayed at UCLA protest (tags)
LOS ANGELES – November 20, 2009 - Uncounted incidents of police violence against students have occurred during the last three days of protests while the UC Regents held their meeting on the UCLA campus. There is confirmed use of tasers, pepper spray and much baton use on peaceably assembled students.
Campaign Demands NBA Discipline Clippers Owner and Condemn Racist Housing Discrimination (tags)
A new online petition and video released today urges the NBA to discipline Los Angeles Clippers’ owner Donald Sterling. The campaign, launched by Tenants Together, a statewide coalition of tenants in California, follows the announcement last week by the U.S. Department of Justice of the largest settlement ever obtained in a rental housing discrimination case.
Physician and Six Activists Are Arrested At CIGNA's Glendale, CA Offices/ Video (tags)
Video from Mobilize For Healthcare October 28th, Glendale Protest
Inland Empire Against Racial Hate (1-13) (tags)
On Saturday, October 24, 2009, the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement tried to go after day laborers in Riverside. It wasn't going to happen with us around.
May God Bless help America; are we winning the Hearts and Minds? (tags)
An important part of the U.S. military action in the Middle East is to try and win the hearts and minds of its people, so when I saw the attached video I was not only shocked and dismayed but was very disappointed in our troops’
Mobilization for Health Care Provokes Arrests at L.A. Insurance Giant / Video Footage (tags)
Video of Sit In circle for Mobilization for Health Care Protest in Los Angeles along with a testimonial by Hilda Sarkisyan on her daughters denial of care by CIGNA which resulted in her subsequent death.
On abduction, illegal detention, and torture of the Filipino-American Melissa Roxas (tags)
Torture is torture. Torture is barbaric. Torture of anyone is human rights violation. Torture of an NPA commander, member, trainee or sympathizer is still a torture. Torture will not bring the truth. A person undergoing torture may admit to anything he or she being accused of.
PHILIPPINES: Melissa Roxas' fighting stance against Arroyo regime (tags)
Melissa Roxas, member of BAYAN-USA and the cultural group Habi Arts in Los Angeles, California, returned to the country on July 20 to face head on those who abducted and tortured her and her two companions and pursue the cases she has filed against them. She attended a Court of Appeals hearing on her petition for a writ of amparo. She also testified before the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and the Committee on Human Rights of the House of Representatives regarding her abduction and torture.
Charlie Sheen to Obama: Investigate 9/11 Openly (tags)
Eight years on and in the aftermath of Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen's 9/11 challenge to President Barack Obama, journalists of the world's media conglomerates have been slow responders to follow the trail of evidence. Sheen posed numerous questions in a YouTube video directed at the President and held a "letter" of documentary evidence to back his claim that the official 9/11 story was a cover-up. The letter and its links support an argument that the 9/11 conspiracy fits an historical pattern of government-scripted attacks as pretexts to wage war.
Last Dance for Capitalism (tags)
Capitalism reaches its inner limit and strangulates itself and the environment. Increasingly effective measures lead to fewer and fewer workers producing ever-greater quantities. The real economy becomes an appendage of speculation bubbles.
VIDEO: Noam Chomsky and Friends at the UN (tags)
This panel took place on June 23, 2009.
Videos from the 39th Anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium (tags)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
EAST LOS ANGELES--Thirty-nine years ago, a statewide series of demonstrations by Chicanos and Chicanas against the wars in Southeast Asia culminated in a police riot and the assassination of Los Angeles Times and KMEX journalist Rubén Salazar. Today, members of the Chicanx community and activists of all stripes commemorated the day's fateful events with music, poetry, teatro, and speakers.
Secretary of Education Duncan: Pushing the Chicago Plan - video link (tags)
link info to video stream
Music Plays for Human Rights (tags)
Tampa- July 16th - Youth for Human Rights of Tampa Bay and Jessy Leros, producer and performing artist, joined forces in a “Concert for Human Rights” in the Terra Sur Cafe' (a Peruvian restaurant in Tampa to inspire others to help increase awareness for our “Freedom of Expression” and to motivate today’s youth to protect this vital Human Right in our society.
Rt Mjr Gen Stubblebine Blows Whistle on 9/11 Inside Job (tags)
For those of you who have been waiting for someone from the establishment to speak out, here it is on video: Rt. Army Major General Albert Stubblebine says a plane did not hit the Pentagon and the Twin Towers & Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition. A second video provides the scientific evidence of the controlled demolition.
VIDEO: US sent Taliban into Iraq (tags)
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen claims American intelligence sent Afghan mercenaries into Iraq, in order to attack the country's civilians and military personnel.
VIDEO: Schwarzenegger's Shock Therapy - Poor Pay For Sins Of The Rich (tags)
Now that Washington has ruled out an immediate bailout for California, we know who will pay the ultimate price for the crisis born on Wall Street: the state's most vulnerable citizens. And with many states facing similar crises, this could be a preview of where the country as a whole is headed.
Fight for our Lives - 5th set of videos (tags)
5th set of videos from the protest
Fight for our Lives -4th set of videos (tags)
4th set of video
Fight for our Lives -3rd set of videos (tags)
3rd set of video
video from Fight for our Lives (tags)
some video from the protest
Cop will face murder trial in Oscar Grant case (tags)
As of the printing of this article there have been five days of testimony, stretching out over two weeks, at the preliminary hearing of Johannes Mehserle, the cop caught on video shooting Oscar Grant in the back as Grant lay on a train platform.
VIDEO: Anti-war protest at Obama's Beverly Hills Event (tags)
LOS ANGELES - About 75 to 100 anti-war protesters demonstrated outside the beverly hilton hotel on Wednesday last week. Uploaded is video from the protest.
Justice for Oscar Grant: Killer cop has hearing! (tags)
Thousands of people have seen videos of the cold-blooded police murder of Oscar Grant in Oakland, CA. On New Year’s morning BART police officer Johannes Mehserle fired his gun at point blank range into Oscar Grant’s back, killing him as he lay on the train platform, hands behind him. A preliminary hearing is now underway to determine whether Mehserle will be charged with murder or whether the charges against him will be lowered.
VIDEO: West Hollywood Right to Marry Protests (tags)
LOS ANGELES, May 26, 2009 - Thousands of people took to the streets Tuesday night to protest discrimination upheld by the supreme court of California in upholding prop 8. Uploaded is video of some of the events in the streets last night.
VIDEO - Press conference on Prop 8 (tags)
Short video excerpt from today’s press conference on the state court’s ruling on Proposition 8
Pacifica Network(CA) Fires Program Director of WBAI FM(NY)! VIDEO ft.Rosa Clemente (tags)
Video of Bernard White speaking about his firing as Program Director from Pacifica station WBAI. Bernard White contextualizes his firing as Program Director of WBAI in the larger struggle for the direction of the Pacifica Network. Details financial interests in the station and divisive tactics used against him. Other members of the WBAI community make comments denouncing the firing and supporting the station.
VIDEO: Student walk out at Venice High (tags)
VENICE - Short video of a student walk out at Venice High in support of the teachers. Police and school admin forced this reporter from campus shortly after this video was shot.
Stifling Pro-Israel Views at UC Berkeley (tags)
More anti-Semitism at the University of California
Briant Rodriguez photos from video tapes of suspected kidnappers (tags)
San Bernardino County Sheriff Rod Hoops said during a news conference that the video images were taken from surveillance camera footage recorded at a home-improvement store two days before Sunday's abduction of Briant Rodriguez.
VIDEO: We Can't Make It Here Anymore (tags)
"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake" - Jeanette Rankin on eve of WWI "Every war has two losers" William Stafford
The Cold-Blooded Murder of Oscar Grant: What Happened the Morning of January 1, 2009 (tags)
Early New Year’s morning phones in Hayward and Oakland were ringing: “Wake up, wake up. Something’s happened to the boys.” Calls were going back and forth between the families of 22-year-old Oscar Grant and his friends—families so close all the women were called “aunties.” The youth had gone to San Francisco to celebrate. “What the hell had happened?”
See it NOW...Save the people = us... all, see this video (tags)
Everyone is sharing this video and it should be seen by all, agreement or disagreement, no matter. PREVENT THE NEW WORLD ORDER from it's already emerging stranglehold on what we thought was a 'free' USA. See it and decide for yourself.
Statement of Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair on San Francisco Police Riot (tags)
After the Monday evening demonstration at the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco was broken up by club-wielding police, video of the incident was widely distributed on the internet. One of those who saw it, Peace and Freedom Party California State Chair Kevin Akin, issued a statement demanding that the police videotaped beating demonstrators "at random, for no apparent reason, with clear malice and intent to inflict serious injury," be arrested and charged with assault. "This criminal assault shows us that after the murder of Oscar Grant, it is apparent that more members of Bay Area police forces need to be reminded that they can no longer get away with violent crime in this age of video."
Immigration Checkpoint in Southeast LA (tags)
This report is not yet confirmed
Daughter Held By Scientology (tags)
The notorious Scientology cult orders its followers to "disconnect" from their loved ones, usually when parents, husbands, wives, sons, or daughters try to help their loved one escape from the clutches of Scientology or when they try to get their loved one to stop handing their money over to the Scientology crooks. One mother's lost daughter was spotted in Hollywood.
It is not 'illegal' to film police officers in the United States. Our rights are inherent, granted by the Creator, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence. Understand and assert your rights.
VIDEO: Vietnam, the Last Battle by John Pilger (tags)
"The history has been rewritten by Hollywood by combining Rambo and self-pity. Fables have become by default our popular history. "We like our truth simple and distorted." True prosperity will not come by turning Vietnam into an industrial sweatshop."
Fire In The Hole -- SoCal Hiking Trail Gets Fixed (tags)
Upper Bear Creek Trail in the Angeles National Forest has been closed due to a gap in the hiking trail which made using the trail dangerous. Saturday the USFS, the Bear Divide Hot Shots, and the San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders blasted the cliff face at the gap so that the trail can be re-established and get re-opened.
YouTube.Com "Purges" another 911 Truth Video!!! (tags)
You Tube has previously been caught blocking 9/11 truth videos from entering into top ranking charts for both views and comments despite their enduring popularity. This in not too suprising seeing that YouTube.Com is in complete cohoots with Israel and the ADL!!!
01-10-09 Free Palestine (4) (tags)
4th set of images from 01/10/09 demonstration at the Federal Building in Westwood. (video only)
22 Year Old Executed By Police (tags)
We all know of what has been occurring in Greece for the last month, but Now a cop in OUR country has murdered someone once again. What are we waiting for? Our time is now; In Solidarity with the Greeks, and all victims of the state.
NYCLAW Antiwar Bulletin: Israeli Massacre in Gaza -- 12.27.08 (tags)
Brought to You By . . . U.S. F-16s
Saturday (12/20): Reports from Greece (tags)
Today it's two weeks since the murder of Alexis and the beginning of the revolt. It is also day of international solidarity and global day against the police and state terrorism. Here are the major protests and events of the day in Greece.
NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 12.20.08 (tags)
"[UFPJ leaders] will obfuscate a little bit, but I think in the long run, they are moving away from an antiwar position, and they are going to be losing a lot of people who are interested in building an antiwar movement."
Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece (tags)
Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece
Continually updated news on the Greek riots (tags)
The Center For Strategic Anarchy blog is being continually updated with news, images, video, and accounts from solidarity actions around the world. Come get your piping hot Greek riot news:
Incredible Music Video About Bush War crimes (tags)
The keithrockerboblewis channel on YouTube currently carries an extremly good music video covering some of the Bush terrorist regime's lies and crimes against humanity.
The LA City Council is threatening to seize and shutdown the community access channels in Los Angeles
VIDEO: Right to Marry Demo (tags)
Video from Saturday Nov 15th downtown Los Angeles
Racism in Italy. On the day of Barack Obama’s triumph... (tags)
Labortech 2008 In SF On Dec 5,6&7, 2008 (tags)
Labortech which brings together labor video, computer and media activists from around the world will be having a conference in San Francisco on December 5,6&7.
Video from Day One of the Fast for our Future (tags)
Video from Day One of the Fast for our Future
VIDEO: Fast for our Future - Day One (tags)
Today is the third day of the fast. Uploaded is video from Day One
FREE CD and videos addressing Human Rights and political and religious corruption in the United States.
Los Angeles Scientology Criminal Assaults Rights Activist (tags)
Human rights and civil rights activists who picket and protest world wide against the Scientology corporation's crimes and abuses should take this warning to heart: Scientology is getting ever more desperate.
Maxine Waters Now Youtube Superstar (tags)
Incredible 2004 video of local Congressperson Maxine Waters saying, "We do not have a crisis at Fredie Mac, and in particular at Fannie Mae"
Colombia: No existen palabras frente a las imágenes de la tortura que deshumaniza (tags)
Esta mañana recibí en el foro de un Colegio de Abogados al que estoy suscrito, un video para el cual no tengo palabras ni términos que lo puedan describir
The RNC’S Outrageous Assault on Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, and Alternative Media... (tags)
Revolution Newspaper writer Larry Everest takes on the attack on alternative media at the RNC. This is what imperialist democracy looks like!
The Last Pharaoh’s Video Released -- Free Sneak Preview on Youtube…. (tags)
“This is the book that The Last Pharaoh and his gang do not want you to read and are trying to ban from circulation. This is the book that is a must read for every Western politician and decision maker, not to mention those who enjoy a true story. It should be under the pillow of Obama, McCain, Biden and Palin”,
"The End of the World and I Feel Fine" (tags)
We need to overcome the illusions. It is up to us to protect our people from police state tactics.
ACTION: Amy Goodman & 2 DN! Producers Arrested at RNC! (tags)
Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman was unlawfully arrested in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota at approximately 5 p.m. local time. Police violently manhandled Goodman, yanking her arm, as they arrested her. Video of her arrest can be seen here:
See this youtube video: Who attacked who? (tags)
"See this youtube video: Who attacked who? Another Neocon falseflag frameup?"
A dangerous country USA - Minn. protestors intimidated already (tags)
This is reposted from to insure all in LA also become aware of the dangers of "planning to protest" in this US of Anger and Intimidation. Now for out !!!
Statement from I-Witness Video on Raids in St Paul (tags)
This is Eileen Clancy, one of the founders of I-Witness Video, a NYC-based video collective in St. Paul to document the policing of the protests at the Republican National Convention.
Trail of Responsibility for KPFA Beating Incident Leads to KPFK Gang of Three (tags)
Controversial KPFK talk show host Lila Garrett called the Pacifica National Director involved in the beating incident, "a really good executive director of Pacifica."
Beaten and Arrested by KPFA/Pacifica Bosses (tags)
On 8/20/2008 KPFA radio and Pacific managers called the police to arrest a long time Black community programmer named Nadra Haeidy Foster.The police attacked, hogtied her and then charged her with trespassing and resisting arrest. This interview was done at the court arraignment
Webcam video of some of Monday Night’s Arrests in Denver (tags)
There are reports from Denver that police penned in demonstrators Monday night and made scores of arrests. Exact numbers uncertain at this time. Uploaded is video of images complied from webcams in the area of the arrests.
USA in Iraq banned video (tags)
USA in Iraq banned video
Censurado video de Cubainformación en You Tube y amenazas de Armando Valladares (tags)
La redacción de Cubainformación ha recibido varios mensajes de usuarios de You Tube, a cuyas cuentas habían subido el video de Cubainformación titulado "Armando Valladares: de falso poeta inválido a especulador empresarial".
Counter Military Recruitment Movement (tags)
This short video focuses on the resistance to a systematic push to recruit young minorities and lower income kids into the military,
SEIU Pres Stern's Key CA Operative Tyrone Freeman Linked To Corruption (tags)
SEIU Pres Andy Stern is seeking to consolidate hundreds of thousands of workers in California and force them into a homecare workers local led by hand picked LA operative Tyrone Freeman. It has now been revealed that Stern's ally is California has been using hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay his family members for video and pr services. The many workers of the local earn around $9.00 an hour
NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY part 1 This is the video film which the police, Norwegian television broadcasting (NRK-Dagsrevyen), Swedish TV-4
THE FALL '01 - screens at WHIFF - West Hollywood International Film Festival - July 30
Driving 55 MPH: An Experiment on S. California Fwys (tags)
GAS FACT: Slowing from 75 to 55 mph boosts gas mileage 33 percent in both sedans & large SUVs. On Sunday, July 6, 2008, I set my cruise control to 55 mph, turned on my Flip video camera, & entered the south-bound 101 Freeway at the base of the Conejo Gade in Camarillo, California. I filmed for over one hour, traveling toward Orange County. My quest? To see if fellow motorists were saving gas & cash by driving 55 mph. And my findings? Watch the following video.....................................
Young girl raped and beheaded in Florida by Mexican traffickers (tags)
a little girl who, after being taken to the Florida panhandle from Mexico, resisted while being raped, and was subsequently made an example of by being beheaded in front of other girls being held to be raped repeatedly
Lebanon: Cleaning Up Nahr al-Bared Camp (Video) (tags)
The anarchist film collective 'a-films' announces another short film from Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in North Lebanon.
Don White Addressing a Los Angeles Antiwar Rally in March of 2005 (tags)
Video showing Don White addressing a rally against the Iraq war in March of 2005.
US Released Footage of Airborne Drone Strike (tags)
The video shows the "anti-Afghan militants" moving to a position identified as inside Pakistan and the impact of a bomb which the voiceover says killed two of them.
VIDEO: LA School Teachers Stage 1 Hour Walkout (tags)
LOS ANGELES, June 6, 2008 – Teachers with the LA Unified School District staged a one hour micro-strike today. Walking out on for the first hour of their workday, teachers staged pickets in front of local schools today. The teachers are protesting budget cuts that are impacting their ability to provide education to their students. Uploaded is video from a picket line at a local elementary school.
VIDEO: Stop the Raids Demo (tags)
LOS ANGELES, May 31, 2008 – A group of about 50 people gathered today at Olvera Street and marched to the downtown federal building for a demonstration against the ongoing ICE raids. Uploaded is a short video from the event.
Camping, Hiking in Los Angeles County (tags)
Some day the campgrounds will re-open
New video from Nahr al-Bared Camp (tags)
The anarchist video collective "a-films" announces its latest short film (10 min.) from the destroyed Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in Lebanon called "Traces of Collective Dispossession".
May Day March in Downtown. Video (tags)
Video of the front of the May Day march as it passed through Broadway and 3rd street. Chinese Cyber Activists Counter Attack Western Media Bias on Tibet (tags)
This is a webpage created by Chinese cyber activists in China and aorund the World to counter attack Western media bias on Tibet. They are not associated with any government officials. The webpage are not against the western media, but against the lies and fabricated stories in the media.The webpage are not against the western people, but against the prejudice from the western society.
VIDEO: Green Party of California - Mike Feinstein on Insider Exclusive, Los Angeles (tags)
Mike Feinstein, former Green Mayor of Santa Monica, is interviewed on"Insider Exclusive's Energy & Environmental Advisor" series in Los Angeles, on climate change, carbon taxes, true cost pricing, green building codes, regional planning, universal health care, living wages, instant run-off voting. May 12th, 2007.
New video from Nahr al-Bared (tags)
The anarchist video collective "a-films" announces its latest short film (4 min.) from Lebanon called "Landscape of Destruction".
VIDEO - Iraq - The Hidden War (tags)
How our news is sanatized to prevent the destruction and suffering created by the US occupation of Iraq from entering our reality. This video contains images that should only be viewed by a mature audience.
March 13-16: Winter Soldier - Watch and Listen to Eyewitness Accounts (tags)
Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan will be broadcast live. Here's how you can watch and listen: New Video Sharing Site for Social Activism! Looking For Videos! (tags)
A powerful new free video-sharing site for activist communities! We're Looking for powerful, activist and social justice independent videos Submissions!
Police raid at Ramona Gardens- video and info-2/29 (tags)
Police raid at Ramona Gardens 2/29
Global Warming Contrarians Exposed - Must See Free Video (tags)
An extremely informative, in-depth account of four of the major global warming "confusionists" is available free-online.
WINTER SOLDIER: Iraq & Afghanistan (tags)
From March 13-16th, U.S. veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan will testify to what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground in these occupations. To provide a preview, we've created this short film. The film features three members who will be testifying at Winter Soldier and includes videos and photographs of Iraq from their deployments. This video contains graphic content. We need your support to help make Winter Soldier a success. Please visit to find out how you can help.
Sen. Lieberman Says Waterboarding Won’t Really Hurt You! (tags)
One of the prime enablers of the Bush-Cheney Gang has been Sen. “Turncoat Joe” Lieberman (IND-CT). This guy loves the Iraq War and is foaming at the mouth pushing for the U.S. to attack Iran. Now, he’s come out for waterboarding! Sen. Lieberman insists it isn’t torture. How would he like it if Jonathan Pollard, the Israeli spy, is waterboarded? Torture is inhumane. Would Sen. Lieberman like to have a torture school named after himself?
HollyWould Freewaves’ 11th Festival of New Media Arts - OPEN CALL (tags)
OPEN CALL for experimental media art, video, animation, cell videos, wifi events, images for electronic moving signs
Cuban Students Denounce Manipulation (tags)
Students whose images were exploited by different foreign media to present them as a sign of rebellion against the Cuban government spoke during a video interview denouncing the manipulations that occurred and denying that they were arrested on Tuesday
These Streets is a know your rights training video
VIDEO: "This government, using corporate media, is laying the groundwork for a murder (tags)
The new video features a shortened slide show presentation of the newly discovered crime scene photos taken by press-photographer Pedro Polakoff, as well as Pam Africa, David A. Love, Linn Washington Jr, and Dave Lindorff. Also interesting is the exchange between the Reuters journalist covering the press conference, and the panel, as he questions them about why it took so long for the photos to emerge publicly as they are now.
Green Party Presidential Debate Videos (tags)
Video of Green Party Presidential Debate in San Francisco, featuring Green Presidential candidates Jared Ball, Jesse Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay and Kat Swift, on January 13th, 2008. Video at
Funny SOS/MM Video by Naui (tags)
Funny video by Naui.
24/7: A DIY Video Summit (tags)
We are in the early stages of a fundamental transformation in how we create, share and view dynamic visual media. Millions of people are flocking to online video-sharing sites like YouTube, Revver, imeem, Stage6, and Eyespot, where they watch and contribute video content around the clock-24/7. This summit will bring together creative minds from this emerging media ecology to showcase the most innovative contemporary experiments in viral, amateur and peer-to-peer video, bringing together creators, activists, policymakers, Internet companies, media-industry professionals, students and educators. In addition to academic panels and workshops, there will be a series of free DIY video screenings. Q&A sessions will follow.
Two Girls One Cup: A Phenomenology of Male Humor and Fetishism (tags)
40 years after second-wave feminism, the internet runs rampant with backwards media portraying women as objects. The "two girls one cup" phenomenon is evidence of the static position of women as second-class citizens.
WGA Picket And Speak Out At SF Disney Store (tags)
These video segments are from a picket of the SF Disney store and also an interview with WGA member James Dalessandro
Fraud US-Style - Fake Videos and Elections (tags)
We're being lied to.
Yes the war has been declared. It has been declared against humanities freedoms, liberties and health. You have been unknowingly disarmed. You have lost the most powerful weapon. That weapon is knowledge of the truth. Society has been fed a diet of professional propaganda lies since before your birth.
mossad participated in 9/11
Three Undercover Masked Police in Canada Exposed (tags)
Canadians are opposeing the fascist Bush regime's corporatre take over of their nation. To combat overwhelming opposition to this corporate fascism, the Canadian fascist State armed three under cover, masked police officers to commit violent crimes against their own fellow officers. The video catches these fascist pigs in the act.
"Solidarity Works!" Purple and Red Join Forces in Writers' Guild March (tags)
On Tuesday, November 20, the Writers Guild of America held a march on Hollywood Boulevard in which they invited their brothers and sisters in the labor movement to come out in support of their strike, now in its third week.
Watch my Video it will shock you - DaRon Cox Reenactment (tags)
In December of 1996 Brian Roberts was hanging out in an alley in Homewood, PA. He died around 3:00 a.m. in a hail of bullets fired from a handgun. In July of 1997, DaRon Cox, with no motive or previous record of violence - was put on trial in Allegheny County for the assault. Raishai Smith provided the prosecutions testimony that earned DaRon Cox a sentence of life without parole.
Fascist Rock Star Singing in LA Tonight (tags)
A top Croatian rock star whose concerts are a venue for indoctrinating in clerical-fascism is in LA tonight. In song, "Alas, My people," he sings that 'antichrists' and masons (fascism-speak for 'Jews') and communists plot to destroy Catholic Croats. The "Protocols of Zion" set to music.
Must See: Truth Revolution (tags)
911 Truth Activism
Bill Maher video w/ caption subtitles of what 9/11 truthers said (tags)
from the original 'Real Time with Bill Maher' video on Friday night, here is a version (approx. 4 min.) with subtitles transcribing what the several audience members said:
New video shows how government “data-mining” harms privacy (tags)
"FBI Unbound: How National Security Letters Violate Our Privacy" is being shown in towns across the U.S. this fall -- especially on October 26, the anniversary of the PATRIOT Act.
greek police video
Bradley Whitford Partners with Courage Campaign (tags)
Bradley Whitford ("The West Wing") premieres YouTube video condemning the "Dirty Trick Initiative" in California
Defend free speech! Attend Coyot Tezcatlipoca's criminal trial, Sept. 25th (tags)
This case highlights the absurdity of Orange County's backward system of criminal justice in the era of Minutemen: Tezcatlipoca is facing prosecution for offenses that were committed against him by police and government officials!
Save Our State Publicly Supports Nazi Skinheads (tags)
On a video posted on Youtube several Save Our State members thank Nazi skinheads for their patriotism.
NIFC FFV Video series #9 "Save Tara" (tags)
SAVE TARA ! This segments primary focus was on the ongoing effort to save Tara valley from destruction and the upcoming protests planned for Dublin,New York, California and Illinois.
More SOS Violence Against Workers (tags)
Save Our State, and now No More Invasion, always cry that they are the victims, but the facts tell us otherwise.(Photo is of SOS member Sam Ziselman)
Techies View Video Link, Two Jolts Recorded, Camera Stopped, Why? (tags)
Federal Crime Syndicates stealing and killing. In the video linked below, I was made to leave a government building in Alabama. It all links back to a murder in San Francisco's financial district and the murder was labeled a suicide. It was around the time of Bush's Sr.'s last vice presidential term.
Israelis Thank You for Your Financial Aid (tags)
Video of thankful Israelis.
Defend free speech! Attend Coyot Tezcatlipoca's criminal trial, Aug. 15th (tags)
This case highlights the absurdity of Orange County's backward system of criminal justice in the era of Minutemen: Tezcatlipoca is facing prosecution for offenses that were committed against him by police and government officials!
Shooting At Mexicans By Gilchrist Minutemen (chilling video) (tags)
The Intelligence Report has obtained a chilling video that Robert Crooks, the leader of the nativist extremist group Mountain Minutemen, recently E-mailed to several other prominent nativist leaders, including Jim Gilchrist, co-founder of the original Minuteman Project.
Defend free speech! Attend Coyotl Tezcatlipoca's trial, Aug 15th (tags)
Defend the right of free speech, assembly, and fair and equal treatment in the criminal justice system! Show your solidarity with Tezcatlipoca by attending his upcoming criminal trial!
Paraguay: A Laboratory for Latin America’s New Militarism (tags)
Castillo, in his cool Asunción office, with the standard Paraguayan herbal tea, tereré in his hand, said these operations marked a shift in US military strategy. "The kind of training that used to just happen at the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia is now decentralized," he explained. "The US military is now establishing new mechanisms of cooperation and training with armed forces." Combined efforts, such as MEDRETEs, are part of this agenda.
Good Bye Bingo: Seniors Go High Tech (tags)
Whether it’s playing the latest Nintendo Wii game or sitting down for a hand of Bridge, seniors engage in a variety of activities – old and new – to exercise their minds. “Good-bye Bingo: Seniors Go High Tech” from the Home Instead Senior Care, serving seniors in Burbank, Long Beach and Hemet. It highlights recent trends as some seniors gravitate toward video games, but also focuses on traditional games and companionship/conversation as ways to challenge the brain.
Missing Plane Parts, Other Analyses, Dispute Official Pentagon Tragedy (tags)
The analysis of experts point out the oddities at the Pentagon during one of the most tragic loss-of-life situations in recent United States History.
Take 2 minutes to vote for Anti-War Hero Dennis Kyne (tags)
Please learn why Anti-War Hero Dennis Kyne merits 2 minutes of time now for you to cast your vote for him in a contest
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS (Political Remix Videos) (tags)
We are looking for innovative and interesting work that represents the best current offerings (made in 2006-2007) or is of historical significance to political remix practice for our upcoming 24/7: DIY Video Summit.
Michael Moore Asks Why Can't We See 9/11 Pentagon Videos? (tags)
Michael Moore, the maker of "Sicko" and "Fahrenheit 911," has been widely criticized for his apparent lack of interest in examining the details of the 9/11 cover story. This may have been the case in the past, but things have clearly changed. In this short video, Moore asks an obvious common sense question that no one seems to be able to answer: "Why can't we see the Pentagon videos from 9/11?"
People's C.O.R.E. (Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment) Youth Media Arts Project (YMAP) will be holding “Scene on the Screen”, a youth-initiated and produced video documentary screening. This will take place on June 29, 2007 7:30 pm at Lake St. Park, 227 N. Lake St. Los Angeles, CA 90026. YMAP’s program provides technical training in the art of video documentary production. Students have gained the knowledge and skills to produce their own video documentaries covering community issues. It is a training using up-to-date industry standard technology and professional level equipment.
People's C.O.R.E. (Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment) Youth Media Arts Project (YMAP) will be holding “Scene on the Screen”, a youth-initiated and produced video documentary screening. This will take place on June 29, 2007 7:30 pm at Lake St. Park, 127 N. Lake St. Los Angeles, CA 90026.
Hayes/Minuteman Rally Is A Flop (tags)
Rally permit expired. Infighting among Minutemen. Ego battles take place for control. Rally is abandoned by Minutemen as Hayes and four others are arrested.
mayday macarthur park screenshots (tags)
Screenshots from video of police brutality in Macarthur Park on Mayday
"Democratic" Greek police caught on video, torturing detainees (tags)
ATHENS: Police torturers remain unpunished
Your Mommy Kills Animals & Michael Moore (tags)
Controversial and critically reviewed film Your Mommy Kills Animals could outcontroversy Michael Moore's Sicko according to critics.
Video from South Central Farm Reunion Party (tags)
Video from South Central Farm reunion party
Video: Hugo Chavez recommends reading Thierry Meyssan’s investigations (tags)
NOTE video in link The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has denounced in length the CIA-organized "velvet coups" attempts around the world, including against his own government, using techniques revealed by Thierry Meyssan.
Somebody's Watching You - Turning the camera back on the cops (tags)
yahoo news story on the case of Sherman Austin from and CopWatch LA
Somebody's Watching You - Turning camera back on the cops (tags)
Somebody's Watching You A convicted felon turns cameras on the cops, putting a balance of power, he says, back in the hands of the people.
Somebody's Watching You - CopWatch LA and the case of Sherman Austin (tags)
Amazing new 911 truth video (tags)
911 truth Activism
Video: Balata Camp Incursion May24 (tags)
On May 24, the Israeli Occupation Forces stormed Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus (Palestine). Several people got arrested.
National Monument Discovered at Tara in Path of M3 Motorway (tags)
Featuring a press conference given by TaraWatch, the video (see link below) gives details of the M3 Motorway, what lies in its path, what has been destroyed, and what is being now being threatened with destruction. Background: A massive prehistoric ‘henge’ site has been discovered in Lismullen, beside the Hill of Tara on the route of the planned M3 Motorway. The circular enclosure is the size of more than three football fields, and is without doubt a national monument because of the rarity of henges in Ireland, as well as its importance to the Hill of Tara archaeological complex. The video may be accessed here:
May Day 2007 Rally and March from the beginning. (tags)
Video of May Day 2007 from beginning to end.
This video details plans for a domestic extermination program, courtesy of the U.S. Patriot Act.
Independent Film Still Making Waves Worldwide (tags)
Independent filmmakers stand their ground while their documentary is still causing people to question the video and photographic evidence from one of the most tragic days in US History.
Video of Save Our State members attacking day laborers in Harbor City.
In nationally-coordinated events in California and New York last April 28, 29 and May 4, over 350 Filipino youth gathered to show unwavering support for KABATAAN Partylist, the leading and only partylist representing the youth sector in the upcoming elections in the Philippines. Using rock and acoustic music, hip hop, poetry, and shadow theater, Filipino youth used their creativity to show how their local issues are connected with the issues of youth in the Philippines addressed by the KABATAAN Partylist.
In nationally-coordinated events in California and New York last April 28, 29 and May 4, over 350 Filipino youth gathered to show unwavering support for KABATAAN Partylist, the leading and only partylist representing the youth sector in the upcoming elections in the Philippines. Using rock and acoustic music, hip hop, poetry, and shadow theater, Filipino youth used their creativity to show how their local issues are connected with the issues of youth in the Philippines addressed by the KABATAAN Partylist.
Video: Police Attack Fleeing Demonstrators on Alvarado May 1 (tags)
New video showing demonstrators, including disabled persons and small children, fleeing up Alvarado toward Sixth as police fire rubber bullets into their midst.
Alvarado (between 7th & Wilshire) Video - Police Attack (tags)
LAPD moves in.
Telemundo tv news coverage (tags)
This is Spanish language TV NEWS coverage of the LADP attack. Has commentary in Spanish. VIDEO CLIP link.
Police Attack Peaceful May Day Rally (tags)
LOS ANGELES, May 2, 2007 – A massive police attack on a peaceful rally in MacArthur Park brought a violent end to yesterday’s May Day celebrations.
Police Assault on Today's Immigrant Rights Demonstration (tags)
Police made a completely unprovoked attack on demonstrators at the tail end of today's immigrant rights demonstration in MacArthur Park (Video and still images).
Live video From L.A. Marchas! (tags)
Live video From L.A. Marchas!
Beit Shalom Ministries is leading the walk form Denver, Colorado to Washington D.C. Currently, they are in Manhattan, Kansas and have been sharing information at Kansas State University. Watch their video updates on Google video and witness the police state in America. They have produced two powerful new documentary films on the war in Iraq and 9/11 truth available for FREE.
A short video for LWW. Life today.Don't deny it
Cho Seung-Hui Manifesto Video Released (tags)
Sometime after he killed two people in a Virginia university dormitory but before he slaughtered 30 more in a classroom building Monday morning, Cho Seung-Hui mailed NBC News a large package, including photographs and videos, lamenting that “I didn’t have to do this.”
New video: CSOMilano 0.1 (tags)
A group of activists from the "8 de Marzo" collective squattered the old wedding hall "Milano". One week later, and one hour before starting a neigbourhood afternoon snack organized for the neighbours and local people as a part of the "presentation working days", the police sealed the building and started a pressure campaign trying to nip the project in the bud before it could grow.
Grassroots Film Project Seeks Footage (tags)
We are the Think Peace Documentary Project, a non-profit film project based in Vancouver, BC, Canada and we are looking for video footage.
National Reconnaissance Office music video (tags)
Pretty weird
Arlington West, Santa Monica, YouTube Video (tags)
Arlington West
Ted Hayes and Border Brothers (Audio) (tags)
Video/Audio was recorded last spring (2006) at the South Central Farm. The video was taken at night, thus you can’t really see anything. The audio is good though.
Madrid: demonstration demanding a decent house (tags)
Thousands of people took the streets in a new call from the assemblies for a decent home. They propose the massive movilizations, the disobedience, and the squattering, as tools for fighting against speculation.
Skull & Bones-The Rock Video (tags)
Last year's Indy-Media hit is now a video too!
VIDEO from March 17 in LA (tags)
Three videos of the rally in Los Angeles yesterday (March 17), with durations of 1:10, 0:58, and 0:08, including a clip of Helga Aguayo's speech to the crowd.
Violence Against Day Laborers in L.A. (tags)
Sam is kneeing and wearing a Nike shirt. Dennis is standing on the right rear, wearing an Uncle Sam "I Want You" shirt.
Sean Hannity asserts Barack Obama is a racist (tags)
Interesting YouTube video on Obama's church
9-11 and Explosive evidence (tags)
A new video that looks at the evidence for explosives in WTC towers.
2006 Alternative War News from Yahoo News Boards (tags)
The Iraq War was a daily focus on Yahoo News Boards in 2006. Here are some valuable archives which may interest you.
BBC Reported WTC-7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell (tags)
An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head.
Video-chronicle: Demonstration supporting CSO Eskuela Taller and the squatters a (tags)
Last february 24th 1000 people participated in a demonstration for the defense of the CSO Eskuela Taller and the squatters and ocuppied spaces. The mobilization claimed self-organization, self-management, and autonomy as fighting weapons against institutional repression and capitalism.
BBC Bombshell - Video Evidence of Foreknowledge of Building & Collapse (tags)
While more than a score of New York City Fire Department members have recounted receiving warnings of the collapse of Building 7 starting about an hour and a half before the 5:20 PM collapse, this video is the first piece of video EVIDENCE for foreknowledge of the event. By accident, the BBC reported that the collapse of WTC 7 occurred about 23 minutes before it actually happened, with the building shown still standing behind the woman reporting it had collapsed. Naturally, she was cut off before the real collapse occurred, approximately 5 minutes later.
Video from Current Nablus Invasion - Day 2 (tags)
This is the second video clip dealing with the military operation "Hot Winter" in Nablus, occupied Palestine.
Video from Current Nablus Invasion - Day 1 (tags)
Following you'll find the links to our most recent work on the current military operation (named "Hot Winter") in Nablus, Palestine.
Yo! What Happened To Peace? (tags)
an exhibition of peace/anti-war/anti-occupation posters
Federal Officials Silencing Organized Movemet In Alabama, Endentured Servitude and Slavery (tags)
The USA federal government is on its war path. Let us snatch the hood from the technological monster and expose it, and let the people slit its throat or throats. I have a video demanding an end to endentured Servitude
Video of Minutemen Assault Against Friends of Day Laborers (tags)
This is the video that was given to the media at the Friends of Day Laborer press conference that was held on Saturday, February 11, 2007.
Anticapitalist video: Memory, Dignity And Struggle (tags)
The Spanish “Transition to democracy” was simply a way to fortify the capitalist economic model. With such Transition, the Spanish dominant class eliminated all sort of social resistance and opened the way for business; they made a Francoism without Franco and presented the Transition as a triumph of the people. It was a history written by the owners of money and their fascist sentries. But Memory, Dignity and Struggle continue – a new Internet platform for social issue filmmakers, political satir (tags) – an internet video platform for social issue filmmakers and political satirists – has launched its Alpha website in its mission to offer alternative distribution for cinema with a social message.
Video: UCSB Students Block Freeway (tags)
Amazing video. This is what we need to do every day if we really want to stop the war.
Oaxaca Resists! Videos on the struggle on Ágora TV
Videocrónica: Manifestación contra el racismo y la ley de extranjería (tags)
500 personas participaron en la manifestación contra el racismo en todo Madrid. Inmigrantes y jóvenes antifascistas recorrieron las calles del multicultural barrio de Lavapiés al grito de “nativa o extranjera la misma clase obrera”
Police Raid Home Of Former Minutemen Spokeswoman (tags)
SAN DIEGO -- San Diego police raided the home Thursday of the former spokeswoman for the San Diego Minutemen movement.
"Everyone Deserves Respect", Al Roker of Today Show Gives Government Leprosy Sal (tags)
Yesterday, AL Roker of the Today stepped out of the shadows of beasts and gave us his best. See Mobile Audit Club for more details and the links below.
Anti-War Protest in Downtown Los Angeles, 1-27-07 (tags)
Photos of the Anti-War Protest in Downtown Los Angeles, 1-27-07 from a rooftop. Video clip 3:43.
Stop the War demo, march in photos, set to somber music.
The below link is a 45 minute video on what to do and what not to do during encounters with the police. Pass it on to all friends and family.
VIDEO: Military Families Speak Out at Anti-war Rally (tags)
LOS ANGELES, January 27, 2007 – A protest was held today outside the Los Angeles offices of the Democratic Party. Protesters demanded that the newly elected Democratic controlled congress stop funding for the war in Iraq and begin the process of bringing all the troops home now. Speaking at the rally were the family members of soldiers currently in Iraq.
Ananse International Film Festival (tags)
The first international festival for Films, Videos and Television productions, Ananse International Film Festival, is slated for the 4 to 7 March 2007 under the auspices of the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Culture at the Ghana International Trade Fair Centre.
US War Crimes Caught on Video taken from an F-16 Fighter Jet video (tags)
Pilot: 'Ive got numerous individuals on the road. You want me to take them out?' Voiec: 'Take them out'
In The Business of Death (tags)
Video of Redlands Demonstration and the issues of "holocausting" the eldelry through the conservatorship/guardianship process.
LAPD Orders ANSWER to Leave MLK Parade (tags)
First video: LAPD officer first orders ANSWER peace activists to leave the Martin Luther King Parade then changes his mind and allows them to stay until the end. Why did he change his mind? Watch the video!
Studio City "SAY NO TO ESCALATION!" VIDEO (tags)
3 1/2 minute video of last week's Thursday night rally in Studio City against the surge. IMPEACH chorus line (people holding individual letter signs) moving through cider...and tons of people and honks. Please view video here, or if it doesn't load, go to YouTube.
Bicycle Film Festival 2007 Call for Entries (tags)
Bicycle Film Festival 2007 Call for Film and Video Entries!
Bush not seen Saddam execution video (tags)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush has not seen the illicit video of Saddam Hussein's execution because he is focused on the "way forward" in Iraq, the White House said on Wednesday.
VIDEO: Veterans For Peace light 3,000 candles on Santa Monica beach (tags)
Uploaded is video from the Veterans for Peace New Year’s Eve installation in response to the 3,000th US military death in Iraq. 3,000 candles were lit for each death.
Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic (tags)
Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic
five years of infamy: close Guantanamo (tags)
five years of infamy: close Guantanamo
Ex-cop plans video on how to hide drug stashes (tags)
I wonder if this is a hoax or if this cop has really seen the light and is against the drug war? I know there are a number of cops who are drug war vetrans and against the war because they know it doesnt work.
$1.6 million fine for videotaping drunken teenager (tags)
Some more major criminal busted and punished!!!! Geeze!! Don't these cops have any real criminals to hunt down???/
Video: Venezuela- Sanitarios Maracay under workers control (tags)
Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution
6 min video of me getting attacked by NYPD
Bombs Over Baghdad Music Video (tags)
Bombs Over Baghdad Music Video
LA cop busted for beating teenager (tags)
This is really unusuall!!!! A cop being arrested for beating a suspect!!! But I bet the charges will be dropped
violent video game effects linger in brain (tags)
violent video game effects linger in brain
YouTube video UCLA student tazered down/ See New link (tags)
The original video link to the LA Indymedia article "UCLA Student attacked by campus police" Nov. 16th by Josh has been removed from the YouTube link. Found another link that works.
Scientists fret over missing grey whales (tags)
Scientists fret over missing grey whales
The Gas Chamber - a Pepper Spray Horror Movie (tags)
The Gas Chamber is the LAPD pet name for what was done to Benjamin Barker on the Venice Boardwalk February 2005.
Release of Free Video Workshop (Inspired by Argentina's Piqueteros) (tags)
Interested in new ways to connect inspiring international social movements with the work going on in your community? Check out this new video featuring behind the scenes interviews and footage with Argentina's piquetero movements. The video is divided into short sections designed for use in workshops to spark conversation about the tactics, goals and strategies of your projects. And, it’s free.
Marijuana, the anti-drug (tags)
Marijuana, the anti-drug
LA Video the Vote Dispatch Center Report (tags)
Below please find a news release detailing incidents addressed by the Los Angeles Video the Vote Rapid Response Task Force today, Election Day, November 7, 2006.
Press Release: Police Brutality Caught on Video (tags)
On August 11th, 2006, William Cardenas, 24 from Hollywood, California was arrested and brutally beaten by the Hollywood Division of the Los Angeles Police Department. The cops would have gotten away with the beating if it wasn’t for a neighbor who video-taped the beating on her camera.
NIFC "Shell To Sea" Video (tags)
The National Irish Freedom Committee (NIFC) has been helping publicise the struggle of the people of Rossport for quite some time now and we are the only Irish organisation here in America that has been vocal in our support of the community in Mayo, and have actively used all our resources to try help keep our membership, other concerned people, and the general public informed about what is going on there.
Oaxaca- A victory in the Streets- 11/2/06 (tags)
This video is of the events in Oaxaca on Nov.2 in front of the university of Oaxaca when the federal police tried to break in and destroy the radio station, the people's main communication tool to each other, and to the outside world. The whole town came out to defend and fight back and they won a great victory.
Video from Saturday's March for Oaxaca (tags)
Video from Saturday's March for Oaxaca
How to hack a diebold machine: princeton experts show u how (tags)
A demonstration video showing how easy it is to hack a Diebiold voting machine .
VIDEO: Dia de Los Muertos Vigil at MX consulate (tags)
Nightly vigils and protests continue at the Mexican consulate uploaded in video from Thursday night’s Dia de Los Muertos Vigil.
Police Brutality Caught on Video. (tags)
November 3, 2006 For Immediate Release: Police Brutality Caught on Video. SEE THE VIDEO AT
Settler children in Tel Rumeida (occupied Palestine) part 2 (tags)
I want to share the following video with you:
US casualties mount in Iraq and Afghanistan (tags)
US casualties mount in Iraq and Afghanistan
US nuke goes off in iraq -- VIDEO (tags)
this was to be used for yet MORE israeli false flag terror like 911 and so many others
Here's a re-edit of Brad's video with pictures (downloaded from and the names of Brad's murderers added.
Bush at the ANSWER Coalition rally (tags)
2 videos of Bush
George Bush at the ANSWER Coalition Demo in Hollywood (tags)
Bush speaks at the Answer Coalition rally
images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood. (tags)
1st set of images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood.
More Research on Iraq Mushroom Cloud (tags)
All manner of attempts to discredit this bit of news have arised and why not? This has the potential to be far more damaging to the Bush administration than anything that has occured on his watch yet - yes anything. We are talking about storing nuclear devices in a foreign country, in a war zone. For what?
Water for millions at risk (tags)
Water for millions at risk as glaciers melt faster than expected
VIDEO: march against police brutality (tags)
Video from today's march against poilce brutality
3 video clips of a recent LAPD beating. Please see article link for more information.
Art of War : E -Vote for Tyranny (tags)
E -Vote for Tyranny
What fascist propaganda looks like these days (tags)
This video of the "Beirut Bombshell" has been circulating as "a joke" on the internet the past few months
More drug war propaganda from the Feds on the internet! (tags)
U.S. anti-drug videos hit YouTube
First They Came for Amalie (tags)
A journalist and Los Angeles area police death squad survivor tells her story
Confronting the MinuteKlan! WTF? (Video) (tags)
Video of Operation W.T.F?! (Where's the Fence?!)
Peace Candidate De Lear in Valley--New Video (tags)
10 Minute Documentary for the Byron De Lear for Congress Campaign, Green Party, in San Fernando Valley, California available for streaming on YouTube and Google Video.
VIDEO: Protest at Culver City Mosque (tags)
Video shows racists hanging an effigy of a Moslem. Anti-racists confronting the group. And an interview with a member of the mosque.
Seeking video of arrest at 5/21 Minuteman march
From Sun Tzu to Xbox: War and Videogames (tags)
From Sun Tzu to Xbox is a definitive history of the longstanding relationship between games and military culture, from wargaming’s roots in ancient civilizations, to the Cold War development of computing for battle, to a recent crop of Pentagon-funded shoot-’em-ups, big-budget commercial titles and homemade hacks.
Pema Chödrön's The Places that Scare You: a videotape lecture (tags)
ema Chödrön's The Places that Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times A videotape series presented by Lynda Golan and Stanley Weiser at the Santa Monica Zen Center September 5 - October 10, 2006 September 5, 12, 19, October 3, 10 Tuesday 7:30pm Price: $10.00
Government Targetting Reporters (tags)
"Sneaks and peeks" becoming commonplace in reporter's home.
Video: La toma de los videos en Oaxaca (tags)
El video se trata de unas mujeres colonas de la APPO en la ciudad de Oaxaca que organizaron una marcha cacerolazo el primero de agosto 2006. La mujeres llegaron a la instalación de medios estatales en la ciudad y decidieron ocupar las estaciones de radio y television. El video incluye entrevistas con las dirigentes sobre sus experiencias.
Music video music VOICE video FluxRostrum 5 minutes
Pic's & Video from the front lines (tags)
A collection of pictures and video taken in Lebenon. MUST SEE!
Was September 11 a Great Conspiracy? (tags)
More than ten million have watched "Loose Change" on the Internet since April.. 42 per cent of Americans believe the US government and the 9/11 commission concealed things in connection with the attacks.
Shocking Video: Protestor Shot With Rubber Bullets (tags)
Shocking Video: Protestor Shot With Rubber Bullets view video:
Auditor Needs Help Stopping Indentured Servitude in Alabama (tags)
Alabama auditor needs your help in stopping indentured Servitude. Here is a letter sent to the state auditors. Follow link to Mobile Audit Club for videos.
Flushing the rights of Copwatchers down the toilet (tags)
Bates and his attorney have denied the allegation and claim Bates ran afoul of the police and District Attorney's Office when he videotaped two White Oklahoma City police officers beating an unarmed Black man with their batons during an arrest in 2002.
contiene un video de Fidel Castro que muestar al mundo que el líder cubano está vivo
Encuentro del presidente cubano Fidel Castro con el mandatario venezolano Hugo Chávez (video)
Fidel: cumpleaños y recuperación (tags)
Un Documento audiovisual histórico: Presidente Chávez junto a Fidel en sus 80 años
UFOetry Blue Planet Tour Theatrical Event (tags)
An Out of this World Musical Experience for the UFO Age!
Public statement on video about Lebanon and Palestine (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyleft video by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Lebanese and Palestinian people, victims of the same U.S. funded IsraHell state terror.
‘People’s court’ releases video docu on alleged GMA poll fraud (tags)
In a video documentary shown at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City, the Citizens’ Congress for Truth and Accountability (CCTA) said the evidence it has gathered could be used in the impeachment proceedings against Mrs. Arroyo should Congress allow it.
High Impact Uranium Weapons Video - short, free online (tags)
Ben Franklin
The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century (tags)
Interview with James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century
New video. Protestors clubbed by LAPD (tags)
New footage showing protestors at anti-Minutemen get clubbed by LAPD, knocked to ground, and clubbed more.
Press Conference to Denounce LAPD Brutality (tags)
Say No to Police Brutality Against Immigrant Rights Protestors in Hollywood
News Video and Pic From Action to Save Farm (tags)
See the link for video and pictures from yesterday's action to save the farm.
VIDEO - South Central Farm: Direct Action Disables Bulldozer (tags)
Direct Action Disables Bulldozer South Central Farm July 5, 2006
Judge bars Navy sonar
VIDEO: Mayor in parade with Minutemen (tags)
The minutemen marched in a 4th of July parade today, but not without getting booed at times and followed by a protest of immigrants rights supporters.
American Scholars Symposium
VIDEO: South Central Farmers Parade in Santa Monica (tags)
July 1, 2006 Farmers parade down the 3rd street mall.
AWOL in Canada ~ VIDEOS (tags)
Interviews with AWOL soldiers. June 17th 2006 Ft. Erie Canada.
This is a collection of all the local newswire stories about the SCF, so far.
VIDEO: Indymedia reporter gets across police line, but denied access to farm (tags)
Note large cut through farm made by bulldozers near end of video.
VIDEO - South Central Farm press conference (tags)
This is a video of the press conference that I took today, featuring South Central Farm representatives Rufina Juarez and Tezozomoc, together with South Central Farm attorney Dan Stormer, today at about 1:30pm, at 41st/Long Beach, across street from the South Central Farm
VIDEO: Sheriff Raid on Farm (tags)
Video shot at 7:15 am this morning
Three prisoners commit suicide at Guantanamo Bay (tags)
Three prisoners commit suicide at Guantanamo Bay
Why Americans should be packing their bags NOW (tags)
Why Americans should be packing their bags NOW
VIDEO: 750 Midnight Ridazz Show Solidarity at the Farm (tags)
750 midnight ridazz show solidarity at the farm, 11 p.m. Friday, June 9, 2006. Midnight Ridazz meet the second Friday of every month at Echo Park Avenue and Sunset Blvd at 9:30 p.m. The ride starts at 10 p.m.
Spooks Cut off Dissident Phone Interview on Emperor's "New Pentagon Video" (tags)
Hayden's Heroes Cut Famous French Dissident's Phone off from Live Radio Interview on Pentagon Video Did Regime Dread Dean of 9/11 Debunkers Would Pop Pentagon Propaganda Bubble? "New" Videos Dissed as Pathetic Farce
video of protest of Vicente Fox visit with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (tags)
A small group of farmers from the SC Farm joined with others to protest Vicente Fox visit with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa today:
Partial Video from 5/25 Press Conference to Save the South Central Farm (tags)
Partial video of today's press conference to Save the South Central Farm
VIDEO: Julia Butterfly Hill - Tree Sit (tags)
Uploaded is video of Julia Butterfly Hill climbing up ropes to begin a permanent encampment in the trees of the South Central Farm.
Snuggly, the security bear (tags)
Snuggly, the security bear
America's worsening healthcare travesty (tags)
America's worsening healthcare travesty
Let's see how the lackys of the gangster state, in the main stream (o sh*t ) commercial media have had to deal with 9-11 - Science Fiction Theatre!
Pentagon releases phony video of "Flight 77" (tags)
Pentagon releases phony video of "Flight 77"
MinuteKlan Arrives In Washington DC, Met with protests (tags)
We came to protest the Minutemen, racism and fascism AND to support immigration in all its forms, no one ever is illegal. We came to denounce the minutemen and stand in solidarity with immigrants. What we got was a vibrant protest that put protesters inches away from Gilchrist, a failed minuteman rally, and a faceoff of good versus sheer evil (pro-immigrant, anti-racist locals versus racist minutemen, klansmen and nazis). Click on the link directly below, to view a video of the DC Minuteklan protests. This is the story of the demonstration against the Minutemen National Caravan as it landed in Washington DC.
MUST SEE -- 911 truth video HOT OFF THE NET (tags)
911 truth: Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime new SHOCKING documentary released 8 may 2006 !!!
Dollar takes a pounding (tags)
Dollar takes a pounding
Video: The Invasion of Iraq - Episode VIII (tags)
The Invasion of Iraq music video with music by Blue Oyster Cult - Burnin' For You
(video) Fallen Soldier Memorial (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyleft video by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
FILM: "Who Should USA Invade Next?" (tags)
Unbelievable stupid answers...they also have no clue where these countries are located which they wish to bomb...hmmmm...
(video) The Evolution (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyleft video by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
Este video se trata del desalojamiento violente que ocurrió la madruga del jueves en Atenco. El video fue grabado por un compa que lo llevó al d.f. El nos lo pasó y lo editamos.
How to make a cartoon about George W. Bush (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyleft video by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
Detailed account of police harassment at City Hall - PHOTOS/VIDEO (tags)
Photos, video and text account of police harassment operation to clear the park around City Hall after the Mayday march for immigrants rights.
Wilshire Immigration march video (tags)
4 minute video of the Immigration march on Wilshire in Los Angeles on May 1, 2006.
Police violence in Macarthur Park (tags)
Video shows police attacking peaceful protestors.
Video: May Day March down Wilshire (tags)
This march was so large it is hard to capture in video. But imagine over 4 miles of Wilshire Blvd packed with people shoulder to shoulder as far as the eye can see in both directions.
Make and share our own media on May 1st (tags)
Here are some ways to share the media we make on May 1st, to tell our own stories and to hear the voices of our sisters and brothers who will be joining the struggle across the country and around the world
Racist Video Game: Shooting Pregnant women with Children (tags)
Sick and Racist Video Game: Shooting Pregnant women with Children crossing the border
Ágora TV: community internet TV is born (tags)
Grupo Alavío has just premiered several new films and launched the brand new Internet Community TV Station Ágora TV,
Thermite Identified As Likely Culprit Of WTC Collapse (tags)
author: Brian A new branch of 9/11 research claims to have identified the cause of the collapse of the twin towers. The photographic and video evidence makes a very strong case for thermite being responsible for the unprecedented implosions of steel framed reinforced buildings on September 11.
Arab League - Death Star - Amazing Video (tags)
A Must Watch
Thermite Identified As Likely Culprit Of WTC Collapse (tags)
A new branch of 9/11 research claims to have identified the cause of the collapse of the twin towers. The photographic and video evidence makes a very strong case for thermite being responsible for the unprecedented implosions of steel framed reinforced buildings on September 11.
VIDEO: Protest at Ford Motors' Dealership (tags)
WEST LOS ANGELES, April 19, 2006 - Anti-war and environmental activists joined forces today in a protest that targeted a Ford Motor Dealership in West LA. At issue is Ford Motors’ role in contributing to global warming and the current oil wars in the Middle East, Africa, and elsewhere. Uploaded is video from the protest. (Download time 1 to 3 mins. depending on connection, high res compressed, wait for streaming to load, then hit play)
US threats against Iran--the specter of nuclear barbarism (tags)
US threats against Iran--the specter of nuclear barbarism
Delphi crisis reveals the destruction of the US middle class (tags)
News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/11/06)
Air Force colonel publicly rebukes US Supreme Court justice (tags)
Air Force colonel publicly rebukes US Supreme Court justice
The Threat of Compulsory Insurance (tags)
threat of compulsory insurance
"Slightly beneath Saturn's ring plane" (tags)
Sorry LA IMC: goofed up at the controls: "Slightly beneath Saturn's ring plane"
Supreme Court won't stand up for basic Constitutional rights (tags)
Supreme Court won't stand up for basic Constitutional rights
Bush signs bird flu quarantine executive order (tags)
Bush quietly signs bird flu quarantine executive order
Richmond, VA using hunger as a weapon against the poor (tags)
Richmond, VA using hunger as a weapon against the poor
Bell South campaigning to end New Orleans's free Wi-Fi (tags)
Bell South campaigning to end New Orleans's free Wi-Fi
US mosque massacre deepens occupation's crisis (tags)
US mosque massacre deepens occupation's crisis
Antis fake a video with ancient audio to spread fear.
Astro Pic with a funny Picture from the 1969 "Moon Landing" (tags)
Astro Pic with a funny Picture from the 1969 "Moon Landing"
Video anticapitalista: "Memoria, dignidad y lucha" (tags)
Poniendo el eje en la manifestación del pasado 19N de 2005 convocada por la Coordinadora Antifascista de Madrid, el video realiza una crítica histórica de la transición y denuncia la continuidad del franquismo por la vía de la monarquía parlamentaria.
VIDEO: 4th St/Broadway Highground (tags)
Below find a video of 35 seconds with a size of 4.5 Mg. It gives a good idea of the mood of this historic march.
What happened in the village of Isahaqi? (tags)
What happened in the village of Isahaqi?
03/25/06 March in Los Angeles video 3 (tags)
another video from the march - chanting and singing
03/25/06 March in Los Angeles video 1 (tags)
short video from the rally today - drummers
Holmgren dissects the 911 Hoax (tags)
Holmgren dissects the 911 Hoax
US-led forces round up whole Iraq village in "security sweep".
VIDEO: Civil Disobedience at Senator Fienstien’s Office (tags)
Full edited video of the protest: (Large file please wait for download)
VIDEO: Arrests at Senator's office (tags)
Anti-war Protest. 8 arrested for blocking the doors
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/20/06) (tags)
Seattle Indymedia now ruthlessly censoring this news blog
VIDEO: 241 Mile Peace March in LA (tags)
LOS ANGELES, March 18, 2006 – The 241 mile march for peace stopped in MacArthur Park this Saturday to pay the respects to the Eye’s Wide Open exhibit set up in the park. The American Friends Service Committee installed a display of 240 pairs of combat boots, each pair representing soldiers from California that have died in Iraq. Also in the display were children’s shoes for the Iraqi civilians that have lost their lives as well. Offers Free Cell Phone Video Hosting And More. (tags)
Free Cell Phone Video Hosting Of Events And More.
VIDEO: Hollywood Anti-war Protest (tags)
A Short video clips from the building at Hollywood and Highland looking down on the protest
03-18-06 Hollywood demo - video (tags)
some more video from 03/18/06 demonstration
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/17/06) (tags)
Florida Medicaid cuts target food for disabled children
3 YEARS IN IRAQ- Over 100,000 Kids Killed NEW CFTM VIDEO OF OUTRAGE (tags)
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/14/06) (tags)
Bird flu now tracked by satellites
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/12/06) (tags)
Terror Rehearsals in US, Russia
VIDEO: Save the Farm Demonstration (tags)
LOS ANGELES, March 10, 2006 - About 300 people held a demonstration at city hall today to put pressure on the mayor and the city council to save the South Central Farm. Here is a short video from the event:
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/10/06) (tags)
More space art from the "Cassini Imaging Team"
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/09/06) (tags)
US lung cancer rates soar from Depleted Uranium
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/08/06) (tags)
GM to end pensions for 40,000 workers.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/07/06) (tags)
Morgan Reynolds - gaping holes in the plane stories!
Fox News Video on Israeli Spy Ring in the US that May have Known in Advance about 9/11 (tags)
This is a video that was shown on Fox news and then was removed from Fox's website on the demand of AIPAC, the lobbying entity now subject to investigation for spying on the US on behalf of Israel.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/06/06) (tags)
Iraqi academics and professionals assassinated by death squads.
VIDEO: Community unites to defend their farm land (tags)
LOS ANGELES - 3/5/06 Faced with an eviction notice, the South Central Farmers and their supporters held a meeting Sunday to find ways to save the farm. The eviction will be appealed in the courts. After the meeting there was a march around the farm and vigil at the gates to the farm.
"I Know I'm Not Alone" & Michael Franti Solo Performance (tags)
Franti, of Disposible Heroes of Hiphoprisy and Spearhead, brings his film to LA, followed by a solo acoustic performance
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/05/06) (tags)
America's glorious empire of debt.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/03/06) (tags)
Kurt Nimmo on the PATRIOT Act renewal.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/28/06) (tags)
A great email about 911 truth tactics.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/27/06) (tags)
Neo-Nazis march in Black Florida neighborhood
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/16/06) (tags)
US/Israel puppet government of Iraq declares "bird flu alert".
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/14/06) (tags)
Bush regime just might kill Amtrak.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/13/06) (tags)
More Science Fiction from the "Cassini Imaging Team".
D O N 'T M I SS T H I S E V E N T...... HERE IN LOS ANGELES..... SATURDAY Feb. 11th @ 6:30 pm (SEE THE SPANISH VERSION BELOW FOR THE ADDRESS) A DOUBLE FEATURE VIDEO PRESENTATION OF INDIGENOUS LIFE IN OAXACA.....THE PRODUCER WILL BE PRESENT AND AVAILABLE FOR DISCUSSION "El Istmo de Tehuantepec: resistencia indigena frente a los megaproyectos de laglobalizacion economica", se presentaran dos videos.............
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/8/06) (tags)
Military coup d'etat brewing in Washington?
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/3/06) (tags)
The end of the Internet?
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/1/06) (tags)
NORTHCOM prepares for possible bird flu pandemic.
VIDEO: Anti-BuSh Protest in Hollywood (tags)
A short video montage of the protest.
Valley Congressional Candidate replies to State of Union (tags)
Byron De Lear, Green Party candidate for Congress in the Valley's 28th District, is featured in Green video rebuttals to Bush's State of the Union speech.
Green Video rebuttals to State of Union speech (tags)
Byron De Lear, Green Party candidate for Congress in the Valley's 28th District, is featured in Green video rebuttals to Bush's State of the Union speech.
VIDEO from Santa Monica Walk for Peace (tags)
Video interview with Kelly Smith from last week’s peace walk in Santa Monica. The next walk is scheduled for February 19th in Pasadena.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/23/06) (tags)
As profits soar, oil companies pay less for gas rights.
VIDEO > Housing Rights for New Orleans Hurricane Survivors (tags)
This video includes interviews from evacuees in NY and those who've returned to New Orleans. This issue is currently effecting the lives of thousands of people and it's still not too late to help put pressure where it needs to be put to force the goverenment to deal with these people properly.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/21/06) (tags)
Washington uses New Orleans to push for dismantling of public education.
internationals against video surveillance (tags)
an international grouping sponsors an international day against video surveillance.
Lessons from a Criminal Complaint (tags)
Observation on the criminal complaint against ERIC McDAVID, LAUREN WEINER, and ZACHARY JENSON.
CM Mayor Puts Choke-hold On First Amendment During Immigration Crackdown (tags)
Mayor Allan Mansoor of Costa Mesa lets lets Minuteman followers have there say, but cuts off immigrant rights activists.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/11/06) (tags)
Military tribunals resuming at Guantanamo Bay.
Costa Mesa Mayor Mansoor Enforces Immigration Law But Trashes First Amendment (tags)
Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor believes that America is “a nation of laws.” That’s why, he says, the city’s police should be first in the nation to directly help deport “illegal aliens.” But conduct by Monsoor at two recent Costa Mesa city council meetings–-revealed on video logs from two separate sources–-raises questions about his ability to correctly and impartially uphold the law, including respecting basic First Amendment rights. Recent incidents also demand an examination of the constitutionality of Costa Mesa Municipal Codes related to public speech.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/5/06) (tags)
Indymedia and the memory of Raoul Wallenberg.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/2/06) (tags)
New tests of Einstein's "spooky" reality.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/28/05) (tags)
VMann comments on the 7/7 coverup.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/27/05) (tags)
Poisons may pass down generations
OPEN CALL: LA Freewaves (experimental media art, video, animation, shorts) (tags)
Open Call: Too Much Freedom? LA Freewaves 10th Celebration of Experimental Media Arts Postmark Deadline: February 15, 2006. The showcase will present experimental media art from around the world at art venues in Los Angeles in November 2006 and through the Freewaves web site. Media art works include experimental video and film (narrative, documentary, art, animation, etc.), DVDs, websites, simple installations, and video billboards. Works from the festival will also appear on public television, cable stations and video-streamed on the Internet. Competitive selection process will be conducted by a group of international and local curators with diverse specialties and backgrounds. Notification of acceptance is in July 2006. Artist payments will be $200 for selected works.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/22/05) (tags)
Russia to take Syria's side if US illegally invades.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/21/05) (tags)
Rescuers free 110 beached whales in New Zealand
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/20/05) (tags)
NYC transit workers face $1 million-a-day fine.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/19/05) (tags)
US House passes draconian anti-immigrant bill.
POPOLOGY - "achieving global inner peace thru' pop culture"
Video of December 18th Vigil (tags)
A.N.S.W.E.R. held a gathering and vigil in Hollywood on December 17th to protest the Iraqi war and call for U.S. troops to return home for the holidays. Ron Kovic, Vietnam war veteran, author, and screenwriter of Born on the Fourth of July was there to speak. But in this video something else happened... 3:50 minutes
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/18/05) (tags)
Video: Israel's 'Separation Wall' is Barbaric.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/16/05) (tags)
Pentagon wants $100 billion more for its illegal wars
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/15/05) (tags)
'Were the levees bombed in New Orleans?'
VIDEO - Katrina Evacuees Evicted Before Returning Home (tags)
6minute QuickTime video
VIDEO: Paul Koretz, California State Assemblyman, 42nd District and AB-1121 (tags)
California State Assemblyman, Paul Koretz who represents the 42nd District is introducing a bill (AB1121) to the State Assembly that would place a moratorium on executions in the state. I spoke with Paul at a vigil for Tookie Williams less than five hours before Williams’ execution later that night.![]()
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/07/05) (tags)
Court to review law limiting insanity defense
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/06/05) (tags)
Rice defends illegal renditions.
Fallujah: Deep Dish TV Releases Documentary DVD (tags)
Deep Dish TV has released its latest project, Fallujah, documenting the U.S. invasion of the city.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/04/05) (tags)
Fat cats milked Ground Zero.
VIDEO: Rally to Save Tookie Williams (tags)
Video from today's rally in Leimert Park.
Video: Bomb Kills 10 Marines+ Communique [UPDATED + MIRROR] (tags)
Bomb Kills 10 Marines, Wounds 11 in Iraq
Theresa Dang Not Guily: Article and Audio Interviews (tags)
The case of the missing police flashlight remains unresolved, but local activist Theresa Dang can go back to her San Francisco law school now and finish studying for her first final exam after a jury of her “peers” voted her not guilty on two separate counts of petty theft of a Garden Grove police officer's flashlight during a May 25th demonstration at the Garden Grove Women's Club.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/02/05) (tags)
1,000th person executed in US since 1977
Video: "Del dolor, su brillo: Homenaje a Filiberto" (tags)
Filiberto Ojeda Ríos fue un valiente líder del movimiento independentista puertorriqueño que fue asesinado por el FBI el 23 de septiembre de 2005, cuando recibió un disparo de un francotirador. Filiberto murió desangrado, después de transcurridas varias horas del disparo y sin haber recibido ningún tipo de atención médica.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/29/05) (tags)
Burying college grads in debt.
Video: US mercenaries randomly shooting Iraqi civilians (tags)
Video of Random Shootings in Iraq
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/27/05) (tags)
Berlin stadium holds terror drill.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/25/05) (tags)
GM job cuts will devastate North American cities.
UFOetry recieves "Music Video of the Year Award (tags)
"We Never Went to the Moon" directed by John Lee recieve the award for "Music Video of the Year" at the 15th Annual Los Angeles Music Awards.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/23/05) (tags)
Iraqi families living on rotting garbage dumps.
Video: "Ni una vez más: Alto a la violencia contra las mujeres" (tags)
Como latinoamericanas/os residentes en California, queremos solidarizarnos con la celebración internacional de estos días de activismo en contra de la violencia por razón de género.
Video: "Not Even Once More: Stop Violence Against Women" (tags)
As Latinas/os who reside in California, we want to join in the celebration of these days of international activism against violence toward women.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/21/05) (tags)
New revelations of US military use of white phosphorus in Iraq.
Video: Transgender Day of Remembrance (tags)
Short video of the march and speakers of the Transgender Day of Remembrance event held today in West Hollywood
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/19/05) (tags)
Federal reserve will no longer report M3.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/18/05) (tags)
The war games of September 11.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/17/05) (tags)
Foreign buying of US assets rises to record
what really hit the South Tower of the WTC? (tags)
what really impacted the South Tower of the WTC? It sure wasn't a plane.
Video on the Fallujah’s massacre (tags)
WK77 and “Willy Pete over Fallujah
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/15/05) (tags)
Right to trial imperiled by Senate vote
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/12/05) (tags)
Flight 175 was an animation.
Ossama Bin Laden Makes Surprise Cameo Appearance in Beheading Video (tags)
Bin Laden Surprise Appearance
And all you wanted was a pizza....Streaming Video... (tags)
N2 Video: Drive out the Bush Regim (tags)
1: 45 mn Quicktime Video (3.74 MB) of the march, Drive Out the Bush Regime/The World Can't Wait in Westwood, California on November 2nd, 2005
Video From Anti-Bush Protest (tags)
Video From Anti-Bush March
World Can't Wait LA Event Video (tags)
Video of today's World Can't Wait event on Wilshire. Video on Federal and Wilshire.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/30/05) (tags)
Rexamining another completely ridiculous "flight 175" video clip. (attn: IMC, this is a repost because first attempt is unreadable.)
Video from the October 22 Coalition March to Stop Police Brutality (tags)
Estimates range from 300 to 500 protesters that took part in today’s march against police brutality in downtown Los Angeles. Many taking part in the march were past victims of police brutality and some have lost loved ones to police violence.
10/19 Americas Watch Haiti: Continue Oppression and Killings in Haiti+Video! (tags)
On Friday, September 23, 2005, the Director General of the Haiti National Police Leon Charles, UN Force Commander Lieutanant General Augusto Heleno Ribiero Pereira of Brazil, and the Special Representative of the United Nations Juan Valdes of Chile were convicted of violations of Haitian law and international law including crimes against humanity. This verdict was delivered by the jury of the First Session of the International Tribunal on Haiti. The Tribunal was held in Washington, DC at George Washington University at the Elliott School of International Affairs.
video "La valla de la verguenza" (tags)
Vídeo, música, diseño y texto sobre la represión a los inmigrantes africanos para evitar su entrada en las colonias españolas de Ceuta y Melilla.
Legislation in Washington Attacks Public Access TV (tags)
Three Bills now in the House and Senate could end public access TV in America.
Video: Cindy Sheehan in LA (tags)
A short video of Cindy Sheehan at Saturday's peace walk
We need videographers to test and analyze in the LAX Airport Court and any other place with key decision makers with a metal roof over their heads. Beware of technological apparatus. Bring Your Home-Made "Indymedia Reporter" badge.
Dj D Sastro - Arab Beats (video - italy 2005) (tags)
Dj D Sastro - Arab Beats (italy video 2005)
Greece: Anarchists Attack the Headquarters of the Greek Riot Police (Video) (tags)
Video – Anarchists Attack the Headquarters of the Greek Riot Police and the Police Special Forces - Found at
Video: Justice for Suzie Pena Lopez news conference (tags)
Lorena Lopez, her family and her attorney announced today the filing of claims against police Chief William Bratton and the City of Los Angeles for the death of 19-month-old Suzie Pena, killed by SWAT officers on July 10. Uploaded here is video from the news conference. Large file 7.8 MG. Please wait for streaming load time.
Video from Anti-war march (tags)
A short video of the march
subMedia releases 'George Bush Don't Like Black People' Video (tags)
Independent Media Group subMedia ( has released a music video to accompany the track 'George Bush Don't Like Black People' by the legendary K.O.
gannon and rove just tip of iceberg (tags)
Homosexuality, Gay Prostitution, Child Sex-rings, Pedophilia, George H. W. Bush, The White House, 911, Gosch/Guckert/Gannon, Hunter S. Thompson, Gary Webb, Mind Control, MK-Ultra, OSS, CIA, NSA, NASA, Secret Societies, the Illuminati, Blackmail & "Sex Magik". When will we tie all these things together?
Farewell Flor y Canto, Hello Sandpaper Books – Video from Friday’s party (tags)
Farewell Flor y Canto, Hello Sandpaper Books – Video from Friday’s party
Greece: Anarchists Riot Against the Government Harsh Economic Policies (video) (tags)
Video from the dynamic reaction by anarchists against the harsh greek government's policies, especially in relation to the economy, employment and suppression of personal rights and liberties.
Video from Cindy Sheehan Vigil (tags)
Video from Cindy Sheehan Vigil
Sheriffs Begin Shooting Friendly Stranded Dogs in St. Bernard's Parish (tags)
shooting stranded animals in st. bernard's parish! by mz kittinz Friday, Sep. 09, 2005 at 1:37 PM St. Bernard Parish Sherriffs shooting friendly dogs from the back of a pick-up truck. Video, ways to call and voice outrage Video link of St. Bernards Parish Sheriff shooing dogs (with wagging tails) from the back of a pickup truck. (Requires Quicktime and takes almost minute to start, be patient and brave, we must stand witness to this outrage.) regarding THE OFFICER THAT MURDERED MORE THAN ONE DOG, BY RUNNING IT OVER AND SHOOTING THEM: GET HIM FIRED..... HIS NAME IS SGT. MIKE MINTON OF ST BERNARDS SHERIFF'S PHONE# 504-271-2504
manda tus videos alternativos!! (tags)
Manda tus videos a la muestra internaciona de cortometrajes!
News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/10/05) (tags)
Yo! New Yorkers: Get a f*****g clue!
Video from last Thursday’s Rumsfeld protest (tags)
Video from last Thursday’s Rumsfeld protest:
BioTech Healthcare Video Series (tags)
I've released the 1st of a 5 video series on the healthcare aspect of the BioTech Industry. I'll be releasing 1 a week until finished... may not be able to post each time. (personal hell)
James Lawson Video from Out of Iraq Teach-In (tags)
James Lawson Video from Out of Iraq Teach-In
Video excerpts from Saturday’s Out of Iraq Teach-In (tags)
Video excerpts from Saturday’s Out of Iraq Teach-In
New dissident video from China's underground
Pastors for Peace Again Defies U.S. Cuba Policy (tags)
The Pastors for Peace 'Caravan to Cuba' stopped in L.A. on 7/12 to collect aid and rally support for the Cuban people. Video is 3 minutes long. 5.8 MB. Video is copyrighted but may be reproduced for non-profit use.
Garden Grove Police launch smear campaign against anti-Minutemen protesters (tags)
I wonder how Lt. Handfield would have tried to spin this story if Lafferty had been crushed to death? California state law doesn't give persons driving 3,000 lb. minivans the right to roll over pedestrians, does it?
Iraqi Resistance Video - The Cowboys in Iraq - A Must See - Extremely Powerful Images (tags)
June, 2005 Video Release by the Iraqi Resistance - The Cowboys in Iraq - A Must See - Extremely Powerful Images
Journalist Under Attack By The Garden Grove Police Department (tags)
Video of Percy Smeiser, Monsanto Rape Seed Victim (tags)
Video of Percy Smeiser explaning Genetically Modified Food @ the Really Really Free Market's Farmer Speak Out. ~Philly BioTech Conference ~ 13 min.
Tapes key in protesters' fight against tactics of N.Y. police (tags)
The NYC Indymedia Video Team was very effective at defending civil liberties at the Republican National Convention. Here is a recent story about our success.
It's a 1 mn 45 sec video about the demo and the counter demo in Alhambra, California, on June 18, 2005
Why the Minuteman Project may look real familar (tags)
The similarities are astounding!
Traveling Critical Mass VideoZine! Coming to your city! (tags)
We are traveling to cities whose critical mass bike rides have, in the past ten years, encountered repressive interference from police, motorists, or media. We want to interview you! I will be in LA june 17-19!!
Video from SMC Commencement (tags)
SANTA MONCIA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 The governor of California was basically booed off stage during a commencement address to graduating students at Santa Monica College today. Boos, and chants continued non-stop through out the gov’s speech.
Undercurrents Video Activist Festival (tags)
Films wanted!! Seeking entries for annual BEyONdTV festival...
Video: In Defense of the Biscuit (tags)
"In Defense of the Biscuit is simultaneously beautiful, heartbreaking, and inspiring. It is the story of one of the most beautiful places on earth, and of the courageous individuals and groups who are defending this place from devastation caused by huge corporations and criminal logging company operators who are protected in their illegal activities by armed (selective) law enforcement officers. Watch this film, and then go join these or other activists on the front lines of forest defense". Derrick Jensen, author, A Language Older Than Words, The Culture of Make Believe.
Video of Trembling After Passing Blood Clot After Alabama Court Session, Nazi Stronghold (tags)
In this short video clip, filmed in early 2004, I was trembling out of fear after passing a blood clot from my head after a court session in Mobile Alabama. I never did it before or since. Dead Alabama Senator Michael Figures, Ralph Nader
D.A. Protest: Press Conference (tags)
The following video is the press conference given by the May 25th defense committee in response to the Garden Grove Arrests.
Analysis of government propaganda (tags)
[Line by line analysis of government propaganda and damage control (Subject text repost from Yahoo)]
Agressive Cops at the Minutemen Protest (tags)
A video clip of police thugs in action.
Travelling Critical Mass VideoZine!CALL FOR WORK AND INTERVIEWS! (tags)
We will be traveling to cities whose critical mass bike rides have, in the past ten years, encountered repressive interference from police, motorists, or media. We want to interview you
Travelling Critical Mass VideoZine!CALL FOR WORK AND INTERVIEWS! (tags)
We will be traveling to cities whose critical mass bike rides have, in the past ten years, encountered repressive interference from police, motorists, or media. We want to interview you!
The Web: Video search engines come of age (tags)
A story about new video search capabilities.
Video: Subversive Play Hits LA (tags)
Part 2: Counter-Recruitment Students Confront President of College Santa Monica (tags)
Part Two of Video
We present an animated graphic and a NUMBER of video clips showing numerous predetonations of explosives during the demolitions of the WTC towers.
Suspected coverup of American Mad Cow cases investigated by Canadian Parliament (tags)
I do not have cable tv, but it would appear, based on the Internet, that American media sources are burying the story. Time to blow the whistle...
Video from the MEChA Anti-war Protest (tags)
MEChA held a march and rally to protest the war(s) and US government policies this Saturday, March 26, 2005, in the City of San Fernando. Uploaded here is a short video from the event.
Santa Monica City College Students Protest Army Recruitment Center (tags)
Uploaded is a short video from the protest. (video with freaky colors, yeah.)
New VIDEO!!! Graphic Abuse by US Guards in Iraq (tags)
See new graphic VIDEO/story!: Guard video shows harsh war scenes, racism towards the people US supposedly there to liberate
Black History Month Video Presentation (tags)
Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party Sunday, February 27, 2:00 pm Special Black History Month Video Presentation-- Freedom on my Mind
Video from nurses protest at Gov's house (tags)
Video of protest
911 and the Society of the Spectacle (tags)
Loughrey argues the progressive community is unknowingly trapped in a matrix.
The Age of PsyOps: 911 and Bush's Second Inauguration (tags)
Loughrey argues that the US national media is employing PsyOps to control the general population.
J20 Coronation Protest in LA (tags)
Below find a Quick Time video of one minutes and 45 seconds and 8 images about the inauguration protest in Westwood, California, January 20, 2005.
Video From J20 Westwood Protest (tags)
An estimated 3000 people marched through the streets of Westwood Village tonight to protest Bush, the war and the policies of the current government. Uploaded here is video from the protest.
The "Iraqi Resistance" video - a must see (tags)
Reuters carried this article yesterday which discusses the Iraqi video which asks Bush, ""George W. Bush; you have asked us to 'bring it on'. And so have we, like you never expected. Do you have another challenge?" And don't miss "Tom Ridge: US 'should not rule out torture'" Or: US Military Tactic: Collective Punishment And: This is war
A Video Message from the Iraqi Resistance (tags)
Reuters obtained from Iraqi guerrillas "an English-language video urging U.S. troops to lay down their weapons and seek refuge in mosques and homes" (Michael Georgy, "Iraq Rebels in Video Taunt," January 12, 2005), promising protection to soldiers who heed their call. The Information Clearing House has made the video and a transcript of its content available: "A Message from the 'Iraq Resistance.'"
Iraq rebels in video taunt Chickenhawk with his own Rant (tags)
Iraq rebels in video taunt Bush
J20 International General Strike & Bush Inauguration Day Protest (diverse links) (tags)
Collected, reposted, and forwarded everywhere -- the volume of protest information becomes the story (the media becomes the message) and then the protest itself is better understood even if the mainstream corporate journalists don't give it the attention it deserves. Cut, paste & please forward in solidarity -- everywhere!
A Dissenter's Must-See Video - "Censored in America - 2004 in Protest" (tags)
Censored in America - 2004 in Protest by Kali Autumn Lynn Sunday, Dec. 26, 2004 at 12:49 AM 2004 Was yet another banner year for censorship and repression of free speech. Yet millions of Americans hit the streets in protest. This video shows America in action and makes you wonder, but for our sell out media, what kind of popular movement would we have today? Please go to: (If this link does not function, PLEASE try the Cleveland will love this!)
Alternative/Independent Media Conference in Fresno (tags)
There will be an alternative/independent media conference in Fresno on Saturday, February 12, 2005.
System Failure/ Movie Showing in Riverside, CA (tags)
Video Showing about abuses in the California Youth Authority. Video by the Ella Baker Foundation and WITNESS.
Graphic Video: Soldier Witnessed Abuse, Killings at Abu Ghraib (tags)
Updated with Graphic Video: Exclusive: Conscientious Objector Witnessed Abuse, Killing of Iraqi Detainees at Abu Ghraib & More JUAN GONZALEZ 20 Dec 2004 01:34 GMT In a national broadcast exclusive, we speak with former Army Reserve Specialist Aidan Delgado. At Abu Ghraib, he witnessed U.S. soldiers abuse and killing of Iraqi detainees. Video and Transcript - Warning - This program contains graphic images
School of Assassins Protest Video (tags)
I'm still kickin'... missing the weather...
MSNBC Vote Fraud Video (Must See) (tags)
Mainstream media finally clues in to US Election 2004 vote fraud.
Report: Tallying Ballots for the 2nd KPFK Local Station Board Election. 12/4/2004 (tags)
An on-location video report on the process of tallying ballots and other election issues for Pacifica's Los Angeles radio station KPFK's second Local Station Board (LSB) elections. Includes an interviews with Pacifica National Election Supervisor Kenny Mostern. (23:40)
Prophecy Monday Nov. 22nd : DIRECT ACTION Email (tags)
A genuine populist is never short of ideas...
Eminem releases mosh2 video with new ending (tags)
"It is time for all people of conscience to call upon America, come back home, come home America. I call on Washington today, I call on every man and woman of good will all over America today, I call on the young men of America who must make a choice today. Take a stand on this issue, tomorrow may be too late. Come home America." -MLK (1)
Marines shoot wounded prisoners in Fallujah mosque (tags)
A video grab taken by embedded U.S. Network NBC shows a U.S. Marine pointing his assault rifle at a wounded and unarmed guerilla inside a mosque just before the occupation soldier killed the prisoner with a burst of machine gun fire. The murdered Iraqi prisoner was one of five injured guerillas captured by Marines. NBC's Kevin Sites witnessed the killing while assigned to represent a pool of news organizations. Several US televison networks aired footage of members of the US marine unit entering the mosque in Fallujah before one Marine shot the unarmed, wounded man in the head as he lay prone aganst a wall. Neither NBC nor CNN showed the shooting itself... the video was blacked out but the report of the rifle could be heard. The bodies in the foreground are other Iraqi prisoners. (AP Photo/NBC News, Pool)
Video of Tanks at anti-war protest in LA (tags)
Tanks on the streets of LA
Video from N3 - Another stolen election Protest in Westwood (tags)
Close to 250 people protested in Westwood November 3rd. uploading here is a short video of the event
LA Freewaves Presents Their 9th Biennial Festival of Film, Video and New Media (tags)
LA Freewaves presents How Can You Resist? its 9th biennial festival of film, video and new media. This year's festival occurs weekends during the month of November starting on Friday, November 5, 2004 and wrapping up on Saturday, November 27, 2004 in downtown Los Angeles.
Progressive World Television News Seeks Guerilla Videos (tags)
Our progressive television news show is looking for short, rough, unedited digital videos shot by ordinary people of extraordinary events.
Eminem’s Mosh video: FUCK BUSH (tags)
Eminem’s Mosh video will awaken the rage within. The time is now to come together and fire the number one weapon of mass destruction: BUSH
Free Anti-Bush/Anti-War Music Video (tags)
New (R)evolution is a music video featuring live footage of anti-war/anti-bush protests in L.A. and San Francisco. Runing Time: 3:45
Voices of Iraq video is pro-occupation propaganda (tags)
The Voices of Iraq video is being promoted as fair and balanced, but is financed by right wing organizations.
Get the word out!
Why, Doesn't Anybody Care? (tags)
In short the video was an effort to put a spotlight on the crimes and injustices currently being perpetrated by the continuation of illegal occupations in the name of democracy.
"If You Tell a Lie" - anti-Bush music video warns (tags)
"If You Tell a Lie" - Blame Sally Video
Germany: video proof: police attacks demonstrators (tags)
Police use against peaceful demonstrators injures the constitutional law of the Federal Republic of Germany
RNC Protest Video Why Anarchists? (tags)
A half a million patriots don't make the news but the invisable 10's of thousands of ... so called... anarchists do. .... RNC video 31 minutes. This RNC video addresses why people felt it was so important to Protest.
Video Release confirmed one of the two American hostages beheaded: Download video (tags)
British hostage 'next to be beheaded'
video presentation of 9-11 (tags)
an excellent video giving an alternative view to the pentagon attacks
Video from Critical Mass NYC 8-27-04: (tags)
Video from Critical Mass NYC 8-27-04:
RNC Video ~ Paula Revere's Ride (tags)
1st video of the RNC from FluxRostrum.... Fluxview, USA's patron saint (Paul Revere) would be proud of this fun colorful action.
"What's Not to Love" Team Bush (tags)
Video of the team Bush body of work . Looking for video footage or stills of Iraqi and Afghani war victims.
Film IN PLANE SIGHT Shocks Sacramento Citizens (tags)
Highly recommended and without the flaws or dubious sponsorship of moores bs...
Breaking: Video:Savage Beheading Today of American CIA Hostage (tags)
The four-minute long footage showed a Western-looking man sitting on a chair surrounded by armed masked men. One of the men struck the captive's neck repeatedly with a sword, severing his head amid shouts of "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).
View US Man Fakes Beheading in 'Iraq Video' (tags)
Hostage murder video a hoax A VIDEO aired yesterday that purportedly showed an American being decapitated in Iraq was a hoax.
The Sunshine Project Rebuts USMC Censorship / New Video Available.......The documents, titled Anti-Personnel Calmative Agents, Anti-Personnel Chemical Immobilizers: Synthetic Opiods, and Demonstration of Chemical Immobilizers, describe US military research on chemical weapons
voluneer needed to help edit video on Afro-Mexican communities. ColorLines Project. call 323-936-5417
Direct action against the INS Raids by immediate response to the sites that the INS is raiding and video taping the INS while they are interrogating and arresting immigrants. Stop the INS by puting them on camera! Broadcast the location of th INS raids while they are happening on KPFK!
FREE guerrilla video primers (tags)
For those of you serious about making your own radical media, the Cascadia Media Collective wants to offer you a tool. FREE. This is not a joke or a scam; CMC is giving away 250 "Guerrilla Video Primers". If your group is interested, the details are in the full story.
IndyMedia at the DNC '04 (tags)
Boston Independent Media Center - Democratic National Convention Projects
Are you coming to Boston for the Democratic National Convention this July? Are you planning to work with the Independent Media Center?
"Masters of Terror" is now on the Internet Archive at link below!
Police Beating Caught on Tape in LA (tags)
(Los Angeles-KABC, June 23, 2004) — Police in Los Angeles chased a man suspected of driving a stolen car. The arrest, caught on tape, shows an officer hitting the man repeatedly with a flashlight after he appeared to surrender.
View New Jihadi video issued: Fallujah Volcano (tags)
The newest Al Qaeda video is a chilling reminder of dangers that the American military personnel and contractors face in Iraq on a daily basis.
Viewing Chairman Avakian's speech in the heart of the barrio (tags)
On May 1st, in a restaurant in the Pico-Union section of Los Angeles, a group of a dozen Latino proletarians and others gathered to watch the video clip of the historic speech by Chairman Avakian, "Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About."
Photoshop for Democracy (tags)
New and old media groups are using parody and Adobe Photoshop to mobilize young voters for the 2004 elections. Their message? "Let's have a good laugh at the powers that be, and let's work together to make America a better place."
Video from June 5 Anti- War Protest (tags)
Short Quicktime video
An American neo-nazi group has placed a graphic video of the beheading of Nick Berg on its website under the title “one less kike”, provoking outrage among Jewish leaders.
Video shows the truth about Iraqi wedding (tags)
OK, so there's a video of the wedding and a video taken after the US bombed the wedding that proves the Americans are lying.
Iraqatrix: The S&M PsyOp - Torture psyop ends in Passion of Nick (tags)
By now, you must know the Nick Berg beheading video was some kind of fake or scam. How could you not know? The Internet is abuzz with details of a host of video anomalies.
Nick Berg execution a fraud (tags)
The whole world is talking about this. Enjoy this bait, sharks.
We Are Everywhere tour joined by David Martinez and Jo Wildings tonight! (tags)
May 17 Los Angeles, CA– Arts in Action 7:30pm - 1919 west 7th Street (between Westlake and Bonnie Brae) on the fourth floor w/ David Martinez May 18 Los Angeles, CA- 7:30pm Flor y Canto - 3706 N. Figueroa Ave-in North East LA - w/ David Martinez and Jo Wildings
We Are Everywhere Tour-UPDATE! (tags)
This Just In: We Are Everywhere tour joined by San Francisco based filmmaker David Martinez and British activist Jo Wildings! Recently returned from Iraq where they were kidnapped by the resistance and then released unharmed, they will present video and stories from their experiences.
Who really beheaded Berg?
Video: Westwood Protest 4-9-04 (tags)
Video from the Westwood Protest 4-9-04
FTAA Indymedia: The Miami Model (tags)
On Friday 16th April there will be a screening of the documentary The Miami Model. Produced by the FTAA Indymedia Video Collective, it is an exploration of the extreme police brutality that took place against activists opposing the FTAA and NAFTA in Miami last November.
Cesar Chavez March & Rally (tags)
On Saturday, March 27th, thousands of students and workers took the streets of Los Angeles in Downtown Los Angeles to celebrate the success of Cesar Chavez immigrant rights movement. United Farm Workers (UFW) organized the event. Among other major organizations that promoted the march were the following unions: SEIU, AFL-CIO, and CLC. To my estimation, between three to five thousands people marched in the street of LA..........BELOW FIND A 35 SECONDS VIDEO AND 7 PICTURES.
MARCH 20 LA 04 Koochcentric version 5 minutes Full Coverage Video Available Soon
Friday, March 19th, RAPJA (Riverside Area Peace & Justice Action) and friends protested the wars in Iraq, Palestine, and everywhere. .............Below find 6 PICTURES AND A THIRTY FIVE SECONDS VIDEO
Saturday, March 20th, in Hollywood, California, about 15,000 people protested the wars in Iraq, Palestine, and everywhere. .....Below find SEVEN PICTURES AND A 35 SECONDS VIDEO
LA Protest Against Wars (tags)
People who were accomadating the American Empire with their silence are now coming back on the street to protest the wars in the Middle East--in Iraq and Palestine......... Below find SIX PICTURES AND A 35 SECONDS VIDEO.
Video from the march (no audio) (tags)
Video from the march (no audio)
(2) Pirates Inland Against the Empire (tags)
Two hundred people showed up at the demonstration against the war in the Inland Empire, Riverside, on March 19th from 6 PMto 8:30 PM...SIX PICTURES AND A 35 SECONDS VIDEO
A VIDEO THAT YOU MUST SEE! "HIDDEN AGENDA" WHEN : March 19, 2004 WHERE: United Echo Park Methodist Church - 1226 N. Alvarado - Los Angeles, CA TIME: 7:00 PM (suggested donation: $5) ************
In Honor of International Women's Day (tags)
Online video footage of Code Pink Vigil and arrest of Alice Walker, Medea Benjamin, Amy Goodman and others. Also, Code Pink meets Hillary Clinton 2003.
Maria Suarez Vigil at Schwartzenneger's (tags)
Video of Aztec dancers protesting the continued detention of Suarez.
Veteran Memorial in Santa Monica, February 15th, this Memorial is held every Sunday from 11 AM to 1PM. Below Six Images and a 35 SECONDS VIDEO
Video of Anti-bush protest at the Shrine 3-3-04 (tags)
This event went totally unreported in the local TV news that night.
All We Are Saying, is Give Grease A Chance! (tags)
What's brewin' in LA? Fuel the revolution!
'I Just Want To Shut It Off' (tags)
. . . The rappers laugh and boast "And they destroyed the two towers, ha, ha ha!"
One of the best Political ad's I have ever seen! (tags)
Photos and Video from Today's Supermarket Strike Rally in San Pedro (tags)
Photographs from today's rally in San Pedro.
Revolutionary Music Video (tags)
A music video featuring the song Meen Erhabe by the Palestinian hip-hop group, DAM.
John Kerry Video proves reason for concern over a John Kerry vs George Bush presidential race.
Video of 6 Dennis Kucinich Speaking Engagements (tags)
Iowa Caucus Weekend w/ Dennis Kucinich 4 Q & A's and speech from 6 stumps in Iowa
I had to keep re-trying and recovering "lost download" to get this file showing Silverstein on PBS openly admitting WTC 7 was intentionally demolished and did not collapse from fire as we've all been lied to all this time.
Apache killing video becomes viral news , but for the neo-conned its just another day in an easy chair.l
Video from the Cheney Protest (tags)
A short video from the Cheney comes to LA protest 1-14-04 (no audio)
guardian Uk report on mitchell crooks (tags)
Report on Inglewood amatuer videographer mitchell crooks from the guardian Uk papers.
Dec 13th Bring Our Troops HOme Rally Video (tags)
a very short call to action video featuring Will B and a lot of peaceful patriots.
video from WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER party (tags)
Video short
Remind Us Why Did We Invade Iraq? (tags)
This is a Flash Video Presentation. 781 KB. So, just why did we invade Iraq? Anyone know the real reason?
Call to LA & OC Indigenous People... (tags)
Come join us tomorrow, more details below...
"No Thanks" Presentation in OC This Sunday (tags)
Please see below
"No Thanks" Presentation/Educational Forum 11/23/03 (tags)
Please see below.
CBC the fifth estate: "Conspiracy Theories" (9/11) DOC VIDEO (tags)
a canadian public TV documentary exposes links between the bushes, the bin ladens, and the saudi monarchy -- now available for download!
This man just doen't get enough credit. Watch video of our next President.
Video of Oct. 22 03 march and speakers
Intentionally Firing Into the Palestinian Crowds of People (tags)
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE between the TERRORISM of suicide bombers and IDF/IOF firing at Palestinian Civilians ( including children) on purpose? ANSWER: The Uniform and the US Tax Dollars That Fund It
Dennis Kucinich @ UFCW Grocery Strike Rally 10-18-03 (tags)
Here's the video of the event.
We Interrupt This Empire... (tags)
The San Francisco Video Activists Network screens its documentary "We Interrupt This Empire..." on Oct 9th at 7.30pm at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.
Spooks on tv!
Event tonight and tomarrow only:Chicagos Counter Productive Industries presents ShowNtell (tags)
Coming to LA: COLLECTIVE PRANKS, PROTEST GRAPHICS, AND SPACE RECLAMATION (tags) presents COLLECTIVE PRANKS, PROTEST GRAPHICS, AND SPACE RECLAMATION, a west coast tour of Retooling Dissent, the video documenting creative resistance projects from protests against the World Economic Forum.
Counter Productive Industries Coming to LA august 20-21 (tags)
Not In Our Name's 3rd Truth Underground Series On The Occupation In Iraq (tags)
3rd Installment of NION's Truth Underground Lecture Series. This lecture includes eyewitness accounts of the current occupation of Iraq. Speakers will include reps from Code Pink, Physicians For Social Responsibility and Voices in the Wilderness.
AZ IMC Video Project New Releases (tags)
Antiwar compilation and water videos.
The Transfigured Body (2003) (tags)
The premiere performance will be held July 30th 7:00 at: Metropolitan Community Church, Los Angeles 8714 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood CA, 90069. Admission is free. A Requiem In Celebration of Gwen Araujo: The Transfigured Body (2003) is a multi-media performance piece celebrating the life of Gwen Araujo, a slain transgender teenager and other LBT individuals who have fallen victim to crimes of hate.
Inglewood beating in Comparison to rodney king is Worse.
Exposed: The Carlyle Group (tags)
Influence behind the Carlyle Group that supports perpetual war for profit. THINK about the latest tax cut for the rich when you view the video (48 minutes)
Inglewood beating video (tags)
This is a link to watch the entire video of the inglewood police officer jeremy morse cowardly act on a 16 year old youth last year july 6 2002. This movie is intended to show the video in its true form. The trial starts july 7th or so. It should end july 27th. Copyright mitchell crooks.
Pigs on trial for cowardly beating in inglewood
I just found this footage.
Republicans Gone Wild! The Corporate Orgy in Iraq (tags)
The Corporate Orgy in Iraq and hardcore Republican porn.
Great News! More peace-loving Arab freedom fighting to apologize for.
The evidence that the World Trade Center towers were demolished is compelling. Take a look for yourself.
[pepperface: media analysis eZine and alternative media hub, updated daily] (tags)
[the sniffy "blind empire" underground media hub has moved to its own site at]
NEW - Walk for Democracy video (tags)
Jeanette Wallis has been walking a pilgrimage for Democracy for over 15 months. From Seattle to DC collecting grievances, educating and encouraging middle America to to take active participation in what's left of our Democracy. - video
The War Song - a music Video by Smile Empty Soul (tags)
The War Song - a music Video by Smile Empty Soul
nothing is over; underground media hub (tags)
collection of underground anti invasion news sources updated several times daily
Sunday I'll be shooting video for possible inclusion in the "Web of Dissent" project. If you are planning anything fun & interesting let me know.
Make MTV play BOOM now!! show America what the whole world thinks.
7minutes in the Pro War camp is all you need to make sure you get off your ass and vote.
Here's video of the march on CNN on March 22, 2003 Sorry there's no speeches in this... just drums, signs, and crude editing. Enjoy!
Vote for "Boom" by System of a Down! (tags)
System of a Down's "Boom" music video was directed by Michael Moore, and focuses on the February 15th protests. Whether you like their music or not, let's get this video some airplay... to SUPPORT PEACEFUL RESOLUTION!
HELP!!! Do you have video footage or photos of... (tags)
The Greatest Secret in Modern History (tags)
You have Been Lied To By An International Governmenta Conspiracy of White Supremacists and Others determined to destroy rational free thought and brotherly love. WAKE UP and embrace you basic human rights to BE INFORMED and realise your intelligence and basic goodness as human beings
M/23 Oscar Breakaway Video Clips (tags)
3 video clips of the LAPD and Sheriffs who surrounded the first breakaway march of the Oscars.
Video of M22 protests in Washington, DC (tags)
6min Quicktime MOV of the protests around Washington, DC on Saturday March 22nd 2003
Empty Vee: Lights On, Nobody Home (tags)
I was watching the very first night MTV was on the air, back in the eighties. i saw that buggles video. Now it looks like censorship has utterly silenced the once vital music station. (admittedly, the eighties were a long time ago.)
Manchester, UK School and College Strike Against the War - Video (tags)
Video of an amazing strike by British school students against the Iraq war!
US helicopter marked 666 Video (tags)
Military Helicopters Marked "666 The Beast" Ruters video
So far, 1 dead 14 injured, but how many more on the way? No one is going to give us the real numbers.
Glendale-based band System of a Down has released the video for its antiwar song, "Boom," chronicling the worldwide protests from February 15th. Excellent video, excellent song from an excellent band. Enjoy!
Conspiracy of Silence video Child sex ring that reached Bush Sr's Whitehouse. (tags)
This documentary exposed a network of Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. This video was blocked from the air at the last minute. But here it is.
Iraq files UN complaint that US may be planting evidence in secret missions (tags)
Given Washington's desperation to "justify" war, I wouldn't doubt it a bit.
Video of people gunned down by military aircraft (tags)
The war in Afganistan is being waged daily and without much news from the media. There have been very few actual video displays of combat or combat photography.
Home video taken at the F15 antiwar march in Hollywood, CA. Got some decent shots up above the crowd to show how massive this demonstration was. 20 minutes of video, 60mb.
Video of the march and speeches on February 15, 2003 in Hollywood, California
An Appeal for Iraq's Children (tags)
After over ten years of bombing, sanctions and exposure to depleted uranium, seemingly the children of Iraq must suffer another terrible nightmare with George W. Bush's planned aggression.
US Spy taking photos of protestors at Shannon is US Attache (tags)
Re-posted from the Irish Indymedia site! See the video link for yourself!
POSTER: Petroleum Geologist predicted U.S. Oil War (tags)
If you watch this lecture video, you will get a chill down your spine when you realize that the current economic and military situation was appreciated and predicted more than two years ago by a petroleum geologist!
The Federal Emergency Management Agency report into the collapse of World Trade Center Seven is seriously flawed.Flawed to the point where it is considered a JOKE.
Entrevista sobre Videos Documentales, Argentina!s (tags)
Entrevista a Ariel Ogando Wayruro - Argentina
Hidden Video: Bush and world leaders involved in Mock Human sacrifice near large stone Owl (tags)
check it out. read boy's testimony first. bush not stated to be involved in that.
Cascadia Media Collective Presents... (tags)
The Cascadia Media Collective's newest film, Guerrilla Video Primer, will rock your heart, head and body.
WEF Protest Documentary Reviewed by Film Threat (tags)
The independent film web site Film Threat has just posted a review of the documentary short film "Protest! The WEF in NYC", a video chronicle of the protest march and rally that took place earlier this year.
Progressive events in Riverside Co. on Oct 19th (tags)
Oct 19th: Green Garden Party hosted by Progressive Candidate, and Hemet Greens to show video. PUBLIC WELCOM!
Radical Korean Labor Films (tags)
Come to a Screening of Radical South Korean Labor Films Weds, Oct 2nd 7pm at KIWA.
A Guide to Videotaping Police at Demonstrations (tags)
A Training Manual for Videotaping Police at Demonstrations
Police Assault Caught on Video- NYC (tags)
The police have been caught on video macing a man already cuffed, in the same precint of the Abner Louima. This brutal incident is more of call to protest police terror, especially with the National Day of Protest against Police Brutality OCT. 22nd.
Downey: Protests of police shooting (tags)
But on Feb. 15, 2001 he was shot dead after being pulled over for a traffic violation by Downey, Calif., police.
IMC Video from Palestine available now! (tags)
New Video from Palestine
Ritt Goldstein broke the stories on TIPS and the Administration's internment camps. Here's some background regarding him and an easy way to find more.
Can the Digital Hub Survive Hollywood? (tags)
If you can ignore some of the Mac boosterism, there's some serious info about Hollywood and their goals of preventing people from copying their digital data.
Radical Film Festival is Seeking Entries (tags)
Visualized: Messages in Motion Video and Film Festival is now accepting submissions for the 2002 festival in Denver Colorado. The festival will be over three days, November 8-10. Please visit our website or see below for more information and details on how to submit your film!
Part 2 of the series introduces Lisa, the Support Driver for Democracy and shows what it's like on the road. <6 minutes video>
photomontage with commentary, and a video
How well do you know your real history?
Anyone remember the guy named Mitchell Crooks who shot the original video of police brutality against Donovan Jackson? I figure that since none of these issues would be brought to light without this courageous man, I find it very appropriate to approach this subject in a rather angry manner since no one else seems to be.
George w sued over NY terror attacks (tags)
how complicit is the us government- a court case attempts to find out , the corporate media ignores it
PLEASE! take a little time and look at these links, everyone needs to demand a full investigation, now!!
When Bush declared 2002 the "war year," he claimed that Colombia was a terrorist stronghold, thus justifying his Plan Colombia. "Collateral Damage" is propaganda that furthers U.S. designs for an escalation of this war.
Music/Art Benefit for Orphans of recent Jenin Refugee Camp Massacre.
Visit the Maine IMC Media Server (tags)
Check out the Maine IMC media server for interesting video and audio.
"Anarcho-Terrorists Cut Their Teeth on Video Games"? (tags)
New slanders dehumanizing and demonizing protesters for global justice need immediate response!
Meeting the Corporate Person!? (tags)
On Monday January 28, 2002 The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom presented this funny and educational skit on Corporate Personhood. Watch this video to be EDUCATED AND ENTERTAINED! video - 13 min. San Diego, CA
(Video) Quebec 2001: The Battle Against the F.T.A.A. (tags)
34 heads of state. 6,000 cops. 60,000 protesters. Two miles of chain link. One secret document. A journey through the historic protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Quebec City, April 2001.
Outrageous anti-American video released on 3-month anniversary of WTC attacks (tags)
The Church of Euthanasia has released a four-minute music video titled "I Like to Watch," which explores connections between the voyeuristic news coverage of the September 11 attacks, professional sports, and pornography. The themes are woven together, and shown to be interchangeable forms of mass entertainment.
Who said who said?
everything and nothing video screening
Below is a description of the film screening event of a film by Jayce Salloum that took place at Gallery 825/LAA on La Cienaga.
a brief description of a Video Event that took place at Scripps College
Superband Radiohead supports Video Activists (tags)
Superband Radiohead supports Video Activists
Broadband Version of Manchester, UK Demo Video (tags)
This file is optimised for broadband. You need a fast conncetion to view it.
2000 March against war in Manchester, UK (video) (tags)
2000 anti-war protesters marched through Manchester, Uk today. See it on video.
Mumia Abu Jamal at Last to be Free? (tags)
On-line video shows Arnold R. Beverly confessing to murder Mumia Abu Jamal sentenced to die for. To view the video, your computer must have MS Media Player 7.1.
San Diego October 13 Peace Rally (tags)
October 13th in San Diego's Balboa Park. Many really good speakers, good music, good people. Unlike Santa Monica our Mayor didn't show up, our mayor won't even condem attacks against the Islamic community in San Diego. This video features Larry Christian, a long time activist in San Diego speaking for the Middle East Cultural and Information Center. And the Prince Mishkins singing a song by Chatlie King. This video also shows that the more coffee you drink before an event the more cutaways you need to shoot :) 11min
Manchester Protests Against the War! (Video - broadband version)) (tags)
This is a broadband version of a video posted yesterday showing street protest against the war in Manchster, UK on 8th October 2001
Manchester, UK protests Against War (video) (tags)
Video of street protest against the war in Manchester, UK, 8th Oct 2001.
Afghan Video and Lecture Oct 1 (tags)
A video presentation and lecture about the current conditions in Afghanistan, featureing footage from RAWA. Monday, Oct 1, 7:30PM.
Video of the S22 LA Peace Rally. 9:30 min.
CNN statement about false claim it used old video (tags)
(CNN asks that you copy and e-mail this statement to whomever asks about it.)
7s01: international day against video surveillance (tags)
Friday 7 Sept 2001: an international day against the video surveillance of public places by the police and private authorities
The full story.
This video documents the overwhelming police response to the recent Biojustice protests in San Diego.
Berlusconi's new regime born in Genoa (tags)
Info from front page
International day against video surveillance (tags)
Proposals for an international day against video surveillance and the destruction of the right to privacy.
LA Pornography Harms Many Across USA:University in Deep South Shows it; Protest (tags)
A woman who is enrolled at University of Southern California in Women's Studies participated in the filming of a pornographic video that is for sale on the shelves in many pornography shops. She did this of her own will and claims it was a study in women's liberation.The video shows her having intercourse with hundreds of men all in 1 day.
The San Diego Police Department's videographer (at center) takes requests for copies and passes out cards for wedding and bar mitzvah video shoots at the bio devastation protests.
From San Diego W/ Love! BioJustice J24 J25 (tags)
Collage of sights and sounds from BioJustice 2001 J24 and J25!
Watch streams of some of the celebrations and confrontations captured on video.
Swedish Police Violent Crackdown On Dancing Led to Deadly Shooting (tags)
Video from IMC Sweden shows that a violent police crackdown on DANCING is what led to the use of DEADLY FORCE against protesters. Length 6 min. 28 sec.
Link to Sweden shooting video (tags)
Lifted from Sweden Indy site -- link to video that shows cops weren't "cornered."
GUTIERREZ TESTIFIES BEFORE CONGRESSIONAL PANEL ON NAVY'S MISTREATMENT OF PEACEFUL PROTESTORS ON VIEQUES Congressional Hispanic Caucus conducts hearings on abuse of demonstrators Navy representative admits that video tapes show Congressman cooperating with police, not resisting arrest
Digital Video Journalism: The Pew International Journalism Conference (tags)
Report on the Pew Journalism/Columbia Univ. Journalism conference about DV (digital video) production and distribution; analysis of media spin on issues of Globalization and Yugoslavia.
Digital Video Journalism (tags)
Report on the Pew Journalism/Columbia Univ. Journalism conference about DV (digital video) production and distribution; analysis of media spin on issues of Globalization and Yugoslavia.
Digital Video Journalism (tags)
Report on the Pew Journalism/Columbia Univ. Journalism conference about DV (digital video) production and distribution; analysis of media spin on issues of Globalization and Yugoslavia
Live streaming video of Quebec Protest right now (tags)
Watch live video of Quebec protest online
COUP WATCH: Ashcroft Appearance on Schlafly's 1997 Conspiracist Video (tags)
John Ashcroft appeared in a 1997 video from Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum that portrayed the feminist movement, multiculturalism, reproductive rights, gay rights, environmental concerns, global cooperation, and even chemical weapons treaties as part of a secret conspiracy to promote a socialist One World Government and New World Order.
GENTRIFY THIS! Accepting submissions for the BULLDOZED film fest (tags)
Media Alliance, Global Exchange, and the Video Activist Network invite you to submit your video and/or film to the Bulldozed Film & Video Festival to be held in San Francisco, CA on March 29th and 30th, 2001 at Cell Space and Artists Television Access. The festival is a unique opportunity to present your work to the general public, other independent media producers, and community organizers fighting to save vital working class neighborhoods.
Crashing The Party: The IMC Documentary (tags)
Promo for the 90 minute documentary 'Crashing The Party' on the Democratic Corporate Convention in Los Angeles. Videos are available for purchase. Buy a video! Support the IMC.
Cop Watches IMC Video at Nader Rally (tags)
Cop checks out police brutality section of IMC-LA's CRASHING THE PARTY video at Nader Super Rally Long Beach Nov. 3
Undercurrents release video of battles in Prague World bank/IMF (tags)
Undercurrents have produced a great video of the battles in Prague World bank/IMF meeting
View the Seattle Nader Rally NOW!!! (tags)
Seattle Nader for Prez Rally tonight
Justice for Youth March (part 4) (tags)
A summary video of the march Tuesday morning march from Belmont Learning Complex to California Governor Gray Davis' office to deliver 10 demands. Vist our youth organizing website for Quicktime Video and the list of demands.
Call for video footage of R2K (tags)
The IMC-Philly Video Group is interested in obtaining your footage of events that transpired during R2K in Philadelphia.
17 years on Manhattan Cable TV, The Jon Hammond Show is a music and travel soft news program. The show is legendary and has universal appeal. Tune in on MNN!
Live video on (tags)
Live helicoptor video
Anyone video or audio record this? (tags)
Camcorder Owners: Take to the L.A. Streets! (tags)
Media Alliance, a San Francisco Bay Area media activist organization, sent out a "call to action" today for grassroots video coverage of police civil rights violations against non-violent protesters at the Democratic Convention. "In the age of Rodney King and the Ramparts scandal, police misconduct can and will be documented and televised," said Andrea Buffa, Media Alliance’s executive director.
It is a long way to the Portest site! (tags)
LAPD rumored to fry protestors and IMC camera film (tags)
The LAPD is RUMORED to have started gathering x-ray generation devices of various kinds to 'fry' individual targets video and camera film.