Can the Digital Hub Survive Hollywood?

apple, april fools, best new science fiction writer, betamax doctrine, boing boing, boston strangler, bpdg, broadcast protection discussion group, build products people want, business week, but don, chairman michael powell, companies, consumer broadband, copy protection technical working group, cory doctorow, device, digital, digital consumer, digital television, digital television promotion act, dtv, el gato, electronic frontier foundation, forwarding address, free software foundation, g. if, hollywood, hollywood never gets technology, hugo awards, in hollywood, in november, jack valenti, john w. campbell award, legal, mac, magic kingdom, mandate, movies, new york times, outreach coordinator, perfect control makes imperfect devices, representative billy tauzin, sad mac, senator fritz hollings, so something will be done, something is done, steve jobs, technologies, technology, television, tor books, try programming anything, under betamax, v. and, v. so, v. when, video