fix articles 16910, nature Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : nature


Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics (tags)

That humanity can dominate nature “is an illusion.” The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. “Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.

Tyrannie de l'import/export (tags)

L'économie politique de tous les massacres...

Paraphysique du numérique (tags)

L'intelligence de la mémoire, n'est pas de l'intelligence, c'est de la mémoire...

Stéréotypie paraphysique (tags)

Tout est ravagé par les corruptions...

Datologie (tags)

Tout être humain en vaut un autre...

Plunder less and do more to preserve the one world (tags)

It is downright absurd that in our latitudes, half a century after "Limits to Growth" and a cascade of catastrophic ecological reports, every dip in economic growth rates is perceived as negative, even dramatic. Immediately shore up, revive, that's what politicians and the media agree on.

The Poetization of the World and Behind the Curtain (tags)

When the poet says "autumn," he can mean a season but at the same time he can also mean melancholy, farewell, decline, the dying of a happy love affair (inside). Schelling had already praised this capacity "What we call nature is a poem that is locked in secret, wonderful writing."

The modeling of the human and Final victory of materialism (tags)

Birgit Naujeck, clearly opposes 5G, transhumanism, any eugenics, and the disembodiment of our language, which leads to the rewriting of history and gender. The Final victory of materialism coincides with its implosion!

The Creative Universe (tags)

Evolution is more than struggle for existence and competition. Modern scientists are discovering elements of beauty, play and freedom in nature. Apparently spontaneously, life keeps producing new forms. Yet evolution seems headed toward a goal: the universe can view and enjoy itself.

Can economy and ecology be reconciled? (tags)

The Corona-related shutdown, imposed by the state and whose effects are to be dampened by the state with enormous sums of money, will go down in history as the classic example of how states create unhappiness and unemployment with unilateral interventions in the economy.

The planet is bursting (tags)

It's not the number of people on Earth that matters, but how they live.

Capitalist dilemmas and The Greed for More (tags)

The overexploitation of nature did not remain without resistance. However, these were ignored by both the left and the right. The "requirements of shipping and agriculture" destroy original functions of the floodplain landscapes. "And if solutions within the system are so impossible to find,maybe we should change the system"

Link Tipp: Age of Quantum materials (tags)

In a surprising discovery, an international team of researchers, led by scientists in the University of Minnesota Center for Quantum Materials, found that deformations in quantum materials that cause imperfections in the crystal structure can actually improve the material's superconducting and electrical properties.

Overcoming the epidemic of loneliness (tags)

The planet can do without human beings, but humanity cannot do a second without the planet. A subsystem can never dominate the superordinate system, nor can it grow indefinitely within it. For this simple reason, the two central premises of industrial society - endless growth and domination of nature - are deadly illusions.

We face the alternative: system change or collapse (tags)

Corona containment and capital utilization (tags)

In the Corona crisis, it became obvious that our capitalist economic system is not suited to protect human life. There must finally be an end to eternal growth, the exploitation of nature and people and the shortage of time, an end to "more & more, faster & faster and further & further."

Justice, Impoverishment and Fear (tags)

The defense of the welfare state is the defense of democracy...Democracy is as strong as it is fragile. It is strong when it is defended. It is strong when we do not allow ourselves to be fobbed off with answers that do not tolerate questions. But it disappears when we become indifferent to it.

(haïku, De l'infinitésimal au fractal) (tags)

Pouésie paraphysique...

Capitalism is not natural (tags)

Political programs in the 20th century, then, were meant to create equality, not merely alleviate poverty. How we live collectively, what we value as a society, and how we want to conceive of ourselves - all these questions were politicized by these programs...

Philosophical terror (tags)

Some wisdom i created and a exlusive (Key to Utopia) i did forget in the chicago posting...

Alternatives to capitalism: Buen vivir (tags)

Capitalism is seen primarily as a system of institutional and racist oppression, and it implies a way of life that sees nature only as a raw material to be exploited. The claim is thus to break with the capitalist mode of production and life in order to create "other forms of life."

What does socialism mean in the 21st century? (tags)

"Socialism" should be much more than a mere buzzword. In light of the fact that current capitalism is in the process of destroying our planet and our prospects for a free, democratic, and good life, "socialism" must become a genuine systemic alternative.

Why Karl Polanyi Still Matters (tags)

In The Great Transformation (1944), Karl Polanyi explains why the economy must be embedded in society and society must not be embedded in the economy. He describes land, labor and money as "fictitious commodities" since they cannot be multiplied and created on the market.

Nature de la culture (tags)

Soupape de sécurité pour le capital...

Assimilation, intégration, personnalisation (tags)

La nature colonisée...

Against the neoliberal denunciation of the welfare state (tags)

No economist is so misunderstood and misinterpreted as Adam Smith. Many consider him to be an advocate of the "free market" and narrow-minded egoism. What a mistake! Smith saw an important and strong role for the state.

Du pain et des jeux (tags)

Toujours dominer, toujours gagner...

Book Announce: NAKBA 2020: World Order / Zionism Palestinian-Goyim Studies by ZahirEbrahim (tags)

FWIW, this final compendium of my work on Palestine spanning the years 2003–2020 is For The Record.

Corona, capitalism and nature (tags)

"Radical reforms are needed. The policies of the last forty years must be reversed. The government must play a stronger role in the economy. It must no longer regard public services as costs but as investments. Redistribution is back on the agenda."

On the Power of Money: Three by Eugen Drewermann (tags)

Only faith (as in a religion), the "invisible hand," the "law" of the "free" market can judge everything. State interventions can only be annoying. The market itself is allegedly "social". Everyone acts according to his advantage. The system is not social but criminal and unjust.

The Left is Not Obsolete (tags)

"Propaganda is always the other. We are the principled," said Norman Birnbaum. The left is rooted philosophically in the Enlightenment with its rejection of throne and alter. The left sought material redistribution for moral reasons-for the sake of transforming human nature.

The Way to Authoritarianism is Paved with Lies (tags)

Lying is part of the human condition. But democracy is in peril when politicians make lying into a "business principle." Lying is a second nature for Trump. Trump lies strategically and doesn't have a bad conscience. For Trump, the borders between true and false disappear.

Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science (tags)

We are a group of internationally known scientists, from a variety of scientific fields (biology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, psychiatry), who participated in an international summit The summit was co-organized by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD and Mario Beauregard, PhD,

Biomimétisme techno-industriel (tags)

Quand vivre dans une poubelle...

Nature de la culture (tags)

Au tout égal même dans l'inégal...

Paraphysique de l'Etat d'urgence (tags)

Comme un camp d'exploitation...

Du pain et des jeux (tags)

Du football, et la caravane passe...

Paraphysique de l'incommunicabilité customisée (tags)

L'impensé n'est pas de la planète Terre...

Paraphysique du discours logique (tags)

La nature de l'anarchie...

The Corrupted Nature Conservancy And Ecosia Search Engine (tags)

Nature Conservancy, once a network of wilderness sanctuaries, was taken over by Henry Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs and G W Bush Secretary of the Treasury who arranged bank bailouts. He turned the forest shrines into mixed use cattle ranches. Now NC is intertwined with the Ecosia search engine and is able to datamine the computers of those doing searches.

Biodiversité ou la nature privatisée (tags)

Les mentalités du capital, le capital des mentalités..

Paraphysique du numérique (tags)

Du comportement fragmenté...

Stéréotypie paraphysique (tags)

Tout est devenu une propriété privée...

Capitalocène de prosopopée (tags)

La vie de l'argent...

Biomimétisme techno-industriel (tags)

Meriens et meriennes, un nouvel habitat...

Our Beautiful New Clothes (tags)

Neoliberalism seems to create "clothes no one can see" when it mystifies the market and competition and uses the austerity-model, the location-model and the adjustment-imperative or extortion to turn economics into nature.

For All Torturers and Murderers (tags)

50 years of my efforts to address heinous crimes by humans on humans leads to this report.

Ethics and the Profit System: Global Change of Values Necessary (tags)

Profit-making is not profit-maximizing. From the magic word profit-mongering is derived the absurd unequal distribution of wealth, cheating of consumers, the exploitation of workers and ultimately the abolition of democracy. An invisible hand makes business profit into common good

"KPFK has a $500,000 deficit “ !! Can this be true? (tags)

What we dont know that affects the organizations we pay $$$ to support ! ? And no one is talking, to KPFK listeners/ sponsors/ stakeholders. And also some of Alan Watts' words are included here too.

Kurt Vonnegut's 7 Pieces of Advice (tags)

The mind of Kurt Vonnegut, like the protagonist of his best-known novel Slaughterhouse-Five, must have got “unstuck in time” somewhere along the line. How else could he have managed to write his distinctive brand of satirical but sincere fiction, hyper-aware of past, present, and future at once?

The fbi (the 'burro') that most people never knew until now (tags)

See my report on the true nature of the fbi (i.e., the 'burro') that most people never knew until now.

Our Stories Are Puzzling For Many (tags)

In our time the stories of our fellow citizens under attack by government thugs may be viewed as a big puzzle, but...

Polysémie du vivant (tags)

Le corps de l'esprit, l'esprit du corps...

Outlaws Are Better Company Than The Community of Cops (tags)

Don't take my word for this, but read my material & reflect on your own experience with cops, thereby discovering that Outlaws Are Better Men.

Nature "Conservancy" Continues Mammal Murder And Environmental Destruction (tags)

A coup d'etat at Nature Conservancy has helped environment-raping big business execs take over NC land holdings

Biodiversité ou la nature privatisée (tags)

Changer ou disparaître...

Karl Polanyi - Still Actual 50 Years After His Death (tags)

Karl Polanyi was the author of "The Great Transformation." As in Polanyi's times, the absurdity of the market utopia must be made clear and confronted with social reality. Freedom and democracy are goals to defend, not markets.

ADI holds Week of Action Against Circus Suffering (tags)

Animal Defenders International holds week of action asking the public to urge members of Congress to co-sponsor the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act.

Paraphysique du numérique (tags)

L'intelligence de la mémoire n'est pas de l'intelligence, c'est de la mémoire...

Stéréotypie paraphysique (tags)

Propriété du monde, monde de la propriété...

STO Service du Travail Obligatoire (tags)

Le travail a toujours été obligatoire...

Climate-change summary and update. (tags)

These are the latest updates as of July 28 2013 from Guy Mcpherson's update page which is quite large, so I'm only publishing here the latest news.

Our Proposal for Changing the System and not the Climate (tags)

The capitalist system has exploited and abused nature, pushing the planet to its limits, so much so that the system has accelerated dangerous and fundamental changes in the climate.

Brazil: SEMI-ARID will be a thing of the past? (tags)

In this process truly poetic rather than scientific, in which consortia of species succeed in building an environment increasingly rich and varied, every plant, every animal, every micro-organism has its contributory role, being the man for the first time in history, leaving his sad protagonist role of stingy tormentor of nature and life and move creatively to assume the coordination of the construction process.

Erich Fromm on Karl Marx (tags)

The capitalist production method makes a few persons absurdly rich while the others hardly have enough to survive. Capitalism also makes people unfree and unhappy because their access to their true needs is blocked.

Barry Commoner (1917-2012) (tags)

The economic theory of socialism does not demand an unlimited growth. The capitalist agrarian economy and industry wear out the two exclusive sources of wealth: the earth and workers. Capitalist accumulation and the finite earth are in contradiction.

fbi/cia mass murder spawns same globally (tags)

The fbi/cia/dod global crime and mass murder spree spawns more carnage everywhere.

Groups urge world leaders to reject “Green Economy” in Rio+20 summit (tags)

MANILA, Philippines - Various cause-oriented groups warned the Philippine delegation and world leaders attending the three-day United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil not to fall into the trap of believing that the proposed "Green Economy" is "a tool and mechanism for sustainable development."

Rio+20: Asian Movements’ Statement on the Green Economy (tags)

We are movements and organizations from Asia, waging struggles on various fronts and arenas to defend our rights, resist policies and projects that cause harm and destruction, and to fight for immediate priorities and demands, as well as profound transformation of our societies. Fight for Our Future! No Price on Nature!

Cooperatives and the Good Life (tags)

The rights of businesses in exploiting resources end in the rights of nature according to the constitution of the bien vivir. This understanding of the person-nature relation surpasses the rationalist model of rule over nature realized in capitalism's globalized praxis. Art 395 of Ecuador's constitution affirms sustainability.

Surveyiing Utopia (tags)

Raul Zelik and Elmar Altvater discuss the nature of utopia, economics, how growth and work become fetishes, how what is rational in micro-economics can become irrational in macro-economics, time prosperity and how Marx recognized the contradictions in capitalism.

Book Review: "The Great Crash or the Century Crisis" by Elmar Altvater (tags)

Capitalism is at an end and the whole world is drawn into the mess. Preventing this is an ethical imperative and a political duty. The multiple crisis has dragged on for years. The political class allows this to happen. Political answers to the debacle can only be found with clarity on causes.

Our economic system has no future (tags)

A sustainable future requires facing the realities of waste and speculation. The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. The economy should serve humankind, not vice versa.

Fukushima Mon Horreur - The Dream of Economic Reason Gives Birth to Tremendous Catastrophe (tags)

In "Anti-Duhring," Frederick Engels explained that nature also has a history and that capitalism tends to destroy its own foundations and nature. The negative is bound to the positive as conservation of energy is bound to transformation of energy.

State without Shame: Contradictions (tags)

The central question remains unanswered: why no society in the past could permanently guarantee freedom and equality. Are we lacking in brotherliness and human relations? Are we not equal to the size of the task? Or are we prisoners of structures that force us to act against our will?

WikiLeaks: Police trained Bangladeshi death squads (tags)

"Crossfire" killings are a euphemism for an execution. Acting as judge, jury and executioner, a government-appointed Star Chamber decides who should die for their so-called crimes against the interests of the ruling clique and then the order goes out to the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). The WikiLeaks cables show that the British government facilitates this execution squad—providing it with training, the exact nature of which, in light of the ongoing brutal behaviour of British forces and inhumane conduct in Iraq and Afghanistan, remains somewhat cloudy. "The training of the Bangladeshi RAB members in the UK has been carried out by the West Mercia and Humberside police forces. The courses are approved by the British Association of Chief Police Officers."

Marxists and Marmots (tags)

Animal studies indicate that cooperation is better than individualism.

our true self (tags)

A friend just implied that humans are by nature greedy, agressive, etc etc and said to take a look at the history of the world as an example. And that's all fine and dandy, we definitely haven't done too well so far. But I'm not blaming that on "nature."

Luck, Coincidence, and Faith (tags)

PEACE and harmony does not rely on weapons or brute force to happen; but depend in peace and harmony in our self.maintain peace in our own realms, nurture life, and and create harmony in the worldand destruction is reduce


Can a Person Own HIs/Her Mother? (tags)

No one can own what exists in nature except nature. A human cannot own its own mother. However western ownership systems have been forced on us again and again that contradict our worldview and our values. Ubunto is another example: "I only live when you live."

Eyjafjallajökull and Greenpeace (tags)

Nature in action.

Small Democratic Convention Ends in Calls for Burton's Resignation (tags)

Under-attended Democratic Convention ends cries of fraud. Will the faithful desert the Democratic Party?

Changing Reality Max Igan - American Voice Radio - Oct 22, 2009 (tags)

Changing Reality How the World is Run The Nature of Our World

VIDEO: BookTV Discussion of Rachel Carson "Silent Spring" (tags)

Paul Driessen is author of "Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death." Linda Lear is author of the biography "Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature." "We care more about our green lawns than about songbirds. Pesticides are persistent and can't be simply repressed. Birds and fish have injested pollutants. Humility and arrogance are part of our collective life story. We are not in control of nature and have to think of the whole of things, the interlocking nature of life.." RELATED LINK: "Trees have Standing" William O. Douglas, the longest serving Supreme Court justice (35 years), was an uncompromising civil libertarian and lover of life. Growing up in upstate New York, he grieved when lakes became cesspools. Lakes are not anti-freeze and mountains are more than landfill. Reducing nature to short-term profit is a blindness and path to anthropomorphic self-destruction.

Journalism, Redistribution and Social Generosity (tags)

"The earth does not belong to people; people belong to the earth." (chief Seattle)> Nature is not a free good, external or sink but our living mother and basis for future human life. Alternative economics and community centers could lead us out of the dystopia of imperial wars.


The latest twin disasters that hit the Philippines laid bare the true state of the country and the governance of US-Arroyo Regime: inept, corrupt and inutile. It lacked foresight for the good of the people because it is ruled by rapacity and greed. It favors big imperialist corporations and the heartless ruling class and only exploits and oppresses the people. Just look at its delayed reaction to the storms and its effect on the pole. Instead of conducting a comprehensive rescue, relief and rehabilitation drive in a systemic way what it did was to blame the people, blame the squatters and register all flood victims.

Hatemongering in America—the Post-Carter Dilemma Versus Conservative Opposition (tags)

The venom and vile the spews forth from America’s body politic is endemic of a people infected with fear and prejudice; but this learned hatred of a democratic agenda is not one based primarily on racism—yet hostility and resentment is very much its spirit. Rather this anima of animosity is one that seeks scapegoats for any instability felt or imagined of America’s middle and lower class realities, and all presumptions of a relatively naïve and misinformed society.

The Zeitgeist Movement (tags)

The Zeitgeist Movement is not a political movement.

No community support for $30M Discovery Center at EIR meeting (tags)

The Friends of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the preservation of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area and neighboring lands as open space corridors. We promote and assist with restoration and educational uses of the Natural Area that are compatible with the conservation of plant and animal habitat and migration, historical resources, water quality, and public health and safety.

From Obsuristan to Absurdistan: Barbarism or Human Future (tags)

Individual security can be emphasized so global vision fades. Half-truths and fish stories carry the day. "Communism is oppression of many by man and capitalism is just the reverse." Our challenge is to reawaken wonder and interdependence, to consider the way of nonviolent resistance.

Ecological Justice Instead of Growth Economy for the Rich (tags)

"Now the market, the god of neoliberals, cannot help any more and speculators cry for the already instrumentalized state.. Studying pre-capitalist approaches is vital to develop a post-capitalist vision. The vision of the Bible is an economy of enough for all, an economy for life."

Post-neoliberalism or post-capitalism? (tags)

"Market-liberalisation was accompanied by a far-reaching de-regulation of politics. Milton Friedman called it a “neo-liberal counterrevolution” against Keynesianism..."

VIDEO: Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism (tags)

Muhammad Yunus is the founder and managing director of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Mr. Yunus is the author of "Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty." For more, visit:

Capitalism and Nature: Elmar Altvater (tags)

The capitalist formation of society is characterized by growth fetishism, the notion that boundless growth is socially necessary. Capitalism is historical. "If its beginning is certain, its end is also certain."

AdvancedPhysics.Org Advocates Medeval "Obscurantism"! (tags)

How this "Mission Statement" of AdvancedPhysics.Org conforms to the historically speculative and expermental nature of scientific inquiry is actually so beyond any basic imagination or logic as to be totally absurd!

Slouching Towards the Barackalypse; Growth & Climate Change (tags)

As the neoconservative faction of the GW bush regime finally exits D.C., yet is now replaced by the neoliberal faction of the Obama/Clinton administration (not yet a regime until they commit war crimes like GW Bush did), is this simply the other face of our Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde split personality? Will Barack "Nice Guy" Obama now fix the human rights violations and ecological disasters of GW "Evil One" Bush to restore the collapsing U.S. empire? What does peak oil theory say to visions of future economic growth??

Asset Seizure (tags)

Taking down the whistleblowers...

Religion and the Military are Ungodly (tags)

Religion is UNGODLY because it separates God's children. God made everything, therefore everything is God. "Satan" symbolizes the aspect of God we do not understand

Social Contract and the Emergency Hour (tags)

The financial crisis is also an opportunity to reflect on our priorities and perspectives. Elite consciousness is a frozen consciousness where there are not alternatives and bankruptcy are only normal business practices.

Ayahuasca: Nature’s Teacher by Ralph Miller (tags)

Ayahuasca is a plant medicine that helps us remember a place within that is long forgotten. It strips away ego behaviors that have enslaved us, and allows us to return to our source


Blessings for Entering the New Dream Dear Beloved upon the Ascension Path,

"Sighs, Signs and Significance: A Theological Hermeneutics of Nature" (tags)

How exciting to hear Prof Moltmann describe nature as a language and partner!

Bob and Sarah Dylan and Paul McCartney on Saving the Environment (tags)

It’s all just common sense.

Support the Black Riders Three (tags)

The LAPD are targeting BLRP leaders and have framed them up with assault weapons charges. ARA LA asserts that this is due to their organizing to educate people about the San Francisco Eight case.

This is how we (could) pray (tags)

On Tuesday December 11, 2007, I joined in a community effort to welcome and support a coalition of Native American Nations and environmental justice groups in their ongoing effort to defend Arizona's San Francisco Peaks from proposed ski area development.

History, Sublime, Terror: Notes on the Politics of Fear (tags)

"The new powers of violence that are out of the box after 1945 belong to the state. They are properties and prerogatives of the modern nation-state."

Breakdown in the Technosphere (tags)

The power failure in August 2003 was due to the investment behavior of the electricity supplier. Economic deregulation, competition and profit fixation prevented modernization of the infrastructure.

Message to George Bush from a San Diego Evacuee (tags)

Neither the Border Patrol nor George Bush is welcome in San Diego! We’ve Suffered Enough! Message to George Bush, I believe… 1. Nature caused these fires 2. Global Warming, the most dangerous side effect of Capitalism, made them worse. 3. The lack of resources to fight these fires and which are currently being used in the imperialist war in Iraq prevented most of these fires from being extinguished expeditiously.

Exodus - It's Official - We're Past the Tipping Point. (tags)

Earlier this year it was reported that the southern oceans were now releasing carbon dioxide

Nature and Narcissist Lifestyles (tags)

A tree is more than lumber and a national symbol.

Full Speed Against the Wind (tags)

"Whoever believes in continous growth in a finite world is either mad or an economist." (Kenneth E. Boulding)

Dialectic of Enlightenment (tags)

"War is the greatest evil requiring taxes and police so the few can control the many." (James Madison) In imperialism, sacrifices are made for corporations and the egos of the powerful, not for the country.

Capital Fears: US Corporations Threaten Investment Restrictions (tags)

Qualitative growth is an alternative to quantita-tive growth. Our culture rich in things is poor in soul. Instead of welcoming criticism, we make competition and inequality into dogmas, normalize war and militarize foreign policy.

Leonardo Boff: Eternal Rebel and Liberation Theologian (tags)

Francis called all beings and living organisms brothers and sisters.. Francis lived hundreds of years ago but may be more current than many people nowadays. He is a new person and we are old in the sense of this ecological attitude.

Interview with John Whitfield, author of In The Beat Of A Heart (tags)

In the Beat of a Heart combines biography, history, science and nature writing to capture the exciting advances—and the people who are making them—that are triggering a revolution as potentially important to biology as Newton’s insights were to physics.

GMO Disease Epidemics: (12) Mystery Diseases: Nature (tags)

Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 12th in a series revealing the epidemics, dealing here with so-called "mystery" diseases afflicting Nature during this terrible -- and worsening -- GMO era.

SOS is Coming to Maywood (tags)

The Save Our State hierarchy continues to burn the candle at both ends. This time with the absurd call for a demonstration in, of all places, the city of Maywood.

The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser (tags)

Kaspar Hauser is a cultural model, a symbol of our questioning and utopian nature that refuses conformity and conventional wisdom Gandhi said each of us has a magic card that needs spiritual discipline. The Kaspar DVD is available $20

Sculpture Exhibition Press Release (tags)

“Nature Takes Its Course” is an exhibition of contemporary sculpture that features the work of David Middlebrook and Michael Todd.

Save Salvia (tags)

Salvia divinorum is under attack. The forces of puritanism have turned their witch hunt drug war, against the diviner's sage.

Liberation Theology and Globalization (tags)

Economic globalization leads to the exclusion of the masses..When world hunger increases, we must change the nature of the world economy to survive..We are all enslaved by a paradigm that makes us enemies of nature.

SAOIRSE - Irish Freedom (tags)

Keep informed on Irish Republican activism--Read SAOIRSE!

Iraqis forced to vote "with their feet" today (tags)

Contrary to U.S. claims about the "free" election in Iraq today, all Iraqis are prevented by Occupation troops to use their vehicles. The only vehicles allowed on the streets are the Occupiers' military vehicles(even bicycles are banned!). Hence, Iraqis are literally forced to "vote with their feet." There is no fitter commentary on the real nature of 'freedom' in Iraq than this unilateral Executive Order made by USA proconsul Z. Khalizaid(an ex-Oil company lobbyist!)

Glendale Hilton Hotel Union NOW (tags)

The pain of the beast is felt disturbingly closer to home, as America's favorite resort family, the Hiltons, step all over the rights of people not too far from Hollywood.

Is Work a Basic Social Right? (tags)

"Hard work including persuasive work is necessary so the ruled free themselves from the worries of the rulers and then become the rulers themsevles."

Proof that Bush and the Neo-Cons are Vatican operatives (tags)

Humanity's long nightmare has one underlying cause. The existence and requirement of money and the widespread greed, falsehood and injustice that it directly causes. The only way to end this world's widespread and persistent suffering is to end the existence of money and to replace it with wisdom and compassion.

Navigating the Multi-Dimensional Matrix (tags)

This is the first chapter of my forth coming ebook and a partial listing of its contents. Those interested in this material are welcome to contact me.

Katrina Open Letter to Radical/Progressive Community (tags)

Introspective call for mutual aid to victims of both Katrina and a failed system of government.

Stunning Revelations Expose Shocking Vatican Deceptions (tags)

I thought you might be interested in reading about some stunning recent developments that have decisively exposed age-old Vatican deceptions. I apologize for my anonymity at this time, but you'll fully understand why when you see the contents of this book.

Economic Growth as Myth and Sickness by Marc Batko (tags)

We are called to be subjects, to struggle for equal opportunities and the minimum essentials of life. Our gifts and talents, hidden, ignored or buried by the neoliberal steamroller, can be rediscovered as we reclaim self-determination.

Art Show in LA closed by Police (tags)

On April 23rd, 2005, the LAPD raided and closed down a political art exhibit at the Transport Gallery in downtown Los Angeles. Artist Mark Vallen reported the details on his web log - - his report follows:

Conscience. (tags)

Good manners.

Poems for Another World (tags)

The world, nature, women and the impoverished South cry for an alternative where workers are more than cost factors, where all persons share in the social wealth and where profit is no longer worshiped.

Higher Authority: On Powerlessness and Fate (tags)

The egalitarian brutality of this natural disaster that wiped out fishing villages and exclusive beach resorts at the same time emphasized the inequality and injustice of world society with all its moral paradoxes.

Tsunami: The power of nature and the tragic failures of an outmoded system (tags)

Hour after hour, day after day, a profound truth has stood out starkly: This massive disruption of nature and human life revealed, starkly, how the present global capitalist social order stands as a complete obstacle toward solving the most basic problems and challenges of humanity.

Symbiosis as a Basic Principle of Evolution (tags)

Human life is inseparably embedded in the great metabolic cycles of animate nature.. A humanity that cancels this symbiosis and destroys natural resources seals its own destruction. Perhaps we could be matriots, not patriots.

The Free Will (tags)

Does man really have any control over his own free will? Is it possible that any will that emanates from man is but a will that is under the influence of "the wills" of his cells? Could it be that the "wills" of the cells themselves are influenced by the "wills" of the molecules of his body cells, and that the "wills" of these molecules are just as inseparable from those of their atoms as are the "wills" of these atoms from those of their sub-atomic particles?

Economics for a Shrinking Planet (tags)

The expansion of humanity's ecological impact on the planet cannot continue much longer without violating natural thresholds. To survive, we must develop a new way of thinking about our economic activities. This article briefly describes the author's approach to such a new mode of thought.

Social Security is Not for Sale (tags)

The market is a tool effective after fundamental political questions are answered: What kind of society do we want? Are education, health care, housing, water and land public goods or privileges?

When is Political Violence Justified? (tags)

Today I am writing about a very sensitive subject. Indeed, at this point in time it is a very dangerous subject to write about. The subject is political violence: when is it justified and when is it not justified. There are many positions on this topic and like most topics there are extreme positions. One extreme position is that political violence is never justified. This is the belief held by pacifists and followers of Gandhi. At the other extreme we find believers in political violence ranging from Stalinists, some Anarchists, Fascists, to Imperialists, among others. These political ideologies generally support the use of violence to achieve their ends.

Oaks and Wild Rice; NO GMO (tags)

When GMO corporate crops are pushed on people as the only solution to world hunger, we are neglecting the many wild food plants that can sustain people without continuing the cycle of corporate dependency started by spray herbicide/pesticides and continued into GMO patented crops. Wild native food plants can sustain people's health without corporate control.

The End of Suburbia comes to Los Angles (tags)

The beauty of the Pasadena urban farm gave little forewarning of the serious nature of the documentary the guests were about to see. The title of the documentary, "The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream" gives you a good idea of the alarming nature of the subject.

Native Oaks and Rice over GMO (tags)

Alternatives to GMO/GE agribusiness monoculture is found in nature's bounty of wild edible foods that can be included into permaculture farming..


Communique from The Jah (Department of Environmental Protection) DEP/The Sons and Daughters of Liberty RISE UP! Stop Being the Bitches of the Corporation Masters of our stolen Nation! The Free, Immaterial Data Edition of the underground classic ‘The Jah DEP: True Possession of Place in the Time of the Indian Casinos,’ will soon be available at . The book narrates a comically and tragically failed attempt to establish The Jah DEP.

21st Century design: a tree (tags)

We have a great many things to regenerate.

Planning Activist Activities? (tags)

The start of any undertaking is either supported by the universe or not, knowing how to use nature forces can make the difference between growth and success, or wasted energy and failure.

Capture of Saddam (tags)

The war is between Capitalism and Islam. These are the *only* 2 ideologies today that are competing for domination. The administration and media are (plain and simple) afraid to reveal the identity of these 2 ideologies in conflict--especially Islam.

Nature as Healer and Teacher (tags)

Nature is a healer and teacher, a wounded healer and scorned teacher, a majestic fountain of awe, wonder and inspiration.. Nature cries in pain because she is reduced to a free good, external or sink by a one-dimensional economism.


Millions of Americans have read the Joseph Banister story. For those who may not know of this courageous individual, a short refresher is in order. Joseph was an IRS CID agent (Criminal Investigation Division) for a little over five years. In late 1996, he happened to hear some information about the nature of the income tax on a radio show. After two years of trying to prove the so-called "tax protesters" wrong regarding their beliefs, he finally concluded that the "tax honesty" individuals were indeed correct in their analysis of the income tax and its voluntary nature.

Tax Cuts, The Enron’s, The Rich, The Poor, And Human Nature… (tags)

“They are giving tax cuts to the rich and robbing the poor” lets put this age old debate regarding tax cuts into the simplest terms. The financial security of everyday people is essential to raising our children, grandchildren, providing good education, reducing crime. The wisest financial strategies need to be put in place above bipartisan politics or the passion of so many of us vigilantly opposed to class systems. A review of human nature and the cycles of people’s lives need to be taken into consideration when waging this big debate on economical models such as Bush’s tax cuts. The answer may be a little surprising though...



Introduction to a bastard's manifesto (tags)

An analysis of identity politics and the role it can play in transforming America into a more progressive, democratic society.



List of Iraq Reconstruction Contracts (tags)

Included is the Company name, Award amount based on maximum cap figure, Agency awarding the contract, date of the Request for Proposal, the Award date and the Nature of the work to be undertaken. If any pre-planning was known, its indicated. References are available at bpost.

War in Iraq, and child soldiers and a humanitarian mission in Burma (tags)

and the Future of the Earth

Why do we have rights and where do they come from? (tags)

Where do our right come from Nature, Government, or God?

The Privatization of the World (tags)

"State tax receipts rapidly decline through the globalization of capital. Heavily indebted states, provinces and communes have become economic crisis factors instead of being active as masters of crisis. They sell off cheaply the state table silver."

Local Poets' Take On Cutbacks and Outbacks (tags)

Los Angeles poet Julia Stein has had great success marrying activism and writing, so much so that she was sued by Guess Jeans for her efforts when she took part in a special poetry reading to criticize the company's use of sweatshop labor.

Consider love's responsibility or continue supporting pride. You know, whatever. (tags)

love is pretty AND nice

Opinion Needs Humility (tags)

love is pretty AND nice

Concerning Your Happiness/Sanity (tags)

Putting pride into context.

In the Name of All Holiness and Royalty (tags)


Environmentalism, Zionism and the Social Framing of Natural Open Spaces (tags)

The dominant Israeli discourses on nature and the environment act as elements that contribute to framing the public's conception of their social space. These environmental constructs, which partially stem out of, and partially become reintegrated into the Zionist nationalist discourse, are utilized by different social elements as a legitimation for both the creation of demarcated open 'natural' spaces, and the enforced retention of their 'pristine' state.

Write a letter for Anarchist prisoner Jeff Free Luers (tags)

Dear friends: the following letter was written - upon his request - by friends and supporters of jeffrey luers, aka "free", from portland & eugene. Significant events for "free" will likely be occurring in the following months, and we urge you to fill out this letter - using a real name and address - and sending it to attorney general hardy myers. Also, please print this letter out and pass it on to friends and potentially sympathetic people.

There Was Never Anything Wrong With Being a Communist, (tags)

Communism is at the very heart of being human which fits the model that nature has hard wired us with, tribalism.

Kichwa Community in Ecuador (tags)

Sarayacu, a native Kichwa Community in Ecuador

Sketches of a post-Foucauldian anarchism (tags)

A development of two lines of thought on the nature of power based on the work of Michel Foucault

Happy Queer Ween (tags)

A thought about Queer Theory and Indigenous Theory Contributions to one another on this most indigenous Queer Holiday.


Tree Planting Ceremony Marks the Creation of New Nature Center; Green Building to Serve Urban Los Angeles Communities

Why are we here? (tags)

As more people realize they have been played for fools by the insiders of the markets, and by many other liars seeking their own slefish interests, it is the perfect time to ask this question...

Oregon Anarchist in Prison for 22years for Torching SUVs (tags)

On June 11th, anarchist prisoner Jeff Luers will have served one year of his 22.5 year sentence for torching three SUV's at a car dealership in Eugene, Oregon in the summer of 2000. for more information on how to help support Free, see the website below or write his defense network at the below address.

33: Is war our basic human nature (tags)

This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war

Everyday Life, Third Nature and the Third Class (tags)

Everyday Life, Third Nature and the Third Class An Email Exchange Between Geert Lovink and McKenzie Wark

the state and police corruption/killings (tags)

death squads in america are the police and we really want them off our backs,not lies and planted phoney evidence

LA Billboards: Patriotism or Pollution? (tags)

Another example of God-Bless-America propaganda? A self-serving ploy for a Disney-employed billboard artist who hides his commercial interests behind "patriotism" and the (misguided?) protection of the ACLU? Or just another piece of pollution on the landscape of the Los Angeles mental environment? Whatever the true nature and intent of this Westwood billboard, it has made a new, hard-to-ignore contribution to our blighted mental landscape of countless billboards and ads.

Anarchy, War and Globalization (tags)

Now, whether we like it or not, those of us who identify as part of the radical social justice movement — especially us anarchists — all of us have to adjust. I use that word very deliberately, we have to adjust rather than retreat, as a result of the events of September 11 in the United States. It’s the nature of living in an empire — and I use that word very deliberately too — it is in the nature of living in an empire that the emperor decides his priorities, and we have to reckon with those priorities.

Belizean People Earn Protection of Nature in US-Nature Conservancy 50% Debt Swap (tags)

Courtesy of Environmental News Service. Thank you all for covering this.

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