fix articles 16537, minister
War criminal Netanyahu at UN on September 27th (tags)
War criminal Netanyahu plans to leave for New York early on Tuesday, September 24th and pollute the General Assembly on Friday afternoon, September 27th, before arriving back in occupied Palestine on the afternoon of Sunday the 29th.
What does the recognition of the state of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain mean? (tags)
Israel risks a diplomatic tsunami because of its government policy. In recent weeks, this tsunami has begun to descend on Netanyahu... Israel is also being investigated by the International Criminal Court for alleged genocide at the instigation of South Africa.
In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The Nuclear War Bluff (tags)
Nuclear war is a big bluff & the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control & decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this & not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The growing worldwide resistance will end all plans of the globalists.
The dispute over Tesla's Gigafactory (tags)
Theodor Fontane at the end of the book: "All reformatory power nowadays rests with the purse, ideas count for little, law counts for nothing. Tesla's Gigafactory will probably prove to be both a curse and a blessing in perspective.
Finnish Prime Minister Marin Calls for a 4-Day-Week and 6-Hour-Day for Her Country (tags)
“A four-day work week, a six-hour workday. Why couldn’t it be the next step? Is eight hours really the ultimate truth? I believe people deserve to spend more time with their families, loved ones, hobbies and other aspects of life, such as culture. This could be the next step for us in working life.”
Israeli Policy Ideas: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)
A Jewish Affirmative Action Plan, To Right a Historic Wrong
Israeli Policy Blueprint: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)
Jews R Indigenous, Arabs Invaded in 7th Century.
Pinchas on Jewish Leadership: Do the Right Thing, No Matter What! (tags)
LGBT vs. Family Values, Leadership vs. Subjugation, Qualities of a True Jewish Leader.
Ehud Barak’s Napoleonic Complex Will Save Israeli Democracy? (tags)
Ehud Barak Will Turn Israel Into a Dictatorship!
An Israeli Policy: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)
A How To Guide For Annexing The West Bank
Israeli Policy Prescription: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)
Annex Judea and Samaria Now! This Is How, a Policy Analytic Approach.
Pekudei, Counting, and Israeli Election Polls (tags)
News About Israeli Election Polls And Counting In The Weekly Torah Reading
Minister Louis Farakhan:Nation of Islam (tags)
Minister Louis Farakhan are an outgroth of African Amercan that converted to Islam in the US.They wear brown suites with a bow tie, have endosed Adolf Hitler and have said that the Jews congtrol Hollywood in a inflamed speech.
The Shortwave Report 06/08/18 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, NHK Japan, and Sputnik Radio.
The Shortwave Report 06/01/18 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.
The Shortwave Report 03/02/18 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.
Israeli Jews Say, It’s Our Jerusalem! (tags)
A review of some Israeli opinions about Jerusalem.
Basta Ya, Brussels! British Voters Reject EU Corporte Slavestate (tags)
“The EU is an instrument of the ruling classes of Europe for the imposition of brutal austerity measures—most directly on the workers of Greece, of Spain, Portugal and Ireland, but also on workers in the UK, France and Germany….Prime minister, Cameron, has even proclaimed an “Age of Austerity” as his government imposes cuts of £210 billion, (€263 billion), equivalent to over 10 percent of Britain’s GDP, at the cost of the destruction of 20 percent of all public sector jobs, millions more in the private sector and the decimation of vital services.
911 Families Should Focus On Those Who Caused WTC Bombing, Not Saudi Arabia. (tags)
Obama and Clinton are hiding the truth about the USG causation of the WTC bombing
2 minutes with Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada (tags)
May the New Year be full of good surprises - like learning from O Canada and living with humility, self-criticism and truthfulness!
Flashback to 1995:US-Israel-Turkey-Jordan-Egypt alliance at Prime Minister Rabin’s Funeral (tags)
6 years before the launch of a genocidal, never-ending and ever-expanding “global war on terror” across Asia and Africa, the funeral of the assassinated “hero of peace” Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin proved to be an opportune moment to discreetly reveal an overt military alliance between U.S., Israel, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt against Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah.
Deplorable Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Speeches (tags)
Canadians Reject Harper: Hold the Cheers (tags)
Former Israeli Prime Minister's Critique of Settlements (tags)
Threatening Jeremy Corbyn (tags)
Business As Usual Triumphs in Greek Election (tags)
Flashback to 2011: Libya's "liberators" Sarkozy, Cameron and Erdogan congratulate NATO's (tags)
As French President Francois Hollande calls for the “neutralization of Bashar Assad”, British Defence Minister Michael Fallon announces preparations for “Striking ISIL in Syria [...] [to] keep our streets safe here at home” and Turkish media proclaims “Aleppo to become the 82nd province of Turkey” ; it is worth remembering the September 2011 visits by the arch-war criminals French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the NATO-occupied Libya.
ISIS made world forget Palestinians (tags)
As the world focuses its attention on millions of refugees uprooted from Syria and Iraq in part because of the rise of Islamic State (ISIS), no other cause has suffered as much as that of the Palestinians.
Iran to Get Upgraded Russian S-300 Missiles (tags)
Israeli High Court Frees Muhammad Allan (tags)
Donald Trump Makes Ukraine's Enemies List (tags)
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Blasts Washington (tags)
Sergey Lavrov Says US Spreads Global Terrorism (tags)
state terror
Irresponsibly Bashing Russia Veto Against Establishing Kangaroo MH17 Tribunal (tags)
Greek Bailout Deal: Greatest Ever Macroeconomic Management Disaster (tags)
Banker Occupied Greece: Requiem for a Failed State (tags)
Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing His Sellout (tags)
Iran Nuclear Talks: No Deal Yet (tags)
US Obstructing Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)
Looming Greek Capitulation to Troika Bandits? (tags)
Planned US Coup in Greece? (tags)
"No" Supporters Win in Greece: Now What? (tags)
Tsipras Surrenders to Troika Demands (tags)
Greece May Become BRICS Member (tags)
Troika Intends Starving Greece Into Submission (tags)
Troika Rejects Greek Bailout Extension (tags)
Washington Post Editors Urge Aiding Ukrainian Fascist Tyranny (tags)
Kiev Renounces Minsk Ceasefire (tags)
Greece Defies Washington: To Join Russia's Turkish Stream Pipeline Project (tags)
oil and gas politics
Iran Nuclear Talks: Raising the Bar (tags)
Venezuelan/Palestinian Relations: Based on Brotherhood, Solidarity and Mutual Support (tags)
Netanyahu: Hate-Mongering Racist, Mass Murderer, Serial Liar (tags)
Kiev Reneges On Its Debt Obligations (tags)
Netanyahu Appoints Hardline Peace Negotiator (tags)
Raucous Swearing In of Israel's New Ruling Coalition (tags)
Netanyahu Forms New Racist, Fascist Government (tags)
Iran Nuke Deal Status: Hold the Cheers (tags)
A Yemeni's Call for Help (tags)
U-Sponsored Slow-Motion Genocide in Yemen (tags)
Reelecting Israel's Greatest Con Man (tags)
Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Calls America a Hemispheric Threat (tags)
Israeli Foreign Minister Wants Arab Citizens Beheaded (tags)
War crimes alert: U.S. Foreign Minister: “Military pressure may be needed to remove Assad” (tags)
"Ultimately, a combination of diplomacy and pressure will be needed to bring about a political transition [in Syria]. Military pressure particularly may be necessary, given President Assad’s unwillingness to negotiate seriously." [U.S. Foreign Minister John Kerry, joint press conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, Riyadh, 5 March 2015]
Greece Surrenders to Troika (tags)
West Intends More Heavy Weapons for Kiev's Battered Military (tags)
Netanyahu: Symbol of Rogue Governance (tags)
Blowback Against Israeli State Terror (tags)
Putin's Message to Washington on Ukraine (tags)
Greek Election: Mixed Messages, Hold the Cheers (tags)
Soros and Yatsenyuk: Partners in Crime (tags)
police state
Follow-Up Open Letter to New York Times Editors (tags)
Israel Partners with Obama's War on Syria (tags)
Israel: Racist Pariah State Writ Large (tags)
Netanyahu Vows Zero Tolerance (tags)
Southeastern Ukrainians Vote (tags)
UK Parliament Supports Palestinian Statehood (tags)
Flashback to 2001: President Assad to Prime Minister Blair:'Stop bombing Afghan civilians' (tags)
Reading the transcript of a joint press conference by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, which was held on the 25th day of the Anglo-American-led invasion of Afghanistan, makes it abundantly clear why another Anglo-American-led genocidal war had been launched against Syria nearly ten years later.
Russia Denounces New Western Sanctions (tags)
Propaganda alert: Cameron: 'British air strikes on Syria would be legally justified' (tags)
One wonders how British Prime Minister David Cameron would try to justify his patently criminal statements in front of a war crimes tribunal...
Another No-Peace Ceasefire (tags)
Russia: Waging Peace in Ukraine (tags)
Palestinian Unity Governance (tags)
Propaganda alert: British Prime Minister to Holocaust survivors:“We will not let you down” (tags)
The real agenda behind British Prime Minister David Cameron's discourse on the Holocaust is the age-old U.S.-British-Israeli war plans against Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
Flashback to 2003: "Major combat in Iraq is over, U.S. warns rogue Syria" (tags)
Living in an age of dis-information, not many people do remember the deadly serious Anglo-American threats of war against Syria on the 26th day of the “shock and awe” genocide in Iraq.
Netanyahu Declares War on Palestine (tags)
Olmert: Guilty As Charged (tags)
Planned Turkish False Flag Exposed (tags)
Tymoshenko Caught in the Act (tags)
Crimean False Flag Attack? (tags)
Meet Obama's New Ukrainian Friends (tags)
Yatsenyuk Comes to Washington (tags)
Escalating East/West Tensions (tags)
Ukraine: Coup Plotters Consolidate Power (tags)
Unconditional Surrender in Ukraine (tags)
Preordained Failure in Geneva (tags)
Syria Peace Talks: Rocky Start (tags)
Syrian Peace Talks: DOA (tags)
Flashback:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's cheerful mood in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks (tags)
“We have assembled here today [...] in order to bow our heads in sorrow and deep mourning over the deaths of innocent citizens in New York and Washington [...] [perpetrated] by criminal terrorists of the worst kind that the world has known since World War II, and even beyond.” said the then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during a speech at the Israeli parliament Knesset fıve days after the 9/11 attacks. However, some photos taken in the three months after the attacks betray a strikingly different mood of both Mr Sharon (1928-2014) and the foreign political leaders with whom he held consultations...
Ariel Sharon's Criminal Legacy (tags)
Corruption Scandal Rocks Turkey (tags)
Western Officials Collaborating Against Ukraine's Government (tags)
Whitewashing Crime in Israel (tags)
Merkel in NSA's Crosshairs (tags)
New Iranian Nuclear Talks (tags)
The Shortwave Report 10/04/13 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. China Radio International, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and the Voice of Russia.
Washington and Israel Conspire to Oust Assad (tags)
Undermining Russian/Syrian Peace Deal (tags)
Obama's War on Syria Imminent (tags)
Obama's War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)
Israel Behind Egypt's Coup? (tags)
The Shortwave Report 08/09/13 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan
The Illusion of Israeli/Palestinian Peace for Our Time (tags)
Israel Spurns Peace and Justice (tags)
U.S. Ambassador to Turkey: I'm very confident about Turkish democracy (tags)
Three weeks of extreme police brutality across Turkey reached to a climax with the launch of an absolutely fascistic operation in Istanbul on June 15th. The country is currently in an undeclared state of emergency...
Another Anti-Assad False Flag (tags)
Ministry discovery - "Salmon do not vote" (tags)
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland have found out the fact that salmon do not vote. Jarper Pääkkönen told he secretly taped the salmon concersation he had in The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland. "Several sourced warned, that they (in the ministry) can distort/twist stories...". Does one has to be either a police and a lawyer to succeed in Finland as The Wiesenthal Center know?
Ding Dong! Thatcherism and sexism are alive (tags)
Margaret Thatcher is part of a system, not an individual deus ex machina, no matter how personally ambitious.
14,000 Idle Wind Turbines a Testament to Failed Energy Policies (tags)
14,000 Idle Wind Turbines a Testament to Failed Energy Policies
Thatcher's funeral: Britain's new opportunity for war propaganda and domestic repression (tags)
True to form, Britain's political establishment is preparing to use former British Prime Minister (1979-1990) Margaret Thatcher's funeral in London as a stage for imperialist war propaganda and domestic repression.
Tariq Aziz: Victim of US Imperialism (tags)
Britain's ‘humanitarian’ missions for African women and Syrian children (tags)
Having kept a low profile on the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, the British government launched two ‘humanitarian’ campaigns in an effort to disguise its genocidal wars in the Middle East and Africa. On the day Britain deployed troops to Mali, British Foreign Minister William Hague and United Nations goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie went on an “anti-rape mission” in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. The following day, British Prime Minister David Cameron’s wife Samantha Cameron visited Syrian refugee children in Lebanon as an ambassador for the British aid organisation Save the Children.
Unbreakable US/Israeli Ties (tags)
Israel's Fascist Government: Part II (tags)
Israel's Fascist Government (tags)
Chavez: Visionary Leader Extraordinaire (tags)
Merkel's visit: Germany and Turkey at the forefront of NATO's war propaganda against Syria (tags)
Once the U.S., German and Dutch Patriot missile batteries in south Turkey became operational under NATO command, first the defense ministers of Germany, Netherlands and Turkey, then Germany's Prime Minister Merkel visited those sites located some 100-120 km from the Turkish-Syrian border. A visit by the U.S. Foreign Minister Kerry is due to follow. Furthermore, the “Syrian National Coalition” will be holding a meeting in Istanbul to nominate the “Prime Minister” of the “interim government”. Meanwhile, Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan is continuing his vitriolic attacks against Syria’s President al-Assad in an effort to cover up his government's monumental war crimes against Syria.
Lieberman's Trial Begins (tags)
“Those who seek to destroy Israel”: Endless fear mongering by Prime Minister Netanyahu (tags)
Whilst simultaneously threatening Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Gaza with war and taking part in the ongoing destruction of Syria; the Israeli government still persists in playing the victim.
Israel's Lieberman Resigns (tags)
A Zionist in disguise: Prime Minister Erdogan’s phony anti-Israel rhetoric (tags)
Mr Erdogan’s Cairo visit took place in the midst of Israel’s eight-day war on Gaza. Notwithstanding his habitual posturing over Israel’s war crimes, the focal point of his speech at the Cairo University was Syria. The fact remains that for the past 20 years, Turkey, Israel and NATO have maintained a high level of military and political cooperation against Iraq, Iran, Syria and the resistance groups in Palestine and Lebanon. Furthermore, since April 2011, Mr Erdogan’s government has been thoroughly complicit in NATO’s war crimes in Syria.
Israel's Operation Pillar of Cloud (tags)
The Shortwave Report 11/2/12 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.
Greek Whistleblower/Journalist Risks Imprisonment (tags)
Direct US/Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)
Latest Beirut Bombing Indicent (tags)
Atonement: Not in Israel's Vocabulary (tags)
Top US general: Turkey is facing an immediate threat to its Syrian border (tags)
In the face of mounting domestic and global dissent, Turkey’s service to NATO imperialism persists ever more blatantly.
Canada: Selling Its Soul to America (tags)
Ongoing Problem of Church Child Molestation at Unity (tags)
From California to Florida to Georgia, Unity officials are being caught molesting children.
Historic Tehran NAM Summit (tags)
Divorce Scuttles Shotgun Likud/Kadmia Wedding (tags)
Whitewashing Criminal Fraud (tags)
Yitzhak Shamir's Criminal Legacy (tags)
Presidential Medal of Freedom (tags)
Spain: The Latest Shoe to Drop (tags)
class war
Clinton targets Syria: "We will go against those that threaten Turkey and Turkish lives" (tags)
Whilst resorting to every ruthless means imaginable to cripple the government of Syria; the US and Turkey are now claiming, in all seriousness, that Syria poses a threat to Turkey.
Israeli Commanders Face Trial in Turkish Court (tags)
Baghdadi Mahmoudi Faces Torture and Death in Libya (tags)
Full List of Bilderbergers[]sp] Attendees (tags)
I’ve been dragging my feet on publishing this list because I’m worried that it would fuel excessive negative sentiment against the individuals involved.
Israel's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons (tags)
They created the crisis and they offers now as the saviors. 2012 can not bring anything good having put wolves caring the hen house.
BTL:U.S. and Israel's Threats Could Lead to Unpredictable Military Confrontation with Iran (tags)
Interview with Melvin A. Goodman, former Senior Soviet Analyst with the CIA, senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, conducted by Scott Harris
Backing sought for bid to ban cruel blood sport (tags)
Campaigners against the cruel "sport" of live hare coursing in Ireland seek international help to have it banned.
Iran Falsely Charged with India and Georgia Attacks (tags)
Turkish daily: Turkey’s plan to finish off Assad (tags)
Launched in late May 2011, Turkey’s policy of naked aggression against its neighbour Syria reaches a new height after the veto of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria.
In new window Print all Turkish daily: Turkey’s plan to finish off Assad (tags)
Launched in late May 2011, Turkey’s policy of naked aggression against its neighbour Syria reaches a new height after the veto of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria.
Security Council Showdown on Syria (tags)
Financial Terrorism Rules Eurozone (tags)
Washington and Israel v. Iran and Flotilla Activists (tags)
Israel Called Biggest Threat to World Peace (tags)
UK Prime Minister Cameron: We must not be afraid to use military force against tyrants (tags)
In complete denial of the genocides perpetrated by ten years of Anglo-American-led wars across the globe, Mr Cameron and Mr Obama would still have us believe that their aim is ?to spread peace, prosperity, democracy?.
Quartet Anti-Palestinian Statehood Proposal (tags)
Abbas and Fayyad: Collaborationist Israeli Allies (tags)
The Shortwave Report 09/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China Radio International, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Radio Havana Cuba.
Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair: Iran is the real enemy (tags)
Unlike George Bush, who kept a low profile since leaving presidency in 2009, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (1997-2007), the other war criminal-in-chief, is still at the forefront of war propaganda efforts.
UN Commission Flotilla Massacre Report (tags)
state terror
Possible Israeli Connection to Oslo Attacks (tags)
Oslo attacks
The Oslo Attacks: Comment and Analysis (tags)
state terrorism
Israeli/Washington Peace Process Rejectionism (tags)
Israel's Knesset Passes Boycott Prohibition Bill (tags)
Israeli fascism
Dueling UN Flotilla I Commissions (tags)
Meaner Tougher IMF with Lagarde (tags)
financial terrorism
Turkish - Israeli Relations (tags)
British government: We wasted millions chasing wrong terrorist threats (tags)
British government's outrageous new "counter-terrorism" measures are receiving a public relations backlash because of their extreme, fascist overtones.
Humala Wins Peru's Presidential Runoff (tags)
Turkey's top officials: A new regime should be established in Libya (tags)
Turkey pioneers the process aiming at normalization of politics and history in the [Middle East] region? [Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, interview on ?TRT Haber? TV channel, 25 May 2011]
UK Foreign Minister:We will continue to fight against terrorism wherever it rears its head (tags)
Following the announcement of Osama Bin Ladin's assassination by the U.S. Special Forces; the British government and media have launched yet another propaganda campaign about the threat of a new terrorist attack in the UK.
US human rights report shines spotlight on Penan tribe (tags)
A new US government human rights report has highlighted the Penan tribe’s battle to protect their rainforests in Sarawak, in Malaysian Borneo, from logging.
Avigdor Lieberman to Be Indicted (tags)
Israel: Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)
UK: Bombers who killed a policeman in Northern Ireland may have used explosives from Libya (tags)
“The Prime Minister [...] reiterates, on behalf of the British Government, that they have no selfish strategic or economic interest in Northern Ireland. Their primary interest is to see peace, stability and reconciliation established” [Joint Declaration 1993 (Downing St. Declaration) by UK Minister John Major and the Republic of Ireland’s Prime Minister Albert Reynolds, 10 Downing Street, London, 15 December 1993] .............................................................................................“Let me be clear to anyone watching in the Islamic or the Arab world: Britain has no selfish or strategic or oil-related interest in what is happening in Libya. Our interest has been to try to help save civilian life.” [UK Prime Minister David Cameron, joint press conference with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 10 Downing Street, London, 31 March 2011]
Borneo tribes: 30-year regime ‘has destroyed everything’ (tags)
Tribespeople in Sarawak, in the Malaysian part of Borneo, say the 30-year rule of Chief Minister Taib Mahmud has ‘raped’ their land, destroyed their rainforests and brought ‘hardship and suffering’.
Washington's UN War Resolution on Libya (tags)
Minister Louis Farrakhan's Speech "God will Send Saviours" (tags)
The Nation of Islam's leader Minister Louis Farrakhan discusses many issues concerning the Black community, and the world.
Strikes, workers’ protests spread throughout Egypt (tags)
“According to a detailed account published by Al Ahram, the dictator had intended to step down but was persuaded by his wife and son Gamal not to. When this threatened to provoke a further upsurge in the revolutionary movement, the military stepped in and seized power to try to maintain control over the situation. Notably, none of the official middle class “opposition” parties—including the Muslim Brotherhood and Mohamed ElBaradei’s National Association for Change—has condemned the military’s threats against the working class. Striving to maintain illusions in the role of the army, these forces have urged an end to the demonstrations and strikes. ElBaradei and his colleagues are now preparing to enter the military regime. Britain’s Foreign Minister William Hague said yesterday that Egypt’s Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq told him that the current government would be reshuffled to include opposition figures by next week. While the successful elevation of these “opposition” forces would open up opportunities for the individuals involved, for the Egyptian working class it would signify no more than providing a civilian fig-leaf for the military government.”
Essentials on the situation in Egyp (tags)
"Then, over the weekend, came the public statement by Frank Wisner, the former ambassador to Cairo tapped by the Obama administration to serve as its envoy to Mubarak. Speaking at a security conference in Munich, Wisner declared, “President Mubarak remains utterly critical in the days ahead as we sort our way toward the future.” He added that the dictator “must stay in office in order to steer those changes through.” The State Department immediately responded that Wisner was speaking in a personal capacity and had not cleared his remarks first with the US government. While mortified that Wisner had the audacity to say publicly what the administration—behind all its phony rhetoric about democracy—is actually doing, no one disputed the content of Wisner’s statement. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs found a somewhat more elegant way to echo Wisner’s view, declaring that the issue was one of “process not personality.”
Vedanta fights back over Indian hill tribe’s sacred mountain (tags)
FTSE 100 mining giant Vedanta is challenging a ban on mining the sacred mountain of India’s Dongria Kondh tribe. The Orissa High Court will hear the case on Wednesday 2 February.
Vedanta fights back over Indian hill tribe’s sacred mountain (tags)
FTSE 100 mining giant Vedanta is challenging a ban on mining the sacred mountain of India’s Dongria Kondh tribe. The Orissa High Court will hear the case on Wednesday 2 February.
Egypt's Revolution: Obama Backing Regime Change? (tags)
The PA is and arm of Imperialism/Zionism (tags)
"Meanwhile, yesterday’s “impromptu” attack on an al-Jazeera office in the West Bank turns out to have been anything but, as local journalists confirmed that the people leading the attackers were PA police officers wearing civilian clothes. PA negotiator Saeb Erekat sought further action against al-Jazeera, insisting they were guilty of inciting violence against him and his family for reporting his involvement in past negotiations, including comments that seemed to eschew the right of return."
Lebanon's Hezbollah-Led Government (tags)
stability jeopardized
Druze Leader Jumblatt Backs Hezbollah (tags)
battle lines now drawn
democracy struggle
Lebanon crisis
Salam Fayyad: Israel's Man in Palestine (tags)
Israel's enforcer
Manning Assange Bring Regime Change in Iran Foreign Minister Gone (tags)
The keyboard is mightier than the sword.
Calls from Joe Lieberman help force Amazon and EveryDNS to dump Wikileaks (tags)
The war against Wikileaks is gaining momentum. We must defend Wikileaks, Julian Assange and free speech. I read now that Paypal has joined the offensive. Perhaps we should all close our paypal accounts.
The New York Times Again Censoring WikiLeaks (tags)
willful New York Times censorship
Avigdor Lieberman: A Profile in Ultranationalist Extremism (tags)
a rogue Israeli politician
Israel/Palestine: More on the Sham Peace Talks (tags)
economic decline
Washington Orders Shahbaz Airbase Saved, not Pakistan's Flood Victims (tags)
Washington treating Pakistanis like Haitians
Israeli Academic Freedom at Rish (tags)
israeli free expression endangered
Deteriorating Conditions for Israeli Arab Citizens (tags)
20% of the population affected
It is interesting to study the tale of two political families in Asia. One in Pakistan. The other is the Philippines. The present president of Pakistan is the husband of martyr president Benazir Bhutto- Asif Ali Zardani while in the Philippines, the upcoming president is the son of the former president, Benigno Simeon Aquino III.
illegal by any international standard
Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack (tags)
"The Israeli Navy Commando had prior knowledge of who was on the Turkish ship including where passengers were residing in terms of cabin layout. According to Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was on board the Marmara , "the Israeli forces attacked sleeping civilians."
Actually, the Ship Was Not Turkish-Flagged (tags)
Possible Prosecution at ICC
Nepal Maoists continue the struggle (tags)
Updates on the situation in Nepal
The Flotilla Aftermath: Historical Perspective, Aftermath and Implications (tags)
Commandos had names and photos of activists to be assassinated
Israel's Military, the IDF, states Massacre was Planned & Approved at the Top (tags)
The Israeli military, the IDF, planned the Gaza Massacre, and it was approved by the Prime Minister. The 5 million Zionist lunatics sitting in the US military base called Israel are now united in their hysteria to promote war and fascism around the world, all paid for with US tax dollars, and all at the behest of US oil imperialism. A small minority protests the final stages of a bankrupt social order in Israel.
Volunteer Minister Returns from Haiti (tags)
“…Many, many people are pitching in” to rebuild Haiti
Brave Israeli Commandos Slaughter Aid Activists at Sea (tags)
Murder at sea
Brazil commemorates... but the black clouds didn't vanish.
666 Revealed: Rafik Hariri, former Prime Minister of Lebanon (tags)
666 Revealed: Rafik Hariri, former Prime Minister of Lebanon
Peace Process Hypocrisy: Stillborn from Inception (tags)
The peace process is a charade
Is safe
Speech of Obama on Iran convinces few.
If the cap fits - wear it. (tags)
Present day war criminals hold meeting with successors of past war criminals - in Berlin.
American soldiers! Where these shit step only shit happen.
Netanyahu is running scared. (tags)
The Saudis, Abbas and the Emerites about to declare an independent Palestine at UN.
The Shortwave Report 12/25 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Apartheid roads and Crusader walls (tags)
Are not new settlements.
Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu (tags)
Re some ethnically cleansed land
Brazil won't recognize the elections of Honduras (tags)
Unlike the USA, Brazil defends the legality in Honduras.
VLCC begins another inning with Delhi Government (tags)
An initiative under the PPP model VLCC offers vocational education to the underprivileged section of society under the Swarn Jyanti Shahri Rozgar Yojna (SJSRY)
anytime I want
Report about Greek prisons (tags)
Christos Stratigopoulos is a greek anarchist who recently arrested for bank robbery together with Italian anarchist Alfredo Bonnano. They both are in prison
Tzipi Livni (ex Israeli foreign Minister) cancels visit to London (tags)
For fear of being arrested as a war criminal
Obama's secret surrender to Israel (tags)
Will be signed in London on Aug. 26, 2009.
Iran's Election and US - Iranian Relations (tags)
evidence US instigating protests and violence
Obama suckered into one year trap (tags)
Netanyahu gave Obama till the end of the year and then he attacks Iran
Save the lifes of 128 homosexuals in Iraq (tags)
EveryOne Group and civil society in democratic countries have taken up the appeal from the IRAQI LGBT association, based in London, which calls on activists and democratic citizens to take part in an international campaign to save the lives of 128 prisoners sentenced to death because they are homosexual.
Israel lurches to the right.
Israel is a gansta state. (tags)
To be in power in Israel you must be either a rapist, a fraudster, a baby killer or a smuggler.
Racism in Italy. The hunt has begun (tags)
Increased incidents of racism and xenophobia, some of them characterized by unprecedented violence"
Just like Hamas.
Phosphorus denial outweighed by evidence (tags)
"There are many ways to “light” a battle field. In Gaza, no such area exists anyway. There are just people’s hovels, holes and “homes.” Such as they are after years of blockade and bombardment by Israeli forces. The White phorpous is a terror weapon perfect for driving people away, “never to return.” The Zionist dream is and has always been for many, at least, to remove the native Arab population and posses all of “Greater Israel.” This inhuman weapon nicknamed “Willie Pete.” is perfect for the effort. When it comes into contact with human flesh it moves down toward the bone, tissues evaporate. Victims may survive for some time before vital organs are compromised, effecting death. Parents watch the agony and may be forced to end their children’s wild sufferings by shortening their lives in “other ways.”
NYCLAW Antiwar Bulletin: Israeli Massacre in Gaza -- 12.30.08 (tags)
Read Between the Lines
He would have been proud of them
Europe is going fascist again (tags)
Will you come and help us out again?
Israel tries to blackmail Obama (tags)
With Bush's help
America's Israeli-Occupied Media (tags)
Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land
Wait till I get in.
Israel STILL Beating Iran War Dead Horse (tags)
Shades of Iraq ...
Olmert Offers Phony Remourse (tags)
For international consumption.
Bern does not need US permission (tags)
Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey says her country does not need Washington's permission to advance its strategic interests.
Israel threatens to unleash 'holocaust' in Gaza (tags)
Zionists: Nazis in drag
Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Orthodox Jews,Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes,Death Threat (tags)
Had Ehud Olmert been involved in Michael Zwebner's multi-million or centi-million dollar swindle in Israel instead of the USA and had he profited from a stock fraud whose money went to harrass and intimidate and threaten the lives of Israeli citizens as he and his 'business' partners have done to Americans and to pay lawyers(with money from UCSY penny stock scam) in an attempt to suppress Americans Constutional rights to free speech and to hire male prostitutes - he may not have gotten off as lightly as his other partner in U.S. penny stock fraud and money laundering,ex Israeli President Moshe Katsav.
Using Bhutto for Imperial Gain (tags)
Bhutto killed for imperial gain
The Shortwave Report 01/04/08 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Troubles in Pakistan: Benazir Bhutto’s Assassination and Its Implications (tags)
“She who rides the tiger ends up in it.” The tragic death by assassination of Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan highlights the failure of American foreign policy. For a person who was cultivated by the personal diplomacy of America and beholden to Anglo-American policy – promising to support the US against al-Qaeda and the unlimited use of Pakistan nuclear power in the service of America, Benazir Bhutto was foremost a willing American puppet. Her political opportunism stemmed from her desire to vindicate herself and to be in power as prime minister for the third time, and underscores the weakness of US diplomacy that was based on personality, populism and charisma
Federal Government and World Bank to Speed Up Nigerian Aviation Projects (tags)
Federal government and World Bank yesterday gave a commitment to do everything possible to quicken the execution of the $46.5m Air safety and security projects being carried out in the country's airports.
O’Malley Hugs Olmert, While USS Liberty Is Forgotten (tags)
Annapolis, MD, on Nov. 27, 2007, was the backdrop for a propaganda ploy concerning the Mideast. Meanwhile, MD’s Gov. Martin O’Malley had lunch with Israel’s Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, but he failed to invite Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas. Last summer, O’Malley cheerleaded the Israeli Defense Forces attack on Lebanon. It is highly likely that topics like: Occupied Gaza, Rachel Corrie or the USS Liberty, never came up at his meal with Olmert.
Australia's Labour claims election victory (tags)
Australia's Labour party claimed victory in national elections on Saturday, signalling an end to 11 years of conservative government led by Prime Minister John Howard.
France: The workers must take the struggle into their own hands! (tags)
Seldom has trade-union unity been so great in the country: almost all the trade unions, including the most collaborationist, call for an indefinite strike at the SNCF, because of the determination and combativeness of the workers! But what objective does this united leadership set for the struggle to come? In 1995 the objective was clear: total withdrawal of the Prime Minister Juppé plan against the pensions. Today what is the objective of this trade-union unity? Total withdrawal of the new attack against the pensions?
Annapolis A Charade-Israel Plans Massive Aggression (tags)
The meeting is designed to give the impression that Israel is interested in peace, while they're actually plotting against the Palestinians. The media's silence suggests complicity.
Israel's unending war on Palestine.
True Intent of Gaza's Collective Punishment (tags)
The intention of this long-planned crime is the 'softening up' of the world's largest Concentration Camp, paving the way for an Israeli attack which was planned alongside 'disengagement'. Regardless of the reasons, this is an illegal policy.
REPLYING to three spurious initiatives for Cuba proposed by George Bush in Washington on October 24, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque set out 12 points “covering what the U.S. president should propose as aid” to the island.
Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS (tags)
in your face you lazy superstitious fuckheads, i guess americans are going to get what they deserve soon...
Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS (tags)
Secretary of State Rice has acknowledged a communique from Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Levni which requests that all foreign aid payments and loans from the United States be made in Euros rather than in Dollars. Foreign Minister Levni cited the rapidly declining dollar and it's disfavor as a world currency as reasons for the request.
Damascus: IAF planes dropped live ammunition on Syria during flyover (tags)
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said Monday that Israel Air Force warplanes dropped live ammunition during an alleged violation of Syrian airspace in the early hours of Thursday.
Taht's the only peace she will get
Howard Government: over 5000 edits on Wikipedia (tags)
Public servants have been found to have edited Wikipedia entries. Staff from the department have been found to have made edits to Wikipedia entries on topics such as the "children overboard" affair. Treasurer Peter Costello's page was also edited, removing a reference to the nickname "Captain Smirk"...
Israel Defense Ministry receives less than half of what it asked for (tags)
The cabinet approved an additional NIS 3 billion per year for the long-term defense budget during it regular weekly meeting on Sunday, instead of the NIS 7b. requested by Defense Minister Ehud Barak.
Gov't to establish waste treatment plant in Zarqa (tags)
Giuen Wealth Field
The Shortwave Report 7/6/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
The AIPAC got the dosh,again. (tags)
Now we finance this terrorist entity for another decade
Israelis' faith in their democracy is lower than ever (tags)
As the country prepares for the selection of a new defense minister and president, in votes that could decide the government's fate, Israelis are more disillusioned than ever with their elected officials, according to findings released by the Israel Democracy Institute on Sunday.
Perhaps someone with one of those new computer programs developed by Bill Gates could calculate the resources being used for war expenses at the cost of education, healthcare and culture for humanity...
Political Killings haunt GMA in New Zealand (tags)
Protesters greeted President Arroyo and human rights was one of the main issues she discussed with New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark during their meetings here yesterday. After a bilateral meeting between the two leaders at the Prime Minister’s Office at the Parliament House, Clark informed the media that the respective human rights commissions of the two countries “have started a dialogue and are exploring ways in which New Zealand might share its experience and support the work with its counterpart.” The Philippines was called a “disaster area for human rights” by New Zealand parliamentarians and human rights activists, which said hundreds of trade unionists, priests, journalists and human rights advocates had been systematically murdered since Mrs. Arroyo took office in 2001.
the president surrenders
The delegates at Bilderberg 2007 (tags)
These people need to be tried for crimes against the commons. And their toys taken away to enjoy a life in one of their ruined poisoned lands. Some need to be hanged.
National Monument Discovered at Tara in Path of M3 Motorway (tags)
Featuring a press conference given by TaraWatch, the video (see link below) gives details of the M3 Motorway, what lies in its path, what has been destroyed, and what is being now being threatened with destruction. Background: A massive prehistoric ‘henge’ site has been discovered in Lismullen, beside the Hill of Tara on the route of the planned M3 Motorway. The circular enclosure is the size of more than three football fields, and is without doubt a national monument because of the rarity of henges in Ireland, as well as its importance to the Hill of Tara archaeological complex. The video may be accessed here:
The Insular Conservative: John Winston Howard (tags)
The Federal Minister of Employment and Workplace Relations (big) Joe Hockey was forced this week to draw his leader’s attention to the oppressive reality facing average working Australians. Crushing debt, loss of penalty rates and other entitlements have forced many Australian families to the wall. Mortgagee sales in working class areas throughout the nation have increased at an alarming rate. John Howard, the darling of big business and the Corporate sector wondered why the common people were not eating cake!
"The United States would be inclined to allow the sale of advanced stealth F-22 fighter jets to the Israeli Air Force if the State of Israel's security was in jeopardy, former US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen told The Jerusalem Post Thursday night."
Australian Leader – “underdog” (tags)
The Prime Minister of Australia claimed today that he would contest the forthcoming Federal election as the underdog – another tired (and familiar) Howard tactic! The failing politician failed to mention that it was he who created the situation with his inane, ill-considered comments ranging from his hysterical criticisms of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama, as the terrorist friendly candidate, to his astounding comments on HIV and immigration bans.
HIV carriers not welcome in Australia (tags)
The grotesque and disgusting, pathological, lying coward Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard is cutting a comical figure as he flounders from one gaffe and blunder to another. Jumping straight from the ‘cubicle’ of support for a known racist and questionable character (Alan Jones) to the primitive, superstitious behaviour of stigmatising individuals suffering manageable maladies and preventing them from entering the country. Howard’s recent gesture of banning individuals with HIV is reminiscent of the all-male, ruling priest class of the Old Testament who banished women experiencing their menstrual cycle. Menstruating women once struck fear into the hearts of ignorant and primitive men – the primitivism of it all! Howard is exposing some extremely disturbing gender issues and phobias with his latest unenlightened attempt to manipulate Australian society.
Manipulating the Oz Masses (tags)
It’s confirmed, total panic grips Howard government over Hicks scandal! The novice Environment Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has weighed in on the Hicks debate with a wild accusation inferring that Hicks was “.. seeking to destroy our civilisation.” -- what next? Turnbull's statement follows hot on the heels of the stratospheric logic (see link) displayed by the Federal Treasurer in his effort to save the government -- who's next?
Timor-Leste: Bungle in the Jungle (tags)
Prior to the leadership of John Howard and his defence minister, Brendan (studs) Nelson, the Australian Defence Forces always did Australia proud. The reputation of the ADF preceded them in any theatre of war. Aussie fighters were once considered highly specialised and skilled, so it is with a sad heart and severe disappointment that I report the raid on Alfredo Reinado’s hide-out resulted in the needless deaths of four Timorese and a ‘rebel leader’ who easily escaped to the mountains. No one is actually sure Reinado was present at the time of the attack!
100,000 RADIATIONS - A REVIEW (tags)
The Zionists Poisoned/Radiated 100,000 Sefardi Jewish Children.
CIA files reveal 1950s Japan coup plot (tags)
By Joseph Coleman TOKYO, AP, 2007/3/2
Guinea: the Unions Bosses liquidate the General Strike (tags)
At the end of discussions with the authorities, religious leaders and a delegation of the CDEAO (economic community of the States of the area) directed by the former President-general of Nigeria, the gangster Babangida, the trade-union leaders decreed the "suspension" of the general strike which had lasted for 2 weeks, as of Sunday midnight. For his part, President Lansana Conté promised to name a new Prime Minister from a list of 5 names indicated by the trade unions and the opposition parties. The trade-union leaders speak about a great victory (while evoking a possible resumption of the strike), but it looks more like a capitulation!
Israel Human experimentations: the truth revealed. (tags)
The Time is coming to reveal the most terrible crime committed by the Israeli regime!
GUINEA_The Trade-Unions Bosses Liquidates the General Strike ! (tags)
At the end of discussions during Sunday with the authorities, religious leaders and a delegation of the CEDEAO (Economic Community of the States of the area) directed by the former President-general of Nigeria, the gangster Babangida, the trade-union leaders decreed the "suspension" of the general strike which had lasted for 2 weeks, as of Sunday midnight.
It's some days that I don't write and many things happened. 200,000 thousand people demonstrated in Vicenza against the military base that US wants at Dal Molin airport. Not only anti war movements and groups against environmental degradation, but also deputies and senators in the parliament. Few days before, the government said "the decision is taken, US will build the base"
See how Australian conservatives run! “No Australian should be surprised. In fact I would like to think they would support it ... The people who murdered 100 Australians in Bali trained in this place with these people and that's why we're there." The statement by the Australian Defence Minister Brendan Nelson is his latest despicable attempt to garner support and justify increased Australian military involvement in Afghanistan – the truth is the Howard government is at the beck and call of the Americans, that is why ‘we’ are in Afghanistan, Mr. Nelson. Defence Minister Nelson, in preparation for Dick Cheney’s arrival in Sydney tonight, has resorted to flagrant LIES and K-Mart political strategies to demonstrate to Cheney that Australian conservatives are able emulators of their master’s cheap tricks and lying political methods.
At least we got Ali's arms off him.
The USA is that way! The most servile government in Australian history achieved a new ‘personal best’ in bootlicking today. Yesterday's parliament question time witnessed the Minister of Defence, Brendan (studs) Nelson and the Foreign Minister, Alexander (cream puff) Downer bending over forwards in preparation for Cheney’s visit. Astounding as it may seem to most Australians these two lackeys were attempting to score political points by extolling the virtues of neo-colonial subservience to the United States!
Long Live the Struggle of the Workers of Guinea! (tags)
Guinea-Conakry is a small West African country of 10 million inhabitants, one of the poorest countries on the planet, in spite of the richness of its mining industry: diamonds, gold, iron, uranium and especially bauxite of which it is the 2nd largest producer in the world. Although the majority of the population of Guinea lives in misery, local and foreign bourgeois and the multinationals grow rich, protected by the regime of General Lansana Conté (who seized power after a coup in 1984) against rising dissatisfaction.
Long live the struggle of the proletarians and Masses of Guinea! (tags)
Guinea-Conakry is a small West African country of 10 million inhabitants, one of the poorest countries on the planet, in spite of the richness of its mining industry: diamonds, gold, iron, uranium and especially bauxite of which it is the 2nd largest producer in the world. Although the majority of the population of Guinea lives in misery, local and foreign bourgeois and the multinationals grow rich, protected by the regime of General Lansana Conté (who seized power after a coup in 1984) against rising dissatisfaction.
Balibo Murderer Implicates Indonesian Government (tags)
Yunus Yosfiah, former Indonesian government minister and commander of Kopassus, the elite government sanctioned hit squad functioning as part of the Indonesian military, has been formally identified by an eyewitness as the person who initiated the cold-blooded murder of five Australian journalists in East Timor in 1975. Not mentioned in recent reports is the exact order Yosfiah issued to his troops. Indonesian troops were extremely reluctant to fire on five unarmed Australian non-combatants, who had openly surrendered. [Then] Captain Yunus Yosfiah, issued the murderous order, “don’t think, just shoot”, before he commenced firing on the unarmed Australian journalists!
and we are fighting for these crooks
URGENT; INDIA and GM crops...petition (tags)
URGENT: On 31st January 2007 there's a major hearing in the Supreme Court in India on the writ petition over GM crops. The organisers of this petition want to be able to show that there's massive worldwide support for calling a halt to the problems being inflicted by GM crops on India. They can only do that with your support. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND PASS THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES: Also, post on other sites.
Fax/phone before Monday to save priceless Aboriginal culture! (tags)
If you care about priceless Aboriginal cultural artefacts being needlessly destroyed, we need you to fax or ring the Australian environment minister RIGHT NOW, or at least before Monday. International support is needed to shame this government.
Boycott Bulgaria, Boycott Sofia (tags)
In a few weeks time Bulgaria will become a full EU member and will have to comply with the European Commission's Regulation No.998/2003. The missing legal cat & dog control is replaced by criminal collection and abuse of the great number of healthy animals.
Boykott Bulgarian Officials Supporting Systematic Abuse of Cats and Dogs (tags)
The missing legal pet control in Bulgaria is replaced by criminal collection and abuse of the great number of healthy animals. That leads to the real reduction of both increasing populations. Bulgarian institutions are colluding with black-marketers in their revolting industry.
Regime Change Still in the Future (tags)
With the Bush administration, there can be no improvement in bilateral relations. No detente is possible with the mad or insane.
Systematic Abuse of Cats and Dogs in Bulgaria (tags)
Recent letter to supreme Prosecutor of Bulgaria concerning inadequate behaviour of Minister Nihat Kabil, Mayor Boyko Borissov and German SPCA
Brazil: Supreme Federal Court. Too Slow...Why? (tags)
Now the organization "Brazilian Citizens for a Democratic Society" promises prosecute the ministers for billions of "reais" in harms caused to millions of brazilian consumers.
Why are these guys...
Call it What it Is: A Massacre (tags)
THE FIRST revolutionary act is to call things by their true names, Rosa Luxemburg said. So how to call what happened in Beit Hanoun?
Submission to Iraq Study Group (tags)
The new map of iran has been presented to the Iraq Study Group.
Protest Olmert @ Jewish General Assembly w 3000 (tags)
L.A. gets ready to be the center of Jewish universe 75th Annual General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities by Julie Gruenbaum Fax, Education Editor
Iraqi official: 150,000 civilians dead (tags)
Iraq's health minister estimated at least 150,000 civilians have been killed in the war - about three times previously accepted estimates. Straight from the mouth of the Bush puppet government!
Saddam Hussein will be found guilty tomorrow and sentenced to die (tags)
Tomorrow an American kangaroo court will find Saddam Hussein guilty and sentence him to death. (Thats not to say Saddam Hussein isn't a corrupt thug, just that he couln't possible get a fair trial from George W. Bush. Of course George W. Hitler couldn't possiblely get a fair trial in Baghdad for murdering thousands of Iraqi citizens in an illegal unconstitutiona war, but that doesn'nt mean George W. Bush isn't a serial murderer)
Lieberman out of the shadows: Israel's Minister of Strategic Threats (tags)
Lieberman wants a president who has the authority to make major legislative changes, even constitutional ones, without having to make the backroom compromises to keep together the coalition governments that characterise Israel's current political system. The president Lieberman has in mind would be more on the lines of an autocratic ruler. Olmert is apparently sympathetic to Lieberman's plans to change the political system. It is not difficult to understand why.
Blair joins the attack on Britain’s Muslims (tags)
Prime Minister Tony Blair has placed himself at the head of an ongoing and sinister campaign against Britain’s Muslim minority. This week he used his monthly press conference to solidarise himself with former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw’s attack on the veil or niqab, telling reporters that it was “a mark of separation and that is why it makes other people from outside of the community feel uncomfortable.” He also backed the decision by Kirklees council to suspend the young teaching assistant Aishah Azmi for refusing to remove her veil in front of male staff.
The state of Israel is totally corrupt (tags)
And always was.
The Corrib Gas Controversy: State Collaboration with Shell Exposed (tags)
The following article is a position paper on the Irish Government's attempt to placate growing opposition by the appointment of a so-called “independent mediator” to defuse the crisis over the outright handover of Irish energy resources to multinational corporations. It also includes an update on the present crisis at Corrib.
Lie Less in Gaza: An Open Letter to Jeremy Bowen (tags)
Above Bush House, the maxim still reads: Nation shall speak peace unto nation. In Gaza, one nation is illegally occupying another, claiming that there is no-one to speak peace to after having arrested those who tried to speak peace to it. When the BBC ignores stories that challenge their narrative, it colludes in speaking lies to the world.
Irish Government rules out use of nuclear power (tags)
By Seán McCárthaigh of the Irish Examiner
Political Corruption in Israel (tags)
HAD HAMLET been a reserve soldier in the Israeli army, he might now declare: "Something is rotten in the State of Israel!"
Thai Military Leaders Stage Military Coup (tags)
In Thailand, military leaders have staged a bloodless coup, suspending the constitution and declaring martial law. We go to the capital Bangkok to get reaction on the ground.
Congressman Kucinich Returns From Southern Lebanon With Message of Peace (tags)
"We do not hate America. We love the American people. We do not like what your government does. Please tell the American people that we are not terrorists. We do not hate Israel. We want to be safe in our village. We want to be left alone. We want peace."
Petition: International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (tags)
We, the undersigned, demand that The United Nations General Assembly immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) as a ‘subsidiary organ’ under U.N. Charter Article 22 to prosecute the Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz, Chief of Staff Halutz and Israel’s other top generals and war criminals for their infliction of international war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.
"If this scenario is possible, why then would US, UK, Israeli, and other Western leaders who see what's going on, be willing to take the risk? Ahmed states what a growing number of knowledgeable observers now believe - that the Western, mainly US, so-called neoliberal imperial freewheeling "free-market" model is failing and may collapse short of a desperate "Hail Mary" military solution to try to save it even though the chance for success at best would be uncertain and in some views unlikely."
Please copy, e-mail, re-post and distribute this as widely as possible. Also for those without Internet access.
ACTION ALERT! stop the war crimess!! (tags)
* Tell your representatives that you support an end to aid to apartheid Israel until it learns to live in peace with its neighbors. The events taking place now did not occur in a vacuum. Israel occupied Lebanon in the early 1980’s and imprisoned thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian nationals. This is merely a continuation of that conflict.
Medea Benjamin Disrupts Iraqi PM Speech (tags)
Medea broke into a chant saying: "Iraqis want the troops to leave, bring them home now! Listen to the Iraqis!"
Rice leaves bloody footprints in Lebanon (tags)
At some point in the future, when the ill-fated American drive for hegemony in the first decade of the twenty-first century is subjected to critical study, historians will discover ugly parallels between the tenure of Condoleezza Rice as American secretary of state under President Bush and that of Joachim Ribbentrop as German foreign minister under Chancellor Hitler. All the characteristics of the foreign policy of the Third Reich as it set the stage for World War—its depraved deceitfulness, cynicism, hypocrisy, recklessness, fascination with violence and utter contempt for human life—are to be observed 70 years later in the operations of the Bush administration, for whom Rice serves as chief foreign policy spokesman.
"It's over for Jews in France." "The police told me (tags)
The following tale helps elucidate why record numbers of French Jews are emigrating to Israel.
U.K. minister warns Israel of consequences of IDF assault (tags)
"Children are being killed, families torn apart, towns are being destroyed and the infrastructure of a country razed," she wrote. "It's the civilian population that is being attacked in both countries - Lebanon and Israel."
Stop Terror at Its Source (tags)
France : over 52,00 sign "We will protect them" (tags)
The pause given (by Prime Minister Sarkozy) to immigrant parents and students will end on June 30. Thousands of children, adolescents and their families risk mass deportation. Their lives and their future will end. We will not allow these infamies to be done in our name. Every one of us is ready to help, guide and protect in whatever way is possible. When they seek refuge, we will not close our doors but will give shelter and food ; we will not denounce them to the police. original in French : Pétition nationale : NOUS LES PRENONS SOUS NOTRE PROTECTION !
Unexpected Guest Drops in on Iraqi Prime Minister (tags)
Guess who’s coming to dinner? The President of the United States. But for the U.S. media, this peculiar party crashing by President Bush was a Big Moment, not an embarrassment.
New Zealand joins Australia’s military occupation of East Timor (tags)
The New Zealand Labour government last month dispatched nearly 200 troops to support the Australian-led military occupation of East Timor. Underlining the close Australian and New Zealand collaboration in neo-colonial exercises throughout the region, the contingent includes soldiers who were deployed in the initial 1999 intervention in East Timor, some who had recently served in the Solomon Islands, and a group of military police just returned from Afghanistan.
Re: (Re: Soccer World Cup 2006 in Germany / Interpol / Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant / 16 th June Soweto Day/Youth Day / Steve Biko Day)
Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)
"From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks".
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Blair nobbled Galloway in Cairo.
A Brutal Police Riot in Israel (tags)
It looks at the recent Police Riot in Israel.
IRAN TELLS ISRAEL: 'MAKE MY DAY!'... If Israel attacks, Iran says it would respond so strongly that it would put Israel into "an eternal coma".
Things I Wish I Had Not Said In Public: (tags)
Why Israel cannot be trusted.
Ailing Sharon back in operation room (tags)
Ailing Sharon back in operation room 1/6/2006 2:00:00 PM GMT Israeli Prime Minister ARIEL SHARON is undergoing another emergency surgery on Friday after a scan showed fresh bleeding in his brain, doctors said, according to The Associated Press news agency.
Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran (tags)
Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran
Quotations from Israel’s leaders: (tags)
Can real peace ever be achieved with a legacy as dark as these? “…From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” - Jesus
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, and Cuba.
Canadian Treasury says uncle to Royal Jubilee Petition (tags)
This petiton to the Queen you will read below was replied to by her majesty's Royal Secretary and caused the Treasury Board of Canada to be sat down and briefed as to it's explicit accuracy by the senior analyst for the Canadian Treasury Board. Since Slavery is implied in this petition and it was verified as correct by treasury we can all wake up to the truth we are indeed slaves and must review our options.
Curfew Imposed in Parisian Ghettos (tags)
Curfew Imposed in Parisian Ghettos
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.
Chirac Appeals for Calm as Paris Suburbs Endure Sixth Night of Violence
Syria resolution will be ready for UN vote on Monday (tags)
A revised Franco-US draft resolution demanding full cooperation from Damascus with the probe into the murder of Lebanon's ex-premier is likely to be readied for a vote by the UN Security Council on Monday, diplomats said.
The Mehlis report on the Hariri assassination is just another dodgy dossier. In order to lay the blame for the assassination at Syria's door it specializes in innuendo and unverified allegations by anonymous persons. The only named individual purporting to possess information incriminating Syria turns out to be a multiply convicted swindler who was paid handsomely for his revelations by a Syrian dissident.
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Million More Movement Rally Strikes Unity Theme (tags)
The Mall, in the Nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., was the scene for a massive rally, on Sat., Oct. 15, 2005, entitled the “Million More Movement.” It was a reprise of the “Million Man March,” of ten years ago. This event, which drew a massive crowd, called for justice for the “poor and disenfranchised” in the country. Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam was the primary speaker.
LAPD beating of Minister Tony Muhammed/The Killing of 13-year old Devin Brown by LAPD (tags)
Discussion: Minister Tony Muhammed, of the Nation of Islam, was badly beaten by the LAPD last week. We will also discuss our continued struggle to have the police officer who shot and killed 13-year Devin Brown, fired from the LAPD.
Protest beating of Tony Muhammad (tags)
Minister Tony Muhammad was savagely beaten by the LAPD. We are going to the Parker Center to speak to the new police commissioners.
Condoleezza Rice Makes Surprise Visit to Lebanon (tags)
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a surprise visit to volatile Lebanon under heavy guard Friday to encourage a new democratic government outside Syrian control ,
Health Minister Says Angola Working to Control Marburg Virus (tags)
Health Minister Says Angola Working to Control Marburg Virus
SERBIA: BELGRADE ZOO From Merritt Clifton’s email (regarding Belgrade Zoo story) I would point out that the message of a campaign about the zoo could either be, "Don't visit the zoo because it is cruel to Animals," or "Come see what we need to fix at the Zoo, and help us do it. The Animals are counting on your help."
Minister survives Beirut car explosion (tags)
Lebanon's caretaker Vice Premier and Defense Minister Elias Murr survived an assassination bombing ambush
Louis Farrakhan appearing in Los Angeles (tags)
Minister Louis Farrakhan will appear live on KJLH, Talk Radio, 102.3 FM, and at Bethel A.M.E. Church in Los Angeles, California
Under Likud, illegal outposts received NIS 70 million to Build ....on Palestinian Land (tags)
The Housing Ministry allocated at least NIS 70 million to build infrastructure and erect public structures in 82 illegal outposts in the West Bank during the prime ministerial terms of Benjamin Netanyahu (1996-1999) and Ariel Sharon (2001-2004), Haaretz has learned from an appendix to attorney Talia Sasson's report on the outposts.
URGENT: e-mails for Shanmugam Murugesu (tags)
URGENT:e-mails to help man facing execution in Singapore
Tell Australia to Stop Stealing from East Timor (tags)
Fax Australia's Prime Minister Howard - Tell the Australian Government to Stop Stealing East Timor's Resources and East Timor's Future:
Tell Australia to Stop Stealing from East Timor (tags)
Fax Australia's Prime Minister Howard - Tell the Australian Government to Stop Stealing East Timor's Resources and East Timor's Future:
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, China, and Russia.
A Minister Fights Back on Moral Values (tags)
Dont be afraid to speak out.. Real Christians take chances for peace. So do real Jews, and real Muslims, and real Hindus, and real Buddhists-so do all the faith traditions of the world at their heart believe one thing: life is precious.
US/EU coup in Kyrgyzstan (tags)
Continuing the process of "regime change" against countries with governments not fully subservient to the US/EU, a coup was launched yesterday in the former Soviet Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan. It is believed that the president was about to evict the US "anti-terror" military base there.
Biggest Opposition Demo Swears to Break Syria's Stranglehold and Lahoud's Regime (tags)
Lebanon's opposition staged the biggest show of force in the nation's modern history from slain ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's graveside Monday, taking a thunderous oath to break Syria's ruthless stranglehold and tear apart President Lahoud's police state of "secret service phantoms." Between 1.5 and 2 million opposition activists converged on Beirut's downtown Martyrs Square and surrounding neighborhoods to mark the lapse of one month on Hariri's assassination. They shouted slogans demanding the resignation of all security commanders in Lebanon because of dereliction of duty in stopping the assassination.
Press Release from the Zanon Workers, March 4, 2005 (tags)
The wife of a worker at Zanon has been kidnapped and beaten.
"Israel Orbach delivered a fiery eulogy, [*PROUDLY*] explaining that he had served in the same unit as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon[!!!] and Mossad chief Meir Dagan[!!!]."
Anti-Syrian Protesters Fill Beirut Streets (tags)
Thousands of Anti-Syrian Protesters Fill Beirut's Streets Ahead of Key Debate in Parliament Feb. 28, 2005 - Defying a ban on protests, about 10,000 people demonstrated against Syrian interference in Lebanon on Monday, shortly before parliament was to debate a motion of confidence in the pro-Syrian government.
Hundreds of Thousands rally in Beirut against Syria one week after Hariri murder (tags)
BEIRUT - Thousands of Lebanese massed on the Beirut seafront chanting "Syria out" as pressure mounted on the government and its backers in Damascus a week after the killing of ex-prime minister Rafiq Hariri.
Lebanese Vent Wrath on Syria at Hariri's Funeral (tags)
February 16, 2005 Reuters BEIRUT - At least 150,000 Lebanese turned the funeral of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri on Wednesday into an outpouring of public anger against Syria, blamed by opposition leaders for the bomb that killed him.
The fairy tale of the Dutch tolerant society and the humane asylum-policy (tags)
In contrarily with the general allegations in American and Western newsmedia, not only the Netherlands is no open society for minorities, moreover the Dutch asylum-policy is violating gravely international humanitarian principles.
It looks at the new Labor-Likud-UTJ government in Israel and reviews the discussion about whether or not to have a referendum over Prime Minister Sharon's Gaza Plan.
It gives some friendly advice to world leaders.
It looks at the comical "tragedy" of Yasser Arafat's passing.
The immanent planned collapse ... US Silent As Euro Screams Higher
Bush administration ties to Middle Eastern terrorists, the overthrow of Benazir Bhutto and the CIA
No Justice. No Peace. A Blessing on the Olive Trees! and the people of Palestine!
It focuses on several points of contention Israel has with Russia's foreign policy. Russia's take on the peace process-the Palestinians; Russia's support for the Iranian nuclear program; Russia's relationship with Syria and its occupation of Lebanon.
This article looks at Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's dictatorial behavior at a recent cabinet meeting that made fateful decisions about the Gaza disengagement plan.
It surveys the Israeli government's attempt to liberate the economy from socialist occupation. It looks at the fight over the just passed 2005 budget and gives a cautious "green light" to the direction of the reforms.
Haiti: Aristide's Prime Minister arrested by Bush lackeys (tags)
Haiti's elected Prime Minister, Yvon Neptune, was imprisoned this week by the Bush-imposed coup leaders.
{Znet} Stateless and Deported - Palestinian Refugees in Montreal (tags)
An Interview with the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees
Amnesty International Rafah Update and Plea to All Communities (tags)
An offending military demolishing homes and killing civilians. Does an offensive government have the right to call you a “militant” when you defend your home and land against it? US Tax dollars is being spent creating more refugees, more violence Foreign Aid to Israel is Aid in Ethnic Cleansing.
Germany backs Spain 'not caving in' to Bush or Terrorism (tags)
European Union Commission President Romano Prodi also backed Spain's plans to pull its troops out of Iraq.
US in Iraq shooting at ambulances (tags)
Iraqi Health Minister presses authorities to explain U.S. targeting of Falluja ambulances.
Today in the MidEAST 14TH of april (tags)
Israeli Deputy Prime Minister at UCLA Next Week (tags)
Natan Sharansky, a member of the Israeli Cabinet serving as Minister of Housing and Construction and Deputy Prime Minister, will be speaking at UCLA next week.
PA to nix any U.S. pledges that endanger final status issues (tags)
U.S.: Israel does not need to retreat to 1949 borders
The Occupation: " Do uproot that which is planted" (tags)
“The whole project of settlement in the territories was born in sin and expanded in deceit, underhand planning and shady organising that by-passed the Knesset and Budget allocations.” Shulamit Aloni Shulamit Aloni, the founding leader of Meretz (no, of Ratz, one of the 3 parties from which Meretz was formed. D) and an Education Minister in the government of Yitzhak Rabin is a fierce critic of the Occupation and a leading activist in the Israeli Peace Movement. Her views are always worth listening to:
Today in Palestine April 3rd (tags)
Amy Goodman Reports Live on CNN (tags)
Joining us on the line right now is radio host Amy Goodman who was on the airplane from the Central African Republic, I believe, to Jamaica with Mr. Aristide. Amy, just describe the scene there as Mr. Aristide arrived. AMY GOODMAN, RADIO HOST: Yes. We just completed the round trip, the delegation who went to retrieve the Aristides from the Central Republic of Africa, traveling two-thirds of the way around the world.
Socialists win Spain! Bush's man, Aznar, on the way out! (tags)
People react in the street after hearing that Spain's opposition Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) was declared victor in the Spanish general elections in Madrid. The pro-Bush, pro-war Popular Party of Prime Minister Aznar suffered total defeat at the polls. (AFP/Christophe Simon) In a stunning turn of events, the Spanish people have kicked out the ruling Popular Party of Prime Minister Aznar for his close alignment to the U.S. over the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The great majority of Spain's people were, and are, against the war... to which Aznar committed over 1,000 troops. After the terror bombings in Madrid, large crowds began to gather to protest against Aznar and his Popular Party, blaming them for Spain's subservience to Bush and making the country a target of terrorists. The crowds held signs that read: "The bombs that fell on Baghdad exploded in Madrid." The unpopular Aznar government was defeated at the polls by the Socialist Worker's Party, whose candidate Rodriguez Zapatero now becomes President!
Spain used to be hit by a traditional car bombing terrorism dued to the separatist ETA group. The bombings that caused death to 198 poeple in Madrid would be more comparable to an Al Quaeda scale terror act. This is Spain's first state-sponsored terrorist action.
Israel Wants US Report Held After the Hague (tags)
Israel has asked the U.S. administration to postpone publication of the State Department's annual report on human rights around the world, fearing it will be used against Israel in the discussion on the separation fence at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
Israeli Settlers Refuse To Leave Illegal Settlements -What Will PM Sharon Do Next? (tags)
The Jewish settler population grew by more than 5000 in the first half of 2003, Israel said on Thursday. The increase comes despite peace moves requiring Israel to halt construction in the settlements. The interior ministry said 5415 Israelis had moved to the new settlements since January, with the ultra-Orthodox West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit seeing the largest jump of more than 1000 newcomers.
145 Illegal Setttlements: No Bulldozers In Sight (tags)
There are around 261 Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The Israeli government considers 145 of them as illegal
Nablus: Why Is This Story NOT Reported or Reported Correctly? (tags)
Contrary to how the media is reporting it January 4, 2004: 4 Killed in Nablus. One hiding behind a taxi (age 19) One standing and talking (age 26) One throwing rocks (age 15) One carrying the other's body (age 22) Only one had weapon (rocks) age 15
Bush, Sharon should share same destiny (tags)
Iran's supreme leader: Bush, Sharon ought to suffer same destiny as Saddam
The SHORTWAVE REPORT 12/5/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Spain, and Cuba.
Syrian PM criticizes U.S. presence in Iraq (tags)
The threatened U.S. sanctions will have no effect on Syria, and the Syrian government will never endorse the American presence in Iraq, Prime Minister Naji al-Otari said in remarks published Friday.
Asylum is a Human Right: A Dishonored Promise (tags)
"For a long while, the human right to asylum was a mere proclamation and never had a legally binding character for nation states. The human right to asylum is the hope of millions of refugees for a secure existence." translated from the German
This article points out that while there are several "peace initiatives" and much discussion about "Palestinian Refugees" and their "right of return"; no one ever defines the term. This article does that.
Report: U.S.-Israel relations "on verge of crisis" (tags)
The prime minister "isn't acting as a friend, isn't keeping promises and is ignoring the Bush administration's difficult situation in Iraq and the criticism of the president," the officials said, quoted by the radio. Sharon is reportedly ignoring a series of critical messages received from administration officials, including their support for private peace initiatives such as the Geneva Accords.
A Sad Day For Civil Liberty In Israel (tags)
The only "Democracy" in the Middle East locks up a Man for writing a Pamphlet informing people of their Legal "Rights".
Sharon grilled by police in corruption probe (tags)
JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was grilled for seven hours by fraud squad detectives over a simmering corruption scandal involving two of his sons, police sources said.
Security tactics will fuel terror, says Israel's army chief (tags)
The chief of Israel's defence forces has sparked a row with the Government by telling journalists that harsh Israeli security policies were provoking despair among Palestinians and would lead to more terrorism. "Poor Ariel" he is so beset. Couldn't happen to a "nicer" guy.
Syrian whispers: The lack of press freedom in Syria causes more speculative rumour than it prevents
Speech By Swedish Prime Minister at Memorial for Foriegn Minister Anna Lindh (tags)
With her burning international involvement since her teens, with Olof Palme as her model. . .Anna Lindh did not just speak for Sweden in the world. She also spoke for the world in Sweden.
Another Israeli Raid Against Civilians Funded By US Tax Dollars (tags)
"Israel's Channel 10 TV said that none of the dead were militants, characterizing the refugee camp strike as a "mistake."Residents said one of the dead was a doctor who was treating victims when a second missile struck. The identity of the other victims was not immediately known."
BTL:Excerpts of Sept. 27 speech in New York City by Cuba's foreign minister... (tags)
...Felipe Perez-Roque. Produced by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari
Belgium war crimes cases dismissed (tags)
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- Belgium's highest court dismissed war crimes complaints Wednesday against former U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, ruling the country no longer has a legal basis to charge them.
First They Come for the Lawyers (tags)
The Rot at the top of the Republic is such now that the Junta must prevent Cleric's from doing their duty to whom they Minister. After all you can't have Homer Simpson and the rest of the Brain Dead Public learning the truth concerning the Hitlerian Concentration Kamp at Guantanamo.
Israel-Palestine the threats to Arafats life in the end the USA always backs the Zionists (tags)
Israel- Palestine
One can be a great humanitarian in this world but cannot live a long life. The news of the assassination of Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh reached me on this amazing compound in the foothills of the California Sierra Nevada Mountains more than a week after the tragedy occurred.
The World condemns Israeli racism... (tags)
ISRAEL IS DEMOCRATIC? FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION? THINK AGAIN.... JERUSALEM - Israeli leaders shrugged off condemnation of their decision to "remove" Yasser Arafat whenever they choose, saying Friday the Palestinian leader should have been ousted long ago and the world has no right to judge a nation facing constant suicide bombings.
Israel murders Swedish Foreign Minister (tags)
Israel murders Swedish politician.
Calls Mount for Blair to Quit Over Iraq (tags)
LONDON (Reuters) - Pressure mounted on Sunday for British Prime Minister Tony Blair to quit over his part in the suicide of a weapons expert at the heart of a furious row over the government's case for going to war in Iraq.
British Minister Claims 9-11 Advance Complicity, U.S. Goal is Oil Hegemony (tags)
Mr Meacher says the US goal is "world hegemony, built around securing by force command over the oil supplies", and also claims in an article in today's Guardian that the war on terrorism is a smokescreen and that the US knew in advance about the September 11 attack on New York but, for strategic reasons, chose not to act on the warnings.
Israel Inquiry Finds Pattern of Prejudice Toward Arab Citizens (tags)
Well, it looks like the Israeli police force is prejudiced against Arabs after all... (dont tell Fresca that...she'll call you an anti-semite) hA h@ Ha
The Death of Dr.Kelly-Britain rocked by Political crisis (tags)
Irag- History will forgive us or Mr.Bush's Poodle Barks again (tags)
Irag-Bush and Blair
Blair losing power, GW's next (tags)
The controversy over weapons of mass destruction seems likely to continue for Tony Blair. Now the Leader of the House has admitted the Prime Minister has a 'particular problem' with public trust.
Israeli's sense they've won (tags)
Israeli officials are expressing growing confidence that after 33 months they have defeated the Palestinian uprising, or intifada.
In The Beginning there was Terror (tags)
So, with the suppression of the actual History of the founding of Israel come the PR Flacks retelling a more palatable and "heroic" beginning. However, is the new revised story true?
Why the U.S. must invade Canada -- now (tags)
It didn't support the war, it's soft on pot and gays, its economy is rolling and U.S. troops are bored. Anyway, reasons to invade countries are no longer needed!
The Israeli army has arrested peace activist Huwaida Arraf for protesting the abuse of a Palestinian trying to cross an illegal checkpoint near Nablus. Peace groups around the world are dumbfounded by these malicious and confusing Israeli actions.
Huwaida Arraf Arrested at Huwara Checkpoint Please Protest (tags)
From Bad To Worse: ISM founder Huwaida Arraf was taken into custody at Huwara Checkpoint near Nablus today after she protested the abusive treatment Palestinians were receiving from Israeli forces.
Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)
"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."
Jewish settlers build new outposts (tags)
Israeli-Palestinian violence that has battered the peace plan affirmed at a June 4 summit in Aqaba, Jordan. "(Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon wasn't serious when he said at the Aqaba summit that he would dismantle outposts," said Yariv Oppenheimer of Israel's Peace Now group, which opposes settlements on land seized in the 1967 Middle East war.
Israel seeks formal "Jewish" state label (tags)
Israel's diplomatic efforts appear to be focused on U.S. officials who are helping prepare Bush's subsequent meeting Wednesday in Aqaba, Jordan, with Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, and Jordan's King Abdallah II expected to attend.
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy succeeds in eliminating a critic in the person of an Editor of a major daily newspaper. A journalist says, "Now we really are just one step away from a dictatorship."
Great News! More peace-loving Arab freedom fighting to apologize for.
Israeli forces raided the ISM office this morning, confiscating equipment and material and snatching three women. At 12:30pm on Friday, May 9, approximately 20 military vehicles, army jeeps and a large armored personnel carrier (intended for many arrests) surrounded the ISM media office in Beit Sahour.
Iranian Culture minister calls for freedom of press (tags)
Speaking on the "World Day of Freedom of the Press," Iran's Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Ahmad said that the war in Iraq proves the world has moved to a new phase of a free, multi-media press.
Protocols of the Elders of NeoCons (tags)
What the administration fails to understand is that it cannot hide or ignore the huge elephant in the middle room, namely Israel. Retired US Gen. Anthony Zinni said “my worst nightmare would be an Al-Jazeera TV picture of American troops in combat fighting Iraqis, at the same time the Israeli defense forces is in the West Bank and Gaza killing Arabs.
GREECE: VIOLENCE ERUPTS NEAR EU SUMMIT,Militant Anti-War Demonstrations at EU Su (tags)
Not all Australians are 'willing' subjects of the Pax Americana (tags)
An anti-war protestor in Australia talks about the situation downunder. Wants to know, when will you impeach Bush?
Spanish journalists stand up for fallen colleagues (tags)
When will American journalists learn to be so bold as to stand up for what's right?
Mohammed Said Sahaf wages war on reality (tags)
Hussein's glib spokesman has won the admiration of Arabs by insulting the U.S. and reporting fantastic victories for Iraq.
Bush and Blair to meet on Iraq (tags)
Bush and Blair to meet to discuss how they will carve up Iraq's oil reserves for the benefit of U.S. and British Petroleum companies.
europe says Osama Bin Bush a religious fundamentalist (tags)
europe catches on to shrub's "crusade"
US, British forces report gains in south; Iraqi minister denies opposition group's claim o (tags)
Article from Jordan Times...via Al Jazeerah web site
Iraq Crisis Hour By Hour (tags)
Notice in particular 1743. This is basically an admission that the war has nothing to do with Saddam Hussein or Weapons of Mass Destruction® (The White House 2001).
Photos Shows Rachel Corey Was Murdered! (tags)
Photos show Rachel Corey was Murdered! Associated Press & Haaretz Reports Available Now.
Millions stop work as anti-war protests sweep Europe and beyond (tags)
"backers of Washington's hard line like Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and Australian Prime Minister John Howard are defying hostile public opinion.... On the other side of the globe, Howard was hounded by anti-war protesters who hurled eggs and tomatoes at his car...
Growing opposition to a U.S. war against Iraq was clearly in evidence on March 10 when, Win Without War, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Artists United to Win Without War delivered petitions bearing more than a million names from 200 countries to the United Nations Security Council.
Serbian puppet knocked out (tags)
Djindjic in Belgrade killed: Serbia Prime Minister shot. State of emergency imposed. Germany's important man on the Balkans dead. On Wednesday the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic died into Belgrade with the second attempt within few weeks.
UK Minister Clare Short Threatens to Resign Over Iraq War (tags)
BREAKING NEWS! Labour Party Secretary for Internat'l Dev'ment Clare Short has publicly threatened to resign over Blair's "extraordinarily reckless" stance on Iraq
Quite rightly
Area from Egypt to Iraq (tags)
The metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making. The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.
Staggering London Demo versus staggering hypocrisy (tags)
Tonto Blairs expensive education may have taught him how to spell the words hypocrisy and Morality but he sure as hell does not what they mean.
Israel scorns 'anti-semitic little Belgium' (tags)
Israel accused Belgium of anti-semitism yesterday following a court decision which could lead to the prosecution of Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister. The Belgian supreme court ruled on Wednesday that Israeli military commanders could be prosecuted for complicity in the massacre of 800 Palestinians in Lebanon in 1982.
Secret UK Dossier Powell Cited at UN: 12-Yr-Old Internet Article By Student (tags)
This story isn't getting a lot of press here, but it's SCREAMING HEADLINES !!! in Europe. It turns out that most of Powell's "secret" info re Iraq was a cut & paste job from a 12 year old article by a California grad student found on the internet,as well as data lifted from Janes Report. Below is the blandest of summaries, but one of the few published in the US. However, ALL OF EUROPE is reading about this! Blair's support of war is being savaged.
Sharon Proposed to Attack Iraq (tags)
(An article by political correspondent Zvi Gilat in Hadashot, published Feb. 14, 1991)
Top Cop in Nepal killed (tags)
Shrestha is the first top-ranking official to have been targeted by the rebels and was the first Inspector General of Police (IGP) of the 15,000-member APF raised about one-and-half-year ago to combat insurgents.
Seven-year-old boy, killed by army fire (tags)
Also Sunday, a seven-year-old Palestinian boy was killed and his six-year-old brother were wounded by army fire while playing near a military outpost on the outskirts of the Rafah refugee camp in southern Gaza, relatives said.
Protesters carry placards during an anti-war rally in central Tokyo January 18, 2003. More than 5,000 protesters rallied in the Japanese capital to voice their opposition to a possible U.S. attack on Iraq in one of the earliest waves of demonstrations set to take place in more than 25 countries around the world. (Kimimasa Mayama/Reuters)
BiBI's Election Day Surprise!!! (tags)
BiBi WAS slated to lose to the more moderate Sharon (can you believe it!), when, SURPRISE!!! Palestinian terrorists shoot-up a Likud polling booth, killing 5 Israelis ON ELECTION DAY! WHAT LUCK FOR BIBI!!
As he drags the world to pointless destruction...
Little Israel Demands 10 $Billion More! (tags)
Not content with the $4billion we GIVE them every year, not content that Americans will DIE fighting ISRAEL'S enemy, Iraq, Israel NOW demands 10 $billion more!
Bush is a moron, says Chretien aide (tags)
PRESIDENT BUSH was called a moron by the Canadian Prime Minister’s spokeswoman in an unguarded remark at the Nato summit.
Building Bridges Radio-The Murders of Colombian Unionists Continue (tags)
This 27 min radio program can be heard by clicking on the indymedia link. Building Bridges:Community & Labor Report is broadcast over WBAI,99.5fm in NYC -Mondays from 7-8PM EST. It is streamed live at
The SHORTWAVE REPORT 11/8/02 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Germany, Netherlands, Russia, and Cuba.
Taliban Foreign Minister's Advance Warning of 9/11 Ignored, sez UK Independent (newspaper) (tags)
Weeks before the terrorist attacks on 11 September, the United States and the United Nations ignored warnings from a secret Taliban emissary that Osama bin Laden was planning a huge attack on American soil. ..The warnings were delivered by an aide of Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil, the Taliban Foreign Minister at the time, who was known to be deeply unhappy with the foreign militants in Afghanistan, including Arabs.
Shut Down AIPAC's National Summit! (tags)
Atlanta, GA October 5-7
Israeli Right-wing Minister Effi Eitam wants to KILL Marwan Barghouti (tags)
Support immediate release of elected Palestinian Parliamentarian Marwan Barghouti, one of the leading Palestinian reformers by signing the online petition! Pass it to others Please.
A place for a terrorist to hide (tags)
General article on terrorism in our society.
South African Apartheid in Israel (tags)
"It is shameful and disgraceful that the so-called civilized world is now embracing a new apartheid which is even more sinister than the defunct apartheid of South Africa" - PA minister of Labor Rafiq Natshe.
Israel's Likud - No Palestinian State, EVER! (tags)
Read the following and weep... say goodbye to the "peace process."
Israel the world worst place to be a journalist (tags)
At the top of the list is the West Bank, where Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon's government has used extraordinary force to keep journalists from covering its recent military incursion
The Minister of Justice and the very dangerous lunatic subversives (tags)
This morning Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc, had the doubtful honor of being chosen as the target of a verbal broadside by Justice Minister Meir Sheetrit. The minister was apparently ired by the Jan.9 forum discussion on war crimes held under Gush Shalom auspices at the Tzavta Hall in Tel-Aviv, and particularly at the suggestion made by several speakers that peace-seeking Israeli groups start preparing war crime dossiers against military officers known to have ordered or carried out specific violations of international law
The Minister of Justice and the very dangerous lunatic subversives (tags)
This morning Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc, had the doubtful honor of being chosen as the target of a verbal broadside by Justice Minister Meir Sheetrit. The minister was apparently ired by the Jan.9 forum discussion on war crimes held under Gush Shalom auspices at the Tzavta Hall in Tel-Aviv, and particularly at the suggestion made by several speakers that peace-seeking Israeli groups start preparing war crime dossiers against military officers known to have ordered or carried out specific violations of international law
How the IMF/WB make domestic economic policy in Argentina (tags)
Transcript of a story told by Beverly Keene of Servicio Paz y Justicia (Service for Peace and Justice) and Jubilee South, both in Argentina.
The globelized corporations, driven by intense competition for control of foreign markets and low cost natural resources and cheap labor make the same mitakes now that they did in the Korean and Viet wars.
MID-EAST REALITIES © - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/17: For some time now Palestinians have been warning that because of Israel's assassination of Palestinian leaders, "crossing the red line" in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they would respond. When one of the founders of the PLO was assassinated by helicopter missile shot directly into his body as he sat working in his high-rise office in Ramallah in late August, many have expected that some counter-assassination attempt would be made by Palestinians. Today is just happened:
Another mistake for Italian prime minister
British Prime Minister Tony Blair's Speech (tags)
British Prime Minister Tony Blair's speech confirming British participation.
facist Italian prime minister says Western civilization superior to Islamic (tags)
He told a news conference, "We must be aware of the superiority of our civilization, a system that has guaranteed well-being, respect for human rights and -- in contrast with Islamic countries -- respect for religious and political rights, a system that has as its values understandings of diversity and tolerance." hah! like he cares about human rights or freedom. dirty facist.
Breaking news: Italy's interior minister Scajola resigns (tags)
Italy's interior minister Claudio Scajola has stepped down this morning august 28th.
Jewish shareholders play hardball over CNN's Intifada coverage (tags)
Jewish shareholders play hardball over CNN's Intifada coverage
Britain's Top Military Officer Questions Star Wars-No Evidence It Will Work (tags)
Britain's most senior military officer has questioned American plans for a missile defence shield - saying he has seen no evidence that the technology will work. This contrasts sharply with Prime Minister Tony Blair's uninformed support. He's also concerned it will leave no money for anything else.
Oil and Slavery in Sudan (tags)
Talisman Energy is complicit in human rights violations ranging from slavery to genocide.
Dagger Aimed at Sharon Really Meant for Israel (tags)
This week, Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization, said that Sharon — now Israel's prime minister — should be put on trial as a war criminal for what happened in 1982. "There's no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity," says Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. I suppose this should make me sympathetic to the campaign to brand Sharon a war criminal. But I'm not, because I don't think Human Rights Watch is acting in good faith.
Dagger Aimed at Sharon Really Meant for Israel (tags)
This week, Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization, said that Sharon — now Israel's prime minister — should be put on trial as a war criminal for what happened in 1982. "There's no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity," says Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. I suppose this should make me sympathetic to the campaign to brand Sharon a war criminal. But I'm not, because I don't think Human Rights Watch is acting in good faith.
BUSH places Irish groups on terrorist list/FBIbritish infiltrates US group (tags)
FBI and British agent provocateur disrupts US Irish groups.
COUP WATCH: Cuba Offers To Send Election Observers If Revote Is Ordered (tags)
The Associated Press reports “Cuba's foreign minister said a new election in Florida would be a ‘reasonable’ way to resolve the disputed vote for U.S. president and offered to send observers to ensure fair balloting.”
Global Warming Hits Britain In Form of Floods, Gale Force Winds (tags)
Global warming is just one of many crucial issues missing from the US Presidential elections. But it's forced itself onto the attention of the British public.
Political prisoner in Belgium (tags)
Since the 14 th of July, Feriye Erdal, Anti Fascist militant, member of the DHKP-C (Turkish) is in hunger strike against here detention in prison in Belgium. She is imprisoned for more than 10 months. Here Health situation is getting worse, we need to act now.