fix articles 11999, ftaa
Miami Model film screening 11/12 at 8pm-Flor y Canto (tags)
Miami Model- Indymedia film-2004 Friday Nov. 12th at 8pm Flor y Canto 3706 N. Figueroa 90065
Continental Social Alliance decides its own re foundation (tags)
Gathered in Quito, at the Americas Social Forum, the Hemispheric Council of the Continental Social Alliance has decided to remove the opposition to the FTAA from its foundational declaration, as one of its main goals. After analyzing the international scenario as well as evaluating the impact of its actions, delegates from all the American countries and the most important social organizations of the continent, decided the “fight against the FTAA” would become a “fight against free trade”.
Brazil and Argentina believe that the FTAA for 2005 is not possible (tags)
Brazilian Chancellor, Celso Amorim, and the Argentinean sub-secretary of Economic Integration, Eduardo Sigal, stated that the current situation of the FTAA negotiations makes impossible that the trade agreement will start working as it was expected on the beginning of 2005.
Chavez: the FTAA is dead (tags)
Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, expressed again that US project of completing a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is definitely dead. This time, the Venezuelan president made this balance at his arrival to Puerto Iguazu, in Misiones, Argentina, where he will participate on the Summit of MERCOSUR presidents.
Demonstration in Sao Paulo against the FTAA and the WTO (tags)
Yesterday, on Sao Paulo, where the 11th UNCTAD it’s having place , was made a demonstration protesting against the World Trade Organization, the Free Trade Area of the Americas and the war strategy of United States.
FTAA Indymedia: The Miami Model (tags)
On Friday 16th April there will be a screening of the documentary The Miami Model. Produced by the FTAA Indymedia Video Collective, it is an exploration of the extreme police brutality that took place against activists opposing the FTAA and NAFTA in Miami last November.
Callout to International Mobilization Against the FTAA/bFTA's for April 17 (tags)
This is a callout from the anti-FTAA campaign based in Quito, Ecuador. Recognising that bilateral free trade agreements with the United States have replaced the FTAA as the new and immediate threat for the Andean and Central American nations, we call out for an international network of solidarity to fight neoliberalist politics and mobilize on April 17 international day of peasant struggles.
Peasants and workers demonstrate against the FTAA in Puebla. (tags)
Mainly Mexican peasants and unions organizations have demonstrated in Puebla, against the FTAA negotiations, that are having place in that Mexican city.
Demonstrations against the FTAA in the entire continent will increase (tags)
The possibility of create an opposition front to the FTAA that includes some Latin-American governments and the increase of popular demonstrations will be main issues of discussion in the 3rd Hemispheric Encounter against the FTAA, that is having place in Havana, Cuba.
Miami FTAA Protest: Cops Rampage Against Youth, Labor (tags)
What Strategy to Defeat Imperialism?
Amazing FTAA Article on (tags)
This article is now on the front page of It accurately descrbes the massive illegal police operation in Miami during the protests against the FTAA and the continued loss of our civil liberties and first amendment rights.
In Miami last month, trade ministers from around the Americas gathered for talks on the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
Resistance in Occupied Miami (tags)
BTL:Police Attack Protesters at Miami's FTAA Summit While Negotiators... (tags)
...Scale Back Scope of Free Trade Treaty. Interview with Karen Hansen-Kuhn, international coordinator with the Alliance for Responsible Trade, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Urgent Call to Action In Support of jailed FTAA Protesters in Miami (tags)
Unjustly jailed FTAA protesters need your support to get everyone out of jail and get all charges dropped. Send a free fax to Miami City Mayor below or make calls!
One LA Activist's Report Back From Miami (tags)
A report of the situation and my arrest in Miami.
A Well Deserved Beating (tags)
FTAA in Miami
In the midst of Miami's FTAA chaos we fed the homeless and guerrilla stickered the city (tags)
Despite all the bad images and problems of the FTAA protest there was some very positive things that also happened. There were many people that took time to commit acts of social responsibility and acts of kindness.
Solidarity Statement of SOA, FTAA & Bush Protests (tags)
Joint Solidarity Statement of The Stop the War Coalition (UK), The Mobilization to Stop the FTAA (US), and The School of the Americas Watch Movement (US)
BTL:FTAA Summit in Miami Greeted by Massive Protests Opposing... (tags)
...Anti-Democratic Corporate Agenda for the Americas. Interview with George Naylor, president of the National Family Farm Coaltion, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Infoshop News to provide expanded coverage of the FTAA protests (tags)
Infoshop News will be providing special coverage of this week's protests in Miami, Florida, against the FTAA.
CKUT Radio: Miami Mobilization to Defeat the FTAA (tags)
‘Free trade’ scam:‘It’s bad for workers everywhere’ (tags)
“We’ll be marching with truck drivers and electrical workers, nurses and teachers, health care workers and Teamsters, all kinds of working people,” Fred Frost, president of the South Florida AFL-CIO, told the Miami Herald.
Stop the FTAA (amsellem) (tags)
cartoon © 2003 by charles amsellem. all rights reserved. activists may reproduce for non-profit use only.
GAPATISTAS RIDE AGAIN: We'd Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear Gap!!! (tags)
Please join us for the Hollywood premiere of our GAPATISTA ROAD SHOW to Miami to stop the FREE TRADE AREA OF THE AMERICAS (FTAA) Nov 17--21, where up to 100,000 protestors are expected to converge!!! At the Hollywood Gap action we’ll march to the doors of the Gap with a giant 200-year-old redwood stump, logged by the Fishers of Gap, Inc. A mini FTAA & LOCAL ISSUES TEACH-IN will ensue, using the stump as a stage. Speakers will alternate with GREAT SONGS and RADICAL CHEERS, all building to the CLIMACTIC MOMENT when we STRIP for JUSTICE IN FOREST, FIELD, & FACTORY!!! We’ll round off the action with lealfeting and one-on-one. Come Strip with us for Redwoods and Workers Rights, for Global Ecology and Global Justice!!! Bring drums, noise-makers, and outlandish underwear!!!
Gap Road Show to Miami-FTAA hits Hollywood 11/11: “We’d Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear Gap (tags)
Hollywood, CA: Gapatistas will climb atop a 5.5 foot wide redwood stump, and strip for the redwoods and workers' rights at the Hollwyood/Highland Gap store, Nov. 11, at noon, first stop on a 3,000 mile road show to Miami-FTAA. Join us!
"We'd rather wear nothing than wear Gap!": Gapatista Road Show to Miami FTAA (tags)
Gapatistas will strip for the redwoods and workers' rights at the Hollwyood/Highland Gap store, Nov. 11, at noon, the first stop on a 3,000 mile road show to the FTAA protests in Miami. The protest occurs atop a 5.5 foot wide redwood stump. Join us!
Padded Bloc FAQ for Miami (tags)
Basic information on the planned Padded Bloc in Miami, including frequently asked questions.
Report from Chicago FTAA Consulta (tags)
*** Report from the Chicago Consulta on the FTAA *** On October 11 and 12 over 75 people representing 18 geographic locations came together to help form a strategy to shut down the FTAA Ministerial meetings taking place this November in Miami.
West Coast FTAA Consulta in SF Bay Area, Oct 18 (tags)
Activists around the west coast are converging on Oakland, California the weekend of Oct 18th for the West Coast FTAA Consulta. Full details below.
Miami Farce: Rebelde Articulado (tags)
Another Future is Necessary! Let us take the Cancun victory forward and win battle to end 4WW before hegemonic policies of the US-EU Empire kill more millions everywhere. WTO, FTAA-ALCA-NAFTA disbanded, replaced with open forum to address many problems faced everyday by most people:
Has Miami Lost Its Marbles? (tags)
Miami's City Commission is trying to pass an ordinance banning all kinds of things in the city limits durin gthe FTAA protests in Nov. Read about the ordinance and what you can do about it!
Pittsburgh FTAA consulta report for Miami (tags)
report on the ftaa consulta in Pittsburgh. With discussion about general disruption and padded bloc actions.
Transform Columbus Day 2003 update (tags)
Updated schedule of events for the Transform Columbus Day action in Denver, Colorado, October 10th - 12th
Western US Anti-capitalist/Anti-imperialist consulta for the FTAA (tags)
a consulta to facilitate the sharing of resources and to help plug people in to already existing resources from the CO caravan as well as discuss anti-capitalist strategy
Stop The FTAA: Important Consulta Aug 29-31st in Pittsburgh (tags)
Information on a pivotal consulta to plan for the protests in Miami. The Miami summit will take place Nov. 20-21st assuming the tens of thousands of protesters from across the hemisphere dont shut it down.
Updated: Call for a padded bloc at the Nov. 20-21 FTAA meetings in Miami (tags)
updated information on organizing for a padded contingent for the Nov. 20-21st FTAA meetings in Miami (with endorsers, logistics, and more) This contingent will take action with a determination to disrupt the meetings.
A Day Hopeful and Radiant: The Miami Call to Action (final draft) (tags)
This day is called the feast of Crispian: He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. She that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast her neighbours, And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:' Then will she strip her sleeve and show her scars. And say 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.'
Latin America fights neolibralism (tags)
Despite the murderous repression that the Pinochet regime was known for, thousands of Chileans took to the streets in mass demonstrations. With the economy collapsing, the fascist government was forced to rehire public sector workers and reinstitute many of the laws and programs in place before the coup.
Resist the FTAA Consulta (tags)
Resist the Free Trade Area of the Americas Anti-capitalist consulta: JUNE 7-8 This is a call for an anti-capitalist coordinating/planning meeting to begin preparations for actions against the FTAA ministerial meeting being held in Miami, Florida on November 20-22, 2003. We hope that this consulta will be an opportunity to build a broad based, diverse anti-capitalist response to the ministerial.
Halt US Intervention in Latin America, get in the streets in the South this Fall!
Cascadia Media Collective Presents... (tags)
The Cascadia Media Collective's newest film, Guerrilla Video Primer, will rock your heart, head and body.
FTAA and Government Repression in Ecuador: an eyewitness account (tags)
Globalization is supposed to make communication easier. But when the leaders of Ecuador`s social movements tried to deliver a letter critiquing neoliberal globalization to Summit of the Presidents of S. America, they were arrested, roughed up, and their giant letter was destroyed. This highlights the need for international support for the massive protest planned at the 7th summit of the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Ecuador in October.
Fight FTAA Insanity!!!!! (tags)
The FTAA has been called "NAFTA on steroids".... and this ain't producing any homerun records... rather, just making people run from their homes... get involved!
NOW'S THE TIME to bring pressure to bear directly on Congress to stop fast track legislation. They know that lots of people have been out in the street against the FTAA. They need to hear the same message from us as "ordinary constiuents." Background information and actions/instructions provided.
The largest mass mobilization in Southern California since the Democratic National Convention protests ihas momentum building behind it as activists announce a July 20 planning meeting at CARECEN. NO TO THE FTAA, NO TO PLAN COLOMBIA are issues included in the recently released "Call."
June 19, 2001 over 250 giant corporations from across the country came together in the Ronald Reagan International Trade Building in Washington DC to announce a new business coalition, USTrade, that will work to push the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), a new round of the WTO, and especially FAST TRACK in the U.S. Congress. A preliminary analysis of those present at the meeting indicates large numbers of wealthy Caucasian males wearing expensive suits.
Québécois have understood … (tags)
A recent survey done by the research company SOM and published in Montreal’s La Presse newspaper show the collapse of support for globalization in Québec.
FTAA Reporting in U.S. Corporate Media: Infrequent, Imbalanced & Substanceless (tags)
U.S. corporate media have openly acknowledged the importance of the FTAA, yet have not significantly covered it. At the same time, the little coverage that exists has been imbalanced and generally lacking of substance.
UCSD students at FTAA Protest (bilingüe) (tags)
Foto de estudiantes de la Universidad de California en San Diego (localizado en La Jolla), demostrando solidaridad y protestan contra el ALCA tambien.... Picture of University of California, San Diego (in La Jolla) students protesting against the FTAA in San Diego, and showing their solidarity in protest against the FTAA
FTAA o el ALCA causará militarizacion racizta y un ataque contra el medio ambiente, y explotacion de trabajadores
Flags and Banners at FTAA Protest-SD (bilingüe) (tags)
banderas y pancartas en Larson Park en San Ysidro, durante la protesta contra el ALCA...Abril 27, 2001 Flags and Banners at Larson Park in San Ysidro, during the protest against the FTAA on April 27, 2001
San Diego Protest FTAA @end of April (tags)
picture from the FTAA protest at Larsen Park... in San Ysidro foto de la protesta desde Larsen Park en la ciudad de San Ysidro California, Abril 27, 2001
Fortune 500 Takeover of the Americas (tags)
Fortune 500 Takeover of the Americas
Stop the FTAA
Free America - Trade Bush (tags)
Free America - Trade Bush
Breaking the Barricades: The Battle Against the Free Trade Area of the Americas (tags)
While the heads of state met with their corporate allies to move toward implementation of the FTAA by 2005, activists outside this 400-year-old walled city staged militant protests condemning the secrecy of the negotiations and the erosion of democracy they claim is the result of surrendering government power to transnational corp.
Important stories and photos of arrests, gassing, assaults and bravery in the face of massive police oppression. This zine shows the power and beauty in what demonstrators did last weekend, as well as the horror. We hope you print off a few copies of this and distribute it in your community as a fundraiser for those arrested and illegally detained in Quebec. Thank you.
San Diego activists send a clear message to the FTAA. Lenght 20 seconds Flmed at Larsen Park, San Yisidrio April 21, 2001
Musica de las playas Tijuana (tags)
A 45 second clip of an all girl band rocking the crowd in Tijuana, MX. No To The FTAA
U.S./Mexico Action - Chicano Militant (tags)
Photo of a young Chicano Militant at the FTAA border protest
Anarchists Prepare to Descend Upon Los Angeles for MayDay (tags)
As FTAA protests come to a end the anarchists prepare to launch a new battle in the Southern California area. May Day 2001.
San Diego/Tijuana FTAA Protest, April 21, 2001 (tags)
Despite uncharacteristic, heavy rains in Tijuana and San Diego there was a large showing at the bi-national protest against the FTAA. Youth activists, union leaders, environmentalists among others gathered together at Larson Park within sight of the demilitarized zone of the U.S. – Mexican Border.
San Diego/Tijuana border FTAA protest (tags)
California Divisional Highway riot police protecting? the freeway border crossing into Mexico from the marching FTAA protestors at the border...
Local news station has a poll asking if you agree with the policies of the FTAA.
Boulder, CO Anti-FTAA Solidarity Action (tags)
An anti-FTAA and fair trade rally and march was held in Boulder, Colorado in solidarity with the FTAA demonstrations taking place everywhere. An estimated 150 people attended...
Labor Marches to Illegal Perimeter (tags)
being carried by labor union marchers to the illegal perimeter in Quebec City to protest the FTAA.
Demonstrator @ FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Ysidro, 21 April 2001 (tags)
Demonstrator @ FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Ysidro, 21 April 2001
FTAA Demonstration at Larsen Park, San Ysidro, 21 April 2001 (tags)
FTAA Demonstration at Larsen Park, San Ysidro, 21 April 2001
Demonstrators at FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego 21 April 2001 (tags)
Demonstrators at FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego 21 April 2001
FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego, 21 April 2001 (tags)
Speakers at FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego, 21 April 2001
Women's Workers/Janitors' Unions, FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego 21 Apr 01 (tags)
Women's Workers/Janitors' Unions, FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego 21 Apr 01
FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego 21 April 2001 (tags)
FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego 21 April 2001
Global Women's Workers at FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego, 21 April 2001 (tags)
Global Women's Workers at FTAA Demo, Larsen Park, San Diego, 21 April 2001
Int'l Socialist Organization, FTAA Demo, Larsen Park , San Diego, 21 April 2001 (tags)
Int'l Socialist Organization, FTAA Demo, Larsen Park , San Diego, 21 April 2001
Performers at Larsen Park FTAA Demo, 21 April 2001 (tags)
Performers at Larsen Park FTAA Demo, 21 April 2001
FTAA Demonstration 21 April 2001 at Larsen Park, San Diego (tags)
FTAA Demonstration 21 April 2001 at Larsen Park, San Diego
Sending Supplies to FTAA Border protest from Chicano Park (tags)
Activists loading the van with supplies that FTAA border protestors might need later on in the day.
Chiapas Bus @ Chicano Park in Barrio Logan, San Diego, CA (tags)
This bus recently returned from Chiapas, is preparing for Chicano Park demonstrations, in solidarity with the FTAA. The 31st Chicano Park Anniversary coincided with the FTAA Border protest.
Congressman Filner at San Diego FTAA forum (tags)
Comment by one attendee on remarks and personal interaction with Congressman Bob Filner at San Diego FTAA forum/teachin
Leone Hankey's Statement on April 21 FTAA Protests at the border (tags)
Leone Hankey's Statement on the April 21 Protests at the San Diego/Tijuana border -- from an April 17 press conference outside the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles.
Schedule of FTAA Events in the Tijuana/ San Diego Area, April 16-23 (tags)
April 16-23 Schedule of FTAA Events in the Tijuana/ San Diego Area
April 16-23 Schedule of FTAA Events in the Tijuana/ San Diego Area (tags)
April 16-23 Schedule of FTAA Events in the Tijuana/ San Diego Area
Leonard Peltier On The FTAA--Roots In Colonization, Feudalism & Imperialism (tags)
The FTAA is a continuation of the imperialism that began thousands of years ago in Europe…. Advocates of the FTAA would not dare refer to their policies as forms of colonization or feudalism…. Instead they will justify their actions in the name of "development" for the "poor" countries of Central and South America. Development? What the first peoples of the Americas need is "recovery" not development. Recovery from the very same colonization, domination, and genocide that multi-national corporations want to perpetuate for their own gains today.
Economics Instructor speeks about FTAA (tags)
Economics Instructor speeks about FTAA
FTAA Reporting in U.S. Corporate Media: Infrequent, imbalanced & substanceless (tags)
U.S. corporate media have openly acknowledged the importance of the FTAA, yet have not significantly covered it. At the same time, the little coverage that exists has been imbalanced and generally lacking of substance.
FTAA teach-in at University of California, Irvine April 11 (tags)
Teach-in on the FTAA this Wednesday APRIL 11 5-8.30 pm at UCI
Resist the FTAA in Arizona! (tags)
The Free Trade Area of the Americas plans to extend NAFTA across the entire Western hemisphere – from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego!
Arizona esta organizando..... (tags)
Arizona esta organizando.....resistencia contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio de las Americas (FTAA). Este es una buzqueda de informacion sobre el NLC y el FTAA.
FTAA? NLC? Not in Arizona! (tags)
People in Arizona are searching for information on the relationship of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) to the National Law Center (NLC) located in Tucson AZ (USA).
Shutdown the Summit of the Americas (tags)
Shutdown the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, Canada