fix articles 1100, forces Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : forces


How foreign policy elites are losing contact with their citizens (tags)

In addition to the destruction of two countries, trillions of squandered dollars, a massive refugee crisis, a new generation of U.S. war veterans in need of lifelong assistance, and countless dead as well as wounded, these "elites" are largely responsible for the distrust.

Ukraine war - a new stage (tags)

One of the peculiarities of this war is that it remains a war of aggression by Russia, but some characteristics have changed. When Tsar Putin gave the order for war in February, the war was against fascism in Ukraine...Putin's order for partial mobilization is also good news. It means that nuclear weapons will probably not be used.

Constant State of Emergency (tags)

The wars are waged by special forces, while the population is kept quiet in a permanent state of emergency under the slogan "war is peace" by full technical control, including mental and health surveillance. Anyone who questions this kind of peace is threatened with annihilation.

NATO ignites (tags)

The instrument of using half-truths is found in Nato propaganda where it cherry-picks Russian law-breaking in the Crimea crisis to portray Russia as a threat, forgetting the Western-blamed law-breaking in the weeks before: the pro-Western Yatsenyuk "interim government."

The US Lost in Afghanistan. But US Imperialism Isn't Going Anywhere (tags)

With the “Vietnam syndrome” reloaded, there is a strong mistrust against large-scale foreign expeditions among the US public, including the US military.

Capitalism as the religion of indebtedness and debt (tags)

In capitalism, the fundamental social relation is neither exchange nor production. Rather, it is debt that dominates and supersedes every other way of recognizing and valorizing the measure between people. Those who have money are creditworthy, manifesting the sign of God's grace.

USA under Trump: Back to Pinochet? (tags)

Only "political theater" is being staged to give Trump a "law and order" image in the election campaign. The president wants to make political capital out of the escalation, warned Governor Brown according to the news magazine Newsweek.

Book Announce: NAKBA 2020: World Order / Zionism Palestinian-Goyim Studies by ZahirEbrahim (tags)

FWIW, this final compendium of my work on Palestine spanning the years 2003–2020 is For The Record.

Crétinisme et jobarderie psychophysiologiques (tags)

Un monde prêt pour l'inhumanité généralisée...

June 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)

28 June 2019 is the 10 years anniversary date of the atrocious military coup in Honduras. Throughout June 2019, the strike and barricades of the education and healthcare sectors that began at the end of April 2019 continued, accompanied by the heavy cargo transport sector, paralysing the highways across the country and drying out petrol and electricity, driving into desperation the JOH (Juan Orlando Hernández – second term president by electoral fraud in 2017) dictatorship regime; this regime which only wants to keep privatising and repressing. This desperation translated into severe repression where gunshots were fired in many barricades on different dates and places wounding and on several occasions killing protesters.

From Progressive Neoliberalism to Trump - and Beyond (tags)

At first sight, today’s crisis appears to be political. Its most spectacular expression is right here, in the United States: Donald Trump—his election, his presidency, and the contention surrounding it. But there is no shortage of analogues elsewhere:

The Shortwave Report 07136/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan.

TheMilitary of Yemen IN In The 1990's (tags)


The challenges of building a united resistance in Duterte’s Philippines (tags)

Three decades after the People Power revolution ended the bloody regime of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, Asia’s oldest republic is at a crossroads. Since Rodrigo Duterte became president of the Philippines in June 2016, he has led an extrajudicial killing campaign that has taken over 12,000 lives. Officially cloaked as an anti-crime policy, his “war against drugs” has nevertheless failed to address the genuine roots of the country’s narcotics crisis. It has instead only worsened the situation by victimizing the urban poor at a staggering rate.

The Shortwave Report 02/16/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

With U.S. Backing, Turkey Invades Kurdish Syrian Afrin (tags)

U.S. and Turkish Troops Out of Syria!

U.S. Proxy War Update, Syria (tags)

[Photo: Syrian L-39 Albatros. One was shot down by U.S. armed, trained, & financed Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda) forces on December 26, 2017 using a man-portable air-defense system. The U.S. proxy jihadists captured the pilot, slit his throat, and shot him twice in the head. Like ISIS, who are almost identical ideologically and were a split from their forces, Jabhat al-Nusra posted their barbarity online to brag of it.]

October 2017 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

October has been a heavy month especially for farmers recovering land, indigenous community leaders defending their communities against mining and dam projects, and for journalists. Gunshots kept being fired by state contingents in evictions. A few people who have been targeted for their organising/work were assassinated, others are getting threats now.

Crétinisme et jobarderie psychophysiologiques (tags)

De la pollution biochimique crétinisante...

Crétinisme et jobarderie psychophysiologiques (tags)

De la pollution biochimique crétinisante...

PHILIPPINES: Call for a National Conference Against Dictatorship (tags)

Since he assumed office, President Rodrigo Duterte has still failed to fulfill his promise to “provide for those who have little”: Workers still continue to receive low wages and experience job insecurity because he has failed to fulfill his vow to end contractualization.

PHILIPPINES: Martial Law is Not the Answer! (tags)

Statements on the imposition of martial law in Mindanao

March 2017 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This March 2017 in Honduras, its now come up to one year since indigenous activist Berta Caceres was murdered. There's a summary on the info out there who's arrested, who's not, and the links to US school of the americas of two involved in this crime. On roles of local corruption and international finance and the news on these. On dangerous smear campaigns and who they are targetting now. Also in March, community radio journalist received death threat. Another radio correspondent received death threat too, of Radio Progreso. A copinh community radio got attacked. A human rights defendered arrested 'by mistake'. Political cleaning contracts. And more unionised melon workers fired.

The Shortwave Report 03/03/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

The Shortwave Report 01/13/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio .

Philippines: 100 Days of the Duterte Presidency (tags)

This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.

Iron Fist in Turkey (tags)

It’s enough to read just a few lines of the bourgeois press to get an idea of ​​what will happen after the failed coup of 15 July: “The iron fist of Erdogan after the failed coup in Turkey: I am ready to reinstate the death penalty. 8000 police officers were suspended, opponents were stripped naked and hog-tied. The European Union: If executions resume, Turkey will not enter Europe“(1).

Philippines: The Contradictions of the Duterte Regime (tags)

Based on a talk delivered at All Leaders Meeting of BMP-Sanlakas-PLM at Claret Parish Church on July 13, 2016.

VOID NETWORK On the tragic and the farcical of the British referendum An analysis about B (tags)

Analysis about BREXIT from a Greek Anarchist point of view

Defend Raqqa – Drive U.S./NATO Imperialists Out of Syria and Iraq! (tags)

A new stage has opened in the fighting in Syria and Iraq with the launching of offensives against the Islamic State (I.S.) by U.S. imperialism and its allies. On May 24 the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a military front dominated by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), announced the beginning of a drive on the de facto capital of the I.S. in Raqqa. They are participating in a military operation under direct U.S. command. Already U.S. commandos have been sighted carrying out operational activities at the front. Moreover, three days before the offensive was announced, the head of the U.S. Central Command, Gen. Joseph Votel, flew secretly to the area for an on-site inspection of preparations. Dropping leaflets calling on the population to flee the city, the imperialists are preparing a slaughter. Amid the all-sided communalist/sectarian civil war raging in Syria, internationalist communists (Trotskyists) call to defend Raqqa against the U.S.-led attack and the Kurdish and Arab forces serving as ground troops for the imperialists. In Iraq, the Shiite sectarian regime has launched an attack on the I.S. stronghold of Falluja, while U.S. and Kurdish forces threaten Mosul. We call to drive the imperialists out of the region and to defeat them by international workers action.

Philippines: The Duterte Phenomenon and out attitude towards it (tags)

Like it or not, Rodrigo Duterte has been leading the presidential polls in successive surveys.

Philippines' Bernie Sanders: A Conversation with Walden Bello (tags)

Without a doubt, Sanders has captured the imagination of people, especially the millennials, around the world.

Some countries question participation in NATO (tags)

The world studies my reports.

Quandary & Crisis Facing USA (tags)

My opinion follows on serious economic and political challenges on the horizon.

TPP: an attack on the GPL? (tags)

Read from the Ecommerce section of the TPP.

Philippines: Lumads to AFP, NPA: Leave us alone (tags)

MANILA, Philippines — A group claiming to represent 33 lumad (indigenous people) tribes in Mindanao on Friday urged the military and the rebel group New People's Army (NPA) to stop dragging them into their conflict and to respect their human rights and ancestral domain.

Genocide in Palestine (tags)


Israeli Forces Invade Palestinian Hospitals (tags)


US Intends "Direct Action on the Ground" Supporting ISIS (tags)


Netanyahu Says He'll "Live Forever by the Sword" (tags)


NYT Justifies US Afghan Hospital Bombing (tags)


Philippines: Alarming incidents of political violence related to 2016 polls (tags)

Akbayan Party-List condemns in the strongest terms possible the recent spate of political violence In what seems to be a prelude to the coming May 2016 elections, involving elected officials and others running for public office.

Putin's Righteous Syrian Mission Continues (tags)


Netanyahu Unleashes Settler Violence, Targets Palestinian Hospitals and Patients (tags)


Obama Abandons Scheme to Train Nonexistent Syrian Moderates (tags)


PA Officials Support Israeli Brutality (tags)


Israel: A Rogue Regime Fostering Violence, Racist Hate and Brutality (tags)


NYT Falsely Claims Russia Sending Troops to Syria (tags)


The Latest NYT Propaganda Piece on Syria (tags)


Russia's Upper House Authorizes Aerial Operations in Syria (tags)


Daily Israeli Violence (tags)


Israel's War on Al-Aqsa (tags)


Where Will It End? More Israeli Murders (tags)


Threatening Jeremy Corbyn (tags)


The Big Lie About Russian Forces in Syria (tags)


Blood in the Streets in Occupied Palestine (tags)


Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site for the Third Day (tags)


Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site (tags)


Obama's Covert Drone War on Syria (tags)


Guatemalan President Resigns: Faces Corruption Charges (tags)


US Occupies Yemeni Island (tags)


France, Germany and Russia Back Ceasefire in Donbass: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Kiev Mobilized for Full-Scale War on Donbass (tags)


US Dark Forces Stoke Violence and Instability in Latin America (tags)


No Letup in Anti-Russian Propaganda (tags)


Murder, Inc: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass (tags)


More Accusations of Nonexistent Russian Aggression in Ukraine (tags)


UK Special Forces Fighting Assad in Syria (tags)


Obama Orders Airstrikes to Defend ISIS in Syria (tags)


Israeli State Terror Without Mercy (tags)


US Wants Enhanced UN Peacekeepers Serving Its Interests (tags)


Israel Bombs Syria During Large-Scale War Games (tags)


Israel Attacks Islam's Third Holiest Site (tags)


Israel Murders Palestinians with Impunity (tags)


Tribute to Comrade Leoncio Pitao (Commander Parago) (tags)

I join the Filipino people, the people’s revolutionary government, the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People’s Army, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, the revolutionary mass organizations and other revolutionary forces in mourning the death of Comrade Leoncio Pitao (Commander Parago) and in celebrating his achievements from the time he joined the NPA in 1978 until his martyrdom yesterday on June 28, 2015.

Pentagon Declares Truth-Telling Journalist Unprivileged Belligerents (tags)

police state

NATO Preparing for War with Russia? (tags)


UN Report on Israel's 2014 Gaza War (tags)


Kiev's Junta Forces Terror Bomb Donbass (tags)


Putin Responds to US Provocations (tags)


US Escalates Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Kiev Pronounces Minsk Agreement Dead (tags)


Washington's Phony War on ISIS (tags)


US Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin Dempsey Irresponsibly Bashes Putin (tags)


Poroshenko Hypes Nonexistent Russian Invasion Threat (tags)


Kiev Renounces Minsk Ceasefire (tags)


Another Western Big Lie Exposed (tags)


Former Police State Leader/Wanted Man Appointed Ukrainian Governor (tags)


Israel's War on Palestinian Fishermen, Farmers and Children (tags)


Ukraine Threatens Total Blockade on Donbass (tags)


Abduction, Torture and Summary Killings of Palestinians by Hamas (tags)

‘Strangling Necks’: Abduction, Torture and Summary Killings of Palestinians by Hamas Forces During the 2014 Gaza/Israel Conflict

Mission Creep in Syria (tags)


Propaganda Accompanies Kiev's Buildup for Escalated Aggression (tags)


US-Supported Islamic State Terrorists Seize Palmyra (tags)


Kiev to Prosecute Two Russian Nationals As Terrorists (tags)


Ukraine: A Cancer in Europe's Heartland (tags)


Palestinian Authority Hypocrisy (tags)


US/Saudi Proposed 5-Day Ceasefire in Yemen: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Saudis Using US-Supplied Banned Terror Weapons Against Yemeni Civilians (tags)


Kiev's Poroshenko Vows Continued War (tags)


Rescued Animals go Back to the Jungle with Help from Peru’s Armed Forces (tags)

Dozens of native wildlife saved relocated to Amazon sanctuary in ADI mission

Obama's Endless War on Humanity (tags)


U-Sponsored Slow-Motion Genocide in Yemen (tags)


Kiev's Ongoing Dirty War o Donbass (tags)


America at War, Again (tags)


More US-Sponsored Middle East Aggression (tags)


US-Created Violence and Chaos in Yemen (tags)


Heading for WW III (tags)


Defrocked US General Blames Iran for US Crimes in Iraq (tags)


Lurching Toward Armageddon (tags)


Obama Risks WW III (tags)


The fall of the USA as a world leader (tags)

See my report on the fall of USA and imagine the effects on our people and the world.

Washington and Kiev Want War, not Peace (tags)


The Shortwave Report 03136/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

USA Today Reveals Ukrainian Forces Include Nazis (tags)


Ukraine on the Boil: Washington Prepares for Greater War (tags)


Washington Prepares for Ground War in Syria (tags)


The CIA-Controlled Neocon Washington Post (tags)


The Scourge of US-Installed Fascism in Europe's Heartland (tags)


No Let Up in Intense Anti-Russian Propaganda (tags)


Turkish Forces Attack Syrian Troops (tags)


Obama's Ukraine Agenda (tags)


Poroshenko Wants NATO Troops in Donbass (tags)


Bashing Russia and Rebels for Kiev Crimes (tags)


Kiev Surrenders Debaltsevo: A Key Strategic Victory for Rebel Forces (tags)


Ukraine Conflict Continues Despite Ceasefire (tags)


Washington Wants War with Russia (tags)


Ceasefire in Donbass? (tags)


Kiev Breaches Minsk Agreement (tags)


Minsk Agreement: What's Most important to Know (tags)


What's Next in Donbas? (tags)


Arming Ukraine: Ongoing Since Last Year (tags)


Kiev's Junta: Talking Peace, Waging War (tags)


Obama Wants Congressional Authorization for Unlimited War (tags)


NATO Heading for War with Russia? (tags)


Washington's Ukraine Agenda Risks WW III (tags)


West Intends More Heavy Weapons for Kiev's Battered Military (tags)


Kiev Junta Plans Escalated War (tags)


Putin's Message to Washington on Ukraine (tags)


Marupol Shelling: Kiev's Latest False Flag? (tags)


Lunatics Run the Washington Asylum (tags)


Pentagon Directing Kiev's War on Donbas? (tags)


NATO Commander Lies Claiming Possible Russian Invasion of Ukraine (tags)


Kiev State-Sponsored Murder in Donetsk (tags)


Baseless Accusations of Russian Troops in Ukraine (tags)


Genocide in Donbas (tags)


US-Backed Naked Kiev Aggression on Donbas (tags)


Kiev Planning Full-Scale War on Donbas (tags)


Paris Killings Postmortems (tags)

police state

Why Palestinian Sovereignty Matters (tags)


A Holiday Season Message (tags)


War in Ukraine Over Christmas (tags)


America: Cesspool of Terror (tags)


Israel's War on Press Freedom (tags)


Obama's Phony Turning Point (tags)


Chickens Coming Home to Roost (tags)


Israel Partners with Obama's War on Syria (tags)


US House Declares Cold War on Russia (tags)


Trigger-Happy: Profile of State-Sponsored Terrorism (tags)


Washington Covertly Arming Ukraine (tags)


Heading for Possible Global War (tags)


Unaccountable Israeli Settler Criminality (tags)


Afghanistan: War Without End, Permanent US Occupation (tags)


Looming US Ground Wars in Iraq and Syria (tags)


Dueling Ideologies: Russia v. America (tags)


NYT: Propaganda Bullhorn Rag Sheet (tags)


Kiev's War Without Mercy (tags)


Mission Creep in Iraq (tags)


Another Fake Russian Ukrainian Invasion (tags)


Israeli Iron Fist Ruthlessness (tags)


NTO Wants More Troops to Counter Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


Ukrainian Electoral Postmortems (tags)


Kiev War Crimes (tags)


Whitewashing Kiev Mass Murder (tags)


Obama's Syria Strategy (tags)


Saber Rattling Ahead of Resumed Ukraine Conflict (tags)


Illusory Ceasefire in Ukraine (tags)


Vice News reporting from besieged Kobane in north Syria (tags)

Vice news reporting from besieged Kobani reports ISIS is terrifyingly close to conquering that bastion of democratic councils

Enlisting Support for Imperial War (tags)


Humanitarian disaster unfolding today: IS encroaches on Kobane on five fronts (tags)

Dire news from northern Syria: The Islamic State is waging a massive offensive against its most hated enemy in Syria, the YPG (People's Defense Units) of Rojava, because they are anticapitalist, open to all religions, they invite women to participate at all levels of the organization, and have been collectivizing northern Syria into councils and workers' cooperatives since the Syrian government withdrew from that region in 2012. The YPG was inspired Kurdish leaders' reading Murray Bookchin and therefore seeks to be nonhierarchical and democratic. They are, incidentally, also the forces who actually rescued the Yesidis from Mount Sinjar, long before the first US airstrike. They truly are the Zapatistas of the east, and they deserve our support.

Anti-Assad Extremists and Obama Plan Coordinated Attacks on Syria (tags)


Kiev Grants Donbas Limited Special Status: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Obama Intends Escalating Middle East Aggression (tags)


Ukraine Peace Plan: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Hard Truths v. MSM Big Lies (tags)


Russia's Foreign Mnistry on Ukraine (tags)


Fact-Checking Obama (tags)


Big Lies Risk Confrontation with Russia (tags)


The Russians Are Coming Big Lies (tags)


Washington Sabotages Russian/Ukrainian Summit (tags)


Did Obama really save the Yezidis? (tags)

Did Obama really save the Yezidis? YPG (anarchist-inspired Syrian Kurdish forces) fought back the Islamic State (ISIS) starting on August 3rd, 2014

Ukraine's Independence Day (tags)


The Shortwave Report 08/22/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan,, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, The Voice Of Russia, and Spanish National Radio.

Kiev's Dirty War (tags)


Kiev's War Without Mercy Continues (tags)


Blocking Russian Humanitarian Aid (tags)


Obama's War on Iraq (tags)


Mass Murder in Gaza and Ukraine (tags)


Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge 3 Photosets/ Photoset 3 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 2 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 1 of 3

Mercenary Extremists in Eastern Ukraine (tags)


Afghanistan: Permanent US Occupation Planned (tags)


War Without Mercy (tags)


Post-Ukrainian Election Violence (tags)


State-Sponsore Terror in Ukraine (tags)


Freedom or Fascism (tags)


Putin's Diplomatic Gambit (tags)


Fascist Aggression in Ukraine (tags)


Right Sector Thugs Attack Odessa Activists (tags)


Ukraine Hypes a Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


No to US Militarism in the Philippines and Asia-Pacific! (tags)

“To achieve enduring peace in the region, Asia must be de-militarized; its maritime waters assigned mainly for commerce; and its disputed territories declared as regional commons and war-free zones.”

Confronting Russia and China Militarily (tags)


Obama Threatens Russia and China (tags)


Israel Wants Temple Mount Control (tags)


Unacceptable State-Sponsored Murder (tags)


More NATO Forces for Eastern Europe (tags)


Obama Heads for War in Ukraine (tags)


Growing East/West Divide (tags)


NATO and Turkey’s genocidal war on Syria (tags)

Cem Ertür’s account of the crimes committed by Turkey and NATO in the ongoing war against Syria is laid out in meticulous detail and supported by a rich and credible bibliography. Much of this important information is from his reading of original reports published in the Turkish language which English readers would never otherwise hear. This report provides a convincing, up-to-date indictment of the governments of Turkey, other NATO countries and Israel for their savage, furtive war against the Syrian people and government. Cem’s spotlight illuminates a cross-border stage, exposing those hiding in the shadows of the media’s deceptive and confusing language.

Reckless Russia Bashing Persists (tags)


Debunking Western Propaganda (tags)


The need for United Front in the Filipino People’s Democratic Revolution (tags)

The Filipino people’s democratic revolution constantly needs the revolutionary united front because this is the effective way to arouse, organize and mobilize the broad masses of the Filipino people in their millions in order to advance and win total victory. The need for the united front is more urgent than ever as the socio-economic and political crisis is rapidly worsening and inflicting intolerable suffering on the Filipino people and they must intensify their struggle against those who exploit and oppress them.

The Russians Are Coming (tags)


Cold-Blooded Israeli Murder (tags)


Crimean False Flag Attack? (tags)


Post-Crimean Referendum Propaganda (tags)


Anti-Russian Propaganda Rages (tags)


White House Crime Boss Powwow (tags)


Israel Attacks Gaza - Again (tags)


Putin on Ukraine (tags)


US Private Military Contractors in Ukraine? (tags)


Big Lies Drown Out Truth (tags)


Ongoing Operation Gladio Redux in Pakistan Written by Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

The sorry fact that the entire establishment of Pakistan, in toto, is self-servingly pitching that imperial narrative while continuing to permit her sovereign territories to be droned by the sole superpower, with occasional outbursts of bravado by her own military in equally futile military operations which mostly kill and displace her own innocent civilians, which in turn naturally seed from amongst the angry and traumatized survivors a continual supply of new recruits into the same terrorist cesspool of suicide bombers, bespeaks of the validity of the common man's rather empirical opinion that childish fools and brigands and blackguards are ruling Pakistan.

East/West Confrontation Looms (tags)


The Damn Fool in the White House (tags)


Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Mobilize for War (tags)


Turmoil in Ukraine (tags)


Israel Bombs Syrian/Lebanese Border (tags)


UN Report Unfairly Bashes Syria (tags)


How Israel Gets Away with Murder (tags)


The Ghost of Ariel Sharon (tags)


America's Imperial Agenda (tags)


The Third Battle of Fallujah (tags)


Criminal Unaccountability (tags)


Israel Attacks Gaza (tags)


Conflict in South Sudan (tags)

South Sudan

Samer Issawi's Liberating Struggle (tags)


Fact Check on Venezuela's Economy (tags)


An Imperfect Peace: Colombia's Civil War Nearing End (tags)

There has been civil war in Colombia more or less continuously since 1948. It seems it may finally be coming to an end. It is ending the way most other long-lasting civil wars end.

Israeli Police State Lawlessness (tags)


Permanent US Afghanistan Occupation (tags)


America and Israel: Police States Writ Large (tags)

police state

Targeting Press Freedom in Palestine (tags)


US Atrocities in Afghanistan (tags)


Wars against Terror (tags)

"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake" (Jeanette Rankin). "Every war has two losers" (William Stafford). "You can make fish soup out of an aquarium but can't make an aquarium out of fish soup" (Polish proverb).

Defeating Revisionism, Reformism and Opportunism (tags)

Defeating Revisionism, Reformism and Opportunism, second book of 5-book series by Jose Maria Sison under the general title Continuing the Revolution

Palestinians and Israelis: Unequal Treatment (tags)


Lavrov: Insurgents Have Chemical Weapons (tags)


Netanyahu Exceeds Sharonian Evil (tags)


Philippines: Declare a humanitarian ceasefire in Zamboanga City now! (tags)

A Petition Campaign in Support for Dialogue, Humanitarian Action and Ceasefire

Israeli Forces Attack EU Diplomats (tags)


Syrian Insurgents Battle Each Other (tags)


UN Inspectors Gas Attack Report: A Manipulated Fraud (tags)


Joining Forces for Education's statement on Aquino resignation (tags)

Joining Forces for Education's statement on using Broad's Jaime Aquino's resignation to push for authentic reforms

Obama's Hell Bent for War on Syria (tags)


Obama Ignores Israel's War on Palestine (tags)


Stop Obama's War on Humanity: A Personal Statement (tags)


Obama's Planned Lawless Aggression Based on Lies, Damn Lies and Big Lies (tags)


US State Terror Targets Syria (tags)


Obama's World: Peace a Convenient Illusion (tags)


Israel Attacks Palestinians During Peace Talks (tags)


Imminent US War on Syria? (tags)


Drumbeat for War on Syria (tags)


Police State Terror in Egypt (tags)


Egypt's Bloody Friday (tags)


Egypt: Blood in the Streets (tags)


Will or Won't Obama Attack Syria? (tags)



Women political prisoners in the Philippines experience torture under the neocolonial regime receiving US tax dollars in aid. We need to protest this barbarity and call on Congress to cut off aid to the Aquino regime and its brutal military and police agencies.

Waging the Battle of Syria (tags)


Israel: Talking Peace, Waging War (tags)


Rage Against the System: Why It Matters (tags)

police state

Ongoing Fighting in Sinai (tags)


Obama Ups the Stakes in Syria (tags)


The Shortwave Report 06/07/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. China Radio international, Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Anti-Syrian Blame Game Escalates (tags)


Lifting the Fake EU Arms Embargo (tags)


Hezbollah's Nasrallah: Syria's the "Linchpin of Resistance" (tags)


Lebanon's Victory Day of National Resistance (tags)


Syrian foes move towards talks but fighting rages (tags)

Syria's opposition and the government of President Bashar al-Assad seem to be preparing to take part in an international peace conference against a background of some of the worst fighting this year.

Honduras: State-Sponsored Death Squad Terror (tags)

police state

US False Flag Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Anatomy of a False Flag (tags)

false flag

Washington v. Venezuela (tags)


Venezuelans Vote (tags)


Washington Escalates War on Syria (tags)


Washington Escalates War on Syria (tags)


UN Human Rights Council: US Imperial Tool (tags)


Israeli Violence on International Women's Day (tags)


Syrian Death Squad Invaders Seize UN Peacekeepers (tags)


The Khojalu “Genocide” Fabrication by Baku (tags)

Azerbaijan is waging a propaganda war to spread misinformation.

Israeli Lawlessness in Issawiya (tags)


Israeli State Terror Crowd Control Weapons (tags)


Western Sponsored Aleppo Mass Murder (tags)


Permanent Afghanistan Occupation Planned (tags)


Foreign Terrorists Wage War on Syria (tags)


Women’s rights: Turning point in India, triumph in Manila (tags)

Women’s rights have been in the forefront of international concern over the last few weeks.

Netanhayu's Warning (tags)


New UN Report on Syria (tags)


Beating Up on Iran and Syria (tags)


Scrambling for Africa's Resources (tags)


Syria's Liberating Struggle Continues (tags)


Egypt’s Revolution Stumbles (tags)

The call for a new constitution was a key political demand of the Egyptian people when they overthrew the thirty-year dictatorship of Mubarak. Motivating this was the desire to begin dismantling the repressive bureaucratic state machinery they had suffered under and replace it with a democratic government that would be guided by their needs and hopes. Such aspirations served to unite the divergent forces that made Egypt’s political revolution and encourage their grassroots organizing efforts.

Islamofascist Killers Threaten Syria (tags)


Premeditated Israeli Violence (tags)


Syria: Tightening the Noose (tags)


Let us celebrate the NDFP's Declaration on Children of the Philippines (tags)

The leadership and entire membership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), all Red commanders and fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA), people’s militias and revolutionary mass organizations welcome the issuance by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) of the Declaration and Program of Action for the Rights, Protection and Welfare of Children.

Waging War Without Declaring It (tags)


Turkey Tries IDF Commanders in Absentia (tags)


Caught in the Act (tags)


Besieged Gaddafi Stronghold Bani Walid Under Attack (tags)


Israel Encourages Settler Violence (tags)


Turkey's High Risk Game (tags)


Worrisome Middle East Developments (tags)


Atonement: Not in Israel's Vocabulary (tags)


Score One for Hedges v. Obama (tags)

police state

NDFP adopts program to protect children during armed conflict in the Philippines (tags)

Aside from coming out with its program of action for the protection of children, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines announced that it will establish a Special Office for the Protection of Children to strengthen its mechanisms on monitoring and defending the rights of Filipino children.

Destabilizing Venezuela Pre-Election (tags)


Israel Uses Palestinians for Target Practice (tags)


Settler Attacks on Palestinians (tags)


Assad Resignation first Step to Peace and Democracy in Syria (tags)

Akbayan Party strongly condemns the continued violence and terror perpetrated by Bashar Al-Assad and the Syrian government forces against Syrian citizens who have long demanded democracy and freedom from Assad’s authoritarian leadership. The Assad regime’s aggressive crackdown on pro-democracy forces has emboldened elements within the opposition to respond in a similarly destructive manner and has left Syria in a virtual state of civil war.

Anti-Syrian Blame Game (tags)


Japan: America's Imperial Proxy (tags)


The geopolitics of the Syrian uprising/insurgency (tags)

The continuing mass uprising against Syria’s Bashar Assad dictatorship on the one hand, and the growing intervention by the reactionary Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, along with Turkey, on the side of the growing armed insurgency on the other, has led to a situation where many on the left are sharply divided over who to “support”.

The Syrian revolt enters a new phase (tags)

The armed segments of the revolution appear to be inflicting blows on sections of the security apparatus and taking over major cities: the revolution is turning a corner. Robert Fisk reports that a crucial dynamic now is the fracturing of an alliance between the Sunni middle class and the Alawite regime, signalled by the spread of the revolt to Aleppo. And defections from the state-capitalist power bloc continue. Indeed, Juan Cole has suggested that such divisions must run deep in the Syrian state for the opposition to be capable of planting a bomb that can kill a senior minister.

Jose Maria “Joma” Sison, is a jingoist, pseudo-democrat, pseudo-feminist Stalinist demagog (tags)

Like Stalin, Sison's understanding of Marxism is pseudo-scientific and quasi-religious

Washington's Aleppo Strategy Failed (tags)


STOP Imperialist War against Syria (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), condermn in the strongest terms the duplicitous scheme of the US and NATO in instigating, funding and arming the so-called Syrian National Council and Free Syrian Army to seek the violent overthrow of the Assad government in Syria and at the same time pushing a “peace plan” and then a “transitional government” under the auspices of the UN in order to politically outmanuever the Assad government and the anti-imperialist and democratic forces.

Major Media Admit Presence of Foreign Militants in Syria (tags)


High Stakes in Syria (tags)


Preventing More Middle East Wars Tops All Priorities (tags)


Olympiad Readiness: Militarized London Total Policing (tags)

police state

Propaganda War on Syria (tags)


Strategically Timed Syrian Massacre (tags)


Israel: Land of Inequality and Injustice (tags)

police state

Solidarity message from Sydney Stop The War Coalition (tags)

Sydney Stop the War Coalition in Australia extends its solidarity the Philippines Stop the War Coalition and the other groups demanding that your country's Senate not to ratify the Republic of the Philippines-Australia Status of the Visiting Forces Agreement.

Reports of Troop Movements Near Syria's Borders (tags)


War of Words Over Turkish Aircraft Incident (tags)


CIA Arming Syrian Insurgents (tags)


Fraud at the Polls (tags)


Washington's Imperial Brinksmanship (tags)


Heated Anti-Assad Rhetoric Promotes War (tags)


Russian Journalist Exposes Propaganda Lies about Houla Massacre (tags)


Risking Global War (tags)


Obama Prioritizes War (tags)


Anti-Syrian Propaganda Promotes War (tags)


Israel's Enforcer (tags)


Killing with Impunity (tags)


Israeli Police State Crimes (tags)


Activism for Justice (tags)


More homes to be demolished in the West Bank (tags)

The Israeli occupation forces have recently handed notices to citizens in Kufur Qaddoum village.

Afghanistan: Permanent Occupation Planned (tags)


Abdulhadi Alkhawaja Painfully Force-Fed (tags)


Land Day: Why It Matters (tags)


America's Lost War (tags)


Calm Before Greater Storm in Syria (tags)


Media Scoundrels Promote War (tags)


The Winds of War (tags)


Obama Wreaks Duplicity (tags)


Bahrain: A Case Study in Despotism (tags)

police state


The Alliance News today learned that o March 29, 2012: During the 43rd Anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA), the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) had praised the leadership of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and its peace panel for their steadfastness in asserting the right to self-determination of the Moros in the face of consistent plot of the Philippine government to hoodwink them to capitulating.

Fragging in Afghanistan? (tags)


Keeping the Syrian Pot Boiling (tags)


Stepped-Up Pressure on Assad (tags)


A Decade of America Ravaging Afghanistan (tags)

war crimes

NATO Intervening in Syria (tags)


Brutal Bahraini State Terror (tags)


Soiling for War on Syria (tags)


New Syria Resolution: Better but Still Flawed (tags)


PHILIPPINES: Retired armed forces officers should repudiate Palparan (tags)

Akbayan Party today called on the Association of General and Flag Officers (AGFO) to repudiate retired major general Jovito Palparan and declare him an enemy of the Filipino soldiers and the military institution.

Heading for More Middle East War (tags)


Targeting Journalists in Iraq (tags)


Libyan Violence and Instability (tags)


Systematic West Bank Settler Violence (tags)


Spoiling for a Fight with Syria and Iran (tags)


Washington's Greater Middle East Agenda: War (tags)


Legislating Tyranny in America (tags)


US/Pakistan's Toxic Alliance (tags)

war on terror

BTL: Egypt's Second Popular Uprising Targets Military's Hold on Power (tags)

Interview with Seif Da’Na, associate professor of sociology and international studies at the University of Wisconsin, conducted by Scott Harris

Killing Gaddafi: Longstanding US Policy (tags)


Selected Writings of Jose Maria Sison (tags)

These are important writings of Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and New People’s Army (NPA) and current political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and Chairman of the International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS)

Obama's Imperial Arrogance (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies, and NATO Claiming Control Across Libya (tags)


Pushing the Envelope for Confrontation with Iran (tags)


Major Media Liars Report Fake NATO Victories (tags)


Philippines: Communist Rebels Target Civilians (tags)

(New York,) ? The rebel New People?s Army (NPA) in the Philippines should immediately end unlawful killings and detention of civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. The NPA, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, has admitted to gunning down civilians and detaining others in recent months.

NATO Brussels Summit Claims Successful Afghan and Libyan Campaigns (tags)


Israeli State Terror Belies Wanting Peace (tags)


Stop the AFP's red-baiting and intimidation against progressives (tags)

Since 2001, the Philippine government and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) have been trying, but have so far failed, to stop us and our parties from representing the marginalized and underrepresented sectors in Congress. Now that we are running for the Senate, they are becoming more desperate in trying to prevent us from serving our people and pursuing the politics of change.

Afghanistan: Eight police killed at Helmand checkpoint (tags)

Correspondents say that in recent months Taliban militants have carried out several attacks, some of them high profile, by infiltrating the Western-trained Afghan security forces.

Jose Maria Sison: On the Commemoration of Sept 21. (tags)

More than a year before, he had staged the dress rehearsal for the declaration of martial law by proclaiming the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus on August 21, 1971 when without evidence he blamed the Communist Party of the Philippines and Benigno S. Aquino for the Plaza Miranda bombing immediately after it happened.

ILPS Condemns US, NATO and puppet forces for their barbaric attacks on the people of Libya (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples? Struggle (ILPS), condemn in the strongest terms the US, NATO and their puppet forces for their barbaric military campaign against the people in the whole of Libya since several months ago and in Tripoli currently. The combination of escalated NATO air bombardments and ground movement of Libyan puppet forces and NATO special forces against Tripoli since 20 August aims to deliver the final blow on the Gaddafi regime.

Philippines Anti-Bases Movement: Time to Assert National Sovereignty Once Again (tags)

With pride as a people, we commemorate a historic national event this coming September 16, the rejection of the US military bases twenty years ago

Systematic Israeli State Terror (tags)

state terror

UN Report on Mavi Marmara Massacre (tags)

high seas massacre

Libya: NATO's Latest Charnal House (tags)


Libya: Keep the Freedom Flame Alive (tags)


Falsified New York Times Middle East Reports (tags)


Falsified Major Media Reports on Libya (tags)


New York Times Disinformation, Denial and Suppressing Vital Truths (tags)

media lies

Destabilizing Syria (tags)


Colonizing Libya by Military, Financial, Political and Propaganda Terrorism (tags)


Urgent Appeal: Crackdown on Malaysian Socialists (tags)

Manila -- Around 70 members of Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) held a brief picket in front of the Malaysian Embassy this morning to protest the arrests and detention of 30 activists belonging to the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).

Permanent US Iraq and Afghanistan Occupations (tags)


Naksa Day Commemorates Decades of Israeli State Terror (tags)

state terrorism

Bahraini State Terror Continues (tags)

state terror


The Alliance Philippines or the AJLPP strongly condemned the high-level visits here by American officials who have raised the prospect of a return of the United States’ military presence in this former naval base in Subic on the wake of disasters that hit Japan, which have delayed the planned US military build-up in Guam. Subic Naval Base was the deepest sea port of the US naval forces in the Philippines. The US naval base closed after the Philippine Senate terminated the US-RP Military Bases Pact in 1991. Only to be reversed later with the passage of the Visiting Forces Agreement during the tenure of Joseph Estrada in 1998.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Misreporting about Gitmo Detainees (tags)


Brutal State Terror in Bahrain (tags)

state terror

Poisoning Mother Earth: Fukushima and America's Gulf (tags)


Mission Creep in Libya (tags)


Causes and Consequences of the Financial Crisis (tags)

The neoliberal restructuring and globalization of capitalism has led to states becoming the spoils of financial capital. The neoliberal program is enforced with the help of states. Governments only react to the conditions set by the economically powerful. This is the end of politics.

Planned Regime Change in Libya (tags)

naked aggression

US-Led Libyan Ground Assault Planned (tags)

naked aggression

Military actions against Libya/Libyan resistance must rely on own strength (tags)

By applauding the Western military actions against Libya, the Libyan resistance doesn't rely on their own strength, but will be bound to either a Western occupation, or a far going Western influence, when Gaddafi is defeated

Western Aggression on Libya (tags)

naked aggression

Did You Know the FCGOA Federal Contract Guards of America Is Financially BROKE? (tags)

"Just remember you are "Gadhafi" a man living in his own world by his own rules until the broke peasants had enough. Now with the help of allied forces the tyrannical self acclaimed leaders rule comes to an end. "

Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! No Intervention! (tags)

No to imperialist intervention in the Libya! Saudi, UAE troops out of Bahrain! Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! End imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan!

Imperial War on Libya (tags)

naked aggression

Remember Saddam Hussain? (tags)

"The capture of numerous British military and intelligence operatives—six SAS men and an MI5 agent—by rebel forces in Benghazi made clear that the powers that be are already hard at work to this end. It has since been revealed by the Daily Mail that ministers have approved “a presence on the ground” of the SAS and MI6, who “will link up with Special Forces already in Libya to provide protection and give informal military advice to the Libyan opposition.”

Down with Gaddafi! No to US-NATO intervention! (tags)

"In this time when events seem to be moving so fast, we must maintain focus on the essential meaning and purpose of imperialist efforts. Elites in Washington and other capitals of the west are desperate and working with full dedication to "roll back" the popular advances being made in the Mideast and across North Africa. This article is offered in the effort to support a progressive analysis while the mainstream media works triple time to confuse and obfuscate an understanding of the "full on class war" unfolding before us. No to the budget cuts. No to intervention in Libya. Organize to stand up and fight wall street and the banksters, and ther're "agents" in media and government. Organize in your communities and beyond quickly now. "You have a world to win and only your chains to lose."

America's War on Libya (tags)


Imperialist Hands off Libya (tags)

""The "lap dog presses" in western nations will not assist in revealing the horrific imperial grab now shaping up in North Africa. The western powers are on the "counter attack" as naval might is now poised to "intervene" in Libya to "save the day," read still the victory, after the people themselves have deposed the dictator and begun to set up their own government. That is the west's' worst nightmare. Normal human beings, peacefully governing themselves? That would be a disaster and the most feared example from the "great white mans" perspective. And of course they want the oil and a potential launch pad for attacks (remember the contra war against revolutionary Nicaragua) on the new governments in Tunisia and Egypt should they deem to be too independent from the dictates of capital. Eh gads! They might decide to meet the needs of their citizens! The people of Libya will need to state to the entire world that they will defend they're independence and sovereignty with the force of arms from all invaders. Only then will the imperialist consider backing off. Expose the imperialist plan! "

Major Media Promote War on Libya (tags)


Middle East Protests Continue for Unmet Demands (tags)


Calls for military intervention in Libya? (tags)

"The Imperialist powers, they’re economies wrecked by the hubris endemic to their systems, would like nothing better than to seize, Libya’s petroleum assets during this time of eternal turmoil. And why wouldn’t they desire to invade now? They get to derail revolution and they get the oil! This would be London and Washington’s wet dream. And it would be a disaster for the people everywhere! In fact we may ultimately find that their dirty, greedy hands were behind the disaster in Libya in order to create pretexts for actions “imperial in nature” all over Africa. At any rate, no progressive person can believe that “western intervention” will be other than another grotesque rape of the people of the African continent. Please do all you can to resist this horrible possibility? The western powers simply cannot be trusted. Defend the Libyan nations’ right, and indeed all the revolutionary peoples’ of Africa’s’ right to self-determination. No less, and in fact, much more is at stake."

Continued Middle East Protests and Violence (tags)

liberating struggles

Egypt 2011: Millions have stood up (tags)

EGYPT 2011: MILLIONS HAVE HEROICALLY STOOD UP... THE FUTURE REMAINS TO BE WRITTEN Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party Millions of Egyptian people from all walks of life, drawing inspiration from the people of Tunisia, have heroically risen up, defied the hated regime of Hosni Mubarak and forced Mubarak to resign. This has shattered the notion that "things can never change." It is a powerful demonstration that there is no permanent necessity to the existing conditions under which the great majority of humanity suffer so terribly. Oppressed people and people who hunger for an end to oppression, in every country all over the world, have deeply shared in the joy and hope of these massive uprisings. And the stirrings of revolt continue to spread.

Hold the Celebration: Egypt's Struggle Just Began (tags)

liberating struggles

Israeli and PA Forces Suppress Solidarity with Egyptians (tags)

liberation struggles

Egypt's Focus Largely Ignores Palestine (tags)


People Power v. Duplicity in Egypt and Washington (tags)

people power

Heroic resistance in Cairo to state-orchestrated repression (tags)

"A significant piece of direct evidence of collusion is the texts sent out by the government via various mobile phone networks to rally its forces. One published on Flickr gallery states, “The Armed Forces asks Egypt's honest and loyal men to confront the traitors and criminals and protect our people and honor and our precious Egypt.” The fact is that the army and the police are headed by the same people who control the government, with Mubarak's newly appointed vice-president, Omar Suleiman, acting as the prime culprit."

Revolutionary Change in Egypt: Internal or Made in USA? (tags)


The PA is and arm of Imperialism/Zionism (tags)

"Meanwhile, yesterday’s “impromptu” attack on an al-Jazeera office in the West Bank turns out to have been anything but, as local journalists confirmed that the people leading the attackers were PA police officers wearing civilian clothes. PA negotiator Saeb Erekat sought further action against al-Jazeera, insisting they were guilty of inciting violence against him and his family for reporting his involvement in past negotiations, including comments that seemed to eschew the right of return."

Turmoil in Lebanon (tags)

Lebanon crisis

Ceasefire violations by AFP/PNP cited in NDFP letter to GRP Panel (tags)

In a letter to GRP Negotiating Panel Chairperson Alexander Padilla dated 5 January 2011, Luis Jalandoni, NDFP Negotiating Panel Chairperson declared that his panel "has received reports and complaints of numerous ceasefire violations by the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Philippine National Police" during the unilateral, concurrent and reciprocal ceasefire from December 16, 2010 to January 3, 2011.

The Tucson Shooting is a Warning to All Progressives (tags)

The shooting rampage on Saturday in Tucson, Arizona was clearly an act of right-wing terrorism. The gunman shot a total of 20 people, critically wounding Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and killing Federal Judge John M. Roll and five others. In his first statement to the press, Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik got it right when he placed the shootings in their political context. He denounced the "political vitriol" that animates the politics of the right and characterized Arizona as the national center of bigotry.

‘Tama Na! Sobra Na!’ as a cry for peace (tags)

CALIFORNIA, United States—Twenty five years ago, Corazon Aquino rallied Filipinos against a despised dictatorship with the slogan, “Tama na! Sobra na! Palitan na!”—“We’ve had enough! Things have gone too far! It’s time for a change!”

WikiLeaks: Police trained Bangladeshi death squads (tags)

"Crossfire" killings are a euphemism for an execution. Acting as judge, jury and executioner, a government-appointed Star Chamber decides who should die for their so-called crimes against the interests of the ruling clique and then the order goes out to the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). The WikiLeaks cables show that the British government facilitates this execution squad—providing it with training, the exact nature of which, in light of the ongoing brutal behaviour of British forces and inhumane conduct in Iraq and Afghanistan, remains somewhat cloudy. "The training of the Bangladeshi RAB members in the UK has been carried out by the West Mercia and Humberside police forces. The courses are approved by the British Association of Chief Police Officers."

Free Julian Assange! Hands Off WikiLeaks! (tags)

The December 7 arrest in London of Julian Assange, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Internet investigative site WikiLeaks, is a threat to freedom of the press and an attempt to silence critics who expose the bloody deeds of imperialism. We are convinced, along with many others, that Assange is innocent of the trumped up accusations of the crimes of rape and sexual molestation that are being manipulated by Swedish authorities to request his detention and extradition. His main accuser is an anti-Communist social-democratic operative. It is clear that sinister forces are pushing the persecution of this courageous man, and his life could be in danger. The criminal forces who are behind this frame-up are first and foremost, the United States government of Barack Obama and its military and spy agencies. They seek to silence whistleblowers who have not only caused them diplomatic embarrassment but also lifted a corner of the veil on Washington’s Murder, Inc. We demand that Assange be freed, that all charges against him be dropped, including those now being prepared and that Private Bradley Manning, accused of leaking documents that incriminate the U.S., be freed as well.

WikiLeaks cables fuel hostility to US role in Pakistan (tags)

"Indeed, another cable cites a discussion between US Vice President Joe Biden and Zardari in early 2009 in which the Pakistani president expressed his concern that the “ISI director and [Gen. Ashfaq Parvez] Kayani will take me out.” The US government apparently knew more than it was sharing with Zardari. Another cable describes a conversation held during the same period in which General Kayani told Ambassador Patterson that he “might, however reluctantly,” move to force Zardari from office. Many of the cables expose Washington and Islamabad as partners in carrying out bloody crimes and deception against the Pakistani people. As the US has stepped up its military operations in the region, dubbing its intervention the “Afpak war,” the Zardari government has attempted to assuage popular anger by posing as an opponent of US violations of Pakistani sovereignty."

Imperial America's End Time (tags)

not imminent but coming

Are the United States and NATO are losing the War in Afghanistan? (tags)

In this study I will examine whether NATO and the United States have failed in their War in Afghanistan against Islamic terrorism between 2001-09. To do this I will compare their objectives against measurements of effectiveness (MOE’s) as provided by both political and military sources as prescribed by the intervening forces.

Washington Backing Indonesian State Terror (tags)

funding state terror

America: Land of Police State Repression (tags)

targeting the vulnerable and innocent

Ecuador, Venezuela: Danger South of the Borde (tags)

"The reason there is a bizarre attempt to pretend that this coup attempt never happened, is to hope that people won’t ask who might have benefited from such an action. A quick examination of the actions of President Correa sheds considerable light on that. In 2006, working with President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Correa moved to increase state control over oil production in the country.[9] In 2008, he announced that Ecuador would not pay several billions of its more than $10 billion foreign debt, calling it “illegitimate.”[10] In 2009, he refused to renew the lease of the U.S. military airbase in Manta, saying that “the only way the US could keep their military base in Ecuador, is if Ecuador were allowed to have one of its own in Florida.”[11] In 2009, he officially brought Ecuador into ALBA – the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas led by Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia. When a country increases state control, challenges illegitimate foreign debt, pushes the U.S. military out of the country and joins a regional alliance with Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba – it is clear that the forces that would benefit from a coup would be: a) corporate interests inside Ecuador; b) International Financial Institutions; and c) the United States and its allies. There is another reason why the right-wing, corporate elite and the imperialist countries might have an incentive to minimize what happened September 30. There is now a shamefully long list of recent coup attempts in Latin America and the Caribbean – four of them against members of ALBA."

Ecuador's Correa Haunted by Honduras (tags)

"The co-ordinated actions in various cities, the takeover of Quito's airport by a section of the armed forces – all this indicated a planned coup attempt."

US War Crimes in Fallujah (tags)

horrific war crimes

Brown Berets and their political goals (tags)

Brown Berets and their political goals

Failed Washington-Sponsored Ecuadorean Coup Attempt (tags)

another Obama coup attempt

Prof. Jose Maria Sison: On the Commemoration of September 21 (tags)

PHILIPPINES: Ferdinand Marcos himself designated September 21, 1972 as the date for Presidential Proclamation 1081, declaring martial law. In previous days, he had set in motion the imposition of fascist dictatorship on the people, including the mobilization of his armed minions, the murder of a whistle blower in his own intelligence agency, the fake ambush on his defense secretary and the mass arrest of his opponents and critics.

Global BDS Against Israel Is Working (tags)

Israel fears delegitimization

Honduran Repression Continues Unabated (tags)

Washington supports Honduran terror

The world turned its back on Rwanda in 1994? (tags)

Paul Kagame has been blackmailing the Western world for "turning its back on Rwanda" in 1994 ever since, but this 1994 news clip reports that he actually threatened to fire on UN peacekeepers as though they were enemy combatants, if they tried to stand between him and his Rwandan Patriotic Front Army and the government's Rwandan Army.


The PESANTE BULETIN gathered today that NDF -Mindanao spokeman Jorge madlos said that "the extension of the Arroyo regime’s brutal nine-year anti-insurgency campaign Oplan Bantay Laya exposes Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III’s real “peace” plan. Aquino's plan the NDF says is to step up military offensives against the New People’s Army (NPA) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) - daydreaming of inducing revolutionary forces to capitulate and to impose its demands on the peace talks consistent with the US Counter Insurgency (COIN) strategy." The NDF also said that He (Aquino III) appears to be in a hurry to please his US imperialist masters, especially in laying the ground for the entry and the increase in profitability of mining companies and foreign-owned plantations such as Xtrata in South Cotabato and Dole Phils. in Surigao del Sur and Compostela Valley, and a host of other foreign monopoly capitalist investments. The NDF Mindanao also said that AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Ricardo David Jr., in his declaration of a new counter-insurgency plan by Jan 1, 2011, bragged that the new strategy would focus on the respect for human rights, admitting in effect that nine years of OBL were replete with human rights violations.



Iraq Pullout: Mission Accomplished or Strategic Retreat? (tags)

daily violence rages

Political Killings in Colombia (tags)

shocking crimes committed with impunity

AFP Launches the biggest military offensive in the Philippines (tags)

"When they (the reactionaries) speak of peace, they wage war." The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States expressed its utmost concern about the intention of the newly installed US-Aquino Regime as the AFP launched its biggest general offensive in Mindanao. The AJLPP learned that Jorge Madlos of the NDF-Mindanao said; " All the four divisions under the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) based in Mindanao are currently conducting massive and widespread military operations against the revolutionary forces in all the five NPA regions in the whole island, particularly more intense in the Southern Mindanao Region."

NDF Response to military propaganda for surrender before peace talks (tags)

THE PESANTE NEWS based in Los Angeles learned today that the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today ( August 5 in the Philippines or PST) said that the 8th Infantry Division, by calling for the surrender of the revolutionary forces, highlighted the unjustness of the ceasefire-and-surrender line of the Aquino administration. "Through its program in a radio station last August 1, the 8th ID essentially dismissed the peace talks as irrelevant and called on the revolutionary forces to surrender first," said NDF-EV spokesperson Fr. Santiago Salas.

Targeted Assassinations: Challenging US Policy (tags)

In America, the rule of law is dead

WikiLeaks "Afghan War Diaries" (tags)

a powerful indictment of all wars

The Sherrod Affair and Etta Rosales (tags)

CALIFORNIA, United States—By now, Shirley Sherrod’s fascinating story is well known.

PCORE /JFAV Community Forum on July 26, 2010 at the Silver Lake Medical Center (SLMC) (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE) marks the 69th year of the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) Day, July 26, 1941 with a community forum. The commemorative event will be held on Monday , July 26, 2010 at the Silver Lake Medical Center ground floor at the Cafeteria at 1711 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026 around 5;00 PM. The community forum will also discuss People’s CORE Smoke Free Apartment Project and issues about the veterans equity.

Benigno S. "Noynoy" Aquino III: The new face of counterrevolution (tags)

The PESANTE BULETIN learned today through the ANG BAYAN, the official newsletter of the revolutionary movement in the Philippines published in the internet that last July 7, 2010 said that " Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III is the new face of counterrevolution. Formally installed on June 30 as the new head of the puppet reactionary government. He is now the main advocate of US imperialist rule and that of the local big comprador bourgeoisie, bureaucrat capitalists and landlords. On his shoulders rests the main responsibility of continuing the administration of the bankrupt semicolonial and semifeudal system, consolidating and running its state and suppressing any challenge to puppet reactionary power." The revolutionary newspaper also said that :' Just as US imperialism and the local ruling classes expected of him, Aquino focused his first few days on consolidating the puppet army. Aquino is well aware that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is the main pillar of reactionary rule in the Philippines.

FILIPINOS around the world: Turn grief into revolutionary courage, (tags)

Learn from Ka Elliot, Cast away parliamentary illusions!

Palestinian Women Under Occupation (tags)

Suffering and heroism for over six decades

JFAV /AWARE Marked the 65th Year victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass in Los Angeles (tags)

Scores of veterans and widows, advocates and guests marked the 65th year victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass, June 14, 1945 with a simple program, Monday, June 14, 2010. The rites was held at the Church of the Nazarene Hall Social Hall at 3401 W.3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90020 at around 9:00 AM. After the opening invocation given by Pastor Sonny River, the guests of honor , the Philippine Consul General Los Angeles, Mary Jo B. Aragon spoke about the significance of the Battle of Bessang Pass. The Consul General Aragon pointed out “ The Battle of Bessang Pass in June 14, 1945 is the only military victory of the Filipinos Arms against the Japanese imperial forces in World War II. The division size all Filipino forces was led by five American officers.”

Bombard the Headquarters of the Opportunist Utrecht Mafia! (tags)

Comrade Mao-Zedong had been so clear in his teachings. Practice is primary over theory. He rhetorically asked in his philosophical writings, “Where do correct ideas come from? Do they fall from the sky? Are they innate in the mind? No, they come from social practice and social practice alone.”

Israeli forces attack and murder unarmed civilians carrying aid to the Gaza Strip (tags)

Israeli forces have attacked an unarmed civilian ship carrying aid to the Gaza Strip. They have murdered at least 16 people and injured dozens more.

RP rebels use child soldiers—UN (tags)

MANILA, Philippines—Three of the country’s rebel groups—Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf, communist New People’s Army, and secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front—are among the world’s “persistent violators of children in armed conflicts,” the United Nations said.

Leading the Philippine armed revolution astray (tags)

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP-Maoist) has spent a tremendous amount of manpower, financial and materials resources in the electoral campaign, in the process forging a tactical alliance with the landlord-bureaucrat capitalist Manuel Villar, the Nacionalista Party--and indirectly with the family of the late fascist puppet dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

U.S. And NATO Accelerate Military Build-Up In Black Sea Region (tags)

"The establishment of U.S. and NATO naval, air and infantry bases and interceptor missile installations in Black Sea nations is the prototype for expansive and permanent military build-ups in Eastern Europe and into former Soviet space, which is being replicated in the Baltic Sea region. An imaginary Iranian threat is the subterfuge employed to justify the presence of U.S. and NATO warplanes, warships, troops, mechanized and airborne units, missile batteries, training centers and radar facilities in the Black Sea and Baltic Sea regions. Iran does not border either of the two seas and has neither the ability nor any reason to threaten nations that do."

Israel's Permanent War on Palestine (tags)

decades of Israeli war crimes

PHILIPPINES: Sabotaging the path to the strategic stalemate (tags)

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) has spent a tremendous amount of manpower, financial and materials resources in the electoral campaign, in the process forging a tactical alliance with the landlord-bureaucrat capitalist Manuel Villar, the Nacionalista Party--and indirectly with the family of the late fascist puppet dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

The facts against psywar intrigues in the Philippines (tags)

As chief political consultant of the Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), I am well informed about the revolutionary position of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People's Army and the NDFP as well as the position of other major political forces in relation to the 2010 elections of the reactionary government.


The Armed Forces of the Philippines has started fielding more than 7,300 soldiers in Metro Manila even as it declared 10 cities in the capital region as election “hotspots.” These with news filtering to PESANTE NEWS that politicians are arming their forces and deliberately ignoring the gun ban. PESANTE NEWS also learned that the airport are packed with supporters of candidates from LA who are trying to get out of Manila due to the situation. The situation turned to the worst when 78,000 PCOS machines cocked out and and there was a call for manual elections to the COMELEC. PGMA's lawyers have formally called for a postponement of elections for the next two weeks.


May Day in the United States was day for workers and immigrants! More than 500,000 people protested and filled the streets of LA and other 75 other US Cities in their hundreds of thousands. One of the rally organizers, ANSWER-LA, TV Channel 54 and 62 estimates the crowd as high as 250,000 while the LAPD has a low estimate of 60,000.


The US-Wide May Day Rallies in several major cities to defend immigrant rights and for genuine immigration reform was resounding success --In Los Angeles, the epicenter of the immigrant rights movement, hundreds of thousands turned out and filled 20 street blocks leading to Broadway and Temple St. Estimates range from as high as 500,000 to a low of 60,000.


WORKERS RIGHTS ARE IMMIGRANT RIGHTS! Diverse immigrant rights groups all over the United States will come out in a united full force for an all-out drive to push genuine immigration reform in 2010. In almost all major cities of the United States, immigrant rights groups led the labor unions, immigrant rights advocates and anti-war and racism forces like the International ANSWER Coalition will hold march and rallies for full immigrant rights and to commemorate International Workers Day. --For the first time after more than four years, all the immigrant rights groups will march together as one. The marches and rallies have been disunited and at least 4-5 immigrant groups hold their rallies separately since 2006.

For a Proletarian and Communist May 1st! (tags)

Workers! The general conditions of life and work have been deteriorating for years, becoming ever more intolerable.


WORKERS RIGHTS ARE IMMIGRANT RIGHTS! Diverse immigrant rights groups all over the United States will come out in a united full force for an all-out drive to push genuine immigration reform in 2010. In almost all major cities of the United States, immigrant rights groups led the labor unions, immigrant rights advocates and anti-war and racism forces like the International ANSWER Coalition will hold march and rallies for full immigrant rights and to commemorate International Workers Day.

Anti-nazi, pro-liberation mobilization in Los Angeles April 17 (tags)

antiracistaction_la wrote this in March, explaining the events today. follow the link to get the complete essay and comments.

Global Peace and Justice Groups Threatening Israel's Legitimacy (tags)

Israel losing its legitimacy

MILF, AFP clash in Lanao del Norte today (tags)

The LA based PESANTE NEWS learned today April 17, 2010 - MILF forces and government forces locked up in bloody fighting early today in Payong, Sultan Naga Dimaporo in Lanao del Norte. Sketchy report reaching said the government forces entered the said village in full battle gear and started firing indiscriminately that eventually resulted in a clash with MILF forces under Commander Latif.


Good American is American far away.

US-Committed Atrocities in Afghanistan (tags)

Afghan atrocities greater than ever

Expected Obama Administration Backing for Indonesia State Terror (tags)

Obama to back Indonesia state terror


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) forces in Los Angeles, Washington DC and San Francisco joined the mass protests led by International ANSWER in these major cities on the anniversary of the 7th year of the US led war of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan last Saturday, March 20, 2010.


STOP THE WAR, BRING OUR TROOPS HOME, NOW! The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) forces in Los Angeles, Washington DC and San Francisco joined the mass protests led by International ANSWER in these major cities on the anniversary of the 7th year of the US led war of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan last Saturday, March 20, 2010.

Europe attacks Kurds (tags)

At 5 A.M. on March 4, Belgian police raided the offices of ROJ TV, the voice of Kurdish people, BDP’s European office and several other addresses in Belgium.

Political Killings still major problem in RP, says US (tags)

"At long last, the US State Department have stated the obvious" The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) News today through various news sources that the US State Department has reported that extrajudicial killings remained a major problem in the Philippines last year and that security forces and insurgent groups were both responsible. The “2009 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices,” released to the US Congress on March 11, noted that concerns about impunity in the Philippines persisted.

Applying the Emergency Brake (tags)

"The US bank model forces others in indebtedness, inflates the money supply, devalues assets and generates virtual dollars..Wall Street banks are involved in a `systemic risk' that endangers the capitalist reproduction process.."


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) vehemently condemned the US-NATO forces for its indiscriminate air strikes against Afghan civilians. This incidents spiked during the combined US-NATO operations against the Taliban. Yesterday, 27 Afghan civilians were killed and 14 wounded in yet another round of NATO air strikes. Their convoy of three vehicles, which included women and children, was hit on its way to Kandahar province.

Philippine Army chief sees ‘meltdown’ NPA by June (tags)

The EPCC NEWS today learned that the military on Monday said it has been well on track to defeating the communist insurgency within 2010, with the string of successes against the New People's Army across the country, causing the "meltdown" of rebel forces. According to the EPCC, in a speech to the army camp in Davao province in Mindanao, Army Lt. General Delfin Bangit, Philippine Army chief, said the military has been able to deal significant blows against the NPA, trimming down Asia's longest-running Maoist insurgency "into smaller formations." Bangit was in Davao del Norte Monday to personally thank and reward soldiers for "back-to-back victories" against the NPA in Compostela Valley and Davao Oriental provinces in a week.


Brazilian gays are angered.

AJLPP Condemns the Mercenary US Philippine Force Under the UN (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) express disgust in the mercenary tradition of the AFP and the supposed Filipino pride in the appointment of a Filipino general in the United Nations forces serving under the direction of US Imperialism. General Ecarma of the Philipine Marines was formally appointed on Monday by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as force commander and head of mission for the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in what was once the battleground of the 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and Syria.

Focus on Haiti: Washington's Militarized Takeover (tags)

Washington plans exploitation, not humanitarian aid

Haiti: Workers Solidarity, Yes! Imperialist Occupation, No! (tags)

The January 12 earthquake in Haiti that devastated the capital city, leaving well over 100,000 dead and a million homeless, was one of the worst geological calamities of modern times. The earthquake was a natural disaster, but the horrendous death toll and monumental destruction were caused by capitalism and imperialism. Now the human suffering has been enormously compounded by to the militarization of the relief effort and reoccupation of Haiti by the United States. More than a dozen flights by aid groups, carrying rescue squads, tons of medical supplies and entire field hospitals, were refused permission to land at the Port-au-Prince airport by U.S. military air controllers who are now in charge. Food was already stocked in warehouses, but agencies refused to distribute it for fear of "riots." The media blitz is a propaganda war to embellish the image of U.S. imperialism. This phony humanitarianism are being used to disguise a new U.S. occupation of Haiti. We demand an end to the imperialist occupation, U.S./U.N. forces get out of Haiti and stop blocking entry of Haitian refugees.

Outsourcing War: The Rise of Private Military Contractors (tags)

privatizing war

The Michael Slate Show (tags)

Larry Everest on Iran, Douglas Fischer on climate change, Jennifer Pizer on Prop 8, statement from Revolution newspaper on Haiti.

PHILIPPINES:CAFGU exemption makes Comelec gun ban useless--NDF (tags)

The EPCC NEWS learned today that the revolutionary movement in the Philippines led by the NDF today said exempting the paramilitary CAFGU (Citizens Armed Force Geographical Unit) also known as Civilian Armed Auxiliaries (CAA) from the election gun ban makes the Commission on Election's gun ban useless. "With proddings, arms and funds from the reactionary state, especially under the Arroyo regime, paramilitary forces have proliferated as civilian adjuncts and 'force multipliers' not only of the government military and police forces but of feudal-fascist political warlords."

Stop Police Abuse - Build Community Self-Defense (tags)

Police killings and abuse with impunity are systemic. We can't rely on the courts for justice, but must build inter-communal solidarity and resistance and the capacity for community self-defense.

Obama's War on Yemen (tags)

Obama's expanded war agenda


It is always difficult to say to who the future belongs.

Revolutionary Forces says more guerrilla fronts needed to win in the Philippines (tags)

The PESANTE NEWS learned today through news sources that the revolutionary group--the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) said in a statement marking its 41st founding anniversary today that it needed to increase the number of its guerrilla fronts and combatants if it were to win its protracted war against the government. The CPP said the guerrilla fronts of its armed wing, the New People’s Army (NPA), should grow “from around 120 to 180 in order to cover the rural congressional districts and gain the ability to deploy armed city partisan units in the urban congressional districts.”

Defeat U.S. War on Afghanistan and Iraq! (tags)

On December 1, President Barack Obama officially announced a massive escalation of the U.S. war on Afghanistan, tripling the number of American military personnel there since Obama took office. This move marks a decision by Washington to continue the colonial occupation of Afghanistan indefinitely, and with it the bloody slaughter of the Afghan people. Obama’s claim that he would “begin the transfer” of U.S. forces by mid-2011 was just sucker bait for gullible liberals. “Afghanistan Is Now Obama’s War,” proclaimed the media from New York to London to Mumbai. But Afghanistan has been the Democrats’ war since the moment it was launched, in September 2001, and together with the war on Iraq, it is a bipartisan imperialist war. No one in Washington thinks the Afghan puppet army will be able to handle the Taliban. The actual U.S. strategy is not to defeat the Taliban but to weaken it enough so that elements of the Islamists can be brought into a political deal. It is striking that in the United States, a majority of the population is turning against the war even though there hasn’t been a major national antiwar march in more than two years – ever since the start of the last presidential election campaign. At protests following Obama’s announcement of more troops to Afghanistan, organizers carefully avoided any signs mentioning the president by name. Our Internationalist contingent, in contrast, carried signs including, “Hey Obama, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today? Defeat Imperialist Slaughter in Afghanistan, Iraq.”

The Great Game: U.S., NATO War In Afghanistan: Is the Entire World the Target? (tags)

"The longest war in American history prior to the current one was that in Vietnam. U.S. military advisers were present in the country from the late 1950s onward and covert operations were carried on in the early 1960s, but only in the year after the contrived Gulf of Tonkin incident - 1965 - did the Pentagon begin major combat operations in the south and regular bombing raids in the north. The last American combat unit left South Vietnam in 1972, seven years later. The U.S. (and Britain) began bombing the Afghan capital of Kabul on October 7, 2001 with Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from warships and submarines and bombs dropped from warplanes and shortly thereafter American special forces began ground operations, a task that has been conducted since by regular Army and Marine units. The bombing and the ground combat operations continue more than eight years later and both will be intensified to record levels in short order."


A commentary on the Nov 23 slaughter of 57 civilians in Maguindanao, Philipppines, sketching the historical parameters of the event and the converging political and social forces involved, with a focus on the U.S. role in establishing the groundwork for the evils of the prevailing Arroyo state terrorism.

More Arrests in America's War on Islam (tags)

America's political persecution continues

Conscious Forces Will Bring Us Certain Victory (tags)

How, in the coming period of intensified class struggle, activists will use open communities and information war to win ever-increasing attention and support and create the conscious forces that will bring us certain victory

Behind the "debate" over Afghanistan (tags)

October 7 marked the eighth year of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, making it one of the longest wars in U.S. history, and the end is nowhere in sight. Instead, today the imperialists are facing mounting difficulties and staring into the abyss of possible defeat.

The War in Afghanistan and its Implications in the Philippines (tags)

For the Alliance-Philippines, the escalating US-War in Afghanistan has a very special implication to the revolutionary movement in the Philippines. It is not only because there are 5 million Muslims in the Philippines, but also because there is an existing civil war in the Philippines centered in the 2nd largest island of Mindanao. It also indirectly affects the Filipino community abroad as in North America specially here in the United States. The existing civil war between the MILF with the Philippine government and the NPA has dragged on for more than 37 years. It just intensifies in varying degrees in between negotiations; ceasefires and changes in the US supported regimes. The civil war that started when President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law in 1972 has claimed more than 30,000 lives, and at present affected more than 2 million people and 650,000 refugees in Mindanao.


Today, October 2001, the Bush regime’s armed forces launched “Operation Enduring Freedom” by carpet bombing Afghanistan and then invading and occupied the whole country after a minimal resistance from the existing Taliban regime. Like when Bush proclaimed “mission accomplished “ in Iraq, Afghanistan was an easy victory to their delight in 2001 but later it became their worst nightmare several years later.

Seven Million Hondurans Under House Arrest as Micheletti Writes of "Democracy" (tags)

"This has caused a generalized phenomenon throughout the metropolitan area: People have come en masse out of their homes, chased the police out of many of those neighborhoods, and erected barricades to keep them out. They are now organizing to maintain those barricades. The coup regime thus, overnight, has lost any semblance of control of considerable tracts of urban Honduras."

Wage all-out struggle against US forces in Mindanao--NDF/Ka Oris (tags)

The National Democratic Front-Mindanao (NDF-Mindanao) today issued a call urging all revolutionary forces in Mindanao "to wage an all-out struggle against the deployment and intervention of American soldiers in the internal armed conflict in the Philippines." NDF-Mindanao spokesperson Jorge Madlos ("Ka Oris") issued the call in response to the statement by US Defense Secretary Robert Gates that the US will continue to involve itself in the "counter-insurgency" war in the Philippines which would include heightened support for the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

Combat troops to replace support troops in Afghanistan as Obama’s war escalates (tags)

The Los Angeles Times reports on September 2nd that the Pentagon is planning on replacing up to 14,000 U.S. “support” troops in Afghanistan with “combat” troops (see,0,6170770.story). The Times reports the support units will be replaced by "trigger-pullers,” according to Department of Defense (DOD) officials.

More clashes erupts in Basilan; MILF says it will resist government attacks (tags)

AJLPP news sources in Manila reported that another clash erupted between government security forces and the terrorist Abu Sayyaf Group in Basilan province yesterday afternoon as a top leader of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in the province said elements of the MILF are ready to fight all-out when attacked by government forces. Yesterday’s encounter resulted in the wounding of one Marine soldier while an undetermined number of bandits were believed to have either been killed or wounded, according to the military.

Coup General: "We're Going After the Protest Leaders" (tags)

"The clock is ticking on this coup regime. And on television this morning, one could see the fear in the eyes of the macho generals that try so hard to show a fearless face. Their days are numbered, not because the other countries of the hemisphere and the world reject the coup, but so much more importantly, because the Honduran people are organizing to put a stop to it all by themselves. The coup generals don't have an end game. The civil resistance does, and is unanimous in it: The toppling of the coup regime, the reinstatement of the elected government, and a Constitutional Convention to remake their nation in a more authentically democratic form."

Honduras: Military Announcement Against Coup (tags)

We, a group of Senior and Junior Officers (we do not mention names for obvious reasons and not because of cowardice) facing the situation in which politicians in collusion with commanders have involved the armed forces and that have deteriorated the good image that we had to the Honduran people we speak and we denounce the following: •

Major increase in violent deaths of Mexican Troops and Federal Police in Michoacan (tags)

In response to a major increase in death and violence in the Mexican President’s home state of Michoacán President Felipe Calderon sent more than 5,500 more troops and federal police to protect, defend and support federal forces and other Mexican law enforcement personal who have taken a stand against the Mexican Drug Cartel known as La Familia.

Mexican forces being taken from Juarez to Michoacán (tags)

The troops will be used to confront the Mexican drug cartel La Familia in Michoacán where the Mexican president is from and has become the latest focus point of the Mexican Governments war on drugs.


“ Honor our Heroes, Remember their Heroism.’ Widows, advocates and veterans led by the Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE) in cooperation with the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) of Los Angeles commemorates the 68th year anniversary of the USAFFE Day, July 26, 1941 on Friday, July 24th at 9:30 AM at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center Auditorium at 1300 N. Vermont St, Los Angeles, CA 90027. On July 26, 1941, the 70,000 Commonwealth Army of the Philippines was integrated into the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) by an executive order of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in preparation of an impending war in Asia in 1941.


“ Honor our Heroes, Remember their Heroism.’ Widows, advocates and veterans led by the Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE) in cooperation with the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) of Los Angeles commemorates the 6th year anniversary of the USAFFE Day, July 26, 1941 on Friday, July 24th at 9:30 AM at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center Auditorium at 1300 N. Vermont St, Los Angeles, CA 90027. On July 26, 1941, the 70,000 Commonwealth Army of the Philippines was integrated into the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) by an executive order of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in preparation of an impending war in Asia in 1941.

BTL:U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq Cities Greeted with Celebration and Hope (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

The Significance of Washington's Coup Attempt in Honduras (tags)

There should be no doubt about the U.S. decisive role behind the now-crumbling military coup in Honduras. As commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces, the blame for this intervention lies solely on President Obama. The White House, however, would like you to believe that they attempted to convince the Honduran military not to intervene. Rubbish.

America's "Bases of Empire" (tags)

imperial America's global face


"Ati cupong singsing, metunyan timpukan" With the Kapampangan music sung by the choir, amidst heavy security and with a intimate mostly Kapampangan crowd, Philippine President Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo met and greets the Filipino American community in Los Angeles in a breakfast meeting at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel last Saturday, June 20. The President paid tribute to the Filipino American overseas workers PGMA also mentioned the fact that “ more than two-thirds (2/3) of all overseas remittances to the Philippines comes from the more than3 million Filipinos in the United States.” She also acknowledges that these remittances keeps the Philippine economy floating.


With the Kapampangan music sung by the choir, amidst heavy security and with a intimate mostly Kapampangan crowd, Philippine President Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo met and greets the Filipino American community in Los Angeles in a breakfast meeting at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel last June 21. The President paid tribute to the Filipino American overseas workers PGMA also mentioned the fact that “ more than two-thirds (2/3) of all overseas remittances to the Philippines comes from the more than3 million Filipinos in the United States.” She also acknowledges that these remittances keeps the Philippine economy floating.

Human Rights Violations Continues in the Philippines (tags)

Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA , a US based human rights organization condemns and militantly protests the continuing acts of impunity of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) against the democratic forces in the Philippines A KMP leader, Fermin Lorico of KAUGMAON Negros Orietal allied with the KMP was killed right after a protest against GMA charter change in Dumaguete City last June 10. In another development, last June 9. In Mindanao, a well-known peasant leader Rene Penas of the group allied with AKBAYAN was also killed in Sumilao, Bukidnon.

Military Abuses Vs Filipino Peasants Continues (tags)

Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA condemns and militantly protest the continuing acts of impunity of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) against the democratic forces in the Philippines This came after two dozen men in fatigue uniforms broke into the office of a militant farmers’ cooperative in Sanchez Mira in northwestern Cagayan shortly after midnight on June 11, mauled farmers staying in it to participate in a seminar, and ran away with undisclosed amounts of cash and goods . According to reports, 20 armed men forcibly entered the Mass Cooperative office in Bgy. Massisit in Sanchez Mira here and mauled the seminar participants, some members of the party list group Anak Pawis, aside their taking money and valuables.


he US based Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA condemns and militantly protest the continuing acts of impunity of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) against the democratic forces in the Philippines This came after two dozen men in fatigue uniforms broke into the office of a militant farmers’ cooperative in Sanchez Mira in northwestern Cagayan shortly after midnight on June 11, mauled farmers staying in it to participate in a seminar, and ran away with undisclosed amounts of cash and goods . Pesante -USA noted that similar cases of political harassment of militants in Cagayan province had occurred in the past, the most prominent being the burning two years ago of a community radio station in Baggao town which was put up with the help of the party-list group Bayan Muna.


In a press conference held on Monday June 2, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has said the U.S. military’s partnership with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) can be used as a model in fighting terrorism worldwide. Gates made the statement during his visit to Manila for a high level meeting with his Philippine counterpart - Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Gilbert Teodoro. Clearly this was a vote of confidence on the Arroyo regime's on-going war against legitimate people's movements in the Philippines from a key member of the Obama Team himself. Emboldened by Gate's statement and promise of continuing military assistance from the United States, on June 3, against the backdrop of worsening economic crisis, of intensifying political killings and forced disappearances and escalating military conflict in Southern Philippines - in a brazen act of indifference and cowardice - the Arroyo controlled congress passed House Resolution 1109 which turned the lower house into a constituent assembly. This will make it possible for the U.S.- Arroyo regime to tinker with the 1987 constitution to further tighten and continue their stranglehold on the country and its people.

Largest drug bust in history in Afghanistan 92 tons (tags)

Most of it is turned into heroin and smuggled to markets in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The vast province is a known stronghold for the Taliban and al-Qaeda insurgency.

Obama to send even more troops to Afghanistan while he threatens to expand war more deeply (tags)

Using the “terrorist” excuse to justify escalation and the spreading of the war President Barack Obama continued with his latest escalation of the war in Afghanistan by announcing his plans to send an additional 4,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan to train Afghan government puppet forces. He also announced plans to send hundreds of additional civilians to the country. Like his predecessor George W. Bush, he raised the specter of “terrorism” to justify his actions.


GABNet of the Mariposa Alliance was present at all three major anti-war rallies called by the ANSWER Coalition.


On November 1, 2005, Nicole, a 22-year-old Filipina, was observed being dumped out of a van in a semi-unclothed and semi-conscious state. The van contained three U.S. troops who were in the Philippines for the annual joint military exercises with the Philippine Armed Forces. Lance Cpl. Daniel Smith was subsequentlly charged with rape before the Philippine courts. He was found guilty and sentenced to 40 years. After spending 30 days in a Philippine jail, he was spirited out at midnight to the U.S. embassy where he is said to remain while his case goes through the Court of Appeals. This month, Nicole signed an affidavit saying she might have given the wrong signals to Cpl. Smith. She was given an immigration visa for the U.S. The Filipino people are demanding that the Visiting Forces Agreement signed by President Bush and President Estrada, who was overthrown in 2001, be abrogated for its onerous provisions against the sovereignty of the Philippines.

BTL:Cindy Sheehan Calls for Protest Against Obama Iraq and Afghanistan War Policy (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

Protogenes Queiróz (tags)

Finally, fighting for justice today. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Justice delayed is justice denied." So, we appreciate your vigilance and support for the processes of evaluation and dissemination of data contained in the 12 disks in the possession of the CIA are not obstructed. We want only the truth, because we know that just truth guarantees the sovereignty of our people.

VIDEO Israelis open fire at international activists & palestinian farmers (tags)

24th February 2009 Khoza'a, Khan Younis , Gaza Strip: Palestinian farmers, accompanied by international human rights workers, were fired upon by Israeli forces in the village of Khozaa, near Khan Younis, this morning. The farmers and human rights workers were attempting to work on land around 300m from the Green Line.

Mexico’s violent war deaths are piling up (tags)

Border protesters told this reporter that the MDC’s claim they are dedicated to overthrowing the current Calderon government and the government is hiding the true Mexican army death totals. Many Mexican troops have been killed by direct confrontations with MDC’s paramilitary forces many more than the Calderon administration is willing to admit.

FQS 39th Anniversary, Jan 30-31, 1970 (tags)

We the activist from the Kilusang Dekada 70 (KD70) remembers that thirty-nine years ago, on January 30-31, 1970, from the night of January 30 to the early morning of January 31, 1970 fought the Philippine police and army forces who attacked the progressive forces in what is now known in history as the Battle of Mendiola. Four activist were killed and more than 150 were wounded by gunfire and at least 600 others were arrested and jailed in the Camp Crame. Manila became a virtual military camp but the activist were not cowed and the series of mass actions were launched now collectively known as the First Quarter Storm of 1970.

Terrorist Chicago cousins convicted of violent jihad conspiracies. (tags)

According to court records, Zubair and Khaleem Ahmed both traveled to Cairo, Egypt on May 21, 2004 with the intent to engage in acts that would result in the murder or maiming of U.S. forces.

Mexico as a failed state will require U.S. military intervention (tags)

In terms of worst-case scenarios for the Joint Force and indeed the world is Mexico a large and important country bordering the United States and could be facing a rapid and sudden collapse.


AJLPP learned from news sources in the Philippines that the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) has ordered its armed wing, the New People’s Army (NPA), to attack American and Filipino military forces when they hold joint exercises in the Bicol region in April. "NPA units in Bicol are specifically instructed to launch as many tactical offensives as they can in many areas of the region in mockery of the Balikatan [Shoulder to Shoulder] exercises and to prevent the US military from strengthening its foothold in the region," the CPP said in a statement sent to Philippine Daily Inquirer Sunday.

Balikatan 09: A Disguised Psy-War Operation (tags)

This is a reaction to the PDI article last January 9, titled “RP-US ‘Balikatan’ goes to Bicol; no war games. The US Armed Forces as well as Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) are blatantly deceiving the public of the real purpose of Balikatan 09 to be held here in Bicol.

BAYAN-Bikol: “Balikatan 09 is a disguised intelligence and psywar operation!” US troops sh (tags)

The militant Bagong Alyansang Makabayan-Bikol (BAYAN-Bikol) lambasted the US Armed Forces as well as Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for blatantly deceiving the public of the real purpose of Balikatan 09 to be held here in Bicol.

U.S. Backed Invasion by Israel (tags)

Shortly after darkness fell on Saturday night, January 3, Israel launched a massive land invasion of Gaza involving 9,000-10,000 soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and heavy artillery, engineering and intelligence forces, with the support of Israel’s Air Force, navy, and secret police and spy agencies. The ground invasion came after Israel, for the first time, unleashed an artillery barrage on Gaza, striking a mosque and killing at least 11 people. By the next day, Israeli forces had reportedly cut Gaza in half, “bisecting” it between north and south.


“Baler,” winner for best picture in the present Metro Manila Film Festival, is the first feature film made of the siege of Baler- the last Spanish outpost to surrender to revolutionary forces during the revolutionary war of 1896. The Siege of Baler was based on the diary Spanish Lt. Col. Martin Cerezo, commander of a garrison of Spanish soldiers in Baler, Tayabas( now called the Quezon province), during the Spanish occupation of the Philippines. By December 10, 1898, the Spanish-American War had already ended; Spanish forces in the Philippines, Cuba and elsewhere had already surrendered but the Spanish garrison in Baler didn’t know it. Their headquarters in Iloilo (the last capital of Spain in the Philippines to surrender), forgot to tell them. Katipuneros attacked the 57-man garrison and the Spaniards took shelter in the town church. Instead of rushing the church, the Filipino colonel decided to surround the church with his more superior forces and wait for the Spaniards to run out of food and is forced to surrender. He did not expect the tenacity and fighting spirit of the Spaniards. The siege lasted almost a year, exactly 338 days. Col. Martin Cerezo recounted in his diary the suffering of his soldiers inside the besieged church.

World and US Situation, 2008 (tags)

For more than two years, we revolutionaries had observed the impending total unravelling and complete discredit of the "free market" pretense of monopoly capitalism and the full bankruptcy of the policy of "neoliberal globalization." But the leaders of the US and other imperialist countries and the puppet states were always lying and boasting about the so-called strong fundamentals of their economies. Only recently have they been compelled by the circumstances to admit that the US and global capitalist system are beset by the worst economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 12.20.08 (tags)

"[UFPJ leaders] will obfuscate a little bit, but I think in the long run, they are moving away from an antiwar position, and they are going to be losing a lot of people who are interested in building an antiwar movement."

Bush administration claims U.S. military can police American citizens (tags)

The Bush administration indicates that the President is authorized by the Constitution and Title 10 (10 USC 331–334) to suppress insurrections, rebellions, and domestic violence.

Jeremy Scahill: This (Old) News Just In... Obama Doesn't Plan to End the Iraq Occupation (tags)

The New York Times is reporting about an "apparent evolution" in president-elect Barack Obama's thinking on Iraq, citing his recent statements about his plan to keep a "residual force" in the country and his pledge to "listen to the recommendations of my commanders" as Obama prepares to assume actual command of US forces. "At the Pentagon and the military headquarters in Iraq, the response to the statements this week from Mr. Obama and his national security team has been akin to the senior officer corps' letting out its collective breath," the Times reported. "The words sounded to them like the new president would take a measured approach on the question of troop levels."

Colombians Stage Anti-FARC, Kidnapping Protest Across Nation (tags)

Nov. 28 -- Thousands of Colombians dressed in white plan marches throughout the country today to protest more than 40 years of violence and kidnapping by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.23.08 (tags)

This is not change we can believe in.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.18.08 (tags)

[I]t will be interesting to see how antiwar activists react to this. Are they antiwar or just anti-Republican?

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.11.08 (tags)

We believe that veterans and active-duty GIs are in a key position to stop illegal and unjust war, and we are inspired by the resistance of troops who stood against the war in Vietnam.

AJLPP Hits US Filipino Puppets Defense of US Imperialist Intervention in the Philippines (tags)

The puppetry of US running dogs known no bound. The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) strongly condemns high handed brazen US intervention particularly in Mindanao, which is legal, according to a contingent of the Legislative Oversight on the Visiting Forces Agreement (Lovfa) of both chambers of Congress.


Very few people know that the US military is directly involved in the fierce fighting going on in the Philippines between the Moro insurgents and the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime supported by the Bush neocons and the warmongering Pentagon planners. Will you continue to allow US tax dollars to be wasted in this barbaric genocidal war against indigenous peoples? Over a thousand extrajudicial killings and "forced disappearances" under Arroyo's tenure, plus a few hundred Muslims dead as "collateral damage," may be the signs of US "benevolent hegemony" (Robert Kagan) and US "magnanimous imperial power" (Dinesh D'Souza). McKinley's "Benevolent Assimilation" lives on!


It was Mr. Obama who seemed more aligned with President Bush's current policy of authorizing American special forces to cross the Afghan-Pakistan border into Pakistan's tribal areas that Al Qaeda and the Taliban have used as a sanctuary.


U.S. General: "We are not losing, but we are winning slower in some places than others."

Philippine Government Launches New War on Muslim Groups (tags)

War officially came to southern Philippines again as the government of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo unilaterally put an end to eleven years of negotiations with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) September 3. A month early the government abruptly broke off talks with the MILF on the eve of signing an autonomy pact. There are numerous reports of U.S. Special Forces accompanying Philippines Army units on their deadly sweeps in the Bangsamoro (land of the Moro people) region. More than 100 people have been killed so far and half a million refugees have fled from the fighting. Bourgeois liberals and the petty-bourgeois left lamely call on the government to resume the “peace process,” which in any case was only intended to wear down the insurgents. Revolutionaries instead seek to mobilize Philippine workers to drive out all U.S. forces, whatever their legal status; to force the withdrawal of the AFP from the contested southern areas; and to defend the Bangsamoro people and their right to self-determination.


Moro group on Tuesday said US forces have been helping in the offensives against Moro Islamic Liberation front rebels in Maguindanao. But the military denied it even in the wake of photos taken by the Philippine Daily Inquirer which showed US forces holding an unmanned aerial vehicle during the early days of the offensive against the forces of MILF Commanders Ameril Ombra Kato and Wahid Tundok.

US troops’ stay questioned, (tags)

They are supposed to be only visitors, but after six years they are still around and some local officials are wondering whether they are already part of the Filipino family. Officially, they are called the “visiting forces” but there has been no sign that American soldiers are leaving anytime soon and the officials are asking why the “visit” seems to have become a permanent deployment. Vice Mayor Mannix Dalipe says the Arroyo administration and the Philippine military have to explain why American troops are still in Zamboanga City. “No one is giving us answers,” Dalipe said in an interview the other day.

On the Ancestral Land MOA of the MILF and GRP and the Escalation of Hostilities (tags)

The Cordillera Peoples' Democratic Front (CPDF) expresses deep concern and condemns the war of aggression being waged by the US-backed reactionary Armed Forces of the Philippines that has caused the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of both Christian and Moro people in Mindanao. It likewise condemns US direct intervention in the war-torn south.


The AJLPP and the media sources including of the MILF confirmed that the AFP offensive in Mindanao grounds into a halt as Ramadan, the holy month of the Muslim world sets in. More than 300,000 people have been dislocated by the fighting between the AFP and the MILF. The campaign by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to encircle and finally finish off MILF Commander Bravo Macapaar and his 102nd BIAF Base Command has been terribly foiled by the heavy losses in men and materiel on the part of the invading force. This was reported by the This is notwithstanding the far superior manpower being utilized by the AFP in the campaign and the sheer air and ground firepower to back up the assaulting troops on the ground. According to ground information an initial of four infantry battalions have been thrown into the fray against Commander Bravo.

AJLPP Calls for The Resumption of Peace Talks, Warns of US Intervention (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) reiterates its call for the US-Arroyo regime and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to resume peace talks and go back to the negotiations in the light of heavy fighting in the south that displaced almost 170,000 people. The AJLPP also views with deep concern the unseen hand of US intervention. News about US military forces helping AFP troops in their operations against the MILF is disconcerting. The prouncements of US Ambassador Kristie Kenney that feigns innocence over US involvement is also unsettling.

Cannon fodder for the market (tags)

The government of Georgia would never have launched its armed forces against the capital of the Autonomous Republic of South Ossetia in the dawn of August 8, engaged in what it called the re-establishing of constitutional order, without previous coordination with Bush

Christians join forces with Militant Israeli Jews (tags)

Christians join forces with Militant Israeli Jews in a fanatical effort to help Mossad, fbi,cia, etc., to control the world and to subjugate all human beings on earth by inhumane and satanic methods.

Gov’t-MILF clashes go on in Cotabato (tags)

Skirmishes between government security forces and a group of Moro rebels in Libungan town in North Cotabato continued Monday, spilling over into the next town. “The fighting involving soldiers and MILF rebels had been ongoing since Sunday and now it escalated into Pigcawayan. The rebels are led by Commander Umbra Kato. The rebels are harvesting the crops of Christian settlers,” North Cotabato Gov. Jesus Sacdalan said. But Eid Kabalu, MILF’s civil military affairs chief, told the Inquirer that they had not received reports that the fighting had escalated into the neighboring town.

Legitimizing Permanent Occupation of Iraq (tags)

Washington plans to stay

On the Colombia “ Hostage Rescue” (tags)

n the American press media, the Colombian “hostage rescue” last July 3 that rescued three American servicemen was given prominence. The stress of the media especially the CNN was not only to hail the so called rescue mission as a success. It was also hailed for the rescue being bloodless and “not a single shot being fired.” Another stress of the media was the guerilla forces of FARC “ is finished” while at the same time maligning the revolutionary forces as “ narcotrafficers and terrorist” while at the same time pointing out that the 40-year struggle of the armed revolutionaries as “ the longest insurgency is southern hemisphere.


With the subservience of the Arroyo regime, Bush continues the political-military intervention in the "killing field" of the Philippines, wasting millions of tax-dollars in suppressing the Moro insurgents and Filipino national-democrats, abetting the horrendous extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances and widespread poverty and oppression, all in the name of the war against "terrorism," a code-word for popular resistance against global capital's greed and inhumane devastation of the planet.

MILF attacks meant to push peace talks’ revival — AFP (tags)

A senior military official said the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is stepping up attacks in Mindanao in a bid to pressure the government into restarting its stalled peace talks with the rebel group. Meanwhile, the MILF blames the AFP for the attacks. According to Regional Army chief Maj. Gen. Reymundo Ferrer, elements within the MILF want to put pressure on the government to resume the talks by launching the attacks.

CIA/US Military Perpetrated Most of Iraq's "Suicide Bombs"! (tags) Baghdad when an Iraqi driver had his license and car confiscated at a checkpoint, after which he was instructed "to report to an American military camp near Baghdad airport for interrogation and in order to retrieve his license." After being questioned for a short while, he was told to drive his car to an Iraqi police station, where his license had been forwarded, and that he should go quickly. "The driver did leave in a hurry, but was soon alarmed with a feeling that his car was driving as if carrying a heavy load, and he also became suspicious of a low flying helicopter that kept hovering overhead, as if trailing him. He stopped the car and inspected it carefully. He found nearly 100 kilograms of explosives hidden in the back seat and along the two back doors. The only feasible explanation for this incident is that the car was indeed booby trapped by the Americans and intended for the al-Khadimiya Shiite district of Baghdad. The helicopter was monitoring his movement and witnessing the anticipated ‘hideous attack by foreign elements."[17]

So-called US humanitarian mission in Samar a guise for military intervention (tags)

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines-Eastern Visayas expressed today that the Pacific Friendship 2008 ending this June – a "humanitarian mission" by the US Navy in Samar – is but a guise for foreign military intervention and tramples on national sovereignty. "Because it is confronted by people's resistance worldwide and thus fighting on so many fronts, the US currently relies on psychological warfare operations and selected deployments of its special operations forces," said Fr. Santiago Salas, NDFP-EV spokesperson. "The principal fighting forces of the US are currently bogged down trying to quell the anti-occupation resistance movements in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thus in other countries like the Philippines where it has strategic interests, the US has in recent years resorted to feigned humanitarian missions such as the recent one in Samar, and the Balikatan war exercises where US special operations forces train their counterparts in the puppet Philippine military."

US Released Footage of Airborne Drone Strike (tags)

The video shows the "anti-Afghan militants" moving to a position identified as inside Pakistan and the impact of a bomb which the voiceover says killed two of them.

Agreement Lets US Attack any Country from Inside Iraq (tags)

This story is funny, since this has been the plan all along, and was one of the real reasons behind this illegal war. This seems to be a way of hiding these facts, since the developments on the ground makes this hard to hide under the rug.

The fight for Filipino veterans' equity: A struggle against racism (tags)

After 63 years, the U.S. Senate finally passed the Veterans Expanded Benefits Bill on April 24 with a vote of 96 to 1. But can this act of Congress giveA back justice and equity for Filipino veterans who were denied their rights for 63 long years? The Philippines was a colony of the United States when World War II broke out in 1941. In a hurry to defend its colonial possessions in the Pacific, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt formed the United States Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) and integrated the 70,000-strong Commonwealth Army of the Philippines into the 30,000-troop U.S. army in the Philippines on July 26, 1941.

Mexico's National Security Cabinet expected to declare a state of emergency (tags)

Calderon is reported to be rushing more Mexican Army troops to the border cities of Juarez, Tijuana, Mexicali, Palomas and others.

On the 66th Year of the Fall of Corregidor, May 6, 1942 (tags)

On May 6, 1942, after enduring one month of siege, air and artillery bombardment by the Japanese, the island fortress of Corregidor surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Army.. With the surrender of Corregidor, General Jonathan Wainright, USAFEE Chief was forced to formally surrendered the whole Philippines. With the fall of the Philippines, organized armed resistance by the USAFFE forces in the Philippines ceased to exist. The formal occupation of the Philippines by the Japanese Imperial forces for the next three years begun. But, the Filipino guerilla resistance became very much alive. Independent guerilla forces started in earnest. The guerilla forces in Northern Luzon led by General Guillermo Nakar in Isabela and the HUKBALAHAP in Central Luzon started even before the fall of Bataan on April 9, 1942. For the next three years, Filipino guerillas led by able Filipino leaders or by American officers never let the Japanese have peace of mind in occupying the Philippines. They held the line and even liberated areas even before American forces landed in the Philippines.

AJLPP Sautes the 35th Year of the NDFP (tags)

On behalf of the Filipino American community in the United States and all its allies, we in the Alliance Philippines (AJLPP)consider it fitting and proper to extend warmest greetings to the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) in celebration of the 35th anniversary of its founding on 24 April 1973 when its 10-Point Program was unfurled and promulgated. We share in the Filipino people's jubilation that the NDFP has won great victories in the application and development of the policy and tactics of the united front in advancing the people's democratic revolution against foreign monopoly capitalism, domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism in the Philippines.


Senator Gilbert Cedillo (D-Los Angeles) issued the following statement on the United States Senate unanimous vote to proceed with a floor debate on S. 1315, the Veterans Benefits Enhancement Act. Among other actions the bill would restore U.S. Veterans status and eligibility for Veterans Affairs (VA) disability pension benefits to Filipino Veterans serving in WW II. A final vote is expected today:

Bataan Day Protest in LA (tags)

“Remember Bataan!” This was the battle cry of American soldiers during the Second World War. The battle cry was a call to avenge the American defeat and the Death March that the Japanese Imperial Army perpetrated against American and Filipino Forces that surrendered in Bataan on April 9, 1942. Today, after 66 years, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of Filipino veterans, student, youth and community advocates announced that they will commemorate the 65th Bataan Day with a protest rally at the Westwood Federal building 11000 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles on April 10, 2008 at 5:00 P.M.. “Money for the Filipino Veterans, Not for the War” will be the slogan of JFAV, AJLPP and Samahang Pilipino at UCLA who were spearheading the rally.

Embarrassed US Starts to Disown Basra Operation (tags)

As it became clear last week that the Operation Knights Assault in Basra was in serious trouble, the George W. Bush administration began to claim in off-the-record statements to journalists that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had launched the operation without consulting Washington.

Shameful Defeat for SOS/Minutemen in Ventura County! (tags)

The Minutemen had a hard time selling their brand of anti-human agitation in Ventura County. The Frente Contra las Redadas del Condado de Ventura successfully delivered a "stealth upper-cut" by organizing a community response to this incursion by racists from Orange, San Berdu, etc.

U.S. Command Denies Military Task Force Exists (tags)

NORTHCOM was established following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to provide for the defense of the United States and to provide military support to civil authorities when requested by the president or secretary of defense. NORTHCOM also is responsible for overseeing military responses to natural and man-made disasters,such as hurricanes and incidents involving weapons of mass destruction within the United States borders.

Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)

A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.

Bush and Uribe v. Chavez and Correa (tags)

The latest made in USA regional mischief.

Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions (tags)

Israeli crimes of genocide

The Gaza Bombshell: Crisis Made in USA (tags)

The current crisis in Gaza is entirely the creation of Extremists in the US and Israel, who don't want to end Zionism's expansionist war on the Palestinians. Don't let the media ignore this story ...

SULU MASSACRE (Mindanao, Philippines) (tags)

“Despicable, loathsome, ruthless…” These were the words of Anak Mindanao Representative Mujiv S. Hataman on the latest tragedy in the province of Sulu , particularly in the coastal town of Maimbung , which claimed the lives of a 4-year old child, Marisa Payian, 9 year old Wedme Lahim, teenagers Alnalyn Lahim, 15 and Sulayman Hakob, 17. Three other civilians were also killed, Kirah Lahim, 45; Eldisim Lahim, 43 and Narcia Abon, 24. A certain Pfc. Ibnul Wahid of the Army's 6th Infantry Division who was said to be on vacation was also killed.

Just one question! Who is going to invade the USA? (tags)

Well is probably part of the government jobs program for over paid generals and military leaders.

FQSN-USA Statement on the 38th Anniversary of The First Quarter Storm (FQS) “Battle of Men (tags)

We the activist from the First Quarter Storm Network-USA remembers that thirty-eight years ago, on January 30-31, 1970 fought the Philippine police and army forces who attacked the progressive forces in what is now known in history as the Battle of Mendiola. Two years after, on September 21, 1972, President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial in the Philippines and plunged the country into 14 years of dictatorship and blatant fascism. Today, Philippine president Gloria Macapagal –Arroyo is trying to institute another kind of martial law, an undeclared martial law in the guise of fighting the “US war Against Terror”. FQS activist like Randall Echanis, Elizabeth Principe, Philip Limjoco, Leo Velasco and others were arrested without charges and held in jail. Militant activist who are serving the people are being thrown in jail and incarcerated.

AFP High Fallutin Blusters, Empty Threats (tags)

The US-Arroyo Regime in its first command conference January this year with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), claimed that that it dismantled 13 guerrilla fronts of the revolutionary movement in 2007 and are set to dismantle 30 more this year. This is contrary to open admission made by the head of the AFP's military operations, Maj. Gen. Joji Leo Fojas, that only three guerrilla fronts have been dismantled, as of October last yea

Sison belie AFP’s decimation claim, say numbers actually growing (tags)

NDF consultant Prof. jose maria Sison refuted the military’s claim that the rebel group is weakening as its membership is being decimated due to the continuous offensive operations against it by government forces and the string of rebel surrenderees, saying its numbers are even growing nationwide. In a statement sent to the media, CPP founding chairman Jose Ma. Sison said the CPP’s armed wing, the New People’s Army (NPA), is now working the expansion of guerrillas that will cover all 173 congressional districts in the country

AFP seeks additional troops, P3.5B to quash insurgents (tags)

President Arroyo yesterday said she is merely awaiting the recommendation of Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro to approve the proposal of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) leadership to beef up its strength by six battalions to bolster the government’s campaign to stamp out the decades-old local communist insurgency. Presiding over the first AFP Command Conference of 2008 at Camp Aguinaldo yesterday morning, Mrs. Arroyo listened intently to the presentations of the military brass, led by AFP Chief of Staff Hermogenes Esperon Jr. on the insurgency situation and other threats to national security. Esperon reported to the President that the AFP needs six more battalions and P3.5 billion to implement its “unified command” program. In addition to the six battalions, the AFP hopes to constitute 20 more Cafgu (Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit) companies to help the military fight insurgency in the countryside.

Military, police raise coup d’etat alarm anew (tags)

With the prospect of an extension of the term of Armed Forces of the Philippines chief of staff, Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr., as the day of his retirement nears and with the Palace already preparing for the negative points as a result of this, both the AFP and the Philippine National Police (PNP) leaders, along with the Defense and Interior chiefs, again raised the alarm on coups and destabilization moves by alleged rebel soldiers, saying moves are afoot to topple President Arroyo and her government, claiming that they obtained the information gathered by the intelligence community.

Significant NPA victories in 2007, more and bigger victories eyed in 2008 (tags)

The revolutionary movement i n thePhilippines today said the New People's Army (NPA) "achieved significant military victories the past year, portending more and bigger successes in response to the Party's anniversary call to accelerate advances in 2008." "Based on our summary of still very partial reports received from the field, clearly the revolutionary forces have gained significant victories in waging guerrilla warfare. Foremost is the defeat of the military campaigns launched by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) this year to date," said CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal.

On the Turkish Armed Incursion into Northern Kurdistan (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) condemns the Turkish authorities in bombing and incursions in Northern Kurdistan part of Iraq for the third straight days. We equally condemn the US and Iraqi authorities for providing the necessary data for such bombings and incursions against the Kurdish people in the border of Turkey and Northern Iraq. The same military incursions and bombings in the islands of Sulu in Southern Philippines where a division size forces of the AFP and undetermined numbers of US military special forces and advisers were deployed for more than a year.

Galloway points finger at Musharaf... (tags)

"The professionalism of the assassination, the way in which the killer managed to get within pistol range of the opposition leader, the decoy "suicide bomb" story.. all point to the intelligence apparatus of the dictatorship being involved."

Why there is no ceasefire in The Philippines (tags)

It is understandable why there is no ceasefire between the armed forces of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and those of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Third World Warriors fight US wars - for dollars a day (tags)

With US forces stretched thin in Iraq, private security companies have swept in to fill the void. But abuses of third-world security forces abound. And in many cases, those helping to fight our wars can't even cross our borders.

Hundreds of thousands of students march for Chavez and "yes" in the referendum (tags)

They came in their tens of thousands, in their hundreds of thousands. They came from schools, from colleges, from universities, from teachers' unions and trade unions, and from the Social Missions concerned with education. They came in their red shirts with different names but all saying the same thing, Si in the referendum. Here in Venezuela learning is on the order of the day. Everyone is studying in one way or another, everyone is a student, so they came in all ages. We gathered in the Plaza de Venezuela and as each minute passed we grew in numbers. In all parts of the gathering crowd there were sound systems belting out different rhythms and people were dancing, singing and shouting slogans. It was a carnival atmosphere with a serious message. The small group of students also dressed in red but with No placards quickly disappeared after having been confronted by revolutionary students shouting "No pasaran", they shall not pass. We moved off chanting slogans such as "Eduacion Primero para el hijo del obrero; Educacion después para el hijo del burgues" (Firstly, the children of workers should be educated and only then the children of the bourgeoisie), "Obreros y Estudiantes, Unidos en Combate" (Workers and Students united in Struggle) and very importantly "Alerta, Alerta, Alerta Camarada, Que ya esta Preparada la Resistencia Armada" (Watch out Comrades, Armed Resistance is Ready). As the slogans were shouted red flags were being waved.

Iraq's Laboratory of Repression (tags)

The Bush administration is turning Iraq into a test tube for modern techniques of repression, from sophisticated biometrics that track populations to devastating weapons systems that combine night-vision optics from drone aircraft, heat resonance imaging and deadly firepower from the sky to kill suspected insurgents. The harsh repression surrounding the “surge” has drawn far less U.S. press attention. The grim reality, however, is that an increasingly desperate American military has stepped up its indiscriminate killing and jailing of Iraqis, especially “military-age males” or MAMS.

US military action on Pakistan advocated (tags)

* Analysts say likely dangers include collapse of Pakistan govt * Propose Special Forces operation to prevent nukes from falling into wrong hands * Suggest supporting army

Venezuela: the counter-revolution raises its head (tags)

In Venezuela the forces of the counterrevolution are engaged in an all-out offensive against Chavez and the Revolution. Right-wing students stage armed provocations on the campuses and the streets. The bourgeois media, nationally and internationally, are whipping up a campaign of hysteria against "tyranny" and "dictatorship". US imperialism, with the help of Juan Carlos and the Spanish bourgeoisie, is striving to isolate Venezuela and create an anti-revolutionary bloc in Latin America, based on Brazil and Colombia, Chile and Argentina. As on previous occasions - the coup of 2002, the bosses' lockout, the recall referendum and the elections of 2005 and 2006, the reactionaries are using the slogan of supposed "defence of democracy" as a means of mobilizing the counterrevolutionary forces, creating a climate of fear and instability in order to prepare the ground for a right-wing coup. In the present battle who is opposed to the reform of the Constitution? Fedecamara, that is, the landlords, bankers and capitalists, the Episcopal Conference, representing the reactionary hierarchy of the Church, the right-wing media and imperialism. On the other side of the barricades are the workers and peasants, the poor and dispossessed, the revolutionary youth and the progressive intelligentsia: in other words, all the living forces of Venezuelan society. Why does the ruling class hate the constitutional reform? They say it is because Chavez wishes to introduce a dictatorship, to be a President elected for life and so on. But the reformed constitution does not concede such powers or anything like them. It merely removes the restriction on standing for President more than twice. In Europe there is no such limitation. Sarkozy and Merkel can stand as often as they like. So can Gordon Brown. And in any case, the reformed constitution only allows Chavez to stand for election. It will be up to the people whether they elect him or not.

US steps up plans for military intervention in Pakistan (tags)

In the midst of public statements of support for “democracy” in Pakistan and the recent visit to Islamabad by the American envoy John Negroponte, Washington is quietly preparing for a stepped-up military intervention in the crisis-ridden country. According to the New York Times Monday, plans have been drawn up by the US military’s Special Operations Command for deploying Special Forces troops in Pakistan’s frontier regions for the purpose of training indigenous militias to combat forces aligned with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Citing unnamed military officials, the newspaper reports that the proposal would “expand the presence of military trainers in Pakistan, directly finance a separate tribal paramilitary force that until now has proved largely ineffective and pay militias that agreed to fight Al Qaeda and foreign extremists.”

Analysis: EU force may reach Chad in Jan. (tags)

Gen. Henri Bentegeat, chairman of the EU Military Committee, said Thursday the forces will be fully operational by the end of the year..."If we aren't welcome, we'll make ourselves welcome. If necessary by force," Bentegeat said, reiterating the EU forces will have a mandate allowing them to use violence if they see it fit.

Full Spectrum Mercenaries: Blackwater Goes to Mexico (tags)

If and when private security contractor Blackwater USA and its heavily-armed operatives are forced to pull out of Iraq as the result of the September 16th rampage in downtown Baghdad when its employees massacred up to 28 Iraqis, Mexico could be a profitable option for the North Carolina-based company.

Venezuela: another coupe in the works? (tags)

On Monday, November 5th, the campaign for the constitutional reform referendum in Venezuela was stepped up with the call by retired general Baduel for a NO vote. General Baduel was a close collaborator of Chávez and remained loyal to him during the April 2002 military coup which briefly ousted him. In July of this year he resigned from his position as Defence Minister and retired from active military office. His attacks on the constitutional reform are part of a concerted campaign by the ruling class to prevent it from being approved in a referendum which will take place on December 2nd. The amendments to the 1999 Venezuelan revolution were announced by Chávez after his election victory in December 2006 with the stated aim of bringing the Constitution into line with "Socialism of the 21st century". They were then formally proposed by Chávez in July, discussed throughout the country and passed with a whole series of modifications and additions by the National Assembly on November 2nd.

Iraqi guns: Smugglers and bunglers (tags)

With Iraq sliding into civil war amid repeated reports detailing the large-scale loss of US-provided weaponry, questions arise regarding the Pentagon's alleged relationship with international gun runners.


Book Review.

Why World War 3 is VERY possible (tags)

Following on the heels of President George W. Bush’s warning last week that those countries “interested in avoiding World War III” should align themselves with Washington’s escalating threats against Iran, a series of unfolding developments point to the danger of armed violence engulfing a broad swath of the Middle East and Central Asia and, indeed, posing the threat of a new world war. Six years after the US invasion of Afghanistan and four-and-a-half years after the invasion of Iraq, the continuation and deepening of the conflicts in both of these countries is setting into motion a political chain reaction of incalculable dimensions.

A Hundred and Fifty Years Later and Marx Still Prevails (tags)

Marx Was Right But Don’t Tell Them

$2.257B for Iraqi Army Guns, Vehicles & Logistics (tags)

On Sept 25/07, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced Iraq's formal request for vehicles, small arms, ammunition, explosives, and communications equipment as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $2.257 billion.

You Can't Defeat Fascism By Ignoring It (tags)

David Horowitz' Reactionary Road Show Must be Confronted and Exposed

Beytushebab Massacre: Lies and Crimes of Turkish Militarists (tags)

On September 29th, Turkish news agencies informed the Turkish and world public about a so-called PKK attack in which 12 people of Kurdish origin (7 of whom were Village Guards working for the “security” forces) were said to have lost their lives. They were mowed down in their minibus near the village of Hemkan attached to Beytushebab town of Shirnak province neighboring Iraq.

Are Lost U.S. Weapons In Enemy Hands? (tags)

"And before we get carried away with what a great manager he is, let’s remember Petraeus’ last job. According to a recent report by the Government Accountability Office, the Pentagon has lost track of 190,000 AK-47 assault rifles and pistols given to Iraqi security forces in 2004 and 2005. That represents 30 percent of all weapons distributed as part of our effort to train and equip Iraqi forces. The man in charge of security training at the time was Gen. David H. Petraeus." CBS News has learned that the CIA has photographic evidence that Austrian-made Glocks intended for Iraqi security forces and paid for by U.S. taxpayers are now in the hands of Iraqi insurgents -- in numbers that the intelligence community believes are in the thousands.

Venezuela today: complexities and outright lies (tags)

* A member of the editorial collective of El Libertario (; in Spanish & English) prepared this article for the 6th edition of the Costa Rican (A) journal La Libertad [September 2007;] in response to an inconsistent effort to establish impossible affinities between Chavism and Anarchism.

jorge slobbering over nukes (tags)

the stupid fundamentalist freak and nwo toady jorge bush arbusto is getting ready to use the nukes in an attempt to extricate himself and his cronies from public demands for an accounting....

Sept 15 is 25 Yrs Since US/Israel/Fascist Massacre at Sabra & Shatila (tags)

For those of us who can easily remember 25 years ago, one event that we certainly remember and ask that all learn from is the US/Israel/Fascist massacre of Palestinian women, children and old men at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, paid for with US tax dollars, aided by the US puppet Israel.

Middle East Madness (tags)

The enormous risks of a widened war in the Middle East


The Alliance for A Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) –USA reiterates its call for a stop on the ongoing war in Mindanao. The AJLPP through its National Coordinator Mario Santos today vehemently condemns the lack of sincerity on the part of the US-Arroyo regime in pursuing the peace negotiations with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the National Democratic Front (NDF).

Philippine Marine chief in Basilan sacked (tags)

-The commander of the Marine brigade battling Muslim extremists in Basilan was sacked from his post for not personally leading his troops into battle, the military’s chief said Wednesday. The removal of Col. Ra miro Alivio, commander of the 1st Marine Brigade, comes just days after heavy troop casualties in clashes with the Abu Sayyaf. Alivio would be moved to another position in the Marine headquarters in Fort Bonifacio “where his intelligence background will serve our organization best,” said Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon. He has been replaced by Col. Rus tico Guerrero, Esperon said.

US-Arroyo’s Double Talk: Talking Peace, Waging War (tags)

The Alliance for A Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) –USA express its serious and deep concern over the ongoing war in Mindanao the Philippine armed forces in Basilan and Sulu is waging that have claimed more than 100 lives in three separate clashes since the second week of July.


ough talk from the police and the military on arresting some 130 Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Abu Sayyaf rebels whom they claimed massacred 14 Marines, with 10 of them beheaded in Basilan, and for which thousands of troops were sent to back up the elements of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in serving these arrest warrants, turned out to be nothing but bluster, in the military brass’ bid to get the troops to cool down their anger over the brutal slaying of their Marine comrades. The PNP yesterday returned to the court the warrants of arrests issued against 130 MILF and Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) suspects after they failed to serve the warrant to any of the suspects.

190 000 weapons missing in Iraq (tags)

Since 2004 the military "has not consistently collected supporting records confirming the dates the equipment was received, the quantities of equipment delivered, or the Iraqi units receiving the items", the report said.

The Lashkar Gah massacre (tags)

We are now slaughtering the babies

Government forces ready to foil communist attacks--PNP (tags)

Government forces are ready to thwart communist attacks, officials said following threats of more rebel offensives in response to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s “outright threat to use state terror.” Philippine National Police (PNP) Director General Oscar Calderon on Thursday said he has ordered intensified security operations to stop the New People’s Army from staging deadly attacks on soldiers and policemen and destroying infrastructures like telecommunication towers.

JFAV Marks 66th USAFFE Day,US Filipino Vets March on Capitol Hill July 26 (tags)

No Justice, No Peace! The Justice for FIlipino American Veterans( JFAV) and the remaining Filipino World War II veterans in California will mark the 66th anniversary of the 1941Military Order of President Franklin D.Roosevelt drafting Philippine Commonwealth soldiers into U.S. armed service. On July 26, 1941, Roosevelt ordered the formation of the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) placing all Filipino forces under the U.S Command. This is in preparation for World War II. retired general Douglas Macarthur was designated as the field marshal placing the 120,000 Philippine Army, Constabulary, navy and aircorps and all Filipino ROTC reserve units under US Command. But despite this very clear consription order for 61 years, the Filipinos were discriminated,

AFP chief gives green light for Basilan offensive (tags)

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. issued an order yesterday to the troops currently on standby in Basilan to commence military operations in the island province. “It’s all systems go. The units can now start punitive actions against the perpetrators. The orders have been given,” said AFP Public Information Office (PIO) chief Lt. Col. Bartolome Bacarro, referring to military actions against those behind the beheading of the 10 Marines during the July 10 ambush in Tipo-Tipo. Brig. Gen. Juancho Sabban, deputy chief of the Western Mindanao Command (Wesmincom), was designated to head the newly formed Task Force Meteor aimed at capturing the group responsible for the ambush.

MILF given one week to surrender ambushers (tags)

---THE Armed Forces on Wednesday gave the Moro Islamic Liberation Front seven days to surrender its fighters that took part in a bloody battle with Marines in Basilan last week. Another Marine battalion will be deployed to the island province, which is also a stronghold of the Abu Sayyaf. The Armed Forces Public Information chief, Lt. Col. Bartolome Bacarro, said the additional battalion will beef up troops going after Moro rebels who ambushed a group of Marines in Tipo-Tipo town.

Plan Iraq - Permanent Occupation (tags)

Washington came to Iraq to stay.


-The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is deploying another Marine battalion in Basilan to augment government forces massing up in the province in preparation for the hunt for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels behind the June 10 ambush. “We will be deploying another Marine battalion to the area, on top of the earlier deployment of a Marine battalion from Sulu to Basilan,” AFP Public Information Office chief Lt. Col. Bartolome Bacarro said. He said the deployment of additional troops is in anticipation of a bigger force against military operations following “punitive actions against the suspects.”

Congress wants him out (tags)

The American people want him out

Vietnam Bush (tags)

Knows nothing about war.

Why is Pelosi let out of the house? (tags)

Her husband should answer.


The Anti-Terrorism Act (Republic Act No. 9372 or the Human Security Act of 2007) is part of the global wave of fascist legislation and state terrorism generated by the so-called global war on terror under the Bush regime of the US government. Aside from being a tool of US imperialism, the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) is a repressive tool of the Arroyo regime for intimidating and suppressing the people’s democratic movement and the broad range of opposition forces.


The Arroyo regime is hell-bent on suppressing the Filipino people and revolutionary people by murdering, kidnapping, torturing and driving them away from their homes and land. But the Filipino people and revolutionary forces have always strongly manifested their determination to defend themselves and wage resistance, punish the worst of human rights violators and plunderers and build the new organs of democratic power to replace the ruling system of greed and terror. #

Only Pressure on the Streets Can Advance the Struggle of Immigrant Workers (tags)

Negotiations in the U.S. Senate on immigration “reform” legislation have stalled. Is this a victory or a defeat for the working class? Despite the hypocritical tears of some national immigrant rights leaders who lament that “we lost a big opportunity”, in reality, this stagnation of the process reflects an equilibrium in the balance of forces between those who benefit from the most miserable exploitation of 12 million workers, and the interests and organizational strength of those workers and their allies. A detailed analysis of the proposal clearly reveals that this is an anti-immigrant “reform” which would increase the persecution of undocumented immigrants. This law would not improve the conditions of life of millions of families; on the contrary, it would make things worse.


On behalf of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), I write to express our alarm and dismay over the abduction of Pastor Berlin Guerrero of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. Our understanding is that he was abducted by members of the Philippine National Police and the Naval Intelligence Security Forces and is still being held by Philippine authorities. We are deeply concerned by reports of the tactics employed in Pastor Guerrero's abduction. We understand that he was taken by armed men who carried drawn weapons. No warrant of arrest was produced at the time of his abduction. Reports indicate that personal affects were taken from members of his family when he was abducted. We urge you to call for, and oversee, a full investigation of the circumstances surrounding the abduction of Pastor Guerrero. This investigation should include the activities of the police and of the military and security forces.

Philippine Govt rejects OIC on MNLF camps (tags)

The Philippines has rejected the request of the powerful Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)—the United Nations of Muslim majority countries, whose official observer for the Philippines is the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)—to give back to the MNLF’s Ustadz Habier Malik the two camps that government troops wrested from Malik on April 15. The OIC is helping all parties in the Mindanao conflicts keep the peace. Its richer members are pouring development aid into Mindanao and have pledged to invest billions to make Mindanao and the Filipino Muslims enjoy prosperity and modernization. Malik had issued a declaration of jihad (holy war) against the government and the Armed Forces of the Philippines after government troops overran his MNLF camps in retaliation for his group’s attack, using mortars, on a Marine base. Malik’s attack killed two Marines.

Blackwater: The Christian Right and the War on America (tags)

the civil war that england has been after for a long time now you WILL sell out america, and worship lords and kings again, or you will die

AJLPP Oppose Another US-Arroyo Sell Out of Philippine Sovereignty. (tags)

SOFA, another grand sell-out”. This is how the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA characterize the treasonous action of puppet president when it signed the RP-Australia Status of Forces Agreement. (SOFA) The AJLPP never forget that the United States and Australia connived in supprting the US-Marcos dictatroship and its active involvement in the counter insurgency war against the Filipino and the Moro people since the end of World War II. Expect that the terrorism of the Arroyo regime is further emboldened by VFA and SOFA treaties and the military intervention and hegemonic superpower support of the US and its regional junior partner Australia." ?

RP, Australia sign defense pact (tags)

The Philippines and Australia signed signed a security pact yesterday that will allow the countries’ militaries to hold joint counterterrorism exercises. The Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) is the second such agreement entered into by the Philippines. President Arroyo and Australian Prime Minister John Howard witnessed the signing of the agreement by Defense Secretary Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. and Australian Minister for Defense Dr. Brendan Nelson. Bayan Muna Rep. Satur Ocampo vowed to question SOFA and said that they would press for the public disclosure of all the terms indicated in the agreement. “The VFA has already allowed the year-round presence of American troops. Now, they have the SOFA and they are saying that they are also taking other countries. How many soldiers from foreign countries would be allowed in our country?” he asked. Ocampo said Congress, particularly the committee on foreign affairs, was not informed about the provisions of the agreement.

Philippine-Australia SOFA furthers foreign intervention, fascist terror under Arroyo (tags)

The Philippines revolutionary movement today in a statement posted over the internet scored the Arroyo regime and the Australian government for entering into a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), saying this only furthers foreign military intervention in the Philippines, and also serves to boost the Arroyo regime's fascist repression of the people.


Three US warships arrived here yesterday to participate in naval war exercises with the Philippine Navy, officials said. The USS Harpers Ferry from Sasebo, Japan; USS Ford from Everett, Washington; and the USS Jarett from San Diego, California arrived and anchored off Zamboanga City near the Naval Forces Western Mindanao (NFWM) base early yesterday to help upgrade the Philippine Navy’s counter-terrorism capability.

Gulf of Hormuz incident (tags)

Is ready and waiting

war protest (tags)

end this war or we will

Is US behind the assassinations nd market bombings in Iraq? (tags)

An Iraqi who asked not to be identified had disclosed some of the US activities such as assassinations and bombings in markets that aim at sparking sectarian fighting among Iraqis so as to facilitate the partition of the country.


On this May 14 election week, the brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines backed by the Bush administration is facing the people's judgment for "crimes against humanity." This essay reflects on themes and issues surrounding the crisis of the neocolonial polity in the context of Bush's war of terror and barbaric, predatory globalized capital's assault on the peoples of the world.


Nobody can beat the brazen violence and blatant machinations of the US-Arroyo regime. It is even surpassing the US-Marcos regime in its brazenness and fascist terrorist acts. Again, the AJLPP reiterates it call for the Filipino people to stand guard against legalized vote buying, cheating and violence in this coming elections. AJLPP also expresses its deepest concern over the escalating violence and the propaganda in “rationalizing” its cheating activities “ in the coming elections. More than 100 armed incidents have been reported since the election season started late February 2007 in the Philippines.

American bomber (tags)

Kills the kids


The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA greets the Mexican people with the highest militance and anti-imperialist salute of international solidarity on their great holiday Cinco De Mayo. SALUD!!! That is why we in the Filipino American community is takes pride with this anti-imperialist event with our brother Mexicans victory over the colonial army of France while America was embroiled in their own civil war. As Ho Chi Minh said “ There is nothing more precious than Independence.” That is the great historical anti-imperialist lesson of Cinco De Mayo


Karapatan Southern Mindanao Region said today that Compostela Valley Province still bears the name it earned for what could only be blamed to the military ¡V the Valley of Death. This, the group said, is a result of the continued rule of military brutality and fascism in the area under 1001st Brigade-Philippine Army (PA) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The group based this observation from its four (4) months report in its monitoring of cases of human rights violations in the region from January 2007 to April 2007.

Talks with MILF to resume after elections (tags)

Stalled peace talks between the government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) are to resume after the May 14 elections. Both sides have agreed to work toward a resumption of the talks, Presidential Spokesman Ignacio Bunye said in a statement Thursday. ---BACKED by howitzer and mortar fire, elite Army troops on Thursday seized a makeshift camp of the Moro National Liberation Front in Sulu where nearly 100 Abu Sayyaf extremists were believed to be hiding.

Frantic Lunge from Drowning Conservative (tags)

Howard’s latest glib contribution, ‘Australia Rising’, delivered at the Queensland Media Club today, is yet another attempt to claw back into favour and steal attention away from the Murdoch endorsed future Prime Minister, Kevin (I can suck harder than you) Rudd. Howard’s spin-doctors have been working overtime to no avail it would seem. Following the ridiculous and desperate attempts to steal the agenda with infantile attacks on US presidential candidates, the HIV positive and most recently Howard's very revealing and ‘removed’ call for divine intervention regarding the water crisis, the “Australia Rising” speech will no doubt be greeted by the public with all the disdain it deserves!

Make Peace, Not War : Gary V, Bamboo ‘join’ MILF (tags)

Popular singer Gary Valenciano and rock band Bamboo have joined forces with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to deliver essential services to children in communities affected by conflict areas in Mindanao. Dubbed as the "Days of Peace" campaign, the two musical icons joined forces with the MILF in an effort to bring basic health services "to children affected by the "conflict with government forces. The program, which started last Monday, brought the MILF and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to allow government health workers to deliver health care services to some 707 barangays in Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). The MILF and UNICEF have designated three rounds of Days of Peace to immunize 30,000 infants, de-worming "of some 100,000 children, "Vitamin-A supplementation for some 240,000 children, and birth registration services in areas previously inaccessible to health workers due to armed conflict.

War in Mindanao :Palace, AFP reject OIC call for ceasefire in Sulu (tags)

Manila-- Malacañang is giving full support to the military offensive against renegade Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) forces in Sulu, which entered its fourth day of fierce fighting yesterday. While the government acknowledges the appeal of the 47-nation Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) to disengage forces, Presidential Spokesman Ignacio Bunye said there must be an assurance against further attacks from the renegade forces. Nearly 8,500 families ( 40,000 people)have fled the fighting and thousands crammed into schools and gymnasiums in downtown Jolo, relying on food rations from disaster agencies. The mass evacuations are a bitter development for conflict-scarred residents, who had hoped Jolo was becoming a more stable place after a long-running military campaign to rid the island of scores of Islamic militants.

8,000 families displaced in Sulu fighting; OIC steps in (tags)

More than 8,000 families ( 40,000 people)have fled their homes as Marines and Army troops hunted down renegade Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) commander Habier Malik and his men, who have killed 12 people in Sulu. For three days now, thousands of troops have been sent to Sulu to run after Malik’s band after he escaped when the military captured his sprawling hilltop encampment in Panamao, Sulu on Sunday. Reports said several MNLF commanders, along with an undetermined number of fighters from the towns of Pata, Daungdong and Capual in Sulu, are now fighting alongside Malik.

AJLPP-USA Denounced Indiscriminate AFP aerial bombing in Davao Del Norte, Mindanao (tags)

The Alliance for A Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP) vehemently condemened the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) for indiscriminately dropping bombs at Barangay Manay in Panabo City, Davao del Norte, damaging homes and banana fields and endangering the lives of residents who had to evacuate to safer grounds.

Some elements’ in RP security forces behind killings – US report (tags)

"Some elements" of Philippine security forces are "apparently" responsible for unexplained killings, disappearances, arbitrary arrest and illegal detentions, according to the US State Department. In its latest report, "Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The US Record 2006," the State Department said members of security services committed acts of physical and psychological abuse on suspects and detainees, and even instances of torture. The report, which was released and submitted to the US Congress last week, said corruption remained a problem in all sectors of the criminal justice system, including police, prosecutorial, and judicial organs.

Iraqi Police Graduation at FOB Kalsu (tags)

Last month, I attended an Iraqi Police Graduation at FOB Kalsu, I also asked the Iraqi Journalists what they thought of it all. Other Western journalists were asked to attend, but all declined but me.

What has happened to the 5 iranians kidnapped by US? (tags)

- As the Western media turns its attention to the fate of 15 Britons detained for allegedly trespassing into Iranian waters over the weekend, the status of five Iranian officials captured in a U.S. military raid on a liaison office in northern Iraq on Jan. 11 remains a mystery.

US War of Aggression Depletes the Troops (tags)

Facts and reality urging an end to wars of aggression are often eclipsed by missions and agendas. Overreach is stylized as inevi-table. The army and marine infantry will need many years to recover from the death spiral in Iraq and Afghanistan.

War with Iran (tags)

The US military attack on Iran is now on track for 4 AM on April6,writes the well-known Russian journalist Andrei Uglanov in the Moscow weekly "Argumenty Nedeli." Uglanov cites Russian military experts close to the Russian General Staff for his account.

The Failure of Modern Western Society (tags)

Wind down from your artificially induced stress/pace and confront your personal reality – take stock for a moment. Your existence has been confined to sustaining and maintaining a system that makes ever-increasing demands on your liberty and freedom – the pillars upon which joy and satisfaction are built/derived! The frenzied pace of western society is largely the result of the manic need for ever increasing profits and greater concentrations of wealth in the fewest possible hands, which inevitably makes higher demands on those at the bottom of the financial scale. Obtaining wealth is simply a matter of applying unfair downward pressure in favour of upward flowing benefits; wealth is not created it is the result of manipulation and/or theft – the historical record bears this out. Put simply, profit is exploitation/theft!

Good stiff drink (tags)


Who Killed Hrant Dink and Why (tags)

The assassination of Armenian democrat writer Hrant Dink on January 19th by the Kontrgerilla (Turkish version of Gladio) attached to the Turkish General Staff, brought forth a just reaction of all progressive segments of Turkey and led to their protest actions against the Turkish state.

Hold (Philippine President) Arroyo Regime and Military Accountable for Extrajudicial Killi (tags)

The press statement of the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary and special executions Prof. Philip Alston and the report of the Melo commission put forward important findings and conclusions that hold the Arroyo regime and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) accountable for extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations from 2001 to the present.

Video from Current Nablus Invasion - Day 1 (tags)

Following you'll find the links to our most recent work on the current military operation (named "Hot Winter") in Nablus, Palestine.


Even without the Anti-Terror Act, euphemistically called the Human Security Act of 2007, the US-directed Arroyo regime has unleashed the counterrevolutionary military and police forces on the people and spurred them to commit all kinds of barbarities, including the massacre and massive displacement of people in the countryside and the extrajudicial killing, abduction and torture of so many unarmed legal activists. These atrocities are all in line with the Bush global war of terror and its Philippine puppet version called Oplan Bantay Laya I and II. Upon the signing of the Anti-Terror Act by Gloria M. Arroyo, the reactionary military and forces and their special operations teams and death squads are further licensed and further emboldened to commit acts of state terrorism. The main objective of the Act is to suppress the people’s movement for national liberation and democracy and the broad range of legal forces criticizing and opposing the regime. If the targets of the act were only such small groups like the supposedly Al Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf and Jema’ah Islamiyah, the existing system of security agencies and criminal law on murder would have sufficed.

US occupation forces kidnapped a six year old girl (tags)

6 year old iraqi girl kidnapped : mother has heart attack

Philippine Marines sent to finish off ASG, JI in Sulu, Mindanao (tags)

A ranking military official disclosed that some of the 1st Marine Brigade battalions will be redirected to Sulu instead of Basilan province from Lanao to help in the pursuit against the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiah (JI) terrorists in the area. The switching of deployment between the Lanao-based marine and Basilan-based Army 103rd Infantry Brigade was recently ordered by Armed Forces Chief-of-Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, Jr.

Naval blockade in Sulu (tags)

The Philippine armed forces fielded more than 10 warships around Sulu in what could be the single biggest naval blockade meant to trap Abu Sayyaf terrorists in their lair. Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said yesterday the naval blockade formed part of the "small unit tactics" designed to eventually wipe out local and foreign terrorists holed out in Sulu, as part of the military’s ongoing offensive dubbed Oplan Ultimatum

A Review of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (tags)

An account of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from uncovered official and other documents.

The Ghosts of Bud Dajo return to Jolo, Sulu (tags)

Mindanao tales tells that whoever made or put the mysterious white “agong” in the small cave at the foot of Bud Daho remains a mystery to this day. The “agong” is a musical instrument which produces a single note when pounded with a mallet or a large drumstick. It is commonly used by many Asian tribes along with other native brass instruments and is largely associated with religious rituals or festivities. The people living near Bud Dajo even believe that the silver gong is enchanted and that nobody has dared take it away from its nesting place. The Bud Dajo massacre of 1906 IN villages near Bud Dajo (Mt. Dajo) in Jolo, Sulu, where over a thousand people died in a massacre by American forces over a hundred years ago, the sound of the puting agong has often been heard as a warning.

Doomed to Failure (tags)

Bush has ignored the Baker plan in nearly all points-except for sending troops to train Iraqi security forces. He rejects a diplomatic involvement of Syria and Iran.. Sunnites will fight Sunnis in the whole Arab world.

72 against Bush (tags)

The Karbala battle was over 1,000 years ago. Why waste our boys on another?

CIA, FBI, Aussie agents operating in south — AFP (tags)

Several American and Australian intelligence agents are in Mindanao to monitor terrorist activities, military sources here claimed yesterday. "Mindanao is crawling with CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and even Australian federal agents," a source told The STAR.

Identity (tags)

Norms and values

Bush authorized raids on Iranians in Iraq: Rice (tags)

Recent U.S. military raids against Iranians in Iraq were authorized by President George W. Bush

Iraq leader's silence raising questions about Bush plan (tags)

"The Bush administration has one view of Iraqi reality in which Maliki is ... an honest broker," said W. Patrick Lang, a former head of Middle East intelligence at the Defense Intelligence Agency. "In my view, Maliki is one of any number of Shiite Arab activists who are seeking to consolidate Shiite control."

Philippine Armed Forces target: 5 communist reb fronts (tags)

Reports from Northern Command Camp Aquino, said, five communist guerrilla fronts in four regions where the New People’s Army has first taken root since its founding in 1969 are targeted for dismantling this year, the Army’s Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) chief said on Thursday.

The New Bush Plan - Same Old Shit! (tags)

The Plan. Did speech rhetoric square with facts? Same Old Shit? Congress divided over Bush war plan. Text of Bush's address

BBC: US forces storm Iranian consulate (tags)

Is this the beginning of WW 3?

Top al-Qaida suspect killed in U.S. airstrike, Somali official says (tags)

How long before the U.S. Government starts attacking citizens in the US with missles like they just did in Somalia????

US- RP Balikatan( Shoulder to Shoulder) War Exercises to resume in February (tags)

The BALIKATAN (Shoulder to Shoulder) joint war exercises between Filipino and American troops will resume in February, an official of the US Embassy in Manila said Monday. "In February we will start again the Balikatan, US " Charges d'Affaires Paul Jones told reporters here after attending a military command conference presided over by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

RP, US: VFA review only after Smith case over (tags)

Both Malacañang and the United States Embassy said yesterday that the review of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) will only take place once the rape case against US Marine Lance Corporal Daniel Smith reaches its conclusion. While Malacañang said the Philippine government should already study the controversies that resulted from the implementation of the accord, US Embassy charge d’affaires Paul Jones said the US government will wait and see how the case concerning Smith’s custody progresses.

Verification (tags)

The (unused) rushed delivery of 30 ‘bunker busters’ (tactical nuclear weapons) to Israel by the USA during the South Lebanon conflict seemed unwarranted at the time but today the murky machinations of the ultra-right forces of Zionism and the Washington neo-cons, become clear. The PNAC agenda (specifically Middle East domination) also adds credence to what would seem to be a delay in plans; due principally to Israel’s unsuccessful foray against Iranian backed Hezbollah, in South Lebanon.

US cancels Balikatan War Exercise in the Philippines, So What? (tags)

The United States has canceled the joint Balikatan war games in the Philippines. US officials said the decision was reached because courts here refused to give in to its demand for the immediate transfer of rape convict Lance Corporal Daniel Smith to American custody. The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA is not surprised with the U.S Forces Pacific Commander's decision that also stopped "all humanitarian missions and aid" to the Philippines. This form of imperial arrogance is a common reaction of a modern imperialist empire whose was not able get its demand from a lackey client nation. Only the brazen puppets will cower under this form of brinkmanship. But for the Filipino people, they will just shrug it off and say; So what?" AJLPP exclaimed.

Bush sets stage for major escalation in Iraq (tags)

The remarks delivered by President Bush at a year-end press conference Wednesday, combined with a series of military and political developments, point inexorably to a major escalation of the US war in Iraq in the coming year. Bush revealed little new in his encounter with the press corps, dismissing as “hypothetical” all questions on the reported turn by his administration to a new military offensive in Iraq based on a “surge” of up to 40,000 more US combat troops in the country.

President Bush has his head in the sand! (tags)

U.S. should boost size of Army and Marines, Bush says

AFP's new "holistic counter-insurgency plan" will victimize more ordinary and in (tags)

The revolutionary forces in the Philippines thorugh their spokesperson issued a statement today that the new oplan- BANTAY LAYA II "will be more vicious in their effort to catch the fish by totally draining the water."

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said America losing war (tags)

the United States is losing the "civil war" in Iraq



Revolutionary Forces in the Philippine Condemns Arroyo-De Venecia blackmail (tags)

The revolutionary forces in the Philippines today condemned Gloria Arroyo and her cohorts in the House of Representatives for what the revolutionaries calls "an obvious blackmail to desperately push by any means a self-serving Arroyo constitution."

Recruitment Center Closed for Peace (tags)

Thursday, Dec 7th 8 AM - 11:50 AM Signs & Presence for Peace on Colorado Blvd. 12 PM - 1 PM Student Rally on Pasadena City College Campus Meet at Sculpture Garden 12:45 PM Press Conference @ Armed Forces Recruitment Station 1 PM - 8 PM Support Members Engaging in Direct Action And Candlelight Vigil @ Recruitment Center

On the Verdict of the the GANG Rape of a Filipina by Four US Marines (tags)

The gang rape of Nicole by four US marines in the Philippines is not only an issue of a woman but a whole nation raped for the last century, made possible through onerous and lopsided military agreements, much like the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA).

Bush visits Middle East to intensify Iraq war (tags)

The thrust of today’s talks in Jordan between George Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is clear in advance. Bush, accompanied by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, will insist that the Iraqi leader bow down to US demands for a bloody crackdown against the largest faction in his own government, the anti-occupation Sadrist movement headed by cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and its Mahdi Army militia. An unnamed senior US official bluntly told the New York Times: “It’s decision time and everybody knows it.”

Human's rights crisis in Oaxaca (tags)

Mexican government keeps using represion and terror against Oaxaca's population. APPO makes desperate calls for action and solidarity.

U.S. military chiefs borrowing tactics from Vietnam playbook (tags)

The tactics, an influx of military advisers and a speeded-up handover to indigenous forces followed by a gradual U.S. withdrawal, resemble those in place as the U.S. effort in Vietnam reached its end. (Looks like we are going to cut and run like we did in Vietnam - The sooner the better)



Ludicrous Assumptions (tags)

Ludicrous assumptions are many but perhaps the most absurd is the assumption that those who steal the greater percentage of available wealth and continue to implement economic strategies designed to enslave are (somehow) safe and secure. From the Pacific islands to the pitch battles in Mainland China, exploited people of the world are retaliating against injustice.

There is NOT a civil war in Iraq (honest! swear to god!) (tags)

There is NOT a civil war going on in Iraq! Everything is undercontrol! - Asked about his testimony in August that Iraq could fall into civil war ... , Gen. John Abizaid said that more recently the situation has improved

Upcoming Events and Worldwide Direct Action in Support of Oaxaca on November 20th (tags)

"On November 20, blockades will be set up to show the Mexican government we mean business. We are calling upon YOU to join in these blockades. That could mean blockading the consulates’ websites, jamming their phone lines with calls about the conflict in Oaxaca, occupying the offices of the consuls, or shutting down the roads around the consulates in whatever way you see fit." - EZLN

please add more events as a comment

Donate in Solidarity with Oaxaca

Oaxaca is calling for US to get Organized

Global Solidarity with Oaxaca

Iraqi official: 150,000 civilians dead (tags)

Iraq's health minister estimated at least 150,000 civilians have been killed in the war - about three times previously accepted estimates. Straight from the mouth of the Bush puppet government!

Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? (tags)

Will the US launch "Mini-nukes" against Iran in Retaliation for Tehran's "Non-compliance"?

Audit: U.S. weapons missing in Iraq (tags)

Nearly one of every 25 weapons the military bought for Iraqi security forces is missing

4 more years of war in Iraq? (tags)

The prospect of combat in Iraq for at least another four years is prompting the Army to realign its forces to prevent a small slice of soldiers who are shouldering much of the fighting from wearing out.


...This is connected to the Mossad-British MI-6-Russian KGB-9-11 team. Reference Udday Letter to Putin. Click to Read What is significant and dangerous is that it can now be reported that a major contingent of Russian FSB forces have left Canadian military bases in the last three days and flown into Seattle Washington....

Philippine Military To hire 9,000 militia to end insurgency by 2010 (tags)

The military will recruit 3,000 new soldiers and 9,000 additional militiamen to boost the counterinsurgency campaign and end the communist uprising by 2010, Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said yesterday. Esperon said President Arroyo approved the recruitment of 9,000 members of the Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Units (Cafgus) and 3,000 troopers to be deployed in areas threatened by communist New People’s Army (NPA) rebels as part of the government’s intensified counterinsurgency drive.

Time to plan for the protest when the body count hits 3,000 (tags)

I guess we won't have to wait that long to get to the 3,000 body mark for the big anti-war protest. If this keeps up we could hit the 3,000 mark in a little over a month.

Gov’t troops clash with Silay attackers (tags)

rmy troopers clashed yesterday with a group of New People’s Army (NPA) rebels believed responsible for the attack on the construction site of an international airport in Silay City in Negros Occidental last Sunday.


About 50 communist rebels, posing as policemen, attacked the construction site of a foreign-funded international airport in Silay City, Negros Occidental, early Sunday, burning down P30-million worth of equipment. The P4.3-billion airport is one of three newly developed airports in three provinces mentioned by the President in her State of the Nation address in July.

Hello Iraq, Good Bye Vietnam. Hey!!! The US Military has finally figured this out!!! (tags)

Looks like the U.S. military has finally figured out that Iraq is just like Vietnam.

Iraqi police may lose aid for human rights violations (tags)

Yea sure! We are turning Iraq into a democracy. A democracy that looks like Nazi Germany!

AJLPP-USA Protests AFP Operations Despite Ramadan in Sulu, Mindanao (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP) –USA and its allied organizations vehemently protests and condemns the Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Hermogenes Esperon’s announcement Monday that military offensives against suspected al Qaeda-linked militants in the southern Philippines will continue throughout the Islamic holy month of Ramadan



Poll: Most Iraqis support attacks on American troops (tags)

Please don’t tell this to Emperor George W. Bush. He thinks the troops are being welcomed as liberators.

Sulu offensives to continue through Ramadan – AFP Chief (tags)

Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Hermogenes Esperon Jr. announced Monday. that military offensives against suspected al Qaeda-linked militants in the southern Philippines will continue throughout the Islamic holy month of Ramadan

Protest Iraq war in Hollywood Monday (tags)

Come to the Armed Forces Recuiting Center 10 AM Monday, Sept 25 Hollywood Blvd near La Brea

The Power of the Oaxaca Commune (tags)

From Mexico

Thai Military Leaders Stage Military Coup (tags)

In Thailand, military leaders have staged a bloodless coup, suspending the constitution and declaring martial law. We go to the capital Bangkok to get reaction on the ground.

Arroyo regime has a malicious view of the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations (tags)

The highest officials of the Arroyo regime, especially executive secretary Eduardo Ermita, chief of staff Mike Defensor and presidential adviser Jesus Dureza, have repeatedly declared that there is no need to resume the formal talks between the GRP and NDFP negotiating panels but that the office of the presidential adviser on the process will coordinate with local units of the GRP to stage localized negotiations with elements that they hope to attract from the local forces of the revolutionary movement.

NPA'S BEATEN BY 2010- AFP (tags)

Government forces are geared up to accomplish their mission to neutralize the communist New People’s Army (NPA) before President Arroyo ends her term by 2010, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon declared yesterday

Aussie army chief gets briefing on hunt for JI leaders (tags)

Pesante-USA condemns Australia- A US junior imperialist partner in Southeast Asia's intervention in Philippine affairs. The chief of the Australian army secretly visited the southern Philippines yesterday for a briefing on the progress of the manhunt for two Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) militants behind the October 2002 Bali bombings. Lt. Gen. Peter Leahy flew here from Jolo, Sulu where he was updated on the hunt for Umar Patek and Dulmatin, both wanted for their involvement in the 2002 bombings on the popular Indonesian resort island that killed 202 people, 88 of them Australians.


Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon disclosed on Monday that 6,000 government troops have been deployed to intensify the ongoing pursuit operations against the band of Abu Sayyaf leader Khaddafy Janjalani and two Jemaah Islamiyah bomb experts in the jungles of Sulu.

Cabua, not Palparan to the NSA (tags)

The World Council of Churches has condemned the killings and called on the government to disband the death squads, private militias, and paramilitary forces operating in the country. The church group also asked the United Nations Human Rights Council, wherein the Philippines is a member, to take up the issue of extra-judicial killings in the country. Danilo Ramos, secretary general of the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas, said Palparan should be punished not commended. "His appointment (to a new government post) is like unleashing the butcher on the whole nation to carry out a bloodbath."

Bush's Speech Translation (tags)

what Bush didn't say yesterday

Institutional racism and torture in Austria (tags)

A trial against four police men, who tortured a man that resisted his deportation on 7th of April 2006, has been ended without any consequences on 31st of August 2006 in Vienna. Though the Cruelty was confessed by the officers, three of them were sentencd to 8 months on probation and another officer to 6 months on probation.

Local Soldier, David J. Almazan, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Almazan was killed in action Aug. 27 while on a combat patrol in this city of 30,000 in Iraq’s Al Anbar province. His platoon was on patrol to clear the city’s streets of improvised explosive devices, deadly roadside bombs used by insurgents to target coalition and Iraqi forces, the day he was killed.

The First Post-Zionist War (tags)

The great lapse, then, is a function of the fact that Israel is caught between two worlds. Still guided by the Zionist model, it refuses to resolve the conflicts with its neighbors. But guided by post-Zionism, it refuses to maintain the welfare state, which aimed for the kind of Jewish solidarity that was needed to wage those conflicts.

AFP Southcom split into 2 commands (tags)

Southcom split into 2 commands By Jaime Laude The Philippine Star 08/27/2006 The military’s biggest troop contingent in Mindanao will be deactivated and split into two separate commands effective today. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon said the Southern Command under Maj. Gen. Gabriel Habacon will be divided into the Western Mindanao Command and the Eastern Mindanao Command. Esperon stressed the division of the Southcom into two military units is for a more effective control and deployment of troops in the whole of Mindanao. Maj. Gen. Eugenio Cedo has been designated as first commander of the Western Mindanao Command that will be based at the Southcom headquarters at Camp Navarro in Zamboanga City. On the other hand, the Eastern Mindanao Command to be based in Davao City will be under the command of Maj. Gen. Rodolfo Obaniana. Esperon explained the split of Southcom is necessary for better control of the troops and to put more focus on the fight against the communist New People’s Army (NPA) guerrillas in the eastern part of Mindanao, and the fight against the Abu Sayyaf and other terror groups in the western part of the region. Southcom, which has responsibility over the whole of Mindanao, is composed of three Army divisions, two joint task forces, two naval forces, a tactical operations wing of the Air Force, two elite Special Forces battalions and one company of troops from the Light Reaction Battalion. Esperon said there would be some redeployment of troops where their presence is mostly needed. The Southcom comprises roughly 60 percent of the 120,000-strong military, all under its administrative and operational control. "These two targets (Islamic extremists and communist rebels) are very important that’s why we assigned two commanders there. With the split, we believe that the commanders will be more focused," Esperon said. Esperon said the decision to split Southcom into two units is a strategic move to sustain the pursuit operations against the Abu Sayyaf in Sulu. The decision, however, left Habacon with no unit to command. Habacon, one of the remaining so-called "Garci generals," said the deactivation of the Southcom will mean the closure of his military career. He opted to retire early, with only a few days left on his active service before his mandatory retirement on Sept. 9 on reaching the age of 56. "He (Habacon) decided to retire early due to personal reasons. He may have planned it earlier," Southcom spokesman Col. Susthenes Valcorza explained yesterday. Esperon will preside over the deactivation of Southcom today, on the same occasion where Habacon will be given retirement honors, Valcorza said. When asked if the splitting of the Southcom prompted Habacon to seek early retirement, Valcorza replied: "It could be one of the reasons." Habacon was among the generals mentioned in the controversial wiretap recordings that became an issue against President Arroyo. Aside from Habacon, among the generals mentioned to have helped in the rigging of the results of the May 10, 2004 elections in Mindanao include retired Lt. Gen. Roy Kyamko, former Southcom chief and retired Marine Brig. Gen. Francisco Gudani, along with Esperon. Kyamko has already retired when the tapes were leaked in June 2005. Gudani retired in October that same year, days after he exposed alleged cheating operations in Central Mindanao before a Senate investigation. A military fact-finding board headed by Navy Chief Vice Admiral Mateo Mayuga cleared the four generals of involvement in the alleged cheating operations.

Looters ransack base after British leave (tags)

Does this mean we are losing the war in Iraq? :) I wonder if George W. Hitler will figure it out?

BREAKING INTEL: HezbollahGate & the Extortionist Time Magazine (tags)

Israeli Intelligence has been caught redhanded by French Special Forces in trying to set an espionage organization inside Lebanon to spy on the International force that is on its way to the Middle East to supervise the Lebanese Ceasefire.

A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)

A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.

Resistance fighters destroy 14 Israeli tanks along border region (tags)

Zionist Terrorists Falling

While the world's head is turned (tags)

While the world’s media has focused attention on Israel’s four-week offensive in Lebanon, a no less ferocious assault is also underway in Gaza. The Palestinian territory’s 1.4 million residents have been subjected to an unrelenting Israeli military offensive, as well as an air, land, and sea blockade which threatens a humanitarian catastrophe.

UN resolution on Lebanon: blueprint for intensified war and colonial occupation (tags)

The US-French resolution that is to be voted on by the United Nations Security Council early this week represents an imperialist diktat to the people of Lebanon and an attempt by Washington to legitimize and consummate the geo-strategic goals pursued in the last month of US-Israeli war of aggression.

Israel, Not Hizbullah, is Putting Civilians in Danger on Both Sides of the Border (tags)

Giving the lie to the "human shields" theory, HRW says its researchers "found numerous cases in which the IDF [Israeli army] launched artillery and air attacks with limited or dubious military objectives but excessive civilian cost. In many cases, Israeli forces struck an area with no apparent military target. In some instances, Israeli forces appear to have deliberately targeted civilians."

Why the government ruler don't like sniper rifles (tags)

Iraqi insurgents are teaching recruits sophisticated sniper techniques for targeting U.S. troops that include singling out engineers, medics and chaplains, according to training material obtained by U.S. military intelligence. The insurgent sniper training manual was posted on the Internet. Among its tips: "Killing doctors and chaplains is suggested as a means of psychological warfare."

Nightmare Scenario (tags)

Is the badly outnumbered American expeditionary force in Iraq in trouble? Is it in danger of being trapped? With all our firepower, are we looking at the possibility of some kind of a military defeat?

On the 65h Year of the Formation of the USAFFE (tags)

On the 65th Anniversary of the impression of Filipino Army to the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) today, on July 26, 1941 different groups held different kinds of commemoration all over California.FAV, People’s CORE are calling all Filipino American community activists, youth leaders and all concerned individuals and organizations all over the United States to be vigilant and struggle to have the Senate Bill or any compromise bill pass with the amendment for Filipino American veterans and their families.

The real aims of the US-backed Israeli war against Lebanon (tags)

As the onslaught against Lebanon enters its tenth day, Israeli troops are poised for a full-scale invasion that has been prepared by murderous aerial bombardment, and the far-reaching imperialist aims of the war have become all too clear.

New AFP Chief Esperon vows to crush insurgency (tags)

New Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon vowed yesterday to crush the 37-year-old communist insurgency during his watch, saying he would devote his last years as a soldier to finish the task. "The President has renewed her call for the defeat of the insurgents ... I welcome the challenge," Esperon said in a speech as he formally took the helm of the 117,000-strong AFP.

Philippine Army Lt.San Juan turns back on Magdaló comrades (tags)

“I reaffirm my allegiance to the Constitution and the Armed Forces of the Philippines,” San Juan said. Rumors had surfaced in past weeks that San Juan, who belongs to the elite Light Reaction Company (LRC), had broken off from the Magdaló.

MNLF officials belie GMA (tags)

Top Muslim leaders and Moro National Liberation Front officials in Central Mindanao on Wednesday belied President Arroyo’s claims that government has met “80 percent” of its peace deal with the MNLF, as contained in the 1976 Tripoli agreement.

Esperon’s marching orders: Crush Reds (tags)

President Arroyo has given incoming Armed Forces chief Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon his marching orders: Crush the 37-year-old communist rebellion and the groups plotting to destabilize the administration.

Krauthammer Has It Wrong: The Constitution is for Peace and War (tags)

He and the President are trying to justify dictatorship on the cheap by claiming that “everybody does it” during wartime, and then things go back to normal…except there is no war now, and the fake “war’ on terror will never end.

Preconditioning the resumption of formal talks with capitulation is completely absurd (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines(AJLPP)-USA desires that the peace negotiations between the NDFP and the GRP resumes. But the Arroyo government is hell bent to obstruct the peace process. Thus AJLPP-USA reprinted this NDFP statement so people are informed of the latest development. The GRP has rejected the NDDF proposals to resume the peace negotiations in Oslo, Norway. The Hague Joint Declaration stipulates that no precondition from any side shall negate the inherent character and purpose of peace negotiations. The Arroyo regime’s demand for capitulation and pacification of the revolutionary forces ignores the roots of the armed conflict and the people’s demands for basic reforms. It runs counter to The Hague Joint Declaration. It is completely absurd for Gloria M. Arroyo and her subalterns to precondition the resumption of formal talks in GRP-NDFP peace negotiations with the capitulation of the NDFP under the guise of a permanent or prolonged ceasefire that is not based on any agreement on social, economic and political reforms satisfactory to the people and the revolutionary forces.

AFP war widens into two fronts as Maguindanao battle goes on (tags)

Pesante-USA reprinted the news about the increased fighting in Mindanao. The counter-insurgecnyw ar being waged by the Arroyo goverment is escalating not only against the NPA but also against the Moro people in Maguindanao. THE Armed Forces’ war against rebels has widened into two fronts as fighting between government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front forces continued on Monday in Maguindanao province despite efforts of peace negotiators to end the clashes that have left dozens of people dead and wounded and displaced 3,000 families.

Israel Occupation Forces entering Gaza NOW! (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli occupation.

AFP beefs up anti-Red forces in Samar, Leyte (tags)

Pesante-USA reprinted the news of renewed AFP deployment of forces from Mindanao to areas in Luzon and the Visayas against the NPA. The new counter-insurgency campaign ordered by President Arroyo is reminicensce of the Marcos anti-NPA drive during martial law. Pesante condmens such gross militarization that will only result into more poltical killing that had reached more than 610 since 2001, hardship for the Filipino people and the perpetuatio of GMA into power.



Sir No Sir, a Fim Review (tags)

A Review of the new documentary on the anit-war movement among Vietnam era soldiers.

CA Democrats ROAR Like Lions During House Iraq Debate (tags)

Just when I was ready to write Congress off as a hopeless pack of morons and sellouts, the Democrats found their voices and ROARED!!!

4 Tortured to Death; 4500 Arrested in Iran (tags)

In this repost from Today.AZ-Azerbaijan, Iranian protesters as part of the Azerbaijan National Revival Movement gathered in the Iranian cities of Tabriz, Sulduz, Miyane, Ardabil, Urmia, and Zenjan on Saturday against the publication of an insulting caricature in the Iran daily. Iranian govt. forces met them with bloody clashes.


There is no "war on terror." The invasion and occupation of Iraq are not part of a "war on terror." Neither are the current threats and war preparations against Iran. The "war on terror" doesn't exist—no matter how many times the Bush administration cites it to justify its aggressions, no matter how often Republicans and Democrats debate how to best carry it out, and no matter how frequently it's referenced in the U.S. bourgeois media.


PLEASE E-MAIL THIS MESSAGE TO EVERY CALIFORNIA VOTER YOU KNOW: On Tuesday, June 6, you will have a historical chance to reverse the course of endemic corruption in California justice bureaucracy.

Mass rioting reveals depth of Afghan opposition to US occupation (tags)

The mass rioting that broke out in the Afghan capital of Kabul Monday has exposed the intensity and breadth of popular opposition to the four-and-a-half-year US-led occupation of Afghanistan and the fragility of the hold on the country by Washington and the puppet regime of President Hamid Karzai. According to official and press reports, at least 20 people died Monday in clashes between demonstrators, US troops and Afghan security forces, while more than 140 were wounded. A doctor at the Khair Hana Hospital in northern Kabul told the New York Times that a seven-year-old child was among the dead, while several other school children were severely wounded.

Palestine Update (tags)

News, generally suppressed by US mainstream medias

BTL:Special Forces Veteran Asserts The Iraq War Has Already Been Lost (tags)

Interview with Stan Goff, retired Special Forces Master Sergeant and peace activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Save Salvia (tags)

Salvia divinorum is under attack. The forces of puritanism have turned their witch hunt drug war, against the diviner's sage.


A critical analysis of the inherent contradictions in the current regime in the Philippines would reveal the logic of irreversible fascist decay. While objective conditions have polarized and sharpened the divisions within the ruling bloc, the subjective forces of national democracy and anti-imperialism have not fully organized and united to deliver the decisive blow. Meanwhile, the U.S. and its agents are working behind the scenes to pick a successor to Arroyo and re-consolidate its neocolonial stranglehold. But will millions of concerned Filipinos allow the U.S. and its "guns, goons and gold" to determine again our collective fate and national destiny? Filipinos in the Philippines and around the world will have to decide as the Arroyo cabal, convulved with death-pangs, lashes out at everyone within reach.

Call To Action: Call and Write Your Congressman, About the Siege of Balata and Nablus: (tags)

From: Stop the Siege of Balata and Nablus


Kabataang maka-Bayan USA Pro-People Youth condemns the outright fascist Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) in its attempt to circumvent the democratic rights of the Filipino people by declaring a State of Emergency.

U.S. helicopter fires rockets into crowded Baghdad (tags)

Photos show an Iraqi resident inside his destroyed home in Baghdad's Sadr city February 2, 2006, after U.S. occupation forces used a helicopter to fire rockets into a crowded Shiite neighborhood. The young girl was one of those wounded in the attack. U.S. occupation forces rocketed Baghdad's Sadr city early Thursday, killing one woman and wounding at least three others, residents said.

Steve Miller, Bono and Angela Merkel—What An Act (tags)

As US capitalists intensify their offensive, the global club to which they belong meets in Davos with poster boy Bono offering them a cover.

Save Our Face – SOS, Fascistic Immigration Laws + the “Thrill” of Defeat (tags)

The war is on. It’s a war the Mexican People and their allies must win.

ITALIA Venaus - People win back the valley (tags)

On Wednesday night the Venaus post was cleared by the police. Between 3 and 4 a.m. the cops violently rushed against the demonstrators who were blocking the opening of the TAV yard. Several people have been injured, some of them have been bloodily hit.

Language Police: Rumsfeld (tags)

War is peace where all critics of war are terrorists. Language and community fall into crisis in the doublespeak and Panedora's box of war. Language manipulation and defintional control are part of the Creole trick when the culprit pretends to be the victim.

Ex-Rep. Findley: “It’s Time to Exit Iraq!” (tags)

On Dec. 1, 2005, at a public forum, on Capitol Hill, ex-Rep. Paul Findley (R-IL), urged President George W. Bush to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq-promptly. He offered a four point plan to that end. Findley said that his greatest fear is that Bush “will persist in his quest for a military victory.” He praised Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) for demanding an “early and complete exit from Iraq.” Findley called for ending the U.S.’ “ugly role in the killing fields of Iraq.”

Beyond Hollywood: War Weariness in the US (tags)

Hollywood scenes cannot be set up in Iraqi reality.. The question is only whether this government will ever be sovereign to make and enforce sovereign decisions. Its sovereignty is now limited to supporting the occupation.

Iraq: Turmoil Among the Warmakers, Challenge For the People (tags)

The war in Iraq, to understate the case, is not going well for the U.S. imperialists. The resistance to the U.S. occupation within Iraq has spread and grown more capable. The conflicts between the many different political, ethnic and class forces within Iraq show little sign of resolution, and the puppet Iraqi army is still not able to fight on its own. In response, the U.S. has escalated its tactics of wholesale terror directed against the Sunni Muslim population as a whole, which is the main (though not the only) base of the insurgency. Making all this worse--from the imperialist standpoint, that is--is the increasingly widespread and sharp sentiment against the war within the U.S. itself. And interplaying with that is a growing disaffection and anger within the army itself.

Fallujah: The War Crimes Keep Piling Up (tags)

Are white phosphorus bombs chemical weapons? With the Bush administration, it depends on who’s using them, it turns out. When it’s us, the answer is no. When it’s Saddam, the answer is yes. For the victims, though, it scarcely matters.

On the rape of a Filipina committed by 6 US marines (tags)

We demand that the Philippine Government pursue all means necessary to immediately prosecute the six U.S. servicemen charged with raping a Filipino woman in Olongapo City. The Philippine government should do no less. The government owes it to all Filipino women. - Laban ng Masa - Pinay (Fight of the Masses/ Filipino Women's groups)

Greece: Anarchists Attack the Headquarters of the Greek Riot Police (Video) (tags)

Video – Anarchists Attack the Headquarters of the Greek Riot Police and the Police Special Forces - Found at

British prison break and blown covert operation, exposes "war on terrorism" lie (tags)

Here is some information on what’s going on in our world plus a website ( at the end you can go to participate in the exciting work of some young people engaged in resisting the “madness.” Be there with them November 2. Cause “the world can’t wait!”

British soldiers in terrorist attack? What is going on in Iraq? (tags)

"The article below points to the great likelihood that many of the bombings against civilians being blamed on the “terrorists” are actually the work of psychological warfare “specialists.” This comes as no surprise. After all that has transpired, is it not clear that this administration and the neocon cabal which drives it shares not one thread of the human decency so evident in DC today? We have no choice but to stop them."

Liberators or Occupiers? Look Who Calls the Shots (tags)

The governments of Iraq and Afghanistan are complaining about the U.S. military’s brutality and its indiscriminate attacks, but the Pentagon and the White House are just blowing them off. Hey, forget “sovereignty.” We’re in charge here.

British Troops Set Loose By Violent Jailbreak Had Been Caught, Red-Handed, Engaged in St (tags)

British Troops Caught Planting Explosives in Basra? Do you remember that British Officials admitted that they drew the borders of the Middle East eighty years ago in such a way as to expressly keep the region fighting amongst themselves?

Rumsfeld on Force Reductions (tags)


An independent investigation of the murder last week of 32 Iraqi (tags)

An independent investigation of the murder last week of 32 Iraqi children has been conducted by a local Iraqi news location (Mufakirat Al-Islam / with results as follows :

People of Okinawa Say "Shut It Down" (tags)

More than 10,000 people protested on Okinawa against US Army exercises using live ammunition in the town of Kin.

Reflections on Socialism (tags)

The main political task at this moment is to assemble the necessary social forces to defeat Bush and his counterparts in Congress and elsewhere.

translating Bush's speech (tags)

translating the speech from last night

Reactionary terror continues in Lebanon (tags)

Bombings and assassinations continue in Lebanon. The latest victim of this wave of terror was the 67-year old George Hawi, who was killed when a bomb detonated in his car; the former leader of the Lebanese Communist Party lost his life on June 21st, only a day after the so-called “anti-Syrian bloc” claimed victory in the parliamentary elections.

Report from Alhambra Anti-Racism Rally (tags)

I would like to first of all congratulate and thank all the organizations and individuals for responding to the call to mobilize and confront the nascent fascist organization "SOS" who tried to assert themselves here in Alhambra on June 18, 2005.

USA puts farmers and Gardeners in Prisons. Are You next? (tags)

Monsanto Keeps Up Attack on Seed Saving Farmers and Gardeners, and is destroying local Family farmers. Will the USA coporaton Monsanto take away your Job and ravish your Family?

Statement on Alhambra (tags)

Statement on the result of the Alhambra resistance to SOS's demonstration.

Students, faculty, community, native groups resist US military hegemony in the Pacific (tags)

Since 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 28, a coalition of Native Hawaiian groups, students, faculty, anti-war activists, environmentalists, and religious organizations have joined forces to occupy the University of Hawaii administration building, to demand the University cease all work on a secret Navy research project, UARC. This secret research is for the development of space-based laser systems, surveillance technologies, and sea-based mines. Live Webcam of the protest: Since September 11, 2001, the US military has embarked on its largest expansion onto Hawa'ian land, since World War II. The Army plans to take 28,000 acres of this precious land to station a Stryker Brigade.

Stop Destroying the Mosques of Iraq (tags)

Worth reading.

Peace Activists! Emergency PEACE Rally in Orange Circle!! (tags)


Revolutionary Communists Take on Christian Fascists Over Schiavo (tags)

"One thing that God has brought to us is Terri Schiavo to elevate the visibility of what's going on in America."

Tom DeLay, Congressman from Texas, House Republican Majority Leader,
speaking to his co-thinkers of "Family Research Council"

Tom DeLay is a powerful right-winger who wraps his ambitions in a frenzied god-speak. He is the cynical manipulator, who redistricted Texas to disenfranchise political opponents, and is now rewriting congressional ethics procedures to rescue himself from his own colossal corruption. He is an aggressive liar, who recently dared describe Terri Schiavo as "lucid."

But, for a half second there among allies, he let out something true.

This huge national power struggle over Terri Schiavo's fate has, in fact, elevated the visibility of what's going on in America.

Giuliana Sgrena Shooting: 'Payment' for Ransom? (tags)

In media pieces and conversations with Italian sources, there's a new twist to the Iraq episode wounding journalist and former-hostage Sgrena, killing Italian intelligence agent Nicola Calipari. European thought exists that the incident was 'payment' for ransoming hostages.

2000 Mark 2nd Anniversary of Iraq Invasion (tags)

2000+ Angelenos march against the war in Iraq, marking two years since American forces invaded and occupied the country. Hollywood, March 19, 2005.

New Pentagon plans to conquer nations, secure oil, advance globalization, militarize space (tags)

Need some motivation to march for peace this Saturday and to keep working for peace every day? Then please read the following. And please forward it far and wide.

Remembering Rachel, Recognizing Oppression (tags)

SUMMARY:The West Coastrecently hosted a visit by Amy Goodman, spurring some debate but widespread admiration. On Wednesday March 16, Democracy now spotlights the Corrie killing, also hotly debated in these parts. Stein asks if we recognize "sowing of bitterness, suspicion and intolerance as crimes in themselves".

Anti-Syrian Protesters Fill Beirut Streets (tags)

Thousands of Anti-Syrian Protesters Fill Beirut's Streets Ahead of Key Debate in Parliament Feb. 28, 2005 - Defying a ban on protests, about 10,000 people demonstrated against Syrian interference in Lebanon on Monday, shortly before parliament was to debate a motion of confidence in the pro-Syrian government.



The Achilles’ Heel(s) of the US War Machine (tags)

- John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State, at: -

Iraqis vote: First step towards democracy and independence (tags)

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guard for their future security.

The Truth About Killing Palestinian Children (tags)

The vast differences in the news about murdered Palestinian schoolchildren With little or no responsibility from US mainstream medias to corroborate truth.

The US / Colombia Plot Against Venezuela (tags)

A major diplomatic and political conflict has exploded between Colombia and Venezuela after the revelation of a Colombian overnment covert operation in Venezuela, involving the recruitment of Venezuelan military and security officers in the kidnapping of a Colombian leftist leader.

NY Times Iraq Death Chart Omits Worst Slaughter: Civilian Victims of US Military (tags)

A Brookings Institution analysis of the deaths caused in Iraq over a 2-week period is misleading. It completely omits the deaths caused by U.S. forces, which would likely have more than doubled the total, and increased the civilian death total even more dramatically.

Are you ready for the Government Domestic Detention Camps? (tags)

This was just recently posted at and it clearly details WHAT our so-called "government" has in store of a select few of we citizens. I've posted it in it's entire length, and while it will take a while to read, it is well worth the effort to become DULY INFORMED. It is so comprehensive that I doubt even serious trolls/debunkers will try to refute it, but nonetheless, let the trolls begin their debunking....


"In Iraq, US forces and their Iraqi surrogates are no longer bothering to conceal attacks on civilian targets and are openly eliminating anyone - doctors, clerics, journalists - who dares to count the bodies." Of particular concern was the word "eliminating". "In Iraq, US forces and their Iraqi surrogates are no longer bothering to conceal attacks on civilian targets and are openly eliminating anyone - doctors, clerics, journalists - who dares to count the bodies." Of particular concern was the word "eliminating".

Nunavut Defense Forces Block Attempt on Bush (tags)

Heroic Bush Saved Again!!!

Lebanese students vow to hold protests, despite ban ISF will try to stop demonstrations (tags)

Lebanese opposition groups asserted Thursday their intention to protest on Friday against what they call the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, despite an official ban by the Interior Ministry.

In three days 606 American myrmidons perished (tags)

A unfiltered Report never seen on patriotic lying american mass media

Heroic Fallujah (tags)

US imperialism hits a stumbling block in Fallujah and Iraq as a whole in its drive for global hegemony and corporate control.

U.S. War Crime in Fallujah (tags)

Human rights experts said Friday that American soldiers might have committed a war crime on Thursday when they sent fleeing Iraqi civilians back into Falluja.

The onslaught in Fallujah: Shooting at a fly that has landed on a horse’s head (tags)

On the face of it, the siege of Fallujah seems to be going relatively well for the US troops. Most of the city has been captured and according to the mass media “Operation Phantom Fury” will be finished in a couple of days. However, things are not so simple. The war in Iraq was also supposed to be over, whereas it clearly is not. The same applies to Fallujah, where an official victory may well turn out to be a Pyrrhic one.

No mandate, no surrender (tags)

Several months ago most pollsters predicted that the margin of difference between Kerry and Bush would be razor thin. I can’t recall anyone projecting a landslide for either candidate, let alone a major political realignment nationwide.

No to Falluja "cover up" (tags)

Dear friends, Are you wondering why/how the reports from Falluja have become so bland? Please read these frightening reports emerging from Falluja, consider sharing them with others, and take action to stop these horrors. jamie

Falluja: Blood lust dominates mainstream media (tags)

The Falluja battle is obscenely one-sided and, on the American side, thoroughly cowardly. The US military employs the most modern and horrific weapons to eradicate a few thousand lightly armed fighters.

An open letter to the people of the United States regarding the future of humanity. (tags)

You Americans need to get of your high horse with all this "America is a great country" garbage. The American taxpayer funds a 500 billion dollar killing machine that has been committing genocide at home and abroad for hundreds of years.

Fallujah Under Siege: US Begins Massive Assault as Iraq Declares Martial Law (tags)

Democracy Now! Fallujah Under Siege: US Begins Massive Assault as Iraq Declares Martial Law Monday, November 8th, 2004 The U.S. invasion of Fallujah has begun. After weeks of daily bombings, U.S. forces have begun to move into the Sunni city seen as the center of the Iraqi resistance. We speak with independent reporters Rahul Mahajan and Lamis Andoni in Jordan.

TheOne-Dimensional Ariel Sharon (tags)

"The human longing for freedom is invincible as well as the struggle for independence of oppressed nations. Ignoring this is blindness, not realism. Even George W Bush a person not less primitive and brutal than Sharon learns that narrow limits are set.."

Iraq War (Invasion) Being Lost By Americans (tags)

Americans are losing, or have lost the Iraq War (invasion).

What's up in Iraq (tags)

Resistance not responsible for abduction of aid worker. Will the CIA have her beheaded and offer another grisly video to assure the American people that our enemy is pure evil and that God is on “our side? The best protection we can offer her is to understand what is going on and spread that understanding. Wake up already. It’s 1984. jamie "She had been living in Iraq for 30 years and she was a humanitarian. The resistance did not kidnap her because this would have left a bad impression of the resistance in the world," said another commander. And much more..... -----

Milosevic: 'no link to genocide found' (tags)

Fresh controversy has hit the war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic with a claim from a senior intelligence analyst that the Yugoslav leader is innocent of genocide. Dr Cees Wiebes, a professor at Amsterdam University, now says there is no evidence linking Milosevic to the worst atrocity of the Bosnian war, the massacre of 7,000 Muslims at the town of Srebrenica.

US runs low on soldiers (tags)

A radio is playing Marvin Gaye's What's Going On as the Veterans for Peace create a memorial known as Arlington West on the beach beside Santa Monica Pier. They are placing 1008 white crosses in the sand - one for each US soldier killed in Iraq as of September 12.

JOHN KERRY SPEAKS OUT: Time to Bring the Troops Home from Hell (tags)

This important speech is being suppressed by the corporate media - the only place you are likely to find an intact copy is on the indymedia.

Brief Case Study: The Demonization Of Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein (tags)

Brief Case Study: The Demonization Of Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein

9/5 Iraq: More dead in Iraq clashes (tags)

By: Iraq Watch - Peace No War Network September 5, 2004 URL:

Blood Money: The Human-Capital Equation of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq (tags)

When a state is determined to pursue war, and all forms of indirect symbolic protest actions have failed to sway politicians to halt their imperialist aggression, the only remaining option is direct action by the working class. One option is a general strike by workers that can effect the production and transpiration of military capital, that is the materials essential for the war machine. The other is to deprive the military of the labor it needs to fight the war.

The weather. (tags)

We affect the weather.

CIA spook caught in Afghanistan? (tags)

Afghan troops jave detained a man identified as Jonathan K. Idema -- the subject of a United States military press center warning. Two years ago, J. Keith Idema, an American civilian adviser to the Afghan United Front, was interviewed on CBS' "60 Minutes"

U.S. should face court, Annan says (tags)

"UN Secretary General Kofi Annan is leading the charge agaisnt Washington's call for the UN Security Council to renew its special exemption for U.S. forces from prosecution by the UN war crimes court."

Women Raped Before Their Husbands (tags)

Statements and findings by non-governmental organisations and human-rights groups detail how one female detainee had been raped 17 times in one day by ‘Iraqi’ police in the presence of US troops. Another NGO reported of how one mother-of-four killed herself after being held by her hair and raped in front of her restrained husband, who was forced to watch.


TEHRAN (MNA) -– The UAE-based daily Al-Khaleej reported on Monday that Kuwaiti tariff officials have intercepted a truck loaded with radioactive materials in the Iraq-Kuwait border.

DDay News Report (tags)

Here's how the landings at Normandy would have been covered by today's media. On the coast of France, June 6, 1944

Iraqi Witness Exposes Reasons For US Targeting Village Wedding (tags)

The background to American bombing raid on a village wedding party on May 18 that killed the bridegroom along with over 40 other villagers has remained largely a mystery in the international media. After the bomb raid, which the Pentagon claimed was an attempted assault on Resistance fighters in the area of al-Qa’im on the Syrian border, the AP broadcast video of the wedding contradicted the official US storey.

Transforming Ecuador Into Another Cambodia (tags)

Thirty-five years ago the Nixon administration launched a secret campaign of intense aerial bombing in Cambodia and in doing so plunged that country into the flaring quagmire in neighboring Vietnam. Today, the U.S. may again be pushing another small, neutral and peaceful nation into a comparable entanglement. Ecuador is now in the early stages of being a combatant in the seemingly intractable conflict engulfing its much larger and bellicose neighbor to the north, Colombia, says the liberal Washington-based think tank COHA (The Council on Hemispheric Affairs).


May 24, 2004: The U.S. Armed Forces are calling to active duty the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). These are soldiers in the reserve who are not assigned to a unit (and are thus not paid), but are still serving out there remaining time (that they signed up for) in the reserves or active duty. Until their time is expired, they are liable to call up. Some are going to be called up. This is rarely done.

Poll: 32% of Iraqis Strongly Support 'terrorist' Moqtada al-Sadr (tags)

"Unfortunately, the multi-mistakes done in Iraq, in terms of political, economic, security, social and so on, let Moqtada Al-Sadr to be a national hero, even in Sunni areas - not just in Shiite areas."



More Than 5,500 Iraqi Civilians Killed Since Occupation Began, According to Morgue Records (tags)

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Punctured by bullets or torn by bombs, broken bodies keep coming into Baghdad's main morgue. Some are dumped on the blood-splattered concrete floor. Others lie naked on metal gurneys in a hallway, waiting for autopsies as flies buzz in the spring heat. Even before the spasm of bloodshed that began early last month, Iraqis were suffering a heavy toll from crime, tribal revenge killings, terrorist bombings and fighting between coalition troops and insurgents.

Newsletter AL BA'ATH AL IRAQI - N°34 (tags)

Message Posted by the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network On-line Group

Thousands rally in Iran against occupation of Iraq (tags)

TEHRAN: Tens of thousands of Iranians took part in a state-sponsored rally yesterday to demand US-led forces leave Iraq.


A Palestinian man carries an injured child after Israeli occupation forces fired missiles at a demonstration in the Rafah refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip. A dozen Palestinians were killed... most of them children, with up to 50 seriously wounded. The occupation troops also fired tank shells and machine guns at the unarmed protestors. (AP/Khalil Hamra)

The Arab Baath Socialist Party May 4th 2004 Statement!!! (tags)

Free President Saddam Hussein!!! Victory to Iraqi Arab and Islamic Armed Resistance!!! Death to Zionist AmeriKKKa!!! Join the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network On Line News and Views Forum

Washington and the opposition are behind the terrorist plot against Chavez (tags)

solidarity with Venezuela

Fallujah Rebels, Residents, Police Celebrate Victory over U.S. Marines (tags)

While Marines report a successful excursion to the heart of Fallujah, civilians and armed mujahideen join Iraqi police and soldiers in touting the defeat and retreat of US forces in the battle for Fallujah.

Abu Ghraib used R2I: torture method taught by UK special forces (tags)

The sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison was not an invention of maverick guards, but part of a system of ill-treatment and degradation used by special forces soldiers that is now being disseminated among ordinary troops and contractors who do not know what they are doing, according to British military sources.

Good news abounding in Iraq (tags)

“Good News Abounding in Iraq”. October 25, 2003.

George Bush War Criminal (tags)

The United States is commiting war crimes right now in Iraq, meanwhile calling a popular uprising '200 guys from syria', drug dealers, thugs etc. The Iraqi governing councel has 'officially' reduced the number of Iraqis the US coalition killed in Fallujah, saying only 18% were civilians. We need to tell people what is really going on in Iraq, and hold this government accountable. This is ridiculous!

Troops in Iraq killed at rates approaching Vietnam War-era levels (tags)

The last time U.S. troops experienced a two-week loss such as this one in Iraq was October 1971, two years before U.S. ground involvement ended in Vietnam.

Some People Push Back (tags)

In April 2003, the United States was celebrating a “cakewalk” and on May 1, 2003, George Bush declared “the end of major combat operations” in front of a banner proclaiming “Mission Accomplished”. In April 2004, “cakewalk” has been replaced with “quagmire” and “Mission Accomplished” has been taken over by a “Nightmare Scenario.”

Today in the MidEast (tags)


Negroponte Is Expected to Be Picked for Iraq Post (tags)

Negroponte, soon to be ruler of Iraq, says "To this day, I do not believe that death squads were operating in Honduras."

Italy Must Apologize, Say Captors (tags)

A previously unknown group of "mujahidien" called the Green Division of the Prophet Mohammed announced they had captured four Italian security personnel working with the U.S.-led Coalition

Today in the MidEast 12th of april (tags)


U.S. Forces Appeal to Afghans against Taliban (tags)

Up to one third of the country, mainly the south and east, is effectively off-limits to foreign aid workers due to the security threat posed by Islamic militants.

Looking very bad for the "coalition" (tags)

BAGHDAD, April 10 -- A battalion of the new Iraqi army refused to go to Fallujah earlier this week to support U.S. Marines battling for control of the city, senior U.S. Army officers here said, disclosing an incident that is casting new doubt on U.S. plans to transfer security matters to Iraqi forces. Anti-U.S. Outrage Unites a Growing Iraqi Resistance


FROM THE LOS ANGELES TIMES VIA ZNET: Both Sunnis and Shiites have seen their homes attacked and their religious sites desecrated. Up against a shared enemy, they are beginning to bury ancient rivalries and join forces against the occupation. Instead of a civil war, they are on the verge of building a common front.

Iraqis told U.S. to go from day one (tags)

What went so wrong that the US-led war to "liberate" the Iraqi people turned into the daily slaughter of the victims of Saddam's tyranny? The answer is simple: nothing has gone wrong. Despite the mythology, most Iraqis were strongly against the invasion from the start, though it has taken 12 months for the world's media to report that.

Priority Update From Iraq (tags)

Forwarded from Women in Black List serve.

US: Fierce Falluja fighting recalls Vietnam (tags)

"And this is like Hue City in Vietnam," he said, referring to the former imperial capital where in 1968 US troops faced the most ferocious street fighting of the communists' decisive Tet offensive. Marines, who took part in defeating Saddam's armed forces a year ago, said the resistance they were now facing was tougher than anything thrown at them by the old regime's once vaunted Republican Guards. Sergeant James Ramsel, of the battalion's Alpha Company, said there had been no let-up in the resistance. "It's been going on all night; it's still going on."

Costly US intel failures continue in Iraq (tags)

Two seperate reports clearly demonstrate that a "process for systematic sharing of intelligence and tactics is badly needed" -- proving that the lessons from 9/11 have not been learned

Irag:"This is George W.Bush's Viet Nam" (tags)

Irag War

Civilian casualties mounting in Falluja (tags)

As the U.S. occupation forces pound civilian targets in Falluja with tank fire and a U.S. "Apache" heliocopter fires missiles at a Mosque (killing 40 gathered for prayer), the Aljazeera news agency are the only ones to have a crew in the city under seige. Cameramen Layf Muftaq and Hasan Walid, sound engineer Sayf al-Din and correspondent Hamid Hadid, are risking their lives to report on events as they occur. Some of their photos have now been published on the Aljazeera website (see link). The photo on this page by the Aljazeera crew shows one of the "insurgents" killed by U.S. occupation forces in the most recent fighting in Falluja.

Fedayeen as Vietcong: Iraqi Resistance is Rocking the Occupiers!!! (tags)

The Glorious Viet Cong of Our Era: Iraqi Armed Resistance Sending Occupiers Home in Coffins or Carrying One!!!

Issue of detainees in Syria 'a tragedy' (tags)

A human rights activist said Monday that the issue of Lebanese who were victims of arbitrary abduction and detention by Syrian forces was a harsh humanitarian outcome of the civil war.

Clashes in oilfields kill 17 soldiers and guerrillas (tags)

15 government troops dead in fresh fighting in Colombia’s southern oil region. President Uribe seeks foreign help to beef up military muscle. US lawmakers promise more soldiers and mercenaries.

An anti-state communist perspective on the war (tags)

This is 2003 article about the Iraq War 2, just before it started. It's from Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. It's unusually prescient in its predictions of how the entire war will go. I post this because the journal has been criticized by some anarchistists as "primitivist", and Anarchism has been derided by the Left as everything from chaos to disruptive and unthinking. Liberals stereotype anarchists as young fashion victims, implying they are shallow. These are simplistic stereotypes at best, and fear mongering at the worst. Articles like this one below, I hope, give people pause to consider the relevance and usefulness of anti-state, anti-capitalist critique. Remember, this article was written before we invaded Iraq. So here goes. -- Just Another Anarchist

Resident Bu$h, jokes about WMDs. (tags)

In this photo taken from video, resident bu$hco pretends to search the Oval Office for weapons of mass destruction in a frat boy spoof shown to a dinner for White House radio and television correspondents in Washington Wednesday night March 24, 2004. Nearly 600 American troops and over 10,000 Iraqi civilians have DIED because of bu$hco's lies concerning Iraq possessing WMDs. Now the resident makes it into a comedy routine. Well guess what America... THE JOKES ON YOU! (AP Photo/ APTN Pool)

Israel & Occupied Territories: US Country Reports on Human Rights Practice (tags)

We can assume this is why Israel did not wish to make an appearance at the Hague but sent instead a bus. All of these offenses needed to be discussed but Israel refused to show up and be present. The US continues to reward such behavior with American Tax Dollar$.

Zapatero to Kerry: Back Off, Senator, Our Troops Are Coming Home (tags)

The US presidential election is shaping up as a battle over manliness, a kind of political bodybuilding contest. Kerry wants to run as senator machismo. He doesn't want to pull out US forces. He wants to top Bush by calling up 40,000 more troops and inserting more European forces to join in the bloodbath. No wonder Kerry has a hard time naming the European leaders that want him in the White House.

Guess they were baby killers (tags)

Nearly a year ago, Ali Kadem Hashem watched his wife burn to death and his three children die after an American missile hit his house.

Defend the Anti-Imperialist Camp! (tags)


U.S. Unloading WMD in Iraq (tags)

US and UK planting Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq!!!

US Unloads WMB in Iraq (tags)

The Teharan Times reported sat. Mar. 13 that the US forces in southern Iraq have been unloading a large cargo of parts for constructing long range missiles and weapons of mass destruction in the southern ports of Iraq.

Lebanese student protesters clash with police over Syrian army presence (tags)

BEIRUT - Lebanese students clashed Friday with security forces during protests against Syria's military presence in their country which their hero, exiled general Michel Aoun, tried but failed to end 15 years ago.

Elections or Resistance: Bolivar y Resistencia (tags)

US has military programs, bases or spies in every country in Latin America Only Cuba and Venezuela restrict US official activities. We want this entire military-espionage regime out! We won’t pay you anymore debt peonage and we take back all of our resources, our industries and our power

The revolution in Venezuela is in Danger ! (tags)


U.S. Sees Al-Qaeda Everywhere (tags)

Bush Administration twisting nature of Iraq violence to legitimate the War Hawks and mislead the public, while concurrently hiding their own shortcomings.

200,000 in Spain protest Iraq War! (tags)

Hundreds of thousands of antiwar protesters marched in Madrid Spain to call for an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Calls were also made for the total withdrawal of some 1,300 Spanish troops from Iraq. The anti-Imperialist protestors held banners and placards that denounced the idiot Cowboy in the Whitehouse, as well as his puppet... Prime Minister of Spain, Jose Maria Aznar. Protestors also carried thousands of pictures of Spanish television cameraman Jose Couso, who was murdered along with Reuters TV cameraman Taras Protsyuk when U.S. occupation soldiers fired a tank shell at the media hotel where the two were working in Baghdad. The massive anti-war protest was held to mark the first anniversary of demonstrations held around the world when nearly 15 Million people marched to oppose the U.S. oil war against Iraq (Reuters photo/Andrea Comas).

Israeli Army Kills 14 in Gaza (tags)

Israeli aggression on Gaza City and Rafah claims the lives of 14 Palestinians

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th Updates Plus Special Event!!! (tags)

Editorial March 19th Flier link! 1.Iraqi Resistance Report: Updated News Reports Compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr , from the Editorial Board of the Free Arab Voice. 2. Arab Socialist Coalition of North America:Open Letter to the US Anti-war Movement and Arab and Muslim Organizations 3.Iraqi Communist Party(Cadre) formally ackowledges Saddam Hussein to be the Valid President of Iraq!!! Response from the ICP-Cadre 4:Petition Endorsed by Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network: Defend Dr. Huda Saleh Mahdi Ammash!!! 5.DPRK News:"Anti-Imperialist and Anti-War Struggle Called for" 6.Socialist Arab Coalition of North America-History of Communist Involvement in the Lebanese Resistance Against "israel"-æÝÇÁÇ ááãÞÇæãÉ ÇáÔíæÚíÉ ***En Español*** 7. Diario de la resistencia iraquí Titulares: 1 a 3 de febrero 8. Coalición árabe socialista de Norteamérica: Abra la letra en el movimiento pacifista de los E.E.U.U. y las organizaciones árabes y musulmanas 9.El canje de prisiones entre Hizbollah e Israel: las lecciones de la resistencia

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Feb.3rd Updates! (tags)

Editorial Column 1.Iraqi Resistance Report 2.Iraqi Resistance Data Report 3.ANSWER: Call for March 20th Demonstrations 4.Communist Martyrs Return to lebenon-Socialist Arab Coalition Webpage 5.Anti-Imperialist Camp: Mumbai Resistance paves way for anti-imperialist pole 6.An Islamic Reader Builds Solidarity With Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network 7.***A Mourning of Communist Martyrs- Touching Poem by Ziad elJishi*** ***En Espanol*** 8.:: Diario de la resistencia iraqui:

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 30th Update Report! (tags)

Editorial 1.Iraqi Resistance Report: Updated News Reports Compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr , from the Editorial Board of the Free Arab Voice. 2.Iraqi Resistance Data Report Updates: 3.HamasOnline- Solidarity Gathering Held in Lebanon Honors Sheik Yassin 4.Loles Oliván: Paper presented to the 2nd Cairo Conference (PDF) 5.On the Significance of the Martyrdom of Rim ar-Riyashi- Essay by Dr.Ibrahim Alloush, Editor of the Free Arab Voice, defending the use of women as Human Bombs ***En Español*** 6. :: Diario de la resistencia iraquí: Titulares: 25 a 27de enero 7. Declaración de la II Conferencia Internacional de El Cairo:Con la resistencia palestina e iraquí, contra la globalización capitalista y la hegemonía de EEUU 8. ¡ ORGANICEMOS LA DEFENSA DEL PRESIDENTE SADDAM HUSSEIN !

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 18th-20th Updates! (tags)

1.Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Downloadable Flier- Print out and Distribute to your Pro-Resistance Quarters!!! 2.Iraqi Resistance Report: Updated News Reports Compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr , from the Editorial Board of the Free Arab Voice. 3.Communique-Ahmed Sadaat, General Secratary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 4. *** An Islamic Voice Stands With President Hussein/ Condemns Sexist Pigs in Iraqi Zionist Proxy Government** 5. ***"You Must Know"- Excellant Essay By Ibrahim Ebeid Co-Editor of Al-Moharer Calling for Progressives To Support Iraqi Resistance*** 6. ***President Hussein And The Geneva Convention***

Planning Activist Activities? (tags)

The start of any undertaking is either supported by the universe or not, knowing how to use nature forces can make the difference between growth and success, or wasted energy and failure.

Fear and duplicity (tags)

Some thoughts on fear, intimidation and Martin Luther King Jr.

Latest deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq (tags)

TIKRIT, Iraq - The number of American service members who have died in the Iraq conflict since war started last March reached 500 Saturday after a roadside bomb exploded near Baghdad, killing three U.S. soldiers and two Iraqi civil defense troopers.

The Story Behind Saddam's Arrest (tags)

The "unheralded facts" behind the Kurdish capture, and beyond the Administration's photo-op.

Bush Reform of Immigration Policy may have a Hidden Agenda: Hispanis Beware! (tags)

Hispanics are Sitting Ducks: "We're addressing an important economic need (and) we're being compassionate to those undocumented workers who are here now ... many of (whom) are probably being abused and exploited,... part of this policy will help make America more secure because we'll know who's here." --White House spokesman Scott McClellan 01/08/04.

Occupation of Iraq - "There is a culture of impunity." (tags)

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. military is negligent and callous in dealing with Iraqis seeking compensation for relatives accidentally killed or maimed by U.S. troops, a human rights group said on Saturday.

Last wake-up call (tags)

Unrestricted Warfare - Soon at the world theatre

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th 2004 Updates! (tags)

1. Iraqi Resistance Report Jan. 1-4, 2004 2. Newsletter From the International League of People's Struggle, formed by Comrade Jose Maria Sison, former head of the New People's Army of the Philippines (PDF) 3.***A Call to Support the March 20th Demonstrations!!!*** 4. Join the Anti-Imperialist Camp Delegation to Iraq! 5. ANSWER stands against Colonialism in Palestine, Iraq, the world! 6.International Progress Organization: PROSECUTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES IN IRAQ – LACK OF CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS FOR WAR CRIMES TRIALS 7. The True Figures of Imperialist Casualities in Iraq! 8. Examples of online zionist hatred and racism against Palestinians

The Story of an Action. (tags)

The International Women's Peace Service reports action and reaction in Budrus.

Task Force 121 (tags)

An article about Task Force 121, and US operations during the occupation of Iraq.

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Dec. 27th Updates (tags)

1. Iraqi Resistance Communique 2.Iraqi Resistance Report for events from Monday 22 December through Wednesday, 24 December 2003. 3.Boycott Coca- Cola.. Buy Quibla Cola 4.Appeal to UN/ Solidarity with the Fedayeen Attacks Sent to the Iraq Resistance Solidarity Network 5.German Stand with Efforts to Fund the Iraqi Resistance!!! 6. Resistance Committee in France Stand with the People of Iraq Against Occupation! 7.In Defense of the Intifada: Discussion in the Real Objectives of the International Solidarity Movement

12/23: Latest News from IRAQ - by PeaceNoWar (tags)

Peace No War Network Web: [To join the listserv, send e-mail to:]

Letter to the National Democratic Front of South Korea (tags)


Saddam was captured by Kurds, not US! (tags)

Saddam was captured by Kurds, not US! The "" website carries over a dozen urls for exisiting news sits now carrying this breaking story:

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Dec. 19 Updates (tags)

1.Iraqi Resistance Report Dec. 15-17 2003 2.Statement of the Arab Cause Solidarity Committee: The apprehension and incarceration of Saddam Hussein will not bring about the end of the Iraqi resistance 3.Pro-Saddam Riots Rock the World 4. Message to US Security Council: AMERICA IS WORTH NOTHING...AMERICANS ARE PIGS ON TWO LEGS 5. Iraqi town takes pride in battling U.S. army 6.Iraqi Resistance front to be proclaimed soon After the arrest of Saddam resistance will intensify and unite even more, says Jabbar al Kubaysi 7. Offical State Paper of Cuba on Resistance in Iraq 8.Rally in S. Korea against Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq 9.U.S. Moves to Stifle Syria Accused 10."Message to the GI Mercenaries on the Further Deployment of US Troops" Published

Capture of Saddam (tags)

The war is between Capitalism and Islam. These are the *only* 2 ideologies today that are competing for domination. The administration and media are (plain and simple) afraid to reveal the identity of these 2 ideologies in conflict--especially Islam.

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Update Reports (tags)

1.PFLP Militant Shows Solidarity with President Saddam Hussein 2.Anti-Imperialist Camp Rome's Iraqi resistance demo: We are tip of iceberg 3."Death to the Pigs that Live in Washington and Tel Aviv!!!"- Message Calling to increase Jihad a thousand Fold Recieved by the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network. 4.A.N.S.W.E.R. statement on recent developments in Iraq

War In Iraq: The Punishment of Abu Hishma (tags)


Statement by the Iraqi Branch of the Arab Socialist Baath Party. (tags)

The heroic armed Resistance, guided by its political and strategic programs, will never stop.

Iraqi Resistance Report Dec. 11-13 2003 (tags)

On the Capture of President Saddam Hussein: Resistance will Continue Until Victory!!! (tags)

Three Articles of Interest 1.Resistance Continues Despite Desperate US. 2.On the Arrest Of Saddam Hussein 3. Message From Andrew Kahn of the Proletariat Group

Patriotic Gore and Power Vacuums (tags)

"The capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of violence in Iraq." George 'Psychopath' Bush 12.14.3

The racist message of Two Towers (tags)

I finally got around to watching this Lord of the Rings movie everyone talks about. I ended up shaking with rage during most of it. This movie is so thoroughly racist, and contains so many thinly veiled allusions to the war on "terror", that it can hardly be a concidence that mr Tolkien decided to release this movie three months before the Iraq war.

Support to DPRK Called for (tags)

U.S. military attacks Iraqi trade unions (tags)

A U.S. occupation force involving 10 armored vehicles and dozens of soldiers attacked the headquarters of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions in Baghdad, Dec. 6.

On the Ground, Straight From the Top (tags)

U.S. military commanders throughout Iraq have been saying for months -- almost unequivocally -- that they are winning the war against Iraqi insurgents, religious extremists and foreign terrorists in their sectors. This, even as attacks against U.S. forces increased across the country and a series of high-profile bombings and helicopter shoot-downs helped create the impression in the world media that the insurgents were gaining ground. Vernon Loeb, defense correspondent for The Post, asked commanders from the four major U.S. Army divisions in Iraq why they thought they were winning, and what they used as measures of success. Responding via e-mail, they had plenty to say. Excerpts:

Operation Iron Hammer: Iraq: The War After The War (tags)


Israel trains US assassination squads in Iraq (tags)

Israeli advisers are helping train US special forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations in Iraq, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders, US intelligence and military sources said yesterday. (photo did NOT appear with original Guardian article)

U.S. military kills nine terrorists in Afghanistan (tags)

"At the time we initiated the attack, we did not know there were children nearby," he said. "Until we get the investigation results, we can't say what exactly happened."

Bush Allowed 5000 to "Die" (tags)

In response to the confused rantings of j mpls, who seems to have vomited all over the IMC today, just a sobering thought. I'm not a big fan of Clinton either but his transgressions pail in comparison to georgie the dic(tator).

The Samarra Massacre...Vietnam all over again... (tags)

It appears as if the U.S. is using Vietnam-style tactics in Iraq and portraying Vietnam-style civilian massacres as heroic battles against a fierce enemy. The U.S. corporate media is once again complicit in the covering-up of U.S. crimes and atrocities around the world. Eight Civilians are killed, two Mosques are desecrated, and the U.S. corporate media simply tells us that the U.S. forces fought off an ambush, not even mentioning the Iraqi witnesses which state that the U.S. simply opened fire, indiscriminately, into a crowd of worshippers and pilgrims.

Samarra Battle faked by U.S. Psywar Specialists (tags)

An analysis of the "Samarra Battle" indicates that U.S. Psychological Warfare Operatives faked a "great victory" for U.S. troops similar to the fabricated Jessica Lynch "rescue."

Eye Witness Report: The "Battle" At Samarra (tags)

After inflicting casualties on the Americans the Resistance fighters withdrew. The American troops, however, continued to shell and rocket residential quarters of Samarra' for hours as if to punish residents and drive a wedge between them and the Iraqi Resistance. The result has been quite the opposite. As the people of Samarra' awakened Monday to survey the battle damage they talked to the press of their outrage at the brutality of the American aggressors and their resolve to join the ranks of the Resistance.

Interview with Comrade-in-Arms, Awni al Kalemji, of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (tags)


On the Need for a Pro-Iraq United Front In the US (tags)


How British Charity Was Silenced On Iraq (tags)

One of Britain's most high-profile charities was ordered to end criticism of military action in Iraq by its powerful US wing to avoid jeopardising financial support from Washington and corporate donors, a Guardian investigation has discovered.   Internal emails reveal how Save the Children UK came under enormous pressure after it accused coalition forces of breaching the Geneva convention by blocking humanitarian aid.

''Parallels Between U.S. Occupation of Iraq and U.S. Involvement in Vietnam'' (tags)

Iraqi guerrillas are most likely aware that they will not be able to crush the U.S. military occupation in Iraq. They do know, however, that if they continue to kill and maim U.S. soldiers, it will only be a matter of time until the American public demands a return of U.S. troops and applies political pressure to the Bush administration. General Abizaid admitted as much, recently warning, "The goal of the enemy is not to defeat us militarily. The goal of the enemy is to break the will of the United States of America, to make us leave."

GAO report: Some Army troops unpaid for weeks, denied medical care  (tags)

In an attempt to correct overpayments made to 34 soldiers from Colorado’s 5th Battalion, 19th Special Forces, finance officials instead inadvertently billed an average of $48,000 each, or a “largely erroneous total debt of over $1.6 million,” the report states. The "Support Our Troops" Cretins are still A.W.O.L.

Current U.S. Intervention in the Philippines* (tags)

Over the past century, the U.S. has been the leading interventionist power in the world often victimizing small independent countries and national liberation movements and using the military as its chief instrument. In many cases, U.S. interventionism leads to wars of aggression. Other methods used are: political and diplomatic pressures; economic pressures and trade sanctions; covert operations; media manipulation; and others.

Two Black Hawks Crash Killing At Least 17 US Troops (tags)

An article about the crash of the Black Hawks, the Istanbul bombing, and Rumsfeld's plan to maintain troops in Iraq.

ART OF WAR: Dreams of Muhammad (tags)

IN MEMORY OF THE PALESTINIAN BOYS KILLED BY ISRAEL. These Palestinian boys were gunned down, often by Israeli snipers from fortified positions, that picked them out of the crowd, using high power rifles with telescopic lenses and silencers, who shot these boys in the heart, in the head. They were among the more than 140 Palestinians who were killed during the first month the intifada; killed before there were any suicide bombings in Israel, killed for daring to throw rocks at Israeli tanks, killed for wanting their FREEDOM!

The people are the enemy (tags)

A series of shocking pictures revealing US soldiers tying up Iraqi women and children in their own home has provoked international outrage.

CIA Spook says Iraqi Insurgents Take a Page From the Afghan 'Freedom Fighters' (tags)

Milt Bearden, a 30-year veteran in the C.I.A.'s Directorate of Operations, served as the Central Intelligence Agency's quartermaster and political agent to the Afghan resistance against the Soviet occupation from 1986 until the Soviets left in 1989.

Arab Writer Protests Attacks On Coalition Forces (tags)

this is an open letter to Arab and left wing intellectuals protesting their continued support of attacks on humanitarian workers and Coalition forces.

Robert Fisk on Iraq: This is a Resistance Movement, Whether We Like It or Not? (tags)

Robert Fisk on Iraq: This is a Resistance Movement, Whether We Like It or Not?

Eyewitness in Iraq: "They're Getting Better" (tags)

"The worst problem facing US forces in Iraq may not be armed resistance but a crisis of morale. Robert Fisk reports on a near-epidemic of indiscipline, suicides and loose talk." Iraq plumet into anarchy as US helicopter gets shot down and the hotel housing US Deputy Secretary of Defense gets hit with rocket attack ...


Here is a part of what the Syrian Baath regime have been committing in occupied Lebanon

U.S. Colonel killed in Baghdad Al Rashid rocket attack (tags)

Iraqi guerrillas fired rockets at downtown Baghdad's Al Rasheed Hotel, now a headquarters for occupation authorites. Fifteen people were wounded, including U.S. military personnel and civilians working for the "coalition." One person was killed, an American Colonel for the U.S. Army... the highest ranking soldier to have died in Iraq to date. Hey George... where are those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction you launched this war over?


Raining on a parade--or, in this case, an anti-war march--isn't likely to win one popularity contests. But somebody has got to raise the alarm. The upcoming Oct. 25 march in Washington DC is being billed as a revitalization of the movement which made history with coordinated worldwide protests against the looming US-led assualt on Iraq Feb. 15. But the new mobilization actually represents a dangerous step backwards for the anti-war forces in the US.

On Tactics and Strategy: How Bush has Misunderstood Military Strategic Doctrine (tags)

You know you never defeated us on the battlefield, said the American colonel. The North Vietnamese colonel pondered this remark a moment. That may be so, he replied, but it is also irrelevant.

The deal is perfect (tags)

Again a lethal betrayal on the Kurds by US Tantalizer

Dr.Strangelove salutes you (tags)

Never seen perish their own children

Balancing Your Life And World: A Gift From Dr Wayne Dyer (tags)

This article is a gift of wisdom Professor Wayne Dyer regarding the rules of society and how to balance the paradigms we live with to bring order and balance. From the premise he presents we can also assess the fundamental premise of global stability between rich and poor countries, war, peace, poverty and the economy.

Pax Americana/Bushs Folly (tags)

From UK Guardian: Iraqi resistance to foreign occupation enjoys great popular support

Howard Dean: Assclown (tags)

None of the Democrats has the guts to come out and demand that U.S. forces turn tail and run when the going gets tough. If only one of them had the courage to demand cowardice like a real Democrat!

Israeli Irgun terrorist group (tags)

The History of the birth of the state of Israel is complex and involved. Many have sacrificed much to bring the Jewish State into existence. One such body was the Irgun also know as the Etzel group. The Irgun was a military group that refused to bow to political pressures in securing a state for the Jewish people. Much of the modern Israeli politics today stem from the Irgun and the organization from which they broke, the Hagganah.

Misery likes company George Bush has second thoughts on Irag (tags)


US Has No Idea When Troops Will Pull Out Of Iraq (tags)

Oh, they know when they will pull out - when all of the Oil is exhausted or firmly under the control of Bush Family Cronies. This is the Mob - and this is your Country run by the Mob.

Condi's Phony History (tags)

If their lips are moving - they're lying.

What is going on in Iraq today? An Iraqi view (tags)

Raid Fahmi is a member of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP). He represented the ICP at the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties in Athens, Greece, June 19-20, 2003.

Nepal: Bush Supports Human Rights Violations (tags)

People’s Revolutionary War To Resume Shortly In Nepal

Japan OKs Bill Sending Troops to Iraq (tags)

Military planners are reportedly considering sending a contingent of up to 1,000 combat engineers and other troops for transport and construction duties.

The Deaths of Uday and Qusay (tags)

In this handout picture from the U.S. Army made available Wednesday, July 23, 2003, flames erupt from the building supposedly housing Saddam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusay in Mosul, Iraq on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 (AP Photo/US Army, Robert Woodward)

CNN: Saddam's Sons Confirmed Dead; Bush, Blair, Cheney Still At Large (tags)

CNN is reporting that Saddam's sons,Qusay and Uday, have been killed by U.S. troops. Still unconfirmed is whether the Pentagon is lying again. Meanwhile, war criminals Bush, Blair, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are still at large.

A Plan for Privilege and Power (tags)

The American people, no longer treated to a steady diet of "embedded" reporting, are beginning to realize the true cost of the government's nice little war to make the Middle East safe for Zionists, bankers and multi-national corporations.

Iraqis Call For Self-Rule (tags)

Iraqi notables critical of US plans to appoint a ruling council call for an interim administration.

Say It: This Is a Quagmire (tags)

On the day U.S. soldiers occupied Baghdad, draped the American flag over Saddam Hussein's statue and pulled it down, 103 GIs had died in the Iraq war. The number killed since that supposedly triumphal moment on April 9 may double in this coming week, in a war that an American general now admits is ongoing.

571 Palestinian children killed by Israel since the intifada (tags)

The Human Toll continues. Zionism Kills.

US pisses-off Turkey now (tags)

"Turkish forces were blocked from doing their jobs, their equipment was destroyed and some (soldiers) were taken away." Police in Istanbul had to use tear gas to disperse hundreds of nationalists who staged an anti-U.S. demonstration.

Justifying Occupation (tags)

I thought this looked like an interesting reference for those wishing to develop arguments counter to the Spin and PsyOps coming from the Mainstream NewsWhores.

Divine Forces Radio needs your help (tags)

Divine forces radio needs listeners to flood the k.p.f.k offices with emails and let the program director know you want 3 hours of D.F.R.

Bush's illusions (tags)

Almost two months after the president said major combat in Iraq had ended, U.S. troops are still being killed and the White House's plans are in disarray.

US TV networks 'kissed ass', says Wolff (tags)

"Ass kissing has gone on to a profound degree. It's pervasive throughout all these news organisations. They need the FCC to behave in certain ways. In order to do this we have got to go along to get along," said Wolff, who delivered the keynote speech at today's MediaGuardian forum on war coverage.

Lies the Government Told Us Part 4 (tags)


In the midst of Imperialist oppression-Irag (tags)


US M-16s to Nepal, Nepali troops to Iraq? (tags)

US expects Nepali troops in Iraq; M-16 airlift complete. See a connection?

Daily killings in Iraq (tags)

A U.S. military truck burns in Baghdad Thursday June 19, 2003. There were no reports of injuries or killed in the attack. In a separate incident attackers fired a rocket propelled grenade at a U.S. military ambulance Thursday, killing one U.S. soldier and injuring two others. (AP Photo/Denis Doyle)

Our Brave Soldiers Fight Ignoble Wars for Cowards (tags)

Our dead young American soldiers are fighting for some very wealthy individuals who think they know how to rule the world. These power mongers use their wealth to create policy and their policy to create more wealth. Their policy is brutal. They think nothing of killing 10,000 innocent civilians (almost entirely Muslim) and destroying their lands with the most lethal of weapons of mass destruction so that they can exploit their natural resources and gain a stronghold in the Middle East by establishing a permanent military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan- in the heart of Islam, oil and five of the worlds nuclear nations.

Irag-Two months after the fall-A Vietnamese trap for the coalition forces (tags)

Irag War

Fibbing It Up at Fox (tags)

Fox's protracted apologia is that despite promises of evidence of current weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) by the Bush Administration, the evidence has been ambiguous at best.  Unfortunately for the network, I’ve been keeping a scratch diary of their reports since the war began.

Israel and Gaza: The News While Awaiting the Presence of Justice (tags)

"I am very pleased that President Bush has included in his supplemental budget request that just went to Congress $1 billion in Foreign Military Financing funds to help Israel strengthen its military and civil defenses. And that's just for starters." Colin Powell, AIPAC: March 30, 2003

Israel's Hamas (tags)

The mantra that Arafat crack down on terror has always been a fraud. Who is to do this cracking down? Obviously, Palestinian police, security forces and courts. But they are the chief target of Sharon's murderous onslaught. Sharon's strategy today is the same as it was in Beirut in 1982. He wants to destroy and discredit the Palestinian Authority so as to ensure the Palestinians are left without a credible leadership.

US Losses Mount Two Months After The Fall Of Baghdad (tags)

The US death brought to 29 the number of American servicemen who have died in fighting or accidents in Iraq since US President George W. Bush declared the war effectively over on May 1, according to an AFP toll.

Does the Pentagon Have Amnesia on Lynch? (tags)

As you can see there is a wide gap between the facts as reported initially and the manner in which they are being reported now. As I understand the Defense Department's position, these recent accounts are "outrageous, patently false and unsupported by the facts."(3) At the same time, Defense Department officials now seem to be qualifying their earlier statements. For example, Bryan Whitman, Department of Defense spokesman, reportedly said "the U.S. military never claimed that the troops came under fire when they burst into the hospital."(4)

Struggle in Peru intensifies (tags)

Struggle in Peru intensifies

US prepares military repression in Iraq (tags)

Under the pretext that all the resistance to the U.S. Led occupation of the Oil Fields the Iraqi Resistance is being characterized as "holdouts" from the Saddam regime; despite the complete collapse of that regime. Wanna buy a Bridge?

Wars yet to come - a fascinating Story (tags)

These two paragraphs from the full article are intro enough. The myth of easy American victory will be used in the worst possible ways for years to come and you'll need this for future reference and discussion.

Oh, What A Tangled Web Bush Weaves (tags)

But the CIA was correct in warning the White House and Pentagon that Iraq would turn into a tar-baby for the U.S. This is precisely what is now happening. Iraq is in chaos and near-anarchy. U.S. occupation forces have so far been unable to form even a puppet regime, as was done in Afghanistan.

Afgan Massacre (tags)

Check this out!

The staged rescue of Private Jessica Lynch (tags)

The Correspondent team had gone back to Nasiriyah to interview eyewitnesses on events and found an entirely different story. Doctors insisted that far from being ill treated Lynch had received the best treatment possible. Assigned to the only specialist bed in the hospital, and one of only two nurses on the floor, medical staff had even given blood to help her due to a shortage.


On the admission of many Israeli leaders, this war was the result of a long-planned, calculated aggression. It was undertaken in order to expand Israel's ocupation of Arab territories and not (as falsely claimed by Israeli apologists) as a pre-emptive strike to avoid annihilation.

Germany shifts military towards global peacekeeping (tags)

Leaked versions of the 22-page defence paper place resolution of international crises under UN leadership at the top of the task list, and add a new and unfamiliar role: helping the police fight September-11-style terrorist attacks.

RW: U.S. In Iraq: The "Shoot-To-Kill" Occupiers (tags)


US POW rescue was 'stage-managed' (tags)

Just keep telling yourself - we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi, I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, ...

Salt Lake City rallies condemn war crimes in Iraq (tags)

The Committee for War Criminal Prosecution held its annual spring rallies to protest war crimes committed by nation-state leaders, featuring the U.S. Bush administration's performances in Iraq this year.


Israeli forces raided the ISM office this morning, confiscating equipment and material and snatching three women. At 12:30pm on Friday, May 9, approximately 20 military vehicles, army jeeps and a large armored personnel carrier (intended for many arrests) surrounded the ISM media office in Beit Sahour.

Demands regarding the invasion, occupation and 'reconstruction' of Iraq (tags)

This statement will be presented to the "Iraq and the Global Peace Movement: What next?" conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-21 May and at the peace and anti-war movements events during the G8 in late May.

UK envoys held at gunpoint by Israelis (tags)

Israeli forces opened fire above a British embassy convoy and held it at gunpoint in Gaza while it was carrying diplomats and the family of an English peace activist left in a coma by an Israeli bullet.,2763,950072,00.html

Sharp Rise in Press Attacks in Afghanistan (tags)

Reporters in Afghanistan are being threatened with death if they do not stop critisizing government officials.

The Gaping Hole In Iraq (tags)

While Bush was at his podium, US troops were firing into a crowd of demonstrators in the Iraqi town of Falluja, killing 13 of them. The Pentagon says the Americans were fired on first, but eyewitnesses insist the protesters were unarmed. Apparently they were trying to reclaim a local school that US forces had taken over.


US troops occupy the primary school in Fallujah, Iraq, Tuesday April 29, 2003. Iraqi school children staged a demonstration demanding the school be returned to the community. Anti-American chants ring out... someone throws a stone, U.S. Troops panic and open fire. 13 people are killed and up to 75 wounded. U.S. Troops claimed they were shot at and merely returned fire (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder).

The U.S. Occupation and the Resistance In Iraq (tags)


Reflections on why the United States and Israel are threatening Syria (tags)

As if to underline this warning, the US bombed the Syrian Trade Center in Baghdad and closed the oil pipeline from Iraq to Syria. Syria’s valuable trade with Iraq ú which totaled about $5 billion in the period 1998-2002 ú has been cut off. This is a serious blow to the Syrian economy since Iraq had in recent years become Syria’s main trading partner.

The Most Dangerous President Ever (tags)

I miss Ronald Reagan.

CIA infiltrated and used Human Shields in Iraq to take down Saddam (tags)

From the beginning, the heads of the American Central Intelligence Agency followed a plan to use the work of agents posing as "human shields." The CIA chiefs used peace activists in America carefully and systematically.

''Colombia: another front in broader U.S. war'' (tags)

By Matthew Riemer Columnist (United States)

Iraq: Anti-US protests growing (tags)

Exasperated US military officials tried to hamper the media from covering new demonstrations in Baghdad while some 20 000 people in the Shiite Muslim bastion of Nasiriyah railed against a US-staged meeting on Iraq's future.

US forces behind anarchy in Iraq: Pak analyst (tags)

Sultan Amir Imam said that behind fanning chaos and lawlessness, the US wanted to achieve its well defined "objectives" in Iraq and later in the region.

The Real Heroes of Gulf War II: Conscientious Objectors (tags)

Thousands of troops have blindly followed the Bush-Blair-Sharon sanctioned mass-murder of the Iraqi people. Unnamed re the hundreds, possibly thousands, of U.S. personnel in the armed forces have applied for conscientious objector status since January. Though few have gone public, they emerge the true heroes of the armed forces, in refusing to participate in an illegal war of aggression on Iraq.

How and why the US encouraged looting in Iraq (tags)

The US military stood by and permitted the ransacking of the museum, an incalculable blow to Iraqi and world culture, just as they allowed and even encouraged the looting of hospitals, universities, libraries and government social service buildings. The occupation forces protected only the Ministry of Oil, with its detailed inventory of Iraqi oil reserves, as well as the Ministry of Interior, the headquarters of the ousted regime’s secret police.


CNN Subtly Alters POW Coverage; Seven Stray Missiles Two Unhappy Allies; Murder At 160 K; "Simon-Says" Reporting; "Their Liberation Is Now In The Hands Of God"; POW Coverage Shows Bias In Favor Of Beauty; U.S. Directly And Indirectly Targets Civilians; The Shu'ale Market Bombing: Case Closed; Checkpoint Shooting Galleries; A Besieged Basra; Kurdish Victims Of Liberation; Dissent In The Ranks; Cluster Bombs In Iraq; Pentagon's Version Of "Stop The Press"; Welcome To The Liberation

Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld give Ahmed Chalabi Iraq (tags)

OUTSIDE NASIRIYAH, Iraq. April 13 -- The Pentagon has ordered U.S. forces here to quickly deploy a U.S.-sponsored opposition militia to Baghdad and other Iraqi cities, American and Iraqi exile sources said today.

Iraq Liberated Of Culture, History (tags)

Because the U.S. only secured Iraq's oil fields and not Iraq's archaeological treasures and universities, further speculation has mounted throughout the world that the U.S. is only interested in Iraq's natural resources.

Secret units in desperate hunt for banned arsenal (tags)

It is a sign of the desperation in London and Washington to find a "smoking gun" to justify the war that the Anglo-American team has already conducted three inspections in the past two weeks. No banned weapons have so far been found.

Inbedded Journalists Quiting Rolls (tags)

But the US military is not happy with this development. "We would really rather they did not do this," said Major Tim Blair, the US army officer in charge of the embed programme, citing safety concerns.

U.S. Occupation forces Tortures Iraqi University Professors (tags)

12 Apr 2003 Iraqi scientists accused U.S. forces of torturing professors by poking their eyes out, and breaking limbs carried out by U.S. occupation forces also occupation forces are encouraging looting of universities to the extent of transporting looters to the universities and scientific institutions.

Vandals of the 21st Century (tags)

Irag War

Links to photos of Iraqi casaulties (tags)

Pictures we're not supposed to see; also: CAIRO — The Arab press accused the United States yesterday of “liquidating” reporters, whom the Americans were said to view as “annoying witnesses to the carnage” committed against Iraqi civilians.

Media groups enraged over coalition attacks on journalists (tags)

Further information on the recent deaths of journalists killed by U.S. forces in Baghdad Tuesday has caused concern amongst major media outlets in addition to media watchdog groups

The Winning of a Just War (tags)

The Europeans, and our own left, have put forth arguments that seem so manifestly false.

Baghdad- a second Beirut ? (tags)

Irag War

Russian Spy Daily War Reports (tags)

Get the real scoop at

War for the rest of your lives (tags)

Endless war

U.S. Troops Get Drinks, Warm Welcome in Iraq Town (tags)

AZIZIYAH, Iraq (Reuters) - Cheering Iraqis handed out soft drinks and offered cigarettes to U.S. Marines on Saturday, warmly welcoming the troops and making throat-slitting gestures at pictures of President Saddam Hussein.

US-Troops ready for massacre in Baghdad (tags)

A U.S. Marine commander said on Saturday American troops would use overwhelming force to crush any resistance if ordered to storm Baghdad and that the battle would cost many civilian lives

The rigged nation (tags)

During an attack to by an true patriot who have forgotten to be at frontline killing innocent people we are on air again as follows:

U.S. Begins Rounding Up Iraqi Civilians (tags)

The War Of Terror enters a new stage as the Invading Occupation forces of the Bush Junta begin preparations to round up "suspicious" civilians in their new Oil Patch (Formerly Iraq).

The Sympathy Argument (tags)

Discusses the persuasion of the public for supporting the war.

Analysis: The War Is Over (tags)

An analysis of the current campaign in Iraq and the real objectives of the war, with parallels to Hitler's invasion of Poland, the sieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad, and lessons from Gulf War I. Though the war has not ended, the main objective for the U.S. has been fulfilled.

Children killed and maimed in bomb attack on town (tags)

Terrifying film of women and children later emerged after Reuters and the Associated Press were permitted by the Iraqi authorities to take their cameras into the town. Their pictures -- the first by Western news agencies from the Iraqi side of the battlefront -- showed babies cut in half and children with amputation wounds, apparently caused by American shellfire and cluster bombs.


Discusses US threats toward Iran and Syria.

EMAIL ACTION! *Massive* civilian casualties ignored by media (tags)

Massive civilian casualties! Ignored again! Take action!

Russian Intellegence Re Invasion; 1 April (tags)

You might want to bookmark this site: I think it provides excellent coverage of the (not "war", but) US/UK INVASION.


THE reporter sacked by American TV for telling the truth about the war is joining the Daily Mirror

Brave Administration Willing to "Pay A High Price" In US Lives (tags)

It is comforting to know that our brave administration is willing to pay a "high price" in the lives of our sons and daughters to have their war.Referring to nights in World War II "when we'd lose 1000 people", he added: "There will come a time maybe when things are going to be much more shocking."

U.S. Troops Kill 7 Iraqi Women, Kids (tags)

Article from

From "Plain Sailing" to "Where the Hell Are We?" to "Up the Creek (tags)

Barely into its second week Operation Easy Sailing is in big trouble. One simple way of measuring just how big is by adding up all the time you hear the phrases “all according to Plan”, and the “Our strategy is sound”.


Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 22-28, 2003.

Washington hawks under fire for ignoring advice (tags)

BRITISH and American intelligence badly miscalculated the level of resistance that coalition forces would encounter in Iraq.

Uprising is a mirage in Iraq’s deserts (tags)

Southern Iraq is rising against the coalition forces and not against -- as US forces would want the world to believe -- Saddam Hussein’s regime.

120K more US troops to Iraq (tags)

February 8, 2003 - The Times (UK) "Mr Rumsfeld said that if it came to war, he expected the conflict to be over quickly and that America would not need to mobilise all its reserves."

What You Aren't Being Told About Iraq (tags)

Remember all those "intelligence sources" who promised that Iraqis would be cheering as the U.S. and U.K. armies rolled into Basra or Nasiriyah or any major town in southern Iraq? Apparently, in day 7 of the invasion of Iraq, these intelligence sources and their data are proving to be fallible.

Latest Russian Intellegence Re Invasion: Wednesday 26 Mar 2003 (tags)

This website is supposed to be from Russian Intelligence. If true, at this moment, 500 troops are now out of contact: "So far it was not possible to establish how many of these troops are dead, captured or have successfully reached other units."

US, British forces report gains in south; Iraqi minister denies opposition group's claim o (tags)

Article from Jordan Times...via Al Jazeerah web site

Anyone Remember Afghanistan? (tags)

Rumors about the death of the fanatics in Afghanistan were premature. Local bosses and drug traffickers are entering the vacuum created by the Karzai regime. The U.S., eager to bring the message of the West to Iraq, seems to be turning a blind eye...

From The Salt Mine (tags)

The enemy lies within. We are not weak.

Latest Russian Intelligence report (tags)

The following is the English translation of the IRAQWAR.RU report based on the Russian military intelligence reports.

Reuters: British source says unaware of any Basra uprising (tags)

"We don't know anything about a Basra uprising," said a British military source in Central Command in Qatar.

THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 25, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)

Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 25, 2003.

Rumsfeld Masks Civilian Deaths in Basra With Unlikely Explanations (tags)

The Bush Administration is looking for ways to blame civilian deaths in Basra caused by its bombing campaign there on anyone but themselves.

Flash!: US/British Military Have Declared Basra a Military Target! (tags)

The US/British military have declared Basra "a military target" due to stiff resistance against occupation forces being put up by Iraqi troops and the general population as well.

THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 24, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)

Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 24, 2003.

THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 23, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)

Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 23, 2003.

THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 22, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)

Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 22, 2003.

Massacre in Basra! (tags)

Al-Jazeera television is reporting a massacre of some 50 people in Basra. The TV station has broadcast the gruesome film it captured of dead and wounded civilians (one of which is pictured on this page).

Civilian Interment? (tags)

The land of the free, home of the brave...and uneducated...perhaps


This Russian intelligence reports contradicts the American media's war propaganda which is predictably crowing about supposed American military 'victories' in Iraq and the extent of surrenders by Iraqi military forces who have given up.


This Russian intelligence reports contradicts some of the American War Media propaganda predictably beating their chest about supposed American military 'victories' in Iraq and the extent of surrenders by Iraqi military forces who have allegedly given up.



Homeland Insecurity: US Doomed (tags)

Every member of USA armed forces, their civilian contractors and arms producers are War Criminals. They will pay forever. Monetary and spiritual rewards await anyone who can capture or disarm these scum-fascists.

Blade of grass threatens American Empire (tags)

CIA operatives among the Special Forces in Iraq have determined that this blade of grass, newly sprung near Baghdad, represents a threat to George Bush on account of its being alive.

First Casualties (tags)

So far, 1 dead 14 injured, but how many more on the way? No one is going to give us the real numbers.

The Fifth Column Left Declares War (tags)

The peace movement is not about peace, that it is a fifth column communist movement to destroy America and give victory to our totalitarian enemies.

Israeli Forces Break Up Memorial Service For Rachel Corrie (tags)

Israeli forces fired teargas and stun grenades yesterday in an attempt to break up a memorial service for Rachel Corrie, the American peace activist killed by an army bulldozer in Gaza on Sunday.

ROLLING START: The Idiot Prince Will Have His War (tags)

There is a long struggle ahead, and it will become more terrible. But just as those before us fought slavery, apartheid, fascism, and colonialism, we will take up our historical task with confidence and determination, and assert our humanity against these gangsters.

Message to the Troops (tags)

Each must choose - Armies of Death and Armies of Life "The shadow does not hold sway yet, not over you, not over me."

Secret services accused of masterminding deadly blast (tags)

Colombia's main rebel army FARC denies responsability in the bombing of an exclusive up-town club in Bogota that left 37 people dead. In a strong declaration against terrorism, the guerrillas instead blame the official secret services for the attack.

U.S. Army signals war concerns (poster, article) (tags)

U.S. Army fears that bringing democracy and stability to Iraq may be an impossible task. (Article below)

23 soldiers killed as suspected rebels down helicopter (tags)

The Colombian Army looses yet another US donated Black Hawk helicopter during clashes with guerrillas. Several serious reverses for the government forces in the last few weeks.

International Da Against Police Brutality, March 15 (tags)


"THE WAR HAS BEGUN," reports the London Daily Telegraph (tags)

Several thousand allied special forces, including more than 300 SAS personnel, are already operating inside Iraq. This suggests that, despite efforts to secure a United Nations resolution backing force, the war has begun.

US Prepares To Use Toxic Chemical Gas In Iraq (tags)

It is interesting just to observe the blatant hypocrisy that the Bush Junta has repeatedly used as one of it's excuses/justifications for murdering people in Iraq the use of and possession of Chemical Agents. Yet, when push comes to shove they have no compunction in using them themselves. What a bunch of hypocritical fiends.



Washington Post reports U.S. invasion of Iraq has already begun (tags)

The Washington Post reports the "first phase" of the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq has been launched "without much public notice."

Greetings from Afghanistan (tags)

A US military officer writes from Afghanistan

Top of the Fold (tags)

"National defense is one of the cardinal duties of a statesman." --John Adams

"Reconsidering Our Victory in the Gulf War (tags)

An interesting, provocative reconsideration of the events of the Gulf War

Rebels confirm: 3 CIA agents captured (tags)

Colombia's main leftist rebel army confirms to have downed a CIA plane and captured 3 US intelligence agents. The guerrillas are demanding the US and Colombian armies to hold their fire in order to be able to guarantee the safety of the prisoners.

The Project for the New American Century. (tags)

he People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.

Crimes of War and Crimes of Press Media: Bolivarian Republics of Colombia & Venezuela (tags)

Billionaire corporados control world's media, cause death of democracy & millions of people. Their crimes in the Andes means people worldwide must seize the presses, crush elite, remake the world. USA cornered & vulnerable - revolution whenever we want. We onlywant the world... Why wait. US out!

USA Bad Boys: Blackmail and US Intervention in latin America (tags)

US addictions haunt and terrorize world: OIL, WEAPONS, DRUGS. US BAD BOYS and friends in Latin America held power for decades. Now they are run out of town by Hugo Chavez, people of Bolivia and New Ideas. Guns and Money aren’t enough anymore–Hope lives –Struggle Consumes…


Here in Colombia, the Green Berets are pursuing one of Bush's most important, and perilous, foreign policy initiatives. With all the talk about Iraq and North Korea, Washington has done its utmost best to keep Colombia quiet. Risks include losing North American lives in a conflict that does not have the same so-called ''popular support'' as the mystery hunt for al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. Washington has a big stake in Colombia...

The Spirit of Resistance (tags)

Why do men and women stand in opposition to tyranny? Why is it that some would rather die than bend their neck to the collar?

Washington escalates military buildup in Latin America (tags)

The resurgence of American militarism in what US imperialism has historically regarded as its "own backyard" was evident at the fifth Conference of Defence Ministers of the Americas held in Santiago, Chile in late November.

Chew On This My Leftist Comrades (tags) January 21 2003

Repost: US Troops in Nepal (tags)

First article indicates US soldiers are currently in Nepal, while the second article says they'll be there in a week. Perhaps denial of presence in second article is due to close proximity of US forces to the little girls who were shot and killed...

US Trooops in Nepal (tags)

A team of the US Pacific Command forces is currently in Nepal as part of a joint military training exercise with the Royal Nepal Army soldiers, which will continue for a month beginning next week.

What The Washington Post Has To Say About Israel (tags)

Well, if you're wondering what you're Government is reading (those who CAN read!) here's today's editorial in the Washington Post re Israel.

Iran Student Movement (tags)

Student Movement Coordination Committee in Iran promotes Secularism and Democracy in Iran


"With the full backing and support by the US, President Arroyo as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines has unleashed a most brutal war against progressive and militant forces. Even the unarmed, legal democratic movement is not spared. More than 20 members from my party, Bayan Muna, have been murdered in the past 18 months since Arroyo became President. One-hundred forty-eight (148) activists have been killed in this short period."

Final drumbeat begins for war on Iraq (tags)

Never in my lifetime - not even through Vietnam and Watergate - have I witnessed such blatently transparent propaganda tactics as those used to promote the war on Iraq.

Venezuela and Colombia: Two brother peoples that are resisting (tags)

We are faced with the great challenge of becoming a country that advances toward socialism. If Simon Bolivar had to struggle against the monarchy to establish the liberal republic, we have to fight against that liberal republic to build our own model that fits our Latin American homeland's yearnings for freedom.

US Imperialism in Colombia (tags)

Colombia has always been and still is the coveted cornerstone of the US's geopolitical control over the entire Latin American region, and at whatever the cost, the US is determined to make Colombia the jewel in its imperial crown.

Borrowing the Skeleton from Senator Trent Lott's Closet (tags)

A follow-up to What Really Happens at

A Conspiracy about a Conspiracy (tags)

S. Boyle claims that is not what it appears to be

HEBRON : Palestinians ONLY Fire On Israeli Soldiers; NOT Jewish Worshippers! (tags)

"Gumen fired at security forces, not worshippers According to an initial investigation by the army, in contrast to a version of events given by the foreign ministry.." Haaretz

Uribe Velez: A Regional Danger (tags)

The ascension of Alvaro Uribe Velez to the Presidency of Colombia signifies the apogee of the violence and a new war surge that threatens to overflow the Colombian borders and involve the countries of the region. An analysis by the editor of Ecuador’s Opción Magazine:

US Protesters Serve Saddam's Interests (tags)

Saddam banks on protesters to quash effort to strike Iraq

checknya's savage war comes home to moscow (tags)

by eric margolis

U.S. Commander Hails Colombia Troops (tags)

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- The commander of U.S. military forces in Latin America visited hundreds of wounded Colombian soldiers Friday, calling them ``brothers in blood'' as he recalled his days as a combat infantryman in Vietnam.

As US intervention grows: Colombian army lays siege to Medellín neighborhood (tags)

"We’re under fire from machine-guns," one distraught woman told the local media. "The bullets come out of the helicopters and fall onto our roofs. It is terrifying. This is like Vietnam."

Pentagon sends combat troops to Colombia (tags)

The U.S. administration has dropped any pretense of fighting a "drug war" in Colombia. Now the U.S. troops are on the battlefield fighting the Marxist insurgencies

Guerrillas propose prisoner swap (tags)

The Colombian guerrilla organisation FARC-EP renews an offer to release a number of prominent politicians and a score of army and police officers. In return the FARC demands the release of all guerrillas captured by the government forces

Marines ordered into Colombia (tags)


U.S. steps into Colombian liberated zones (tags)

"Look at what time it is, 12:45 p.m., the plain light of day," said Maj. Joaquin Enrique Aldana, the National Police commander here, shaking his head as he received word that a 30-man patrol had come under fire along Ultima Lagrima's dirt streets. "The people here love the guerrillas. They care for them. They lend them their houses so they can shoot at us. This is the urban war we are living, sadly with the community providing help to these terrorists who are destroying the town."

Urban Guerilla Warfare in Colombia (tags)

While the corporate media turns a blind eye to Colombia's bloody civil war and growing U.S. intervention, there has been fighting in Colombia's second-largest city after a major operation by 'security forces' whose mission was to execute Marxist rebels and supporters from a slum district.

Oct 3: Latest News From Columbia--More US Military Aids, Special Forces to Columbia (tags)

By: 1) More US Military Aid Released to Colombia (Center for Defense Information, USA) 2) US Forces to Train Colombia Army (Assoicated Press)

Oc 4: Latest News From Iraq--US Hijack UN Resolutions? More US Air Attacks, More Dirty Sec (tags)

By: At the recent report done by the congressional budget office (CBO) in Washington DC., CBO estimates that the incremental costs of deploying a force to the Persian Gulf would be between $9 billion and $13 billion. Prosecuting a war would cost between $6 billion and $9 billion a month-although how long such a war may last cannot be estimated. After hostilities end, the costs to return U.S. forces to their home bases would range between $5 billion and $7 billion, CBO estimates.

Vieques residents alarmed by depleted uranium reports (tags)

US presence in Puerto Rico is a long running sore by Carmelo Ruiz-merrero

Protest in Washington October 26th (tags)

On Saturday, October 26, 2002 -- the first anniversary of the signing of the so-called Patriot Act -- anti-war, civil rights, labor, student and other forces are joining together to launch a massive international mobilization in opposition to a new war against the people of Iraq.

USA AGAINST THE WORLD: After Irak, ready to attack Yemen (tags)

The American Armed Forces and the Cia are ready to launch an action in Yemen

Iraq War May Be US' Suez, War Games Show (UK Guardian) (tags)

If the US and Iraq do go to war, there can only be one winner, can't there? Maybe not. This summer, in a huge rehearsal of just such a conflict - and with retired Lieutenant General Paul Van Riper playing Saddam - the US lost. Julian Borger asks the former marine how he did it

FARC-EP Historical Outline and links to literature (tags)

This book gives a historical account of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples Army (FARC-EP), one of the main insurgencies in Colombia, from the civil war of 1948 to the present. It also includes political and programmatic documents that outline the FARC-EP's vision of a new Colombia, without exploiters or exploited.

Firsts hand account from arrestee in occupied Palestine - some corrections (tags)

Being back in Los Angeles comparing the two ways of life. Police brutality in Los Angeles does not even compare to Israeli occupation. One though, must draw the correlation, that Israel’s brutal occupation would not even be possible without the backing of the United States. Anybody who's oppressed can have some unity with the Palestinian people who have nothing to lose and a world to win. My friends and other youth (who constantly get harrassed or brutalized by police) can draw inspiration from Palestinian youth's fearlessness going against tanks with their slingshots for their dreams of liberation.


Colombia's largest guerrilla organisation FARC says that it is willing to negotiate peace with new Colombian president Alvaro Uribe if he cracks down on the paramilitary death squads and withdraw government forces from two southern departments.

First Hand Account from Arrestee in Occupied Palestine (tags)

On August 7th of 2002, 9 international activists were arrested in a village near Nablus, called Hawara. There was a demonstration organized by Palestinian farmers, against curfews imposed on them by Israel

New Colombian government slams door on peace (tags)

When Anne Patterson, U.S. ambassador to Colombia, called on the new government of ultra-rightist President Alvaro Uribe Velez to summon the reserves to fight against leftist guerrilla forces, Uribe’s minister of defense, Martha Lucia Ramirez, did just that on the following day.


Why there will be no invasion of Iraq...

White House promotes terrorism and drug trafficking in Colombia (tags)

BOGOTA, — Just as another U.S. puppet, Alvaro Uribe Velez, begins his term determined to combat Washington's fear Colombia's communist guerrillas, the Bush administration has decided to publicly announce what has been up until now secret; the use of nearly $1.7 billion in U.S. military aid directly against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Israelis behavior make a good case for retro-active state abortion (tags)

Zionazis are the biggest assholes of the planet!!! look at the fascists go!!! Well talking about holocaust denial wow those zionazis are the scum of the earth!!!

IS COLOMBIA THE NEXT VIETNAM? An essay by former Green Baret Stan Goff (tags)

Imperialism is the enemy of us all, and the FARC is on the front lines against imperialism. It's very simple to an old soldier. Remember Vietnam!

Sacco-Vanzetti 75th Anniversary - A Call for Writings from Anarchists (tags)

August 23 marks the 75th anniversary of the judicial murders of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Tank and Air Force Units Activated for deployment around the U.S. (tags)

July 20, 2002WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A few days after President Bush's release of a homeland defense strategy calling for the domestic use of U.S. military forces, the U.S. activated 300-Army National Guard tank battalions as part of a homeland defense force. In a statement released Saturday, president Bush said, the Battalions are equipped with modern battle tanks, the M1A1 Abrams" and "will serve in the homeland defense role within the United States."

Artists wanted for Infoshop Benefit (tags)

Artists and performers wanted for a benefit show for the Long Beach Infoshop.

President Bush Announces Greed Office Defense Initiative (tags)

New cabinet-level office will help fight War on Capitalist Greed

On Open Source Code, Computers and the Revolution (tags)

The following are excerpts from the debate on – the website dedicated to a discussion of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA’s Draft Programme and issues of revolutionary strategy.


In a new interview a retired US Special Forces sergeant who trained the Colombian military, explains why he now supports the armed struggle of the FARC-EP guerrillas in Colombia.

Anniversary of Korean War (tags)

Today, marks the 52nd anniversary of the start of the Korean War.

June 24: Updates from Palestine (tags)

1) Palestinians, Israelis, Arabs and Jews’ Reactions to Bush’s Speech (Palestine Chronicle) 2) Israeli Helicopter Missiles Kill Six Palestinians, Wound 13 in Rafah (Palestine Chronicle)

UN to consider Colombia role (tags)

The United Nations, an institution like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund that was established by U.S. imperialism after the Second World War, is to consider a request by Colombian president, Alvaro Uribe, to "mediate" in efforts to end the country's long-running civil war.

UN to consider Colombia role (tags)

The United Nations, an institution like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund that was established by U.S. imperialism after the Second World War, is to consider a request by Colombian president, Alvaro Uribe, to "mediate" in efforts to end the country's long-running civil war.


In their most recent report on human rights in Colombia Amnesty International talks of "strong links between the security forces and the paramilitaries" and blames US military aid for inflaming the situation.


A new UN report confirms the guerrillas’ version of the Bojaya tragedy, where a stray guerrilla mortar shell struck a church May 2nd killing at least 117 civilians who were being used as human shields by paramilitary gunmen.


More than 120 troops were killed during a series of heavy clashes between guerrillas and combined paramilitary and government forces in the North Eastern regions of Antioquia and Córdoba departments.

FARC Freedom Fighters Target Cocaine Labs Protected By Special Forces (tags)

MEDELLIN, Colombia -- On Saturday government officials sent rescuers to the remains of a batteground between FARC freedom fighters and paramilitary special forces where more than a dozen people were wounded when paramilitaries killed 68 civilians, including 38 children, suspected of being Marxist sympathizers.

Media and the Israeli Forces (tags)

Media and the Israeli forces.

A list of the Israeli crimes LAST 24HR (tags)

Israeli forces suspended the licenses and permissions of 24 journalists and photographers working for the international press and media.

U.S. Envoy Calls Jenin Camp a 'Terrible Tragedy' (tags)

JENIN, West Bank (Reuters) - A U.S. Middle East envoy toured the ruins of Jenin refugee camp on Saturday after an Israeli army pullback, saying enormous suffering had been visited on Palestinian civilians there

govermental forces unite to foil strike in nepal (tags)

with massive strikes in india and italy it will be interesting to see how a nationwide strike will develop in a land with revolutionary forces

"U.S. armed forces surrounding Iraq under veil of secrecy" (tags)

( – As Dick Cheney tours the Middle East in search of support for an American offensive against the Iraqi regime, has learned through multiple independent sources that the Pentagon has already begun planning and building new bases in the area.

Palestinian Police slaughter 2 international observers (tags)

Ozaslan told Israel Radio that he clearly saw the attacker. He said that the man was armed in fatigues of the PA's security forces and was carrying an AK-47 assault rifle. "We shouted that we are observers, members of TIPH," he said. "But he did not hear us and continued to shoot."

Israeli Defense Forces execute Palestinian civilian (tags)

The following pictures were published in a number of Arab media outlets -- they show an unarmed Palestinian civilian, Mahmood Salah, held down, stripped, and executed by the Israeli Defense Forces.


In a March 5th communiqué from the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC) - the traditional authority of indigenous communities in the department of Cauca, Colombia - the sad news of the assassination of Indian leader and activist Samuel Fernandez Dizu was announced.

Colombian President Breaks Off Peace Talks With Communist Rebels (tags)

BOGOTA, Colombia - President Andres Pastrana broke off the peace process with Colombia's Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia- People's Army (FARC-EP) Wednesday night, hours after the guerrillas hijacked a jetliner and kidnapped a corrupt senator complicit in his government's war against the poor.

Bombings That Hit Wrong Targets in Afghanistan (tags)

Following is a list of non-military installations allegedly bombed, apparently in error, by U.S. forces since they launched attacks on Afghanistan on Oct. 7.


A war can not be won by air strikes alone. So far the U.S.ground force ally, the Northern Alliance, has failed to do U.S.any good even with massive U.S.air support. Bush says it may take 2 years- some say NEVER!

U.S. Army propaganda flyers (tags)

The U.S. Armed Forces are using radio broadcasts and flyers to demoralize the Taliban of Afghanistan. CNN has published a collection of these propaganda flyers currently being dropped all across Afghanistan.

For US imperialism, people fighting for national liberation are also terrorists (tags)

Asked if the same distinction would be made between fighting terrorists and fighting guerrillas, Francis X. Taylor, head of State's Office of Counterterrorism said the three Colombian groups "get the same treatment as any other terrorist group in terms of our interest in going after them and ceasing their terrorist activities." (FARC and ELN are allies fighting for national liberation. The AUC is a CIA backed right wing paramilitary organization; protecting the rich corrupt Colombian elite)

U.S. Bombs Afghanistan (TEHRAN TIMES) (tags)

TEHRAN -- The United States on Sunday began its military operations against Afghanistan, bombing the major Afghan cities of Kabul, Kandahar and Jalalabad.

Al-Ahram Weekly: Caught in the Middle (tags)

A View From An Egyptian Weekly Online: Cairo is urging caution and restraint to a hotheaded Washington, warning: look before you leap, write Nevine Khalil and Soha Abdelaty. [Excerpts. For full story, click link provided.]

Communique from Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias del Pueblo (tags)

Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias del Pueblo-Revolutionary Armed Forces of the People(FARP) issues a communique after its bombing of Banamex branches following the bank's acquisition by U.S. based Citigroup(which is also suspected of laundering drug money, see related articles on the Narconews link) and in conjunction with the birthday of revolutionary hero, Emiliano Zapata.

How to report "violence". (tags)

Reporting violent acts Undercurrents has attended meetings over the last few years on how to report conflicts. Danny from sums it up well here-

Attacks on Haitian Police May be Linked to Anti-Aristide Political Forces (tags)

Ray LeForest is a labor organizer and co-coordinator of the Haiti Support Network, based in New York City. He spoke with Between The Lines' Denise Manzari about the political tension in Haiti and the forces that may have been behind these latest attacks(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At


Washington tolerates atrocities against civilians by neo-Nazi AUC forces, long-known by the CIA as drug traffikers linked to the Colombian Army. In a replay of history, U.S. warmongers push for expansion of Plan Colombia, the biggest U.S. backed, dirty covert military operation since Vietnam.

Saturday: Community Dialogue on Welfare Reform Reauthorization (tags)

Saturday (tomorrow, July 14), 1:30-4:00pm, at the Crossroads Women's Center, 4167 S. Normandie Ave., LA -- Community Dialogue on Welfare Reform Reauthorization & Valuing Caring Work. Called by the Every Mother is a Working Mother Network.

The 7 Sins of the Urban Guerrilla (tags)

No sense in getting all riled up in the little things. Norton, Ashcroft, Chenney, etc; its all just part of the system working well against us. Focus your attention on the master plan:

"on the wrong side of a world revolution" (tags)

On April 4, 1967, a year to the day before he was shot, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "Beyond Vietnam" speech at Riverside Church in New York City. Here is an excerpt. Follow the link to read the whole speech.

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