While I totally agree...

by @ Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:53 PM

There is no reason to send such a petition to the UN since the UN already made that determination a long time ago. The question, then, is since this is not necessary, why are you asking people to sign a petition. It would make a great resource for the JDL in targeting Americans who disagree with Israel's policies. I can see it now, it will be passed around as a blacklist, preventing people from being employed.

I just took a look at the signatures...

by @ Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:57 PM

Nearly all of them are bogus and are accompanied by the kind of hateful comments that only Zionists excel. Its amazing to see just how hateful Zionists really are. It goes way beyond what I'd even expect to see from the KKK.

US and AIPAC pressure made the UN decision to invalidate Resolution 3379

by Zionism = Racism Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 6:49 PM

"The UN General Assembly's December, 1991,made the decision to invalidate Resolution 3379 equating Zionism with racism." --- Because of pressure from the US based AIPAC lobby. John Bolton claimed that he helped in his speech at their last meeting.

"Today, we ask to resurrect the "Zionism is Racism" charge at the United Nations."

Hypocrites. The lot of you

by Tia Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 7:52 PM

"...targeting Americans who disagree with Israel's policies. I can see it now, it will be passed around as a blacklist, preventing people from being employed."

Does this really happen in America nowadays? Oh, gosh, golly gee, the last time I heard of such a draconian punishment directed towards someone because of their political beliefs, it was Becky Johnson being blacklisted for her support of Israel.

How many of you came to her aid? How many of you agreed with Noam Chomsky, who has said, "If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise we do not believe in it at all?" Or is it "Just us", not justice, in your warped little world?

Hypocrites. The lot of you.

"freedom of speech"

by Zionist freeloaders Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 9:07 PM

Speech is free. Bandwidth is not. Why should we foot the bill for our enemies' propaganda? It's not like they don't have plenty of bandwqidth of their own to use. And they could too. But instead, they freeload off us. Why? Because they are parasites.

sure, non-propoganda costs money

by charismatic megafauna Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 9:21 PM

If this site is really a forum with media and debate, not just a few biased articles and some compliments, then donations will go to bandwith for this purpose.

"Why should we foot the bill for our enemies' propaganda?"

by anti-Zionist parasites Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 12:32 AM

Speech is free. Bandwidth is not. Why should anti-racists foot the bill for racist anti-Zionist propaganda? It's not like they don't have plenty of bandwidth of their own to use. And they could too. But instead, they freeload off us. Why? Because they are leeches.

a warpped mirror

by joker Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 3:15 AM

The above 'bot response,
This is what happens when the truth is run through a bazzaro world of Zionism. Total nonsense.
Anti- Zionism is Anti-Racism. Can't change this detail.

Anti-Zionist wishful thinking

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 3:30 AM

The "mirror" above makes quite a lot of sense. The problem is most anti-Zionists are mentally awash with so many twisted notions about Zionism, let alone delusions of being progressive, that they fail to notice their hypocrisy and anti-Jewish racism. These two negative qualities are exposed in spades daily, here and in many other places.
The claim that anti-Zionism itself is anti-racism is just one of those delusions indulged in by anti-Zionists. Experience teaches that most of them subscribe to anti-Zionist ideals from racist motives.

makes quite a lot of sense

by if you're insane Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 3:37 AM

Hard to believe that anyone would follow this irrational thought train.
Mental illness is serious stuff.

Proves my point:

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 3:41 AM

Most anti-Zionists are mentally awash with so many twisted notions about Zionism, let alone delusions of being progressive.

proves my point

by talk about paranoia Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 3:45 AM

'Scapegoated Jew' sure sounds like the ravings of a paranoid, begging for pity.

To Tia: Here are some real zionist whackos

by Yes, blacklisting is realistic Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:00 AM

Yes, blacklisting is realistic:
You don't think whacko nuts like these wouldn't do it???
This is one of their statements in their nut manifesto: " Barzel -- iron -- the need to both move to help Jews everywhere and to change the Jewish image through sacrifice and all necessary means -- even strength, force and violence. "


by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:03 AM

In this particular debate unfounded ad hominems are resorted to by the side that ran out of valid arguments.
Experience also teaches that Jews have much reason for concern about most anti-Zionists' real motives. Deriding this concern as paranoia can only worsen the problem created by such anti-Zionists.
What's pathetic is anti-Zionists' inability to open their eyes to the many obstacles their indoctrination has placed in front of their ability to see their own bigotry which others can see rather plainly.

laughing paranoid

by Pity for paranoia Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:13 AM

"Jews have much reason for concern"
No kidding. And the paranoia of certain people who fly the flag of supremacy are making life for the Jews of the world endangered by linking this ubermench mentality to Judaism. You are making the racist issues of Zionism destroy the reputation of all Jews.
That's more than pathetic, it's betrayal.
See how dangerous paranoia can be?
Oh, that's right, the mentally ill are that way because of their entrapment into the tragedy of their own condition.

Error-ridden and full of bigotry

by Becky Johnson Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:29 AM
Santa Cruz, CA.

FROM THE LEAD ARTICLE: "Zionism is based on the concept of ethnic superiority, of occupation, terrorism, plundering of resources and land, and racism against other religions."

BECKY: Judaism does not say that Jews are superior to gentiles. The "Chosen People" concept means that the Jewish people CHOSE to follow God's laws, not that God chose the Jews. God tells the Jews that if they follow his laws, then by example, they will be "a light unto other nations."

As for "occupation" Israel ended any occupation in 1994 with the Oslo accords which established the Palestinian Authority to govern the territories, putting 95% of all Palestinians under PA authority.

As for terrorism, it is the Palestinians who promote and fund terrorists. The IDF targets the terrorists, not the civilian population like the suicide bombers do.

As for "plundering the resources" it is quite obvious that the Jews have been the most vigilant caretakers of the land in history, having caused the deserts to bloom, and to develop a progressive nation where once sand dunes and swamps existed. Contrast this to any Palestinian territory which is characterized by high unemployment, unchecked illegal building, and armed gangs ruling the streets.

Finally, Israel recognizes 15 religions, protects all religous sites, and offers religious freedom--even for the 20% Israeli Arabs who continue to worship their Muslim religion.

Contrast this with the Palestinians burning to the ground 26 Synagogues on Sept 11 2005 in Gaza---killing Jews because they are Jews, and banning any Christian or Jewish Bibles in the PA.

Therefore, the points made in the above petition are 100% wrong-headed, unsupported by either facts or history, and would only be signed by people who are clearly anti-semites.

on direct action

by Tia Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:41 AM

by Yes, blacklisting is realistic Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 7:00 AM

Yes, blacklisting is realistic:
You don't think whacko nuts like these wouldn't do it???

Sure, why not? Nuts like Joseph Anderson did it here. I don't recall you saying a word against it. If people ought to be safe to express their political beliefs in this country, it needs to go both ways - not just to protect whatever beliefs are in vogue at any given time. Is what JA did "right"? And if not, why did you not speak out?

This is one of their statements in their nut manifesto: " Barzel -- iron -- the need to both move to help Jews everywhere and to change the Jewish image through sacrifice and all necessary means -- even strength, force and violence. "

One of the reason I am involved in direct action is to change the image of Jewish resistence. For years, in the Bay area at least, our speakers and events has been disrupted all in the name of free speech.. As Yid is prone to say "Choices have consequences". As you may have noticed, some of us are fighting back. We are ensuring that there is a positive voice for Israel on the streets and that lies do not go unchecked. Same as we do here. And our numbers are growing.

Anyway, worry not about the B'nei Elim. Its hard to tell, but I think thats my buddy Bill in the photo. He's a pussycat- kind of like Nessie- just don't cross him and you'll be fine.

Yawn, the same bigoted illogic

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:42 AM

Like it not, Zionism is a product or an outgrowth of Judaism, notwithstanding the misleading disinfo you were indoctrinated with. All the stunts you can pull won't change that fact.
Zionism isn't supremacism. In fact it is affirmative action to counteract non-Jewish supremacism in general and Muslim supremacism -- currently in the image of Hamas and other Jihadi outfits -- in particular.
Most anti-Zionists conflate a few racist supremacist untra-right Zionist factions with all Zionist streams and currents so they can delude themselves that all Zionists are Jewish supremacists and Zionism as a whole a supremacist movement. This is bunk, dangerous bunk that demonstrates why Jews, Zionist or not, have so much reason to be concerned about the dangers posed by anti-Zionism and the majority of its adherents. Because if enough people can be influenced to buy into the nauseating canard that Zionists are Nazis in Jewish drag like you and 'nessie' maintain, it's that much easier to whip the masses into a violent frenzy against Jews. As you post on, your line of thought seems to make a progressively better case that Jewish paranoia isn't such a bad idea.
When Jewish lives across the globe are threatened, the fault lies at the antusemites' feet alone.
By your selective logic every Muslim worldwide should have been in danger after 9/11 because most of the perpetrators were Saudi nationals (in this analogy the Saudis fly the flag of Muslim supremacy).
You're the bigot that insists on linking the reputation of Jews as individuals to Zionism. That's pure racism. When faced with your bigotry, paranoia is a shield for Jews. It couldn't be safer.

Then don't criticize the Palestinian resistance for fighting back

by More zionist hypocrisy. Typical Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:50 AM

Then don't criticize the Palestinian resistance for fighting back.
Some nutty Jews can say they embrace violence, but when a desperate Palestinian embraces violence (in a much more desperate/hopeless situation) then it's "terrorism"--these fruit loops have a manifesto that endorses violence and you defend them--which wouold be fine if you hadn't said that you are for 'peace' before.
Did you like that film clip Tia?
(I know it was a bit off topic, but it seems nice to find common ground now and then i.e. big pharm)

Most Jews don't seem to say that

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:00 AM

"Some nutty Jews can say they embrace violence, but when a desperate Palestinian embraces violence (in a much more desperate/hopeless situation) then it's "terrorism" "

I don't recall most Jews branding the Arabs who killed Baruch Goldstein "terrorists". So 'toady' is caught yet again talking out of his ass.

Anyway, notice in toady's presentation that Jews making a statement about embracing violence are "nutty" but Palestinians stating the same are "desperatre". Why does 'toady' make such a distinction? Why can't he bring himself to use the same adjective for both?

Pathologies of paranoia

by Point of reason Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:00 AM

"Zionism is a product or an outgrowth of Judaism"
I thought it was the outgrowth of the Nazi party to encourage the elite wealth of capital heavy Jewish interests to colonize someone else's country.
Are you going to tell all of us this is because 'God' told you so about 3000 years ago?
Delusions of grandure are a parallel symptom of mental illness. Like paranoia.

one crucial difference

by Tia Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:03 AM

Except when I wrote "fighting back" I meant standing on a street corner giving out literature. Or sitting in on their lectures and pointing out lies that their speakers tell. (not blowing them up while they eat pizza).
And we target the propagators of lies - not the innocent people going about their business.

You never included a link to the video.

And how is your research going re: SV 40?

murderer as martyr

by Therapy needed Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:07 AM

murderer as martyr.

Baruch Goldstein
On the night of February 25th 1994, a Jewish American Zionist physician decided to materialize the dream of the typical Zionist movement of annihilating the Arab existence in Palestine. Baruch Goldstein prepared for the move. It was during Ramadan when Dr. Goldstein decided to execute his old plan of vengeance.

At that time of the holy month of Ramadan, there were many people who flocked the Abraham Mosque to perform their prayers. Goldstein passed two army checkpoints at the dawn of February 25, 1994 from the northeastern gate of the mosque near privy. That privy could be the reason why Goldstein decided on that gate because he, probably, received his contemplation about Arabs from the Rabbis of Kach in Kiryat Arab where the Arabs were described as the demons of the privy.

Why do so many Zionists (see above) want us to sign the petition?

by Enemy Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:14 AM

Think about it. Zionists have flocked to the warning about not signing it to insist "please, sign it, we promise not use it to discriminate against you in employment, sign away, pretty please...".

Points of "anti-Zionist" *unreason*

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:18 AM

Seek effective deprogramming. You're too much of a mouth frothing rabid anti-Zionist zealot to be reasoned with. You're falling back on the nauseating balderdash that makes up the script you're reading from.

After you overcome your malady, school yourself with ore objective sources and ask yourself if Muslims have a right to colonize the land of Israel just because
1. they emerged from the Arabian peninsula, grabbed it from the indigenous inhabitants and lorded it over them for more than a millenium -- with only a short interlude of Christian occupation -- up until 1917, and
2. Muslim theology considers every land once ruled by Muslims as exclusive Muslim patrimony, notwithstanding the fact the Quran explicitly designated the land of Israel to be the Jews' national preserve.

So the two hurdles you must overcome are antisemitic indoctrination and breathtaking ignorance. Until you do, your fumbling with psychiatric jargon is laughed at.

keep laughing

by rational person Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:21 AM

and you are the one who wanted to make a martyr of another irrational Zionist who threw hands grenades into a house of worship and machine gunned the people inside.

It's a trick. Don't fall for it.

by there they go again Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:24 AM

>"please, sign it, we promise not use it to discriminate against you in employment, sign away, pretty please..."

Zionists lie because they have to. There is no honest defense of ethnic cleansing.

How to be a Sensitive New Age Protocols of Zion Stormtrooper

by Changeling Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:29 AM
Changeling_au_2004@yahoo.com.au (+61)409 952 382 Melbourne, Australia

How to be a Sensitiv...
11th_commandment.jpg, image/jpeg, 418x500

1) Repeat "Zionism is Racism" ad nauseum, then photoshop pictures of all the Arabs the Jews have pushed into the sea.
2) Repeatedly point out that the UN passed a resolution saying as much, then ignore the fact that the UN was under the leadership of US-endorsed Nazi war criminal (and friend of Arnold Schwarzenegger - http://arnoldexposed.com/arnold.htm#nazi ) Kurt Waldheim at the time.
3) Talk about "Israeli Apartheid" loudly at parties. When pushed to explain the phenomenon of Arabs in the Knesset, put the fact that you can't think of any Apartheid era black South African parliamentary politicians down to the effects of alcohol.
4) Offer no evidence of Israeli genocidal ethnic cleansing, but repeat the claim anyway as often as possible. (Don't mention Gush Katif. Shhhhh! http://emperors-clothes.com/israel/kisufim.htm )
5) Explain how cunning and manipulative Zionists are by pointing out all the oilfields they stole from the Palestinians.
6) Highlight links between certain Zionists and the Nazis, and use this as proof that Zionism=Nazism. If in the company of people with more than one synapsing neuron, it may be difficult to argue than Zionism created Nazism but give it yr best shot! http://www.hirhome.com/israel/leaders1.htm
7) Explain that the Iraq war is primarily for the benefit of Israel. Don't allow yourself to be baited by idiots who want to know *how* the war in Iraq benefits Israel.
8) Give the impression that the US military/intelligence establishment don't normally commit brutal acts during warfare and blame Israel for those which do occur. Don't mention Afghanistan, Serbia, Somalia, Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, Indochina, Korea, etc.
9) a) Take a photo of an Abu Ghraib prisoner such as this one - http://web.archive.org/web/20050218114831/http://it.news.yahoo.com/040509/38/2s3z9.html
b) Modify it and ensure it ends up on a psuedo-leftist website like this one - http://www.counterpunch.org/abughraib05242004.html
c) Even if it contains no scenes of brutality, use it as proof of Israeli brutality in Iraq -
d) On second thoughts, don't link to above site. There are scenes of people other than Israelis being brutal.
10) When proving that US foreign policy is in the hands of Zionists working on behalf of Israel, be sure to cite as many "Ex"-CIA personel as possible. If anyone points out that Ray McGovern and Vince Cannistraro were intimately involved with training the Contra terrorists in Nicaragua in the 1980's, try and claim that Israel was behind the Iran-Contra affair. Somehow.
11) If someone calls you an antisemite, explain that you can't be because Arabs are semites and that you truly really sincerely (honest!) care about Palestinians. If awkward issues such as CIA trained Palestinian Authority police death squads are raised, simply claim that you care so much about Palestinians that you don't wish to embarrass their leaders.

If you can perform the above and other similar duties and face yourself in the mirror without exploding with laughter or bursting into tears, you could have what it takes to be a professional Sensitive New Age Protocols of Zion Stormtrooper. If you are Jewish - no problem! Your training will start by studying these characters - http://www.hirhome.com/israel/leaders2.htm and learning how to dismiss pesky exposers of Israeli establishment corruption such as Barry Chamish - http://www.barrychamish.com/
If not, wave the flag depicted in the lead article outside your home - a representative of the CIA or the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) will be around soon!


I will keep at it

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:29 AM

You deserve nothing better when you substitute a piece from some biased pro-Palestinian source (making the absurd contention he set out to materialize the typical Zionist movement's dream of "annihilating" the Arabs of "Palestine")
about Goldstein for real dialogue and claim I adulated someone that I never did. Cite the URL, Willis.

photo shop

by Viewer Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:35 AM

You are saying the photo from the Abu Ghraibe center was a PHOTOSHOP?
Grasping at straws.
Who do you think taught the methods of prisoner abuse to the CIA?
Grafted right from the methods the Israelis use on the Palestinians in their custody.

you can not win if you do not play

by Tia Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:48 AM

Anti- Israel petition= zionist conspiracy?
Pro- Israel petition= zionist conspiracy?

Dang- we're good!

Nessie, Toady- if you are so commited against blacklisting on the basis of political beliefs, where were you when Becky Johnson was railroaded out of her job?

Becky Johnson was railroaded out of her job

by Confession is good for the soul Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:53 AM

At last we have the admission that she was getting paid to be a Zionist mouthpiece.
If this is her job, she can quit.


by Changeling Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:53 AM
Changeling_au_2004@yahoo.com.au (+61)409 952 382 Melbourne, Australia

Viewer wants to pretend that a photo first displayed on May 9th depicting an Abu Ghraib inmate, which then pops up on May 24th with a caption embedded making sure everyone "knows" that it's a "guard at Abu Ghraib prison" WASN'T "photoshopped"! What drugs is viewer on? And are they available in Australia? :)

"Who do you think taught the methods of prisoner abuse to the CIA?"

Oh sorry, I forgot that an organisation which has destabilised countries galore and caused the deaths of millions needs the Israelis to teach it how to torture people. ROFL!


dirrision is not a rebuttal

by Right Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:59 AM

dirrision is not a rebuttal.
And you have absolutely nothing to provide any proof whatsoever that the tattoo was a photoshop.
More Zionist chaff.

Anti- Israel carnard # 387665

by Tia Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 6:00 AM

"and you are the one who wanted to make a martyr of another irrational Zionist who threw hands grenades into a house of worship and machine gunned the people inside."

Quick- can you give me the name of any Palestinian suicide bomber? (no looking it up)
I can't remember any names, either.
Then why do we both remember the name of Baruch Goldstein?
Perhaps beacuse of the anomoly of the situation?

Yes, extremists on all sides damage the process for those who really want peace.
But Baruch Goldstein was a deranged man, mentally ill, and all indications are that his act was the equivilent of a blue suicide. The nation uniformally condemned his actions.
Yet years after this incident, it is brought up, over and over, much like Deir Yassisn- as the exception that proves the rule.
Is it all you've got?

Oh! I almost forgot....

by Changeling Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 6:05 AM

12) Develop an arsenal of logical fallacies and deploy them as often as possible. http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/

"And you have absolutely nothing to provide any proof whatsoever that the tattoo was a photoshop. "


btw, how many other Abu Ghraib photos have text embedded?

there was a farmer who had a dog

by and Wrong-o was his name, oh! Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 6:10 AM

"At last we have the admission that she was getting paid to be a Zionist mouthpiece.
If this is her job, she can quit. "

To paraphrase Changeling, "what drugs are you on?"

She was a writer for a homeless magazine.


by Jerusalem Day Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 6:19 AM

Today marks the liberation of Jerusalem 39 years ago and the reunification of the eternal capital of the State of Israel.

Forty years ago Jerusalem was a divided city, a border city, with sniper fire and terrorist attacks occurring almost daily. Jews and Christians were forbidden to worship at its Holy sites. Today many of us take for granted the safety, security and freedom that the Israeli government has provided in Jerusalem for 39 years.

We need to raise the bar higher

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 6:27 AM

For real religious freedom to be had, we need to ensure that any Jew so interested could pray on the Temple Mount during the few visiting hours permitted unmolested by police. It wouldn't hurt if the scant visiting times were extended.

For heritage preservation purposes -- and also in the interest of archaeology and history -- a permanent end must be put to Muslem destruction of antiquities atop the Mount.

Thanks for the reminder yid

by Tia Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 6:28 AM

L'shana Haba ah B' Yerushaliim shelanu

For me, L'hodesh haba ah B' Yerushaliim shelanu!

Whose a Nazi?

by Whose a Nazi? Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 6:51 AM

The Hamas newspaper this week chronicled with pride the ways in which different foreign leaders singled out the Palestinians as examples of ideal revolutionaries. The first leader cited by the Hamas weekly, Al-Rissala, for praising the Palestinians was Adolf Hitler:

"Adolf Hitler, while exciting the Germans of the Sudetenland - the Sudetenland is a German province that the Allies had annexed to Czechoslovakia after the First World War - told them in his broadcasts: Look at what the Palestinian revolutionaries are doing to Great Britain!!"
[Al-Rissala (Hamas Weekly), May 18, 2006]

Overview: Admiration of Hitler in the Palestinian Authority:

It may be surprising to Western observers to see Palestinians taking pride in having been praised by Hitler. But it is important to understand that the utter revulsion of Hitler expected in the West is not true in Palestinian society. Palestinians can be found who are named "Hitler" as a first name: Hitler Salah [Al Hayat Al Jadida, Sept. 28, 2005], Hitler Abu-Alrab [Al Hayat Al Jadida, Jan. 27, 2005], Hitler Mahmud Abu-Libda [Al Hayat Al Jadida, Dec.18, 2000].

This phenomenon of Palestinians being named after Hitler was explained in an article in the official PA daily praising the rewriting of history and the doing of "justice" to Hitler:

"Even Adolf Hitler, who after the fall of Nazi Germany turned into a political horror for most of the writers and artists, during the last decades has started to return himself to his part of the picture. There are some in Britain who defended Hitler and tried to do justice for him. There are elderly people, among them Arabs, who still carry the name Hitler since their fathers, who were charmed by him, linked them [their children] with his name."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 13, 2000]

One article explained the phenomenon of naming Palestinians after admired foreign leaders - such as Napoleon and the Nazi General Rommel:

"Sometimes parents name their children with foreign names, due to the father's admiration to a foreign personality. This is the source of the names: Rommel [famous Nazi General] and Napoleon."
[Al-Ayyam, November 15, 2001 "Woman's Voice" supplement].

The admiration for Hitler is consistent with the status of Mein Kampf, which a PA daily cited as a book on the best sellers' list.
[Al Hayat Al Jadida, Sept. 2, 1999].

A contributing factor to this admiration may be the history of the Hitler - Arab alliance during World War 2. The Arab leader in British Palestine, the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, was actively allied with Hitler. The numerous meetings between the Mufti and Hitler are well documented.

Finally, the PA daily published an interview with an elderly Lebanese which described the man's professed friendship with Hitler, as well as his pride in fighting for Hitler: And whereas this is a personal account whose historical accuracy is not important, what is significant is the positive, even proud attitude about his friendship with Hitler, that is being expressed so routinely.

Interview with Sheikh Ali Hussain Abu-Ibrahim, a Palestinian resident of Lebanon who claims he is 116 years old:

"Question: What are the important events in your life that left the biggest impression?
Answer: The first was the Hitler event. I met him in Jerusalem in one of the Turkish Army camps, and the friendship between us was very tight. At the time I was a sergeant while Hitler was a simple private. The relationship between us tightened even more once Turkey entered the war together with Germany. The second event was when I participated [with the Nazi army] in entering France and conquering it. I was in charge of the cannon that shelled Paris, which had an active influence on the fall of the French capital and its conquest without any notable resistance. Hitler congratulated me on this shelling and its consequences… As an artillery officer I took part in many operations against the English and France, until the end of the Second World-War …"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 12, 2003]

Clearly, the name Hitler does not have the stigma in PA society that it has in the West. Indeed, not only the Hamas daily, but the Fatah controlled PA dailies as well, have written in favorable tones about Hitler. Clearly, to some Palestinians the man and his name are sources of admiration.

this is Zionism

by Again? Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 7:02 AM

"I don't recall most Jews branding the Arabs who killed Baruch Goldstein "terrorists".
This is Zionism.
When you enter a hose of worship and murder the people inside, the Zionist mind treats the victims like criminals.
Very clear.

You're a dolt

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 7:10 AM

In response to my refutation "I don't recall most Jews branding the Arabs who killed Baruch Goldstein "terrorists". " of the 'toady' brainfart, you have this to say:

"This is Zionism.
When you enter a hose [sic] of worship and murder the people inside, the Zionist mind treats the victims like criminals.
Very clear."

You're a dolt. Nuf' said.


by Sheepdog Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 7:20 AM

so thin skinned you are.
You brought up this psycho up as an example of Arab terrorism?
Because they killed him in defense.
Talk about ass backwards.
But that is Zionism.

Did Hamas set up

by Goldstein? Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 7:26 AM

Sure seems like hamas is the only force capitalizing on and benefitting from this event....


Hamas praised at Hebron rally marking Machpela Cave massacre marking the sixth anniversary of a the Machpela Cave massacre, thousands of Hamas supporters burned Israeli and US flags Friday during a rally in Hebron.

Waving the green flag of the Islamic movement, the crowd chanted in praise of Izzadin Kassam, the Hamas military wing.

Speakers criticized Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat for cooperating with Israel in hunting down Hamas militants.

"The security cooperation will not intimidate us. We will burn the ground underneath the occupier," said Abdel Halik Natche, Hebron's Hamas leader. "Neither America nor Israel will scare us."

Among the speakers was Rafik Natche, the PA minister of labor and a leader of Arafat's Fatah party in Hebron.

His presence reflected widespread discontent among Arafat's supporters over the deadlock in the peace negotiations, particularly Israel's refusal to hand over West Bank neighborhoods close to Jerusalem to the Palestinians.

"We will all be in the same trench - the moderates and the extremists - until we liberate Jerusalem," Natche told the crowd, in a speech frequently interrupted by thunderous applause.

On the stage, Hamas activists reenacted the February 25, 1994 massacre, when settler Baruch Goldstein opened fire on Moslem worshipers, killing 29 before being bludgeoned to death by the angry survivors.

More on Zionism. The ultimate hypocrites

by Art Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 7:29 AM

More on Zionism.  Th...
hypocrisy.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x562


Sheep, you're doing abysmally even as yourself

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 7:30 AM

What weed/s did you smoke today? My skin's thickness has nothing to do with these matters.


by Sheepdog Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 7:32 AM

You're blaming Hamas for the atmosphere of hate in Palestine?
Considering that Hamas was a creation of the Israeli intelligence agencies, to turn the PLO into a 2nd faction, and that the hate mongers incite these psychos to take it out on innocents, we can only assign hypocrisy to your list of problems.

To Tia: Sorry for not posting the link

by Really good Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 7:34 AM

Sorry about that. I thought this was powerful. Has music pictures about invasion/occupation of Iraq.
Got the last final done last night. Working on lots of union stuff. (will be talking to micro prof. somnetime this week re: SV40) I will check back later to see what you thought of the vid.

That's a rabia anti-Zionist loony tune for ya

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 7:39 AM

Rabid Hamas apologists will find any excuse to downplay or deny Hamas' guilt.
Alright, it's true Hamas shares part of the blame alongside the PA and Islamic Jihad. You're the only one here trying to cast Hamas somehow as the sole villain. What effing relevance do the circumstances surrounding its creation have to do with its culpability in recent times? Only fanatic anti-Zionists would nibble on something like that as a valid excuse for Hamas. Apology for racist anti-Jewish genocide practitioners is their favorite vocation.

seek therapy

by Sheepdog Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 8:02 AM

-You're the only one here trying to cast Hamas somehow as the sole villain. -

these delusions of yours...
Plenty of blame to go around.
You seem obsessed w/ Hamas, disregarding your history of its creation..
And you NEVER assign fault with Israel.
That's unsane.

So you admit there's Palestinian blame to go around?

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 8:18 AM

As a potential victim of Jihadi madness, I'm entitled to be concerned. I'm not some neutral observer like some guy in LA (that's not you, of course). I don't even expect the likes of you to understand that.
You seem to be obsessed with the fact Israel had a hand in Hamas' creation during the bygone Cold War era. You can't get over yourself, overwise you'd have to face up to the fact you're an apologist for theocrats and genocide practitioners whose present behavior can't be excused or downplayed by the fact Israel gave them some assistance decades ago.

I suggest you refrain from commenting on my attitude to Israel, because even from my writings on this very site you could have learned a thing or two about this topic if you hadn't been eternally fixated on my other comments. Anyway, the fact is Israel is constantly attacked here unfairly and I'm kinda busy repelling unfair anti-Israel criticism by characters like yourself. One wonders why you NEVER ascribe any blame to Palestinians when you're neither Arab nor Jewish nor even Semitic (I guess) and live outside the Mideast. That's an indication of zealotry on your part. Irrationality goes hand in hand with it.

As a potential victim of Jihadi madness

by Sheepdog Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 8:22 AM

Still trying to push the '19 savage arabs' myth?


by Arab Justice Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 8:37 AM

Even if a person guns down another person, inthe civilized world, they still get a trial. I think that had Baruch Goldstein lived long enough to have seen the inside of a court room, he would have been found insane. Of course Arab justice dictates that Jews don't get to have trials, they get lynched at the scene. Its amazing that there are applogists for lynchings.

the Scale of injustice

by Sheepdog Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 8:51 AM

Palestine the killing zone.
So much blood on this land. One of the reasons the Bible is such a horrific document.
Listen you people. if you still have some remains of a damaged soul. you will forgive and repent with deeds. The tide of sorrow is immense and overwhelming and further hate ( which is only fear and weakness ) and grief ( which is the final pain ) can only poison this garden.
To all people. regardless of where you were born or who and where you grew into awareness, no one can demand of someone else that their cheeks must turn for the next blow and not expect a measure of frenzy.
What is left is only excuses and lies.
This axiomatically applies to each of us.

Let's see who the 1st to cast a stone.


by Its so ironic Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 9:05 AM

Its so ironic that "anti-zioniszts" demand that Jews be the only good Christians and to "turn the other cheek."

"'anti-zioniszts' demand that Jews"

by a racist analysis Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 9:10 AM

The only anti-Zionists who demand anything of "Jews," are the minority who are also anti-Semites. The rest of us demand nothing at all of "Jews." Our demands are not directed at "Jews," but at Zionists, the majority of whom are not Jewish, but Christian.

Thug's attempt to conflate Zionists with Jews is pure, unadultrated racism. It's also a trick. Don't fall for it.

knew it

by Sheepdog Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 9:20 AM

I just KNEW that a zionazi would be the 1st one to declare their pureness by immediately assigning the universal blame to the other group.
These puppies are kinda sick

...and thick

by Sheepdog Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 9:26 AM

what a crew...
Un fucking able to admit ANY part in this mess. They must have a mountain to hide.

Now now, Dog

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 9:34 AM

We knew your real intention wasn't to urge both sides to behave "prudently" and "chivalrously". You're just a Palinazi antisemite that pretended he was being impartial for a minute and a half.

Amen, brother

by Tia Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 10:18 AM

"I should have never gotten caught up in the flame wars here"

None of us should have.

So i'll make you a deal. I won't call you "Toady " anymore, if you pick a better nym.

We knew your real intention-

by Sheepdog Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 10:29 AM

If you know anything it's how to show all of us what a thin little racist weasel you are.
Certainly not reading my mind. I, however, can read yours.
I can rely upon your racism. Without fail. And your denial of same. And of you accusing others of your own evil.
So what's new?

Now I remember...

by Scapegoated Jew Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 10:35 AM

How can you not be able to read my mind when you could uncritically quote some clown that implied the Canaanites existed up to 1948? Or accuse the PalestineFacts site of being Christian fundamentalist without any fact checking? Surely your aptitude at reading my mind is at a similar degree of infallability to those intellectual feats you've performed aplenty.

We'll roll w/ Justice

by Justice Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 10:38 AM

But I probably won't spend so much time here--I need to focus more on some work issues (fucked off too much time at computer already)

zionism is racism

by zionism is racism Monday, Jan. 28, 2008 at 3:58 AM

Why Zionism Is Racism

Zionism is a racist and irredeemable movement, like Bolshevism, Nazism, and Apartheid.

By Rabee' Sahyoun
Posted: 11 Rabi-u-Thani 1422, 3 July 2001

(Note: This article is a direct response, using the same format, on a line by line basis, to an editorial that appeared in the Montreal Gazette on April 26, 2001, written by Gil Troy, a Professor of History at McGill University.)

On this, the 53rd anniversary of the Nakbe' (the Catastrophe of the Palestinian people), it is all too tempting for friend and foe alike to define Israel, and zionism, solely by the Americans' proclamations of its enlightened democracy. To do so is to miss the normal atrocities that occur in Israel daily, the millions who are under curfew and blockade, starving and brutalized, in the Middle East's only colonized state. To do so is to feign the reality of zionism, a racist and irredeemable movement, that survived the twentieth centuries' other genocidal and seemingly passing revolutions such as Bolshevism, Nazism, and Apartheid.

A century ago, zionism extended Western colonialism to Palestine.

The sad truth is that over a century after its founding, zionism seems to be grander and more honorable than its reality. Arabs have suffered from Zionism's belligerence and exclusivity, and many have blamed the United States, and the West, for this because of their unshakeable support of zionism. Israeli aggression over the past seven months has finally renewed international recognition that zionism is racism.

On this anniversary of the Nabke', it is now up to all Jews to follow in the footsteps of the brave few, and denounce the racist and separatist nature of zionism, while the world should encourage them to do so. The world should not allow the torchbearers of zionism to silence and quell the idealism of these few. No nationalism is pure, no movement is perfect, no state is ideal, but today, Zionism persists as a menace, a militaristic and dictatory movement to me and to most Palestinians. A century ago, zionism extended Western colonialism to Palestine; today, as in the rest of the world, colonialism must be ideologically purged from Palestine.

I believe that zionism is racism, because 53 years after being exiled from their homeland, in defiance of the four Geneva Conventions, UN Resolutions 181, 194, 242, 338, and others, and other multilateral and international human rights conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the disinherited refugees of Palestine, continue to endure merciless punishment from the Zionist entity, most recently in the bulldozing of makeshift homes in the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza.

I believe that zionism is racism, because I am a Palestinian, and without recognizing the colonialist component in zionism, I cannot explain its racist character, a western movement uprooting the native peoples of Palestine, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Samaritan alike, a people bound to their land, through centuries of raising orange groves, and herding sheep, lending grace to the Hills of God, historically, religiously and culturally.

I believe that zionism is racism, because it fails to appreciate or acknowledge the Palestinians' ties to their homeland, their love for their historical capital, Jerusalem, and the 53-yar plight they have endured as refugees worldwide, in Europe, in North America, in camps Dheishe, Shatila, Wehdaat and others, never giving up hope or struggle in yearning to return home.

I believe that zionism is racism, because it fails to admit the reality that the minority indigenous Jewish community in Palestine, that lived there for the last two thousand years, was an undistinguishable people from its Christian and Muslim Palestinian brethren, and that the leader of the Jewish community of the Jewish quarter of Old Jerusalem, Rabbi Lamram Blau, stood on the side of his Palestinian brothers and sisters being exiled in 1948.

I believe that zionism is racism because in modern times, the promise of liberal democracy and justice is a double-edged sword, preached by the Western powers, yet only paid lip-service to in the case of Israel, where Palestinian are continuously expelled, ethnically cleansed, and subjugated, and in the cases where they are assimilated, they are granted, limited, if any, civil rights.

I believe that zionism is racism, because in establishing the racially exclusive state of Israel, in 1948, and expelling the indigenous Palestinians from the land, the zionists severed a relationship that people had to the land for over 4,000 years, uninterrupted, since before Abraham.

I believe that zionism is racism, because in building Israel, the zionists were revising history, embracing the notion of racial superiority, an ideology that has empowered them to discriminate, with all of its associated social ills, injustices, and moral bankruptcy.

I believe that zionism is racism because it fails to distinguish between the nationalism of the American, based on multi-cultural harmony, and the racial exclusivity, separatism, ethnic cleansing, and brutality of zionism, that stands in clear violation of the most basic elements of international law and human rights practices, as most recently highlighted by reports issued by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

I believe that zionism is racism because in our world of post-modern identities, I know that we do not have to be "either-ors", we can be "ands and buts" – a zionist and a settler, an American citizen of Polish heritage but a soldier in the Israeli army.

I believe that zionism is racism because it self-propagates itself as a democratic movement. However, a democracy, cannot, by definition, only be representative of one community in a bi-national and tri-religious contiguous geographic area. A democracy cannot exist for one people and not for another. This as called Apartheid in South Africa, and is now called zionism in Palestine.

I believe that zionism is racism, because it espouses an independent and sovereign Jewish state, in a land where there is no Jewish majority. It espouses that such a sovereign state be at peace and harmony with its neighbors without allowing the Palestinian refugees dwelling within their borders, who were expelled from their homes in Palestine by zionist militias, as is clearly documented by numerous sources including the memoirs of David-Ben Gurion himself, to return to their homes, which is a basic human right guaranteed by Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I believe that zionism is racism because it is presented by its champions, from Gil Troy to Elie Wiesel, as a romantic movement, which allowed zionists to reclaim the desert and build a model nation-state. This is racism at its most acute, since there was no desert in Palestine, other than the Negev in the South. This is simply a myth that has been propagated by racists who have supported Israel for the last 53 years, and economic data on agricultural exports to Europe from Palestine dating to medieval times easily rejects and exposes this as a blasphemous claim.

Yes, it sounds far-fetched today. But as Vladamir Jabotinsky, father of revisionist zionism said in a racist boast in 1923, "There can be no discussion of a voluntary reconciliation between us and the Arabs… Any native people…view their country as their national home… They will not voluntarily allow, not only a new master, but even a new partner… Colonization can have only one goal. For the Palestinian Arabs this goal is inadmissible. This is in the nature of things. To change that nature is impossible… colonization can, therefore, continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population - an iron wall which the native population cannot break through. This is, in toto, our policy towards the Arabs. To formulate it any other way would only be hypocrisy."

And thus, Gil Troy and zionists abound are exposed as nothing more than unabashed racists.

[Mr. Rabee' Sahyoun is a economic development policy researcher, human rights activist, and columnist residing in Beirut, Lebanon. He is affiliated with the global grassroots Palestine Right To Return Coalition.]

latuff is a courageous cartoonist

by Lutuff is great Monday, Jan. 28, 2008 at 3:59 AM

He is a god


by Pachuco Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008 at 9:06 PM

I can't understand why people in this day and age still hold on to MYTH, and are even willing to kill and die for it.

There is no god, get over it.

I agree, zionism is racism

by brad sellars Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2008 at 7:49 PM

Throw all the racist bigots out.

on and on

by Never Ending Zionist Lies Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 7:06 AM

As if any Palestinian would label himself an 'Arab' while praising the virtues of the gangster state of 'Israel'.
Doesn't the effort to have to lie wear on your racist cause?
Nevermind, zionism must exist on a framework of deception, lies and treachery in order to hide their genocidal actions towards the natives of Palestine.
Does anyone buy this :
"Ayman Hassan Wednesday,
A Palestinian's statement" written by the usual llying forgers and posers of the zionist lobby.

Pure ad hominem

by Pure ad hominem Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 9:47 AM

Nothing intelligent to say?

add this homey

by tell me more zionist lies Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 9:54 AM

Oh, I see that calling the fraud by its rightful name is considered an insult.
The only insult here is the one to common sense that would have anyone believe this crap was written by an "Arab" Palestinian.
Zionism depend on their marination of lies.

Then prove it idiot

by Then prove it idiot Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 10:09 AM

Then prove it idiot or shut up and be a turd in some other punch bowl.

? Wow

by Zionists must be Simpleminded! Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 10:14 AM

You want me to *prove* a negative?
Are all of you retarded or what?
YOU prove that this is a real "Arab" Palestinian and not a numbnuts like ( or maybe you ) yourself.
Zionazis always lie and then scream "ANTI-SEMITISM"! when proof is required.

Palestinians are arab

by palestinians are arab Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 10:17 AM

As if any Palestinian would label himself an 'Arab'

They all do:
From the Statement of solidarity issued by Al-Awda :

Al-Awda Statement On Annapolis Conference

With the upcoming US-sponsored international conference in Annapolis MD,
Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, reiterates
once again that a just and lasting peace can only be achieved with the
return of all Palestinians to their original homes, towns, and villages,
with full restitution of all of their confiscated and destroyed property,
and compensation. The Palestinian Arab people, regardless of their religious
affiliation, are indigenous to Palestine. Therefore, they are entitled to
live anywhere in their homeland Palestine which encompasses present-day
"Israel", the West Bank and Gaza Strip. No agreement, negotiations or
parties which purport to trade away these rights or any other inalienable
rights can have any legal basis and cannot bind or compel the Palestinian
people to end the struggle for the fulfillment of all of their rights.

on this like stink on zionists

by Zionist Lies Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 10:24 AM

And you still cannot verify that this Israeli loving Palestinian is anything but another zionazi piece of crap.
No one believes anything you ever say by now.


by Louise Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 10:30 AM

When I see him, I'll ask for his passport

Oh my

by Zionist Reflections Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 10:33 AM

When you see 'him' in the mirror try to remember that racists have little except hate and lies on their side.

Just stay stupid then

by Just stay stupid then Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 10:42 AM

Just stay stupid then. Its interesting that Israel haters are also racist as to Palestinians and treat them as if they were children, incapable of dissenting thought etc


tiresome twits

by Zionists are Simple Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 10:51 AM

I can always count on the neurotic resort to 'Jewish' outrage when called out as an anti-Jew, lying zionazi.

Clearly this man is not racist

by can the bigotry Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 11:16 AM

This man is clearly not racist.
Neither is Walid Shoebat, Irshad Manji and Nonie Darwish
Yeah- we can ask them for ID when we see them too.

The Israeli counsil general in California is a bedoiun Arab. I'll be sure to ask him for his ID, too

Clearly this man is not racist

by can the bigotry Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 11:16 AM

This man is clearly not racist.
Neither is Walid Shoebat, Irshad Manji and Nonie Darwish
Yeah- we can ask them for ID when we see them too.

The Israeli counsil general in California is a bedoiun Arab. I'll be sure to ask him for his ID, too

didn't even read it

by Zionist Auto Respond Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 11:31 AM

"Clearly this man is not racist"
Hmmmm. I said that this man is a zionist poser.
Nothing a zionist says should ever be regarded as anything but another lie.
No one ever heard of this person before your agency created him.

Ever hear of Walid Shoebat, Irshad Manji and Nonie Darwish

by arabs for israel Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 11:43 AM

There is even a website, arabs for Israel

keep it up

by Zionazi Rubbish Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 1:24 PM

time to take the garbage out.
"There is even a website, arabs for Israel"
is that like zionists for Nazis?

yep, I sure do

by Zionist Hater Friday, Feb. 01, 2008 at 9:43 AM

JUST a hater? My goodness no. I loath despise and wish a long slow hideous death to all racist fucks who think they're better than other people and constantly prove their unhuman aspects.
Hate is mild for how I feel.
Free the People of occupied Palestine from their zionist oppressors.

you have nothing but dogma

by zionists are unsane Friday, Feb. 01, 2008 at 10:52 AM

again. Nothing but a big empty denial.
another zionist lie
"Zionist="Uppity Jews"
by Zionist="Uppity Jews" Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008 at 9:48 AM
Zionist="Uppity Jews", you know the ones that think that they have rights as if they were peope like any others."

and this from a criminal state when only Jews can travel on 'Israeli only' roads freely while Palestinians die at check points waiting days sometimes for medical treatment if they aren't arrested or shot at whim.


by zionuts! Friday, Feb. 01, 2008 at 11:22 AM

"free medical care and free electricity from Israel"
When and after they have bombed the electricity and water treatment plants in the ghettos while restricting the potable water supply.

"Jews for the 3rd Reich"

by history buff Friday, Feb. 01, 2008 at 6:24 PM

The Third Reich had some very active and influential Jewish supporters.



it's not that way

by Dawg Friday, Feb. 01, 2008 at 8:29 PM

Come on, everyone outside the numbing influence of the corporate media should know that zionists are enablers of the crimes of the gangster israeli enterprise and the upper class always betrays the lower class.
But usually they don't celebrate and exploit the betrayal as they use it to excuse another exercise in mass murder modeled upon the former treachery.
In the face of the all too obvious pogrom of ethnic cleansing.

Jewish ganster classes

by jewish gangster classes Saturday, Feb. 02, 2008 at 7:21 AM

Actually, my ancestral family WAS the gangster class- Purple gang, Murder Incorporated. Interestingly enough, the Jewish gangster class never aspired to the "upper classes"- it was treated as a job- and they insisted the kids and grandkids go to college. No one in my family involved in gang related activity ever achieved anything other than middle class status.
But I digress.....

gangster class?

by zionists *are* thugs Saturday, Feb. 02, 2008 at 9:01 AM

Although they may believe that being a gangster has anything to do with 'class' rather than the tendency to betray their 'own' people for gains even if the reported gain is the continuance of their miserable gangster lives.
I've known a few wealthy gangsters.