Today, March 8 2003, an estimated 2000 people rallied in front of the federal building to support the global women's stike in condemnation of the plans for an upcoming war.
The march rallied in front of the corporate offices of Occidental Petrolium shouting such slogans as "NO BLOOD FOR OIL". The group then proceeded to the local starbucks and condemned their business practices.
Speaker, Ed Asner inspired the crowd when he stated that, "President Bush is their CEO(war bucks corporate interests), not our president!" The rally also applauded when he said "This crusade against Iraq will make us more vulnerable to violence, not less so." He admonished to the present admintistration to "Destroy the weapons of mass destruction right here in the United States!"
In keeping with the theme of the rally, there was a general outcry from speakers and protesters alike that we need to invest in caring and not killing. Check out these facts regarding the inhuman waste that war creates here at home aside from the killing abroad:
Women and children make up the majority of the casualties of war as well as 80% of the refugees from armed conflict. As the march ended and gave way to the second portion of the rally, it was devulged to the audience that 75,000 body bags were recently sent to Persian Gulf region. I have no figures to estimate that cost.